modifications and DB update
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,16 +3,14 @@
# from wordcloud import STOPWORDS, WordCloud
from dict_dl import Dictionary, uq, uqall
# d = Dictionary("en_merriam_webster/", "_mw.json")
d = Dictionary("en_MW_thesaurus/", "_mwt.json")
d = Dictionary("en_merriam_webster/", "_mw.json")
# d = Dictionary("en_MW_thesaurus/", "_mwt.json")
# d = Dictionary("de_duden/", "_duden.json")
d_before = d.copy()
for k in list(d.keys()):
d[uq(k)] = uqall(d.pop(k))
print(d.keys() & d_before.keys())
perc = {k for k,v in d.items() if "%" in d[k].__repr__()}
with open(f"{d.dir_prefix}redo", "at") as f:
# older than date
# old = {k for k,v in d.items() if int(v["time_of_retrieval"][:8]) < 20220705}
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ exit()
# new synonym discussion
new = {k for k, v in d.items() if not "synonym_discussion" in v}
with open(f"{d.dir_prefix}redo", "at") as f:
print(len(new) / len(d))
@ -352,6 +352,19 @@
"bezeichnet in Bildungen mit Substantiven zusammenfassend die Vorg\u00e4nge, Ereignisse und Entwicklungen von etwas, von einem bestimmten Bereich":[
"Arbeitsgeschehen, Krankheitsgeschehen, Kriegsgeschehen, Musikgeschehen, Tagesgeschehen, Vereinsgeschehen"
"dr\u00fcckt in Bildungen mit Substantiven aus, dass die beschriebene Person, Auffassung o. \u00c4. durch eine sehr starke [Heils-]Erwartung an etwas gekennzeichnet ist":[
@ -726,6 +739,21 @@
@ -944,6 +972,17 @@
"in Zusammenbildungen, z. B. fremdsprachig (vgl. fremdsprachig ), f\u00fcnfsprachig (vgl. zweisprachig ), d\u00e4nischsprachig (vgl. deutschsprachig )":[]
"in Zusammenbildungen, z. B. zweistreifig (zwei Fahrstreifen aufweisend)":[]
@ -966,6 +1005,17 @@
"in Zusammenbildungen, z. B. achtt\u00e4glich (alle acht Tage wiederkehrend, stattfindend)":[]
"kennzeichnet in Bildungen mit Substantiven \u2013 seltener mit Adjektiven oder Adverbien \u2013 eine m\u00e4nnliche Person, die eine Straftat begangen hat, wobei T\u00e4ter oder Tat n\u00e4her charakterisiert sind":[
@ -995,6 +1045,19 @@
"kennzeichnet in Bildungen mit Substantiven \u2013 seltener mit Verben (Verbst\u00e4mmen) \u2013 die Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit zu diesen/etwas betreffend, in Bezug auf etwas":[
"abfall-, angebots-, lern-, versicherungstechnisch"
"weibliche Form zu -tr\u00e4ger":[]
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -99,6 +99,34 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"US-amerikanischer Geheimdienst":[]
"englisch, aus:",
"type":"Substantiv, feminin, oder Substantiv, maskulin",
"internationaler W\u00e4hrungscode f\u00fcr: chilenischer Peso":[]
@ -119,6 +147,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"auf dem Grundton C beruhende Durtonleiter":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
@ -443,6 +482,24 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"keine Camouflage kann mangelnde milit\u00e4rische Kampfkraft verbergen",
"\u2329in \u00fcbertragener Bedeutung:\u232a eine Politik der Camouflage betreiben"
"franz\u00f6sisch camouflage"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"[Zelt]lager; Ferienlager aus Zelten oder einfachen H\u00e4uschen":[
@ -463,6 +520,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
@ -705,6 +775,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"m\u00e4nnlicher Vorname":[]
@ -800,6 +881,30 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"rum\u00e4nischer Dirigent":[]
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"Hauptplatz gro\u00dfer Tennisanlagen":[]
@ -1350,6 +1455,20 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Abmeldung des Gastes im Hotel bei der Abreise":[],
"Durchf\u00fchrung automatischer Kontrollma\u00dfnahmen bei der Herstellung und Pr\u00fcfung von technischen Ger\u00e4ten":[]
"englisch-amerikanisch check-out"
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum, oder Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -1396,6 +1515,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"englisch check-list, aus: check = Kontrolle und list = Liste"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
@ -1571,6 +1703,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Stadt in den USA":[]
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum (Eigenname)",
"von Chicago ausgehende Stilform des Jazz in den Jahren nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg":[]
@ -1584,6 +1727,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"von Chicago ausgehende Stilform des Jazz in den Jahren nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg":[]
@ -2071,6 +2225,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"ein Cr\u00eape de Chine aus Kunstseide oder Chemiefasergarnen":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"chinesische Sprache":[
@ -2107,6 +2272,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"franz\u00f6sischer Staatspr\u00e4sident":[]
"Honig- oder Zimtapfel, wohlschmeckende Frucht eines [sub]tropischen Baumes":[]
@ -2133,6 +2309,28 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Behandlung von Funktionsst\u00f6rungen an den der Bewegung und St\u00fctzung des menschlichen K\u00f6rpers dienenden K\u00f6rperteilen, besonders der Wirbels\u00e4ule, durch spezielle Handgriffe":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"phosphors\u00e4urehaltige Erde aus allm\u00e4hlich fossil werdendem Kot von Flederm\u00e4usen":[]
@ -2203,6 +2401,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin, oder Substantiv, maskulin",
"horn\u00e4hnlicher Hauptbestandteil der K\u00f6rperh\u00fclle von Krebsen, Tausendf\u00fc\u00dflern, Spinnen und Insekten":[]
"zu griechisch chit\u1e53n = (Unter)kleid, Brustpanzer"
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"chitin\u00f6ser ":[]
@ -2257,6 +2468,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"knielanger, mantelartiger \u00dcberwurf f\u00fcr Reiter und Krieger im Griechenland der Antike":[]
"griechisch chlam\u00fds"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Arsennickelkies, ein wei\u00dfes oder graues Mineral":[]
@ -2572,6 +2796,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -2690,6 +2925,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"m\u00e4nnlicher Vorname":[]
@ -2728,6 +2974,22 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Verfasser einer Chronik":[
"ein Chronist der Bauernaufst\u00e4nde"
"m\u00e4nnliche Person, die ein Geschehen verfolgt, beobachtet und dar\u00fcber berichtet":[]
"mittellateinisch chronista"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -2846,6 +3108,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"nicht zu Ende verdauter (angedauter) Speisebrei im Magen, der von dort aus in den Darm gelangt":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"ein Parf\u00fcm":[]
@ -3033,6 +3308,31 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Gesch\u00e4ftslage (2) in der City":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"in einer Innenstadt durchgef\u00fchrter (Langstrecken)lauf":[
"die Teilnehmer, Sieger des Darmst\u00e4dter Citylaufs",
"einer der \u00e4ltesten Cityl\u00e4ufe der Welt"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Gruppe eines Stammes, die sich von gleichen Vorfahren herleitet":[
@ -3254,6 +3554,23 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"global agierende Cloud-Anbieter",
"die eigene IT-Infrastruktur zu einem anderen Cloud-Anbieter verlagern"
"zu englisch cloud,",
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -3803,6 +4120,30 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum (Eigenname)",
"ein seltenes Mineral":[]
"nach dem US-Bundesstaat Colorado"
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -3882,6 +4223,20 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"kleines Ensemble (1b) in der Jazz- oder Tanzmusik, in dem jedes Instrument nur einmal vertreten ist":[]
"englisch combo, kurz f\u00fcr: combination,",
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"\n In bestimmten Situationen wird die maskuline Form (z.\u00a0B. ":[],
@ -3923,6 +4278,18 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"In bestimmten Situationen wird die maskuline Form (z. B. Arzt , Mieter , B\u00e4cker ) gebraucht, um damit Personen aller Geschlechter zu bezeichnen. Bei dieser Verwendung ist aber sprachlich nicht immer eindeutig, ob nur m\u00e4nnliche Personen gemeint sind oder auch andere. Deswegen wird seit einiger Zeit \u00fcber sprachliche Alternativen diskutiert.":[],
"m\u00e4nnliche Hauptperson eines Comics":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"als Teil einer Fortsetzungsgeschichte oder als abgeschlossene, meist mit einer Pointe endende Handlung konzipierte kurze [gezeichnete] Bildgeschichte in einer Zeitung, Zeitschrift o. \u00c4.":[]
@ -4216,6 +4583,20 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"allgemeines S\u00fcndenbekenntnis im christlichen Gottesdienst":[]
