2022-07-08 14:36:55 +00:00

4051 lines
79 KiB

"as in wash , wipe":{
"near antonyms":[],
"one who operates or navigates a seagoing vessel":{
"old swabs swapping sea stories as they spend their last days in the veterans' home"
"near antonyms":[],
"able-bodied seaman",
"able seaman",
"sea dog",
"as in washing , wiping":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to be limp from lack of water or vigor":{
"the days of endless worrying had taken their toll, and the old woman's face swagged with exhaustion"
"near antonyms":[
"caved (in)",
"as in":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to praise or express pride in one's own possessions, qualities, or accomplishments often to excess":{
"I, too, would swagger if I'd won first place in the bowling tournament"
"near antonyms":[
"laughing off",
"playing down",
"shrugging off",
"showing off",
"to walk with exaggerated arm and leg movements":{
"hoping to impress the women at the bar, the young man confidently swaggered across the room"
"near antonyms":[],
"a male romantic companion":{
"a romanticized portrait of a bygone era of beauteous Southern belles and their gallant swains"
"near antonyms":[],
"significant others",
"soul mates",
"sweetie pies",
"fancy men",
"old men"
"a man who courts a woman usually with the goal of marrying her":{
"Grandma claims that she had several swains pursuing her, but it was only Grandpa who won her heart"
"near antonyms":[],
"old men",
"significant others",
"sweetie pies",
"a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escape":{
"with her credit cards maxed out, and the making of minimum payments a challenge, debt seemed to be an ever-deepening swamp"
"near antonyms":[],
"hot water",
"rabbit hole",
"sticky wicket"
"spongy land saturated or partially covered with water":{
"be careful in the swamp , because alligators sometimes lurk there"
"near antonyms":[],
"to cover with a flood":{
"the boat was swamped by the huge wave",
"has been swamped with paperwork since she returned from vacation"
"near antonyms":[
"to subject to incapacitating emotional or mental stress":{
"parents feeling swamped by work and family obligations"
"near antonyms":[],
"grind (down)",
"snow under",
"spongy land saturated or partially covered with water":{
"much of the county's swampland was drained for agriculture"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in stroll , amble":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in elegantly , stylishly":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in strolled , ambled":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to give up (something) and take something else in return":{
"we swapped our other lawn mower for our neighbors' old snowblower"
"near antonyms":[],
"handed over",
"as in brave , courageous":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner":{
"didn't sleep a wink all night because she was too busy swatting mosquitoes"
"near antonyms":[],
"bowled (down or over)",
"knocked down",
"sucker punched",
"the power to bring about a result on another":{
"under the sway of euphoria, she offered to take us all out to dinner in celebration of her new job"
"near antonyms":[
"the power to direct the thinking or behavior of others usually indirectly":{
"outdated attitudes that still hold sway in some communities"
"near antonyms":[
"the right or means to command or control others":{
"a time when Rome held sway over a vast empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East"
"near antonyms":[
"death grips",
"to act upon (a person or a person's feelings) so as to cause a response":{
"how can you not be swayed by that precious kitten, meowing as if to say, \"Please take me home with you?\""
"near antonyms":[
"carries away",
"tells (on)",
"to exercise authority or power over":{
"an epic novel set in the days when Rome swayed the Western world"
"near antonyms":[],
"lords (it over)",
"reigns (over)",
"presides (over)",
"to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions":{
"the way the ski lift was swaying in the wind made me nervous"
"near antonyms":[],
"a state of nervous or irritated concern":{
"he always ends up in a sweat during tax season"
"near antonyms":[],
"nervous breakdowns"
"the active use of energy in producing a result":{
"save your sweat : no one will appreciate your efforts anyway"
"near antonyms":[
"elbow grease",
"to devote serious and sustained effort":{
"spent the afternoon sweating over her tax returns"
"near antonyms":[
"eases (up)",
"lets up",
"goofs (off)",
"hacks (around)",
"hangs (around or out)",
"slacks (off)",
"vegges out",
"veges out",
"fools around",
"goofs (around)",
"hangs about",
"messes around",
"monkeys (around)",
"potters (around)",
"putters (around)",
"applies (oneself)",
"buckles (down)",
"digs in",
"hammers (away)",
"knuckles down",
"pitches in",
"ekes out",
"grinds (out)",
"puts out",
"bangs away",
"beavers (away)",
"digs (away)",
"pegs (away)",
"to experience concern or anxiety":{
"don't sweat over getting the application in a day late, as it probably doesn't matter"
"near antonyms":[
"sticks out",
"to flow forth slowly through small openings":{
"the oil coat may sweat through this varnish"
"near antonyms":[
"gives off",
"to put a series of questions to":{
"the narcotics squad tried sweating the mule, but he was genuinely clueless about the inner workings of the drug operation"
"near antonyms":[],
"very hard or unpleasant work":{
"it took years of sweat to bring the farm to the point where it is now"
"near antonyms":[
"having considerable extent":{
"calls for sweeping changes in the way the nation manages security in its major ports"
"near antonyms":[
"to move or proceed smoothly and readily":{
"the wind swept across the plain without respite"
"near antonyms":[
"to turn away from a straight line or course":{
"from this point the mountain range sweeps to the northeast and extends into the next state"
"near antonyms":[],
"falling off",
"to make more desirable":{
"we really want you to work for our company\u2014what can we do to sweeten the job offer?"
