new files;
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# from PIL import Image
# from wordcloud import STOPWORDS, WordCloud
from dict_dl import Dictionary
d = Dictionary("en_merriam_webster/", "_mw.json")
# d = Dictionary("de_duden/", "_duden.json")
# older than date
# old = {k for k,v in d.items() if int(v["time_of_retrieval"][:8]) < 20220705}
# with open(f"{d.dir_prefix}redo", "at") as f:
# f.write('\n'.join(list(old)))
# print(len(old))
# new synonym discussion
new = {k for k,v in d.items() if "synonym_discussion" in v}
def grey_color_func(
word, font_size, position, orientation, random_state=None, **kwargs
return "hsl(0, 0%%, %d%%)" % random.randint(60, 100)
# mask = np.array(, "stormtrooper_mask.png")))
word = "abhorrent"
text = " ".join(mw[word]["synonyms"] + [word])
wc = WordCloud(
default_colors = wc.to_array()
# plt.title("Custom colors")
# plt.imshow(wc.recolor(color_func=grey_color_func, random_state=3),
# interpolation="bilinear")
plt.imshow(default_colors, interpolation="bilinear")
# letters = {k[0] for k in mw}
# start = time.time()
# for c in letters:
# c_db = {k:v for k,v in mw.items() if k[0] == c}
# with open(f"{c}_mw.json", "w") as f: # save DB
# json.dump(c_db, f, separators=(",", ":"), indent=2)
# print(time.time() - start)
# exit()
# types = {w["word"] for w in mw if not w["history_and_etymology"]}
types = [w["type"] for w in mw]
new_mw = {w["word"]: {k: v for k, v in w.items() if k != "word"} for w in mw}
with open("new_mw.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(new_mw, f, separators=(",", ":"), indent=2)
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
"zu griechisch -krate\u00eda (in Zusammensetzungen) = Herrschaft"
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
"mittelhochdeutsch lei[e] = Art und Weise < altfranz\u00f6sisch ley = Art < lateinisch legem, Akkusativ von: lex = Gesetz"
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
"erstarrte Kasusform (Dativ Plural und Genitiv Singular) von mittelhochdeutsch halbe, althochdeutsch halba = H\u00e4lfte, Seite, eigentlich = von \u2026 Seite(n) und im \u00fcbertragenen Sinne = wegen"
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
@ -280,33 +280,29 @@
"wird zum Abk\u00fcrzen oder Erweitern von Substantiven (meist Namen) verwendet und kennzeichnet die Koseform":[
"Kati, Klausi, Schatzi",
"Kati, Klausi, Schatzi"
"wird zum Abk\u00fcrzen oder Erweitern von W\u00f6rtern unterschiedlicher Wortart verwendet und dr\u00fcckt eine wohlwollende, oft jedoch leicht herablassende Einstellung gegen\u00fcber einer Person\u00a0\u2013 seltener einer Sache\u00a0\u2013 aus":[
"Alki, Brummi, Drogi, Schlaffi",
"wird zum Abk\u00fcrzen oder Erweitern von W\u00f6rtern unterschiedlicher Wortart verwendet und dr\u00fcckt eine wohlwollende, oft jedoch leicht herablassende Einstellung gegen\u00fcber einer Person \u2013 seltener einer Sache \u2013 aus":[
"Alki, Brummi, Drogi, Schlaffi"
"wird zum Abk\u00fcrzen von Substantiven verwendet und bezeichnet eine Person, die sehr allgemein durch etwas charakterisiert ist":[
"Fundi, \u00d6si, Wessi",
"Fundi, \u00d6si, Wessi"
"kennzeichnet eine substantivische Abk\u00fcrzung, die durch Weglassen der auf -i folgenden Buchstaben entstanden ist":[
"Konfi, Promi, Zivi",
"Konfi, Promi, Zivi"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"Unterkunft (1)":[
"ein billiges Quartier",
"[ein neues] Quartier beziehen"
"Viertel (2a)":[
"Quartier machen (1. [meist als Gruppe] sich einquartieren. 2. [meist f\u00fcr eine Gruppe] eine Unterkunft besorgen.)",
"Quartier nehmen (gehoben: sich einquartieren)",
"Quartier nehmen (gehoben: sich einquartieren)"
@ -17,16 +20,10 @@
"Quartier machen (1. [meist als Gruppe] sich einquartieren. 2. [meist f\u00fcr eine Gruppe] eine Unterkunft besorgen.)"