"lateinisch confiteor = ich bekenne, zu: confiteri,",
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"lateinische Bezeichnung f\u00fcr: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft":[]
@ -4227,6 +4608,15 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"type":"\n Betonung \n \n \n Confr a ter \n \n \n",
"Beziehung, Verbindung (die f\u00fcr jemanden n\u00fctzlich ist, ihm Vorteile verschafft)":[]
@ -4368,6 +4758,24 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"das Coolsein":[]
"englisch coolness = K\u00fchlheit"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"K\u00fchlelement (meist mit blauem Gel gef\u00fcllte Folienh\u00fclle) f\u00fcr das K\u00fchlen von Verletzungen oder von Lebensmitteln und Medikamenten beim Transport":[]
@ -4515,6 +4923,66 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"zur Schutzimpfung gegen eine Coronainfektion (1) eingesetzter Impfstoff":[
"Coronaimpfstoffe verschiedener Hersteller",
"ausreichend Coronaimpfstoff bestellen"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Ansteckung durch Coronaviren":[
"Coronainfektionen durch Hygienema\u00dfnahmen vermeiden",
"die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer erneuten Coronainfektion"
"durch Coronaviren ausgel\u00f6ste Infektionskrankheit":[
"Coronainfektionen mit mildem Verlauf",
"er starb an einer schweren Coronainfektion"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"durch [pandemische] Infektionen mit einem Coronavirus , insbesondere durch die Covid-19-Pandemie , ausgel\u00f6ste [weltweite] krisenhafte Situation":[
"die Coronakrise eind\u00e4mmen",
"wirtschaftliche, soziale Auswirkungen der Coronakrise"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Handlung oder Regelung zur Eind\u00e4mmung der Coronapandemie sowie zur Milderung ihrer Folgen":[
"das \u00f6ffentliche Leben einschr\u00e4nkende Coronama\u00dfnahmen",
"Verst\u00f6\u00dfe gegen eine einzelne Coronama\u00dfnahme"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"an einer Coronainfektion (2) erkrankte Patientin":[
@ -4557,6 +5025,20 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"von der Regierung, von einer (staatlichen) Beh\u00f6rde erlassene Anordnung, die der Eind\u00e4mmung der Coronapandemie dient":[
"in der Coronaschutzverordnung des Landes festgeschriebene Ausnahmen",
"der Wortlaut der aktuellen Coronaschutzverordnung"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"weibliche Person, die an einer Coronainfektion (2) gestorben ist":[
@ -4664,6 +5146,30 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin, oder Substantiv, maskulin",
"aus Couch und meist zwei Sesseln bestehende Polstergarnitur":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"kostenloses \u00dcbernachten in Wohnungen anderer Mitglieder eines gleichnamigen Netzwerks im Internet":[]
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"f\u00fcr eine Couchgarnitur oder Sitzgruppe bestimmter niedriger, oft l\u00e4nglicher Tisch":[]
@ -4842,6 +5348,20 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Gerichts- und Verwaltungsbezirk in Gro\u00dfbritannien und in den USA":[]
"englisch county, eigentlich = Grafschaft, zu",
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum, oder Substantiv, feminin",
"[frech und] k\u00fchn angelegtes, erfolgreiches Unternehmen":[
@ -4991,6 +5511,15 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"type":"\n Betonung \n \n \n Cour a nt \n \n \n",
"franz\u00f6sischer Maler":[]
@ -5343,6 +5872,26 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"[von Cowboys getragener] vorne spitz zulaufender Lederstiefel mit an der Seite abgerundetem Schaft und deutlich sichtbarem Absatz":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Kokain enthaltendes synthetisches Rauschgift":[
@ -5625,6 +6174,25 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"Abk\u00fcrzung f\u00fcr eine Rechtsklausel im \u00dcberseehandelsgesch\u00e4ft, wonach im Warenpreis Verladekosten, Versicherung und Fracht bis zum Bestimmungshafen enthalten sind":[]
"Abk\u00fcrzung von englisch",
@ -5639,6 +6207,21 @@
"tarnen, verbergen":[]
"type":"schwaches Verb",
"am Wochenende oder w\u00e4hrend der Ferien im Zelt oder Wohnwagen leben":[]
@ -5800,6 +6383,17 @@
"keinen guten Charakter habend, zeigend":[
@ -6412,6 +7006,19 @@
"type":"schwaches Verb",
"heftig, schnell (Vortragsanweisung)":[]
"lateinisch-italienisch; \u201emit Feuer\u201c"
"pronounciation":"k\u0254n \u02c8fu\u032fo\u02d0ko",
"beherzt, unerschrocken":[
@ -6477,6 +7084,19 @@
"des laufenden Jahres, Monats":[]
"lateinisch currentis, Genitiv des 1. Partizip von: currere = laufen"
"Filmszenen oder Tonbandaufnahmen f\u00fcr die endg\u00fcltige Fassung zurechtschneiden und zusammenkleben; zusammenschneiden":[]
@ -6491,5 +7111,88 @@
"type":"schwaches Verb",
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin, oder Substantiv, feminin",
"franz\u00f6sisch coupe < lateinisch cup(p)a,",
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"die Erwiderung von katholischer Seite auf die Confessio Augustana (verfasst 1530)":[]
"lateinisch; \u201eWiderlegung\u201c"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"durchgeseihte Br\u00fche oder P\u00fcree von gekochtem Fleisch, Wild, Gem\u00fcse o. \u00c4. als Suppen- oder So\u00dfengrundlage":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"gemeinsame Fraktion (1a) von CDU und CSU":[
"alle Abgeordneten der CDU/CSU-Fraktion"
"mehrere aufeinander abgestimmte Kleidungsst\u00fccke, die zusammen oder mit anderen St\u00fccken kombiniert getragen werden k\u00f6nnen":[]
"englisch, zu: to co-ordinate = koordinieren"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"alter, aus Spanien stammender, m\u00e4\u00dfig bewegter Tanz im \u00b3\u2044\u2084-Takt":[],
"Instrumentalst\u00fcck im \u00b3\u2044\u2084-Takt mit zugrunde liegendem achttaktigem Bassthema":[]
"italienisch ciaccona < spanisch chacona,",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -309,6 +309,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Bundesbeh\u00f6rde f\u00fcr die Aufbewahrung und Aufarbeitung der Akten des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der DDR; vgl. Gauck-Beh\u00f6rde u. Birthler-Beh\u00f6rde":[]
"nach dem Leiter"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Jahr (1) in Bezug auf den Einzelnen und sein Alter":[
@ -504,6 +517,28 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Auftakt (1) , Beginn des Jahres":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"vom Finanzamt vorgenommene Berechnung der f\u00fcr das ganze Jahr zu zahlenden Lohnsteuer und Erstattung von [infolge wechselnden Monatslohns] zu viel gezahlten Betr\u00e4gen oder Nachforderung von zu wenig bezahlter Lohnsteuer":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Altersgruppe, ":[]
@ -544,6 +579,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"weibliche Person eines bestimmten Jahrgangs":[
"an die Jahrg\u00e4ngerinnen 1960"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Personen, die in einem bestimmten Jahr gemeinsam die Schule, Ausbildung o. \u00c4. abgeschlossen haben":[
@ -686,6 +734,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Katastrophe (1) von au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnlichem Ausma\u00df":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnlich umfassende, tief greifende Reform":[]
@ -730,6 +789,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnlich schweres Verbrechen":[]
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"\u00dcbergang von einem Jahrhundert zum n\u00e4chsten":[]
@ -801,6 +871,21 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Zeitraum von tausend Jahren, besonders als Einheit der Zeitrechnung":[
"das dritte, neue, zu Ende gehende Jahrtausend"
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"Wechsel von einem Jahrtausend zum n\u00e4chsten":[]
@ -902,6 +987,20 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Autor des Jahvisten (1)":[],
"eine der Quellenschriften des Pentateuchs (nach ihrem Gebrauch von Jahve f\u00fcr Gott)":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -1007,6 +1106,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Gott der T\u00fcren und Tore und des Anfangs (mit zwei in entgegengesetzter Richtung blickenden Gesichtern als Symbol f\u00fcr Zwiesp\u00e4ltiges, Widerspr\u00fcchliches)":[]
@ -1311,6 +1421,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"griechische Sage F\u00fchrer der Argonauten":[]
"Gewinner in einem Preisjassen":[],
@ -1334,6 +1455,18 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"In bestimmten Situationen wird die maskuline Form (z. B. Arzt , Mieter , B\u00e4cker ) gebraucht, um damit Personen aller Geschlechter zu bezeichnen. Bei dieser Verwendung ist aber sprachlich nicht immer eindeutig, ob nur m\u00e4nnliche Personen gemeint sind oder auch andere. Deswegen wird seit einiger Zeit \u00fcber sprachliche Alternativen diskutiert.":[],