"near antonyms":[],
"souped up",
"dolled up",
"dressed up",
"the state or quality of having a pleasant or agreeable manner in socializing with others":{
"one sister's sweetness was offset by the other's crotchetiness"
"near antonyms":[
"sweetness and light",
"a moving ridge on the surface of water":{
"huge swells overwhelmed the tiny craft"
"near antonyms":[],
"ground swell",
"tidal wave",
"a part that sticks out from the general mass of something":{
"the graceful swell of the bottle was meant to be evocative of the female figure"
"near antonyms":[
"being in the latest or current fashion":{
"in its heyday as a summer resort, the town was known for its swanky hotels and swell restaurants"
"near antonyms":[
"\u00e0 la mode",
"a la mode",
"au courant",
"of the very best kind":{
"what a swell time we had at the country club dance"
"near antonyms":[
"all right",
"number one",
"No. 1",
"numero uno",
"par excellence",
"peachy keen",
"to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number":{
"the club membership has really swelled in recent months"
"near antonyms":[],
"blow up",
"puff (up)",
"build up",
"roll up",
"to extend outward beyond a usual point":{
"at that point the Congo River swells and forms Malebo Pool"
"near antonyms":[
"blow up",
"stand out",
"stick out"
"to make greater in size, amount, or number":{
"subtract (from)"
"more layoffs will swell the ranks of the unemployed to unprecedented levels"
"near antonyms":[
"cut back",
"bump (up)",
"ratchet (up)",
"rachet (up)",
"blow up",
"draw out",
"flesh (out)",
"beef (up)",
"follow up",
"add (to)",
"build up",
"pump up",
"an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements":{
"the staggering degree of swellheadedness that must be necessary to nominate oneself for person of the year"
"near antonyms":[
"amour propre",
"swelled head",
"swelling (up)":{
"as in":{
"near antonyms":[],
"a state of nervous or irritated concern":{
"the set designer spent the entire week before opening night in a swelter"
"near antonyms":[],
"nervous breakdown"
"as in cook , bake":{
"near antonyms":[],
"swept (away)":{
"to destroy all traces of":{
"some priceless works of literature were swept away when the library at Alexandria burned"
"near antonyms":[
"mowed (down)",
"tore down",
"blew up",
"killed off",
"threw out"
"blacked out",
"blotted out",
"cleaned (up)",
"rooted (out)",
"rubbed out",
"snuffed (out)",
"stamped (out)",
"wiped out"
"to cause to turn away from a straight line":{
"a dog dashed out in front of me and made me swerve my bike to one side of the bike path"
"near antonyms":[],
"to change one's course or direction":{
"the hurricane had been following the coastline before it swerved and headed inland"
"near antonyms":[],
"doubled (back)",
"turned back"
"turned off",
"to depart abruptly from a straight line or course":{
"the car swerved sharply to avoid the squirrel in the road"
"near antonyms":[],
"to turn away from a straight line or course":{
"the bike path gently swerves to the right"
"near antonyms":[],
"fell off",
"to cause to turn away from a straight line":{
"a dog dashed out in front of me and made me swerve my bike to one side of the bike path"
"near antonyms":[],
"to change one's course or direction":{
"the hurricane had been following the coastline before it swerved and headed inland"
"near antonyms":[],
"doubling (back)",
"turning back"
"turning off",
"to depart abruptly from a straight line or course":{
"the car swerved sharply to avoid the squirrel in the road"
"near antonyms":[],
"to turn away from a straight line or course":{
"the bike path gently swerves to the right"
"near antonyms":[],
"falling off",
"to eat greedily or to excess":{
"they can spend hours at the pub, drinking, chatting, and swilling"
"near antonyms":[
"pigged out"
"to swallow in liquid form":{
"they gathered in the break room each morning to swill coffee together before the morning meeting"
"near antonyms":[],
"mouthed (down)",
"put away",
"belted (down)",
"knocked back",