"Quartier nehmen (gehoben: sich einquartieren)"
"Quartier machen (1. [meist als Gruppe] sich einquartieren. 2. [meist f\u00fcr eine Gruppe] eine Unterkunft besorgen.)",
"Quartier nehmen (gehoben: sich einquartieren)"
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
@ -56,21 +53,17 @@
"Rechteck mit vier gleich langen Seiten":[
"die Grundfl\u00e4che des Turms ist ein Quadrat",
"das Zimmer ist 6 m im Quadrat (ist quadratisch und hat 6 m lange Seiten)",
"das Zimmer ist 6 m im Quadrat (ist quadratisch und hat 6 m lange Seiten)"
"zweite Potenz einer Zahl":[
"magisches Quadrat (1. Mathematik; in gleich vielen und gleich langen Zeilen und Spalten stehende Zahlen, die so angeordnet sind, dass die Summen aller Zeilen und Spalten sowie der Zahlenreihen, die die Diagonalen bilden, gleich sind; Hexeneinmaleins. 2. in gleich vielen und gleich langen Zeilen und Spalten stehende einzelne Buchstaben, die, z. B. als L\u00f6sung einer Denksportaufgabe, so angeordnet sind, dass sich in den Zeilen W\u00f6rter ergeben, die gleichzeitig auch, und zwar in derselben Aufeinanderfolge, in den Spalten entstehen.)",
"magisches Quadrat (1. Mathematik; in gleich vielen und gleich langen Zeilen und Spalten stehende Zahlen, die so angeordnet sind, dass die Summen aller Zeilen und Spalten sowie der Zahlenreihen, die die Diagonalen bilden, gleich sind; Hexeneinmaleins. 2. in gleich vielen und gleich langen Zeilen und Spalten stehende einzelne Buchstaben, die, z. B. als L\u00f6sung einer Denksportaufgabe, so angeordnet sind, dass sich in den Zeilen W\u00f6rter ergeben, die gleichzeitig auch, und zwar in derselben Aufeinanderfolge, in den Spalten entstehen.)"
"90\u00b0 Winkelabstand zwischen Planeten":[
"drei im/zum Quadrat (drei hoch zwei)",
"eine Zahl ins Quadrat erheben (mit sich selbst multiplizieren)",
"eine Zahl ins Quadrat erheben (mit sich selbst multiplizieren)"
"rechteckiges, nicht druckendes St\u00fcck Blei, das zum Auff\u00fcllen von Zeilen beim Schriftsatz verwendet wird; ":[
"im/zum Quadrat (umgangssprachlich: in besonders gesteigerter, ausgepr\u00e4gter Form: das war Pech im Quadrat)",
"rechteckiges, nicht druckendes St\u00fcck Blei, das zum Auff\u00fcllen von Zeilen beim Schriftsatz verwendet wird; Geviert (2)":[
"im/zum Quadrat (umgangssprachlich: in besonders gesteigerter, ausgepr\u00e4gter Form: das war Pech im Quadrat)"
@ -83,20 +76,10 @@
"magisches Quadrat (1.",
"in gleich vielen und gleich langen Zeilen und Spalten stehende Zahlen, die so angeordnet sind, dass die Summen aller Zeilen und Spalten sowie der Zahlenreihen, die die Diagonalen bilden, gleich sind; Hexeneinmaleins. 2. in gleich vielen und gleich langen Zeilen und Spalten stehende einzelne Buchstaben, die, z. B. als L\u00f6sung einer Denksportaufgabe, so angeordnet sind, dass sich in den Zeilen W\u00f6rter ergeben, die gleichzeitig auch, und zwar in derselben Aufeinanderfolge, in den Spalten entstehen.)"