"m\u00e4nnliche Person, die Jass spielt":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"weibliche Person, die Jass spielt":[]
@ -1638,6 +1771,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"Staat im S\u00fcden der Arabischen Halbinsel":[
"die K\u00fcste Jemens/des Jemen/des Jemens"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin (Eigenname)",
"in der religi\u00f6sen Vorstellung existierender transzendenter Bereich jenseits der sichtbaren diesseitigen Welt, in den die Verstorbenen eingehen":[
@ -1771,6 +1917,18 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"In bestimmten Situationen wird die maskuline Form (z. B. Arzt , Mieter , B\u00e4cker ) gebraucht, um damit Personen aller Geschlechter zu bezeichnen. Bei dieser Verwendung ist aber sprachlich nicht immer eindeutig, ob nur m\u00e4nnliche Personen gemeint sind oder auch andere. Deswegen wird seit einiger Zeit \u00fcber sprachliche Alternativen diskutiert.":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"durchsichtiges Plastikbeh\u00e4ltnis als Schutzh\u00fclle f\u00fcr CDs und DVDs":[]
@ -1784,6 +1942,15 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
@ -1958,6 +2125,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"Verbindung von Jod mit Sauerstoff und Wasserstoff; Jods\u00e4ure":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
@ -1969,6 +2147,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"stark sauer reagierende L\u00f6sung von Jodwasserstoff in Wasser":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Kennzahl f\u00fcr den Gehalt an unges\u00e4ttigten Fetts\u00e4uren im Fett":[]
@ -2332,6 +2521,23 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Rechtsspruch, richterlicher Entscheid":[]
"lateinisch iudicatum, zu: iudicare,",
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"richterliche Untersuchung, Beurteilung, Aburteilung":[]
@ -2502,6 +2708,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"f\u00fcr die Angelegenheiten der \u00f6ffentlichen Jugendhilfe zust\u00e4ndige Beh\u00f6rde":[]
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"einfach ausgestattete Unterkunftsst\u00e4tte besonders f\u00fcr Jugendliche auf Wanderungen und Reisen":[]
@ -2563,6 +2780,17 @@
"type":"substantiviertes Adjektiv, maskulin",
"Spielerin einer Jugendmannschaft":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"von Jugendlichen betriebener Sport":[]
@ -2574,6 +2802,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Sportschule f\u00fcr Jugendliche":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Jugend (1b)":[]
@ -2585,6 +2824,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"f\u00fcr die Belange der Jugendlichen zust\u00e4ndige Stadtr\u00e4tin":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"In bestimmten Situationen wird die maskuline Form (z. B. Arzt , Mieter , B\u00e4cker ) gebraucht, um damit Personen aller Geschlechter zu bezeichnen. Bei dieser Verwendung ist aber sprachlich nicht immer eindeutig, ob nur m\u00e4nnliche Personen gemeint sind oder auch andere. Deswegen wird seit einiger Zeit \u00fcber sprachliche Alternativen diskutiert.":[],
@ -2624,6 +2874,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Vase im Jugendstil":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Justizvollzugsanstalt, in der jugendliche Straft\u00e4ter[innen] ihre Strafe verb\u00fc\u00dfen":[]
@ -2646,6 +2907,31 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Person, die (demn\u00e4chst, soeben) Jugendweihe (1) feiert":[
"die Jugendweihlinge begr\u00fc\u00dfen",
"eine steigende, sinkende Zahl von Jugendweihlingen"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Jugendlichen (z. B. im Rahmen der Jugendsozialarbeit) zur Verf\u00fcgung gestellte, von Jugendlichen unterhaltene, genutzte Werkstatt":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"unter Jugendlichen ausgetragener Wettbewerb":[]
@ -3591,6 +3877,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"f\u00fcr die Justiz (1) zust\u00e4ndiges Ministerium":[]
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"Konferenz der Justizminister eines bestimmten Bereichs, besonders die regelm\u00e4\u00dfig stattfindende Konferenz der Justizminister der deutschen Bundesl\u00e4nder":[]
@ -3635,6 +3932,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Vorgang, bei dem die Justiz eine l\u00e4cherliche, ihrer unw\u00fcrdige Rolle spielt":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Pressestelle einer Justizbeh\u00f6rde":[]
@ -4931,6 +5239,17 @@
"lass jucken! (landschaftlich salopp: mach schon!, komm schon!; Aufforderung, etwas Bestimmtes zu tun, z. B. etwas zu erz\u00e4hlen)"
"Ausruf der Freude":[]
"Recht sprechend, die Judikative betreffend":[
@ -5306,5 +5625,50 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"jiddische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft":[]
"in jedem Jahr geschehend, erfolgend, f\u00e4llig":[
"j\u00e4hrliche Rentenanpassung",
"bei den j\u00e4hrlichen Abgaskontrollen wird der Vergaser neu eingestellt",
"im j\u00e4hrlichen Turnus",
"die Mittel m\u00fcssen j\u00e4hrlich neu bewilligt werden",
"eine Wachstumsrate von j\u00e4hrlich 3 %"
"mittelhochdeutsch j\u00e6rlich, althochdeutsch j\u0101rl\u012bh"
"die Rechtsprechung betreffend, richterlich":[]
"franz\u00f6sisch judiciel < lateinisch iudicialis"
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@ -78,6 +78,26 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"\u00c4rztin o. \u00c4., die mit obskuren Mitteln und Methoden Krankheiten zu heilen versucht":[]
"niederl\u00e4ndisch kwakzalver, eigentlich = prahlerischer Salbenverk\u00e4ufer, zu: kwacken = schwatzen, prahlen und zalven = salben"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"motorrad\u00e4hnliches Fahrzeug mit vier R\u00e4dern":[]
@ -156,6 +176,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Quader (a)":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"eigener Numerus 3 f\u00fcr vier Dinge oder Wesen":[]
@ -350,6 +381,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Zeitraum von vier Tagen":[]
"lateinisch quadriduum, zu: quattuor (in Zusammensetzungen h\u00e4ufig: quadri-) = vier und dies = Tag"
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"\n In bestimmten Situationen wird die maskuline Form (z.\u00a0B. ":[],
@ -617,6 +661,31 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"in Bezug auf die Qualit\u00e4t (3a) erhobener Anspruch":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"[als unangenehm empfundener] dichter, quellender Rauch":[
@ -824,6 +893,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"aus Quark u. a. bereiteter Nachtisch":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"mit Quark gef\u00fcllter Strudel (2)":[]
@ -846,6 +926,21 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Kind, das viel quarrt (1)":[],
"z\u00e4nkische, keifende Frau":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"altes deutsches Hohlma\u00df (unterschiedlicher Gr\u00f6\u00dfe)":[
@ -1178,6 +1273,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"querulatorisches Verhalten mit krankhafter Steigerung des Rechtsgef\u00fchls":[]
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Kreis, in dem alle Tonarten in Dur und Moll in Quintenschritten dargestellt werden":[]
@ -1253,6 +1359,24 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"durch, mittels, auf dem Wege \u00fcber":[
"etwas qua Entscheidungsbefugnis, qua Amt festsetzen"
"gem\u00e4\u00df, entsprechend":[
"den Schaden qua Verdienstausfall bemessen"
"lateinisch qua"
@ -1472,6 +1596,30 @@
"type":"schwaches Verb",
"Sachkenntnis, Qualifikation (2a) besitzend, aufweisend, davon zeugend":[
"ein qualifizierter Diskussionsbeitrag"
"besondere F\u00e4higkeiten, Qualifikationen erfordernd":[
"eine qualifizierte Arbeit"
"besondere, ausschlaggebende Merkmale aufweisend":[
"qualifizierte Mitbestimmung (Mitbestimmung, bei der alle beteiligten Gruppen nicht nur nominell, sondern faktisch mitbestimmen k\u00f6nnen; echte Mitbestimmung)"
"(besonders beim Kaufen) auf Qualit\u00e4t achtend":[]
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@ -1,25 +1,28 @@
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@ -27,5 +27,39 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"tausendfach (b)":[
"ein x-fach erprobtes Mittel"
"allem Fremden, allen Fremden gegen\u00fcber negativ, feindlich eingestellt":[]
"zu griechisch phobe\u0129n = f\u00fcrchten"
@ -23,6 +23,32 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum (Eigenname)",
"(zusammen mit Yin die Grundkraft des Lebens bildendes) m\u00e4nnliches Prinzip in der chinesischen Philosophie":[]
"chinesisch = Penis"