"pounded (down)",
"slugged (down)",
"tossed (down or off)"
"an instance of the use of dishonest methods to acquire something of value":{
"identity theft has become one of the most frequent and feared swindles of our time"
"near antonyms":[],
"Ponzi scheme",
"pyramid scheme",
"three-card monte",
"shell game",
"to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{
"hundreds of people were swindled out of their savings, and all they had to show for it were fake land deeds"
"near antonyms":[],
"rope (in)",
"do in",
"rip off",
"shake down",
"a dishonest person who uses clever means to cheat others out of something of value":{
"the swindlers , representing themselves as land developers, produced a glossy brochure showing beaches, palm trees, and golf links"
"near antonyms":[],
"confidence man",
"an instance of the use of dishonest methods to acquire something of value":{
"identity theft has become one of the most frequent and feared swindles of our time"
"near antonyms":[],
"Ponzi schemes",
"pyramid schemes",
"three-card montes",
"shell games",
"to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{
"hundreds of people were swindled out of their savings, and all they had to show for it were fake land deeds"
"near antonyms":[],
"ropes (in)",
"does in",
"rips off",
"shakes down",
"a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument":{
"one swipe of a grizzly's paw can do a person in"
"near antonyms":[],
"body blow",
"rabbit punch",
"sucker punch",
"to come into usually forceful contact with something":{
"a blindfolded partygoer swiping at the pi\u00f1ata with a stick",
"spent most of the camping trip swiping mosquitos"
"near antonyms":[
"to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner":{
"that car just swiped the fender of our car"
"near antonyms":[],
"bowl (down or over)",
"knock down",
"sucker punch",
"to take (something) without right and with an intent to keep":{
"somebody swiped the stop sign that used to be on the corner",
"left his phone at the library and it got swiped"
"near antonyms":[
"hand over",
"knock over",
"rip off",
"as in eddies":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to cause (as a liquid) to move about in a circle especially repeatedly":{
"kept swirling her lemonade until the ice had melted and it was completely watered down"
"near antonyms":[],
"to move (something) in a curved or circular path on or as if on an axis":{
"swirled her skirts as she danced the tango"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in twisting , curving":{
"near antonyms":[],
"a route that has many sharp turns for climbing a steep hill":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to change (as an opinion) to the contrary":{
"a politician who has switched his position on a number of issues"
"near antonyms":[
"striking down",
"to give up (something) and take something else in return":{
"switched the real grapes for fake ones",
"switched the day of his flight from Thursday to Friday"
"near antonyms":[],
"handing over",
"to move from side to side or up and down with quick jerky motions":{
"cows lazily switching their tails and chewing their cud"
"near antonyms":[],
"to strike repeatedly":{
"the loose rigging switched the mast during the storm"
"near antonyms":[],
"descending (on or upon)",
"jumping (on)",
"laying on",
"pouncing (on or upon)",
"bunging up",
"messing (up)",
"punching out",
"roughing (up)",
"working over"
"to strike repeatedly with something long and thin or flexible":{
"switched the stagecoach horses to control the direction they took"
"near antonyms":[],
"touching up",
"working over"
"a hand weapon with a length of metal sharpened on one or both sides and usually tapered to a sharp point":{
"once upon a time dueling with swords was the gentlemanly way to settle a point of honor"
"near antonyms":[],
"swells (up)":{
"as in increases , raises":{
"near antonyms":[],
"with great speed":{
"swiftly established himself as a star in Hollywood"
"full tilt",
"near antonyms":[