"im/zum Quadrat (umgangssprachlich: in besonders gesteigerter, ausgepr\u00e4gter Form: das war Pech im Quadrat)"
"magisches Quadrat (1. Mathematik; in gleich vielen und gleich langen Zeilen und Spalten stehende Zahlen, die so angeordnet sind, dass die Summen aller Zeilen und Spalten sowie der Zahlenreihen, die die Diagonalen bilden, gleich sind; Hexeneinmaleins. 2. in gleich vielen und gleich langen Zeilen und Spalten stehende einzelne Buchstaben, die, z. B. als L\u00f6sung einer Denksportaufgabe, so angeordnet sind, dass sich in den Zeilen W\u00f6rter ergeben, die gleichzeitig auch, und zwar in derselben Aufeinanderfolge, in den Spalten entstehen.)",
"im/zum Quadrat (umgangssprachlich: in besonders gesteigerter, ausgepr\u00e4gter Form: das war Pech im Quadrat)"
"type":"starkes Verb",
@ -207,13 +190,11 @@
"type":"schwaches Verb",
"mit sich selbst multiplizieren, ins ":[
"eine Zahl quadrieren",
"mit sich selbst multiplizieren, ins Quadrat (1c) erheben":[
"eine Zahl quadrieren"
"(eine Fl\u00e4che) mit einem Gitter von Linien in Quadrate aufteilen [um so die Vorlage f\u00fcr ein Bild o.\u00a0\u00c4. m\u00f6glichst genau und ma\u00dfstabgetreu auf eine zu bemalende Fl\u00e4che \u00fcbertragen zu k\u00f6nnen]":[
"eine Wand f\u00fcr ein Fresko quadrieren",
"(eine Fl\u00e4che) mit einem Gitter von Linien in Quadrate aufteilen [um so die Vorlage f\u00fcr ein Bild o. \u00c4. m\u00f6glichst genau und ma\u00dfstabgetreu auf eine zu bemalende Fl\u00e4che \u00fcbertragen zu k\u00f6nnen]":[
"eine Wand f\u00fcr ein Fresko quadrieren"
@ -222,7 +203,7 @@
"lateinisch quadrare = viereckig machen, zu: quadrus = viereckig, zu: quattuor = vier"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -238,7 +219,7 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
@ -256,7 +237,7 @@
"type":"schwaches Verb",
@ -314,7 +295,7 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -332,7 +313,7 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
@ -368,21 +349,18 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"gr\u00f6\u00dfere Anzahl am oberen Ende zusammengefasster, gleich langer F\u00e4den, Schn\u00fcre o.\u00a0\u00c4., die an einer Schnur h\u00e4ngen":[
"gr\u00f6\u00dfere Anzahl am oberen Ende zusammengefasster, gleich langer F\u00e4den, Schn\u00fcre o. \u00c4., die an einer Schnur h\u00e4ngen":[
"die Quasten an seiner Uniform",
"Hausschuhe mit Quasten",
"Hausschuhe mit Quasten"
"an eine ":[
"der Schwanz des L\u00f6wen endet in einer dicken Quaste",
"an eine Quaste (1a) erinnerndes B\u00fcschel (Haare o. \u00c4.)":[
"der Schwanz des L\u00f6wen endet in einer dicken Quaste"
@ -395,7 +373,7 @@
"mittelhochdeutsch quast(e), queste, althochdeutsch questa = (Laub-, Feder)b\u00fcschel, urspr\u00fcnglich = Laubwerk"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -479,14 +457,12 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"die letzten Wochen waren f\u00fcr alle eine einzige Qual",
"er machte uns den Aufenthalt zur Qual (verleidete ihn uns in hohem Ma\u00dfe)",
"er machte uns den Aufenthalt zur Qual (verleidete ihn uns in hohem Ma\u00dfe)"
"l\u00e4nger andauernde, [nahezu] unertr\u00e4gliche