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"englisch, urspr\u00fcnglich Spitzname f\u00fcr die (niederl\u00e4ndischen) Bewohner der amerikanischen Nordstaaten, Herkunft ungekl\u00e4rt"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -109,6 +135,20 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Gemeinfreier unterhalb des Ritterstandes in England":[],
"kleiner Gutsbesitzer und P\u00e4chter":[]
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"Milizkavallerie in Gro\u00dfbritannien":[]
@ -149,6 +189,39 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"(besonders in den USA) aktionistischer, ideologisch radikalisierter Hippie":[]
"englisch yippie, zu den Anfangsbuchstaben von",
"arty gebildet nach hippie,",
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"(wohl mental bedingtes) Zittern, Jucken, das beim Golfen, besonders beim Putten auftritt":[]
"englisch yips (Plural), Herkunft ungekl\u00e4rt"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"fruchtig-blumig riechendes \u00e4therisches \u00d6l des Ylang-Ylang-Baumes":[]
@ -255,6 +328,19 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"besonders in den sandigen K\u00fcstenregionen aller Meere vorkommende Muschel":[]
"nach dem spanischen Grafen A. d'Aguirre de Yoldi (1764\u20131852)"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"als heilig geltendes Symbol des weiblichen Geschlechts in Indien":[]
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@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ class Queue:
for db_file in Path(self.dir_prefix).glob(f"*{self.suffix}"):
with open(db_file, "r") as f:
self.full_dict |= json.load(f)
self.full_dict = uqall(self.full_dict)
def updateDB(self, pick):
start = time.time()
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ class Queue:
prefix = "_" * self.prefix_length
with open(f"{self.dir_prefix}{prefix}{self.suffix}", "w") as f: # save DB
json.dump(c_db, f, separators=(",", ":"), indent=2, sort_keys=True)
json.dump(c_db, f, separators=(",", ":"), indent=2, sort_keys=False)
def add_word(self):
@ -230,9 +231,9 @@ class Queue:
f"{p} | "
f"{len(self.full_dict)} words collected, "
f"{len_queue} words waiting in queue, "
f"/{time.time() - start_db_stuff:.06f}s"
f"{len_queue} words waiting in queue"
# f", {start_db_stuff-start_parsing:.06f}s"
# f"/{time.time() - start_db_stuff:.06f}s"
self.queue |= set(w.neighbours)
@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
"as in multiplex , megaplex":{
"near antonyms":[],
"(the) people":{
"as in":{
@ -11,18 +23,6 @@
"plural noun"
"as in":{
"near antonyms":[],
"(the) populace":{
"as in (the) public , (the) people":{
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
"B movie":{
"as in":{
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
"a loss of status":{
@ -258,7 +258,69 @@
"a mile a minute":{
"with great speed":{
"She was typing at a mile a minute ."
"near antonyms":[
"full tilt",
"as in":{
@ -292,5 +354,458 @@
"the final part of something (such as a book, a play, or a series of events)":{
"In the play's denouement , the two lovers kill themselves.",
"the competition's exciting denouement"
"near antonyms":[],
"something for which a person shows a special talent":{
"public speaking is not my m\u00e9tier , as others can attest"
"near antonyms":[],
"long suit",
"strong suit",
"the numerical symbol 0 or the absence of number or quantity represented by it":{
"our zip code is six- o -three-seven-five"
"near antonyms":[],
"goose eggs",
"lawful control over the affairs of a political unit (as a nation)":{
"the regime of the dictator collapsed with surprising abruptness"
"near antonyms":[],
"friendly, informal conversation or an instance of this":{
"had a quick t\u00eate-\u00e0-t\u00eate with my neighbor before heading off to work"
"near antonyms":[],
"happy talk",
"chin music",
"small talk",
"table talk",
"in person and usually privately":{
"met t\u00eate-\u00e0-t\u00eate with the student's parents to discuss his disciplinary problems in class"
"near antonyms":[
"friendly, informal conversation or an instance of this":{
"had a quick t\u00eate-\u00e0-t\u00eate with my neighbor before heading off to work"
"near antonyms":[],
"happy talk",
"chin music",
"small talk",
"table talk",
"\u00e0 deux":{
"as in":{
"near antonyms":[],
"\u00e0 la mode":{
"being in the latest or current fashion":{
"we discovered that what is \u00e0 la mode for teens to wear in the U.S. isn't all that different from what they wear in Europe"
"near antonyms":[
"au courant",
"p's and q's":{
"as in form , manners":{
"near antonyms":[],
"plural noun"
"the array of painted backgrounds and furnishings used to establish the setting in a stage production":{
"a minimalist approach has been taken with the stage decor for this production of the play"
"set piece",
"near antonyms":[],
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@ -1,4 +1,75 @@
"means or method of defending":{
"having no claim to the land under the aegis of the law, the cattle baron decided to claim it by force"
"near antonyms":[
"the financial support and general guidance for an undertaking":{
"a medical study that was questioned by many because it was done under the aegis of a major pharmaceutical company"
"near antonyms":[],
"a long or seemingly long period of time":{
@ -43,6 +114,18 @@
"as in suspended":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in":{
@ -55,6 +138,127 @@
"as in aircraft , airframes":{
"near antonyms":[],
"a science that deals with airplanes and piloting aircraft":{
"the history of aeronautics"
"near antonyms":[],
"the qualities in a person or thing that as a whole give pleasure to the senses":{
"what the building lacks in aesthetics it makes up for in practicality"
"near antonyms":[
"sex appeal",
"plural noun"
"as in":{
@ -248,6 +248,18 @@
"as in cheerfully , amiably":{
"near antonyms":[],
"a feeling of strong or constant regard for and dedication to someone":{
@ -536,6 +548,96 @@
"feeling or showing love":{
"an affectionate child who gives hugs and kisses freely"
"near antonyms":[
"as in":{
@ -781,6 +883,84 @@
"a condition or occurrence traceable to a cause":{
"in the U.S. slavery was abolished in 1865, but its aftereffects remained keenly felt long afterwards"
"near antonyms":[
"side effect",
"side reaction",
"a condition or occurrence traceable to a cause":{
@ -886,5 +1066,36 @@
"as in afterglows , afterclaps":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in shocks , foreshocks":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in artificially , unnaturally":{
"near antonyms":[],
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@ -22,6 +22,18 @@
"as in exchanged , swapped":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to look over closely (as for judging quality or condition)":{
@ -75,6 +87,134 @@
"a close look at or over someone or something in order to judge condition":{
"an energy audit of our house showed that we were losing lots of heat and needed to upgrade the insulation"
"near antonyms":[],
"trial runs"
"to look over closely (as for judging quality or condition)":{
"audited the equipment to make sure that everything was in working order"
"near antonyms":[
"pores (over)",
"delves (into)",
"picks over",
"checks (out)",
"the numerical symbol 0 or the absence of number or quantity represented by it":{
"for dates, the year is automatically listed as a pair of aughts , so the user has to scroll down to the correct figure"
"near antonyms":[],
"goose eggs",
"to make greater in size, amount, or number":{
@ -444,6 +584,74 @@
"to compose and set down on paper the words of":{
"authored a new biography of Thomas Jefferson"
"near antonyms":[],
"drawing up",
"taking down",
"penciling (in)",
"pencilling (in)",
"scratching (out)",
"as in bossiness , high-handedness":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in definitiveness":{
"near antonyms":[],
"a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field":{
@ -981,5 +1189,153 @@
"a self-propelled passenger vehicle on four wheels":{
"the auto gave people a level of mobility that they had never known before"
"near antonyms":[],
"sports cars",
"sport-utility vehicles",
"station wagons",
"town cars",
"land yachts",
"muscle cars",
"stock cars",
"cream puffs",
"tin lizzies",
"touring cars",
"horseless carriages",
"motor vehicles",
"as in motorways , autobahns":{
"near antonyms":[],
"belonging to a particular place by birth or origin":{
"an illegally introduced Asian fish that has virtually wiped out the lake's autochthonous species"
"near antonyms":[
"an artistic rendering of radiant light around the head or body of a sacred personage":{
"the white marble sculpture of the saint in the throes of divine ecstasy is strikingly offset by a gilt aureole"
"near antonyms":[],
@ -1,4 +1,121 @@
"a large mass especially of snow, ice, dirt, or rocks descending from a high place":{
"Much of the mountainside was covered by the avalanche ."
"near antonyms":[],
"a sudden large amount of something that overwhelms":{
"After the disaster, the town received an avalanche of letters and donations from supporters and well-wishers."
"near antonyms":[],
"to fall down in a large mass":{
"The snow avalanched down the mountainside."
"near antonyms":[],
"having or marked by an eager and often selfish desire especially for material possessions":{
"an avaricious scheme to con the elderly couple out of thousands of dollars"
"near antonyms":[
"to state as a fact usually forcefully":{
@ -123,6 +240,148 @@
"the act or practice of keeping something from happening":{
"the averting of forest fires can be helped by the clearing of dry underbrush"
"near antonyms":[
"to keep from happening by taking action in advance":{
"her careful planning averted disaster"
"near antonyms":[
"interfering (with)",
"fending (off)",
"warding (off)",
"compensating (for)",
"making up (for)",
"heading off",
"staving off"
"to keep from happening by taking action in advance":{
@ -520,5 +779,184 @@
"a solemn and often public declaration of the truth or existence of something":{
"with jingoism rampant, the peace candidate felt compelled to make an avowal of his patriotism"
"near antonyms":[
"an open declaration of something (as a fault or the commission of an offense) about oneself":{
"her own avowal that she was to blame for the accident"
"near antonyms":[
"a solemn and often public declaration of the truth or existence of something":{
"your avouchment of his good intentions means he won't be disciplined"
"near antonyms":[
"the quality or state of being average":{
"Despite his averageness as a student, he later excelled in business."
"near antonyms":[],
@ -163,6 +163,94 @@
"as in amaze , astound":{
"near antonyms":[],
"the rapt attention and deep emotion caused by the sight of something extraordinary":{
"was in awe of the sinewy Olympic runners"
"near antonyms":[
"as in amazes , astounds":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in":{
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@ -1,4 +1,196 @@
"along the way of":{
"went by the woods to get to the summer cottage"
"near antonyms":[],
"at, within, or to a short distance or time":{
"the library is close by"
"near antonyms":[],
"close to":{
"that house is right by the ocean"
"near antonyms":[],
"next to",
"in the course of":{
"she attends college by day and works at the club by night"
"near antonyms":[],
"using the means or agency of":{
"try to convince them by reason alone, if possible"
"near antonyms":[],
"by leaps and bounds":{
"with great speed":{
"Her grades improved by leaps and bounds after just a few tutoring sessions."
"near antonyms":[
"full tilt",
"as in columnist , commentator":{
"near antonyms":[],
"a descriptive or familiar name given instead of or in addition to the one belonging to an individual":{
@ -37,6 +229,45 @@
"a descriptive or familiar name given instead of or in addition to the one belonging to an individual":{
"Thomas Edward Lawrence is better known to most people by his byname , Lawrence of Arabia"
"near antonyms":[],
"noms de guerre",
"noms de plume",
"pen names",
"as in":{
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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Load Diff
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@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
"as in adviser , counselor":{
"near antonyms":[],
"one that is certain to succeed":{
@ -106,6 +118,18 @@
"as in ringlets":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in":{
@ -266,6 +290,129 @@
"to become known":{
"the prince denies the story about an extramarital affair that's been circulating in the tabloids"
"near antonyms":[
"hushing (up)",
"coming out",
"getting about",
"getting around",
"getting out",
"getting round",
"leaking (out)",
"to cause to be known over a considerable area or by many people":{
"circulate the plans for the new stadium around town to get people's reaction"
"near antonyms":[
"holding (in)",
"passing (on)",
"to make (as a piece of information) the subject of common talk without any authority or confirmation of accuracy":{
"circulated a rumor that someone was about to be fired"
"near antonyms":[],
"bandying (about)",
"letting on (about)",
"bruiting (about)",
"noising (about or abroad)",
"to surround or cover closely":{
@ -417,6 +564,81 @@
"using or containing more words than necessary to express an idea":{
"the studio's statement that \"the film's earnings did not live up to expectations\" was a circumlocutory admission that the movie was a flop"
"near antonyms":[
"to mark the limits of":{
@ -570,6 +792,63 @@
"a close attentiveness to avoiding danger":{
"circumspection is always good when considering charging someone with cheating"
"near antonyms":[
"to avoid by going around":{
@ -889,5 +1168,333 @@
"plural noun"
"of or relating to a nation":{
"the country was not destroyed by outside enemies but by a series of civil wars"
"near antonyms":[
"showing consideration, courtesy, and good manners":{
"please try to be civil to your ex-husband at the upcoming family wedding"
"near antonyms":[
"comme il faut",
"an act or utterance that is a customary show of good manners":{
"after the usual civilities , the parents and the principal had a serious talk about the boy"
"near antonyms":[],
"speech or behavior that is a sign of good breeding":{
"treated people from all walks of life with the same unfailing civility"
"near antonyms":[
"not far from (something) in time":{
"He was born circa 1600."
"near antonyms":[],
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@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
"an active participant in the online community of the Internet":{
"a cybersurfer who is constantly amazed by the length of her daily history"
"near antonyms":[],
"a long or seemingly long period of time":{
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Load Diff
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"dwelled (on or upon)":{
"to speak or write about insistently and usually tiresomely":{
@ -124,7 +124,129 @@
"dwelling (on)":{
"as in mulling (over) , pondering":{
"near antonyms":[],
"the place where one lives":{
"the simple dwellings in which the Pilgrims spent the first winter at Plymouth"
"near antonyms":[],
"ranch houses",
"split levels",
"town houses",
"tract houses",
"apartment houses",
"tenement houses",
"lodging houses",
"rooming houses",
"manor houses",
"house trailers",
"mobile homes",
"motor homes",
"recreational vehicles",
"dwelt (on or upon)":{
"to speak or write about insistently and usually tiresomely":{
@ -156,5 +278,357 @@
"to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually":{
"picks up",
"our hopes dwindled as the reports of more casualties came in"
"near antonyms":[
"shows up",
"blows up",
"fades (away)",
"fritters (away)",
"gives out",
"melts (away)",
"peters (out)",
"tails (off)",
"slows (down)",
"caves (in)",
"dies (away or down or out)",
"drains (away)",
"drops (off)",
"falls away",
"lets up",
"phases down",
"ratchets (down)",
"rachets (down)",
"tapers off",
"to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent":{
"the long winter dwindled our supply of firewood to practically nothing"
"near antonyms":[
"blows up",
"adds (to)",
"cuts back",
"cuts down",
"knocks down",
"to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually":{
"picking up",
"our hopes dwindled as the reports of more casualties came in"
"near antonyms":[
"showing up",
"blowing up",
"fading (away)",
"frittering (away)",
"giving out",
"melting (away)",
"petering (out)",
"tailing (off)",
"slowing (down)",
"caving (in)",
"draining (away)",
"dropping (off)",
"dying (away or down or out)",
"falling away",
"letting up",
"phasing down",
"ratcheting (down)",
"racheting (down)",
"tapering off",
"to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent":{
"the long winter dwindled our supply of firewood to practically nothing"
"near antonyms":[
"blowing up",
"adding (to)",
"cutting back",
"cutting down",
"knocking down",
@ -56,5 +56,286 @@
"dying (down)":{
"as in diminishing , decreasing":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in waning , moderating":{
"near antonyms":[],
"in a vigorous and forceful manner":{
"presented her ideas so dynamically that the other committee members were instantly won over by her proposal"
"near antonyms":[
"hammer and tongs",
"as in blow up":{
"near antonyms":[],
"of the very best kind":{
"a summer blockbuster that features some really dynamite special effects"
"near antonyms":[
"all right",
"number one",
"No. 1",
"numero uno",
"par excellence",
"peachy keen",
@ -1,4 +1,93 @@
"so as to precede something in order of time":{
"he had arrived earlier to take care of some preliminary matters"
"near antonyms":[
"by and by",
"a priori",
"first off",
"before long",
"to keep or intend for a special purpose":{
"the earnings from my second job have been earmarked for a down payment on a car"
"near antonyms":[
"gave up (to)",
"set by"
"to keep or intend for a special purpose":{
@ -127,6 +216,183 @@
"a mental state free of jesting or trifling":{
"I am in deadly earnest about this marriage proposal"
"near antonyms":[
"not joking or playful in mood or manner":{
"I'll accept only an earnest apology from you"
"near antonyms":[
"a mental state free of jesting or trifling":{
@ -693,6 +959,117 @@
"without any question":{
"we easily have enough people to get the project under way"
"near antonyms":[],
"all right",
"hands down",
"without difficulty":{
"a skater who easily executes even the most difficult jumps"
"near antonyms":[
"hands down",
"involving minimal difficulty or effort":{
@ -987,5 +1364,181 @@
"eating (up)":{
"to receive or accept gladly or readily":{
"predictably, moviegoers ate up the sequel to last summer's blockbuster"
"drinking (in)",
"lapping (up)",
"taking up",
"deciding (on)",
"opting (for)",
"singling (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"balking (at)",
"passing up",
"throwing over",
"turning down",
"demurring (to)",
"objecting (to)"
"to destroy all trace of":{
"the surf created by a powerful hurricane could really eat up what's left of the island's eastern beach"
"using up",
"doing in",
"tearing down",
"blotting out",
"rubbing out",
"stamping (out)",
"wiping out"
"near antonyms":[
"putting up",
"substances intended to be eaten":{
"the buffet table aboard the cruise ship always had a tempting array of eatables"
"finger food",
"natural food"
"near antonyms":[
"plural noun"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
"to become worse or of less value":{
"the fortunes of the town slowly ebbed as factory after textile factory closed"
"near antonyms":[
"broke down",
"ran down",
"wasted (away)",
"to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually":{
"picked up",
"the howling winds ebbed as the hurricane moved into the interior"
"near antonyms":[
"showed up",
"blew up",
"faded (away)",
"frittered (away)",
"gave out",
"melted (away)",
"petered (out)",
"tailed (off)",
"slowed (down)",
"caved (in)",
"died (away or down or out)",
"drained (away)",
"dropped (off)",
"fell away",
"let up",
"phased down",
"ratcheted (down)",
"racheted (down)",
"tapered off",
"a gradual sinking and wasting away of mind or body":{
"seniors who stay active can keep at bay some of the inevitable ebbing of the memory that comes with advanced years"
"near antonyms":[
"as in waning , subsiding":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to become worse or of less value":{
"the fortunes of the town slowly ebbed as factory after textile factory closed"
"near antonyms":[
"breaking down",
"running down",
"wasting (away)",
"to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually":{
"picking up",
"the howling winds ebbed as the hurricane moved into the interior"
"near antonyms":[
"showing up",
"blowing up",
"fading (away)",
"frittering (away)",
"giving out",
"melting (away)",
"petering (out)",
"tailing (off)",
"slowing (down)",
"caving (in)",
"draining (away)",
"dropping (off)",
"dying (away or down or out)",
"falling away",
"letting up",
"phasing down",
"ratcheting (down)",
"racheting (down)",
"tapering off",
"a sudden intense expression of strong feeling":{
"the earsplitting ebullition of the fans following the from-the-jaws-of-defeat victory"
"near antonyms":[],
@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
"as in spasm , convulsion":{
"near antonyms":[],
"careful in the management of money or resources":{
@ -21,6 +21,427 @@
"a harsh or sharp quality":{
"the teacher's voice had a sarcastic edge as she welcomed the tardy student to class"
"near antonyms":[
"an interval of time just before the onset of something":{
"the nation's economy was on the edge of collapse when the Federal Reserve took exceptionally bold action"
"near antonyms":[],
"the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of something":{
"the design along the edge of the plate is badly worn"
"near antonyms":[
"the more favorable condition or position in a competition":{
"my big feet give me something of an edge in swimming"
"near antonyms":[
"head start",
"leg up",
"catbird seat",
"high ground",
"inside track",
"upper hand",
"whip hand"
"the power to produce a desired result":{
"the utter lack of enforcement provisions totally blunts the edge of the law"
"near antonyms":[
"to make sharp or sharper":{
"if you edge the tip of that stick, it should be a fine skewer for roasting marshmallows"
"near antonyms":[
"to serve as a border for":{
"pavement edging the flower bed"
"near antonyms":[],
"edge in":{
"to put among or between others":{
"although she likes to profess journalistic impartiality when covering a story, she seldom refrains from edging in her personal observations"
"near antonyms":[
"cut in",
"fit (in or into)",
"sandwich (in or between)",
"work in"
"edged (out)":{
"as in nosed out , pipped":{
"near antonyms":[],
"edging (out)":{
"as in nosing out , pipping":{
"near antonyms":[],
"feeling or showing uncomfortable feelings of uncertainty":{
@ -258,6 +679,47 @@
"to make a statement of one's opinion":{
"she never misses a chance to editorialize on the issues of the day\u2014even the ones she knows nothing about"
"near antonyms":[],
"weighed in"
"having or displaying advanced knowledge or education":{
@ -754,5 +1216,42 @@
"an opinion arrived at through a process of reasoning":{
"the policeman's eduction was that there was more than one murderer involved"
"near antonyms":[],
@ -104,6 +104,113 @@
"to destroy all traces of":{
"when the supply ship finally arrived, it discovered that virtually all evidence of the colony at Roanoke had been effaced"
"near antonyms":[
"mowing (down)",
"tearing down",
"blowing up",
"killing off",
"throwing out"
"blacking out",
"blotting out",
"cleaning (up)",
"rooting (out)",
"rubbing out",
"snuffing (out)",
"stamping (out)",
"sweeping (away)",
"wiping out"
"in an effective manner":{
@ -418,6 +525,25 @@
"as in effeminacy":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in tenderness , softness":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to produce flowers":{
@ -456,6 +582,70 @@
"the active use of energy in producing a result":{
"the finished parade float was well worth the effort"
"near antonyms":[
"elbow grease",
"the active use of energy in producing a result":{
@ -516,6 +706,89 @@
"the quality or state of having or giving off light":{
"the exceptional effulgence of the harvest moon is always a striking sight"
"near antonyms":[
"giving off or reflecting much light":{
@ -625,5 +898,31 @@
"to make an exaggerated display of affection or enthusiasm":{
"pundits who should have known better effused endlessly about this idealistic but naive senator"
"near antonyms":[],
"dote (on)",
@ -159,7 +159,99 @@
"a vehicle for traveling through the air that obtains its lift from rotors which spin horizontally":{
"told stories of his days flying eggbeaters during the Vietnam War"
"near antonyms":[],
"rotary-wing aircrafts",
"egged (on)":{
"to try to persuade (someone) through earnest appeals to follow a course of action":{
"though exhausted, I was egged on by spectators to finish the marathon"
"near antonyms":[
"held back",
"stirred (up)"
"egging (on)":{
"to try to persuade (someone) through earnest appeals to follow a course of action":{
@ -421,5 +513,84 @@
"excessive interest in oneself":{
"because of her egoism , she never gave a thought to asking how the others felt"
"near antonyms":[
@ -1,4 +1,123 @@
"to drive or force out":{
"we summarily ejected the unwanted guest from our party"
"near antonyms":[
"took in",
"read out",
"shut out",
"mustered out",
"booted (out)",
"cast out",
"drummed (out)",
"kicked out",
"ran off",
"threw out",
"turfed (out)",
"turned out"
"to violently throw out or off (something from within)":{
"the malfunctioning VCR abruptly stopped rewinding and ejected the tape"
"near antonyms":[
"bottled (up)",
"shut (in or up)"
"as in":{
@ -10,5 +129,17 @@
"as in ejection , dispossession":{
"near antonyms":[],
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"eke out":{
"to get with great difficulty":{
@ -28,5 +28,35 @@
"eked out":{
"to get with great difficulty":{
"eked out a living from the family's small farm"
"near antonyms":[],
"scraped (up or together)",
@ -130,6 +130,234 @@
"to fill with great joy":{
"the winning of the state basketball championship elated the whole town"
"near antonyms":[
"being of advanced years and especially past middle age":{
"elderly people who stay active are usually the healthiest and the happiest"
"near antonyms":[
"to decide to accept (someone or something) from a group of possibilities":{
"turned down"
"I've elected to study French as my foreign language"
"near antonyms":[
"threw away",
"threw out"
"settled (on or upon)"
"opted (for)",
"singled (out)",
"as in option":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in refresher":{
"near antonyms":[],
"subject to one's freedom of choice":{
"a plastic surgeon who mainly does face-lifting and other kinds of elective surgery"
"near antonyms":[
"as in":{
@ -264,6 +492,72 @@
"to draw out (something hidden, latent, or reserved)":{
"the role elicited the actress's flair for comedy that previous directors had overlooked"
"near antonyms":[
"pass over"
"dredge (up)",
"coax (out)",
"as in able , qualified":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to prevent the participation, consideration, or inclusion of":{
@ -330,6 +624,178 @@
"to prevent the participation, consideration, or inclusion of":{
"the stiff entry fee is intended to eliminate less-than-serious competitors"
"near antonyms":[
"takes in",
"throws out",
"staves off",
"wards (off)",
"checks off",
"combs (out)",
"weeds (out)"
"closes out",
"counts (out)",
"freezes out",
"rules out",
"shuts out"
"of great extent from end to end":{
"the giraffe's elongate neck is thought to be the result of natural selection"
"near antonyms":[
"to make longer":{
"cut back",
"in his paintings the artist elongated the bodies of angels to give them a spiritual quality"
"near antonyms":[
"drag (out)",
"draw out",
"as in":{
@ -342,6 +808,110 @@
"to make plain or understandable":{
"colored charts that really help to elucidate the points made in the text"
"near antonyms":[
"breaks down",
"clears (up)",
"gets across",
"spells out",
"a statement that makes something clear":{
"the candidate issued what were supposed to be elucidations of his earlier statements, but they did little to quell the controversy"
"near antonyms":[],
"road maps"
"to get or keep away from (as a responsibility) through cleverness or trickery":{
@ -547,5 +1117,399 @@
"the act of making longer":{
"the elongation of artificial fibers in the manufacturing process"
"near antonyms":[],
"elbow grease":{
"the active use of energy in producing a result":{
"with a little polish and a lot of elbow grease , I was able to make the old silver teapot shine again"
"near antonyms":[
"having or showing elegance":{
"the most elegant First Lady in the nation's history",
"the bride's elegant gown received nothing but praise"
"\u00e0 la mode",
"a la mode",
"near antonyms":[
"having qualities that appeal to a refined taste":{
"prepared an elegant dinner for the honored guests"
"par excellence",
"near antonyms":[
"as in els , elevated railroads":{
"near antonyms":[],
"a state of overwhelming usually pleasurable emotion":{
"most people can't imagine the kind of elation that comes with winning a super lottery's grand prize, but they're dying to find out"
"cloud nine",
"seventh heaven",
"near antonyms":[
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -13,6 +13,77 @@
"using or marked by the use of something else as a basis or model":{
"an epic novel that would eventually spawn a vast body of epigonic fiction"
"near antonyms":[
"bona fide",
"a final section or speech after the main part of a book, play, or musical composition":{
@ -28,6 +99,21 @@
"a final section or speech after the main part of a book, play, or musical composition \u2014 sometimes used figuratively":{
"The main character's death was alluded to in the epilogue .",
"His final years were a peaceful epilogue to a life of adventure."
"near antonyms":[],
"something that happens":{
@ -163,7 +249,7 @@
"epoxy resin":{
"as in":{
@ -174,5 +260,206 @@
"to make into a short statement of the main points (as of a report)":{
"his personal code of behavior on the playing field is epitomized by his favorite saying, \"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game\""
"boil down",
"sum up",
"wrap up"
"cut back",
"near antonyms":[
"elaborate (on or upon)",
"enlarge (on or upon)",
"to represent in visible form":{
"the Parthenon in Athens epitomizes the ancient Greek ideal of architectural beauty"
"near antonyms":[],
"one who follows the opinions or teachings of another":{
"few of director Alfred Hitchcock's many epigones possess quite the same wit or style as the master"
"liege man",
"camp follower",
"near antonyms":[
"a person with refined tastes in food and wine":{
"Thomas Jefferson was one of America's first great epicures"
"bon vivant",
"near antonyms":[
@ -1,4 +1,355 @@
"to make equal in amount, degree, or status":{
"a plan to equalize educational opportunities for all the state's children, rich and poor alike"
"near antonyms":[
"one that is equal to another in status, achievement, or value":{
"a basketball player who truly has no equal in his sport"
"near antonyms":[],
"to be the exact counterpart of":{
"in the British system a public school equals an American prep school"
"near antonyms":[],
"blends (with)",
"conforms (to)",
"coordinates (with)",
"goes (with)",
"harmonizes (with)",
"adds up (to)",
"amounts (to)",
"comes (to)",
"measures (up)",
"partakes (of)",
"corresponds (to)",
"to be the same in meaning or effect":{
"being confined to home for a whole weekend would equal a death sentence in the minds of a lot of teens"
"near antonyms":[],
"measures (up)",
"smacks (of)",
"adds up (to)",
"amounts (to)",
"comes (to)",
"corresponds (to)",
"to produce something equal to (as in quality or value)":{
"no one has equaled Shakespeare's plays"
"near antonyms":[],
"amounts (to)",
"keeps up",
"measures up (to)",
"stacks up (against or with)"
"to describe as similar":{
"you're being silly when you equate the talent of that pop star with the musical genius of Mozart"
"near antonyms":[],
"to make equal in amount, degree, or status":{
"you'll stop running up debts when you start equating what you spend with what you earn"
"near antonyms":[
"to regard or represent as equal or comparable":{
"a value system that equates money with success"
"near antonyms":[
"lumps (together)",
"located at the same distance":{
"Points on a circle are equidistant from its center.",
"Montreal is roughly equidistant from New York, Boston, and Toronto."
"near antonyms":[],
"a large hoofed domestic animal that is used for carrying or drawing loads and for riding":{
"one of the more esteemed equines of modern times was the racehorse Seabiscuit"
"near antonyms":[],
"cow pony",
"cutting horse",
"quarter horse",
"saddle horse",
"a horse-drawn wheeled vehicle for carrying passengers":{
@ -61,6 +412,237 @@
"items needed for the performance of a task or activity":{
"the equipment for the polar expedition included ships, instruments, sleds, dogs, and provisions"
"near antonyms":[],
"a condition in which opposing forces are equal to one another":{
"when participating in any dangerous sport, one should maintain an equipoise between fearless boldness and commonsense caution"
"near antonyms":[
"a force or influence that makes an opposing force ineffective or less effective":{
"her frugality is a much-needed equipoise to her husband's spendthrift ways"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in equilibrate":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to make competent (as by training, skill, or ability) for a particular office or function":{
"years of service in the congress and in the cabinet equipped him better than most people for the office of the presidency"
"near antonyms":[],
"to provide (someone) with what is needed for a task or activity":{
"a visit to a ski shop to equip ourselves for a week of skiing in the Rockies"
"near antonyms":[
"dealt (out)",
"doled out",
"handed out",
"meted (out)",
"parceled (out)",
"parcelled (out)",
"fitted (out)",
"fit (out)",
"kitted (up or out)",
"the state or fact of being exactly the same in number, amount, status, or quality":{
@ -117,5 +699,378 @@
"giving good reason for being doubted, questioned, or challenged":{
"the evidence that this latest diet really results in lasting weight loss is certainly equivocal"
"near antonyms":[
"having a mixture of opposing feelings":{
"a number of people are clearly equivocal about allowing casino gambling in the state"
"near antonyms":[
"having an often intentionally veiled or uncertain meaning":{
"he responded to the reporter's questions with equivocal answers or refusals to comment"
"near antonyms":[
"deliberate evasion in speech":{
"your equivocation when asked where you were last night is not reassuring"
"near antonyms":[
"the quality or state of having a veiled or uncertain meaning":{
"the equivocation of the last line of the poem, \"That is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know\""
"near antonyms":[
@ -151,6 +151,56 @@
"as in misleading , sophistic":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in otter , mink":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in otters , mink":{
"near antonyms":[],
"an act of traveling a short way to do or get something":{
"He was sent out on an urgent errand ."
"near antonyms":[],
"as in flawless , impeccable":{
@ -163,6 +213,80 @@
"being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually cheaper materials":{
"like everything else the restaurant served, the whipped cream on the dessert was ersatz"
"near antonyms":[
"bona fide",
"tampered (with)",
"to violently throw out or off (something from within)":{
@ -215,5 +339,399 @@
"to violently throw out or off (something from within)":{
"he suddenly snapped and began eructing his repressed anger"
"near antonyms":[
"bottled (up)",
"shut (in or up)"
"having or displaying advanced knowledge or education":{
"the most erudite people in medical research attended the conference",
"an erudite lecture on the latest discoveries in astronomy"
"near antonyms":[
"suggestive of the vocabulary used in books":{
"the erudite language of a textbook on philosophy"
"near antonyms":[
"to destroy all traces of":{
"the successful effort to eradicate smallpox around the globe"
"black out",
"blot out",
"clean (up)",
"root (out)",
"rub out",
"snuff (out)",
"stamp (out)",
"sweep (away)",
"wipe out"
"mow (down)",
"tear down",
"blow up",
"kill off",
"throw out"
"near antonyms":[
"of, relating to, exciting, or expressing sexual attraction or desire":{
"the erotic aspects of the story of Beauty and the Beast"
"near antonyms":[
"something put together by arranging or connecting an array of parts":{
"when it was brand-new, the Eiffel Tower was considered as ugly an erection as Europe had ever seen"
"near antonyms":[],
@ -150,6 +150,243 @@
"as in expansion , enlargement":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in loose , unleashed":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to get free from a dangerous or confining situation":{
"everyone managed to escape from the burning building in time"
"near antonyms":[
"hung around",
"stuck around",
"came back",
"pulled out",
"sallied (forth)",
"shoved (off)",
"took off",
"walked out",
"brought off",
"broke out (of)",
"cleared out",
"got out",
"ran away",
"ran off"
"to get or keep away from (as a responsibility) through cleverness or trickery":{
"a judge who is very determined not to let criminals escape punishment"
"near antonyms":[
"warded (off)",
"ruled out",
"got around",
"shuffled (out of)",
"weaseled (out of)"
"to get or keep away from (as a responsibility) through cleverness or trickery":{
"the minister eschews involvement in local politics, since he doesn't want to diminish his moral authority in the community"
"near antonyms":[
"ward (off)",
"rule out",
"get around",
"shuffle (out of)",
"weasel (out of)"
"as in beaches , waterfronts":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to give in marriage":{
@ -265,6 +502,246 @@
"as in matched , mated":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to give in marriage":{
"a couple eager to espouse their eldest daughter"
"near antonyms":[],
"to take as a spouse":{
"heeded his father's advice to espouse someone with whom he had common interests"
"near antonyms":[
"separated (from)"
"to take for one's own use (something originated by another)":{
"after working among them for two years in the Peace Corps, she felt compelled to espouse the peasants' cause for social justice"
"near antonyms":[
"gave up",
"threw away",
"threw out"
"took over",
"brought up",
"put on",
"took on",
"took up"
"to give in marriage":{
"a couple eager to espouse their eldest daughter"
"near antonyms":[],
"to take as a spouse":{
"heeded his father's advice to espouse someone with whom he had common interests"
"near antonyms":[
"separating (from)"
"to take for one's own use (something originated by another)":{
"after working among them for two years in the Peace Corps, she felt compelled to espouse the peasants' cause for social justice"
"near antonyms":[
"giving up",
"throwing away",
"throwing out"
"taking over",
"bringing up",
"putting on",
"taking on",
"taking up"
"to make note of (something) through the use of one's eyes":{
@ -459,6 +936,98 @@
"the central part or aspect of something under consideration":{
"presented the essence of weeks of testimony in a 20-minute appeal to the jury"
"near antonyms":[],
"bottom lines",
"meat and potatoes",
"the quality or qualities that make a thing what it is":{
"the belief that power ultimately rests with the people is the very essence of democracy"
"near antonyms":[],
"alpha and omegas",
"being a part of the innermost nature of a person or thing":{
@ -737,6 +1306,51 @@
"the quality or qualities that make a thing what it is":{
"physical strength or endurance is the essentiality that makes activity a sport and not just a game"
"near antonyms":[],
"alpha and omegas",
"to be responsible for the creation and early operation or use of":{
@ -1165,6 +1779,311 @@
"deserving of high regard or great approval":{
"a dramatist with an estimable body of work"
"near antonyms":[
"having a good reputation especially in a field of knowledge":{
"no estimable archaeologist would be fooled by such a crude and obvious hoax"
"near antonyms":[
"an opinion on the nature, character, or quality of something":{
"the estimate of many art specialists that the painting is a fake"
"near antonyms":[],
"value judgments"
"the act of placing a value on the nature, character, or quality of something":{
"what we owe our war veterans is beyond estimate"
"near antonyms":[],
"to decide the size, amount, number, or distance of (something) without actual measurement":{
"we estimated the snowfall to be about a foot"
"near antonyms":[
"works out"
"to make an approximate or tentative judgment regarding":{
"experts estimated the value of the painting at a million dollars"
"near antonyms":[],
"a feeling of great approval and liking":{
@ -1493,5 +2412,39 @@
"a steep wall of rock, earth, or ice":{
"the castle sits atop an escarpment that for hundreds of years made it virtually invulnerable to attack"
"near antonyms":[],
@ -147,6 +147,95 @@
"a long or seemingly long period of time":{
"we waited in line for tickets for an eternity"
"near antonyms":[
"split second",
"blue moon",
"coon's age",
"donkey's years",
"endless time":{
"the question whether the universe will end someday or continue to exist in eternity"
"near antonyms":[
"unending existence after death":{
"a firm belief in the eternity of the soul"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in":{
@ -158,5 +247,66 @@
"to diminish the physical strength of":{
"beefed (up)",
"the long, stressful days and sleepless nights gradually etiolated him"
"near antonyms":[
"washed out",
"laid up",
"broke down",
"ground (down)",
"wore down",
"wore out",
@ -90,6 +90,188 @@
"a formal expression of praise":{
"several eulogies were given at the special assembly marking the retirement of the company's longtime president"
"near antonyms":[
"having a pleasantly flowing quality suggestive of music":{
"an opera singer with an appropriately euphonious name"
"near antonyms":[
"having a pleasing mixture of notes":{
"the doorbell had a noticeably euphonious chime"
"near antonyms":[
"experiencing or marked by overwhelming usually pleasurable emotion":{
@ -177,6 +359,32 @@
"the act or practice of ending the life of someone who is very sick or injured in order to prevent any more suffering":{
"a physician who refuses to practice euthanasia"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in puts down":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in":{
@ -188,5 +396,91 @@
"having the parts agreeably related":{
"the ratio of the height of the temple's colonnade to the width of the entablature and pediment make for an eye-pleasing and eurythmic facade"
"near antonyms":[
@ -171,6 +171,67 @@
"lasting only for a short time":{
"beauty that is as evanescent as a rainbow"
"near antonyms":[
"as in":{
@ -225,6 +286,283 @@
"as in ambiguously , equivocally":{
"near antonyms":[],
"for all time":{
"the name of Benedict Arnold will ever be linked with treason"
"near antonyms":[
"in any way or respect":{
"how can we ever repay what you've done for us?"
"near antonyms":[],
"at all",
"on every relevant occasion":{
"the boy and his ever present dog were a common sight around the village"
"near antonyms":[
"night and day",
"to a great degree":{
"boy, was I ever embarrassed",
"it's been ever so long since we've seen you"
"near antonyms":[
"every which way":{
"as in all over , high and low":{
@ -237,6 +575,18 @@
"as in removal , ouster":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in":{
@ -423,5 +773,261 @@
"to take the internal organs out of":{
"the ancient Egyptians would eviscerate the bodies of the dead as part of the process of mummifying them"
"near antonyms":[],
"lasting forever":{
"valentines typically express the giver's everlasting love and devotion"
"near antonyms":[
"having an existence or validity that does not change or diminish":{
"Shakespeare's plays are still being performed 400 years later because they deal with everlasting truths and universal emotions"
"near antonyms":[
"endless time":{
"that special bond that has existed between mother and child from everlasting"
"near antonyms":[
"the being worshipped as the creator and ruler of the universe":{
"people who believe that the magnificence of the natural world is proof of the existence of the Everlasting"
"Supreme Being",
"near antonyms":[],
"to make an approximate or tentative judgment regarding":{
"a trained assistant to evaluate the needs of the patients waiting to see the doctor"
"near antonyms":[],
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@ -119,6 +119,215 @@
"causing a strong emotional reaction because of unexpectedness":{
"hunting for a first apartment in a big city is an eye-opening experience for young people"
"near antonyms":[
"causing wonder or astonishment":{
"that acclaimed magic act had a number of eye-opening moments"
"near antonyms":[
"to give serious and careful thought to":{
@ -287,5 +496,46 @@
"a small area that is different (as in color) from the main part":{
"a tie having eyespots of blue on a light gray background"
"near antonyms":[],
"polka dots"
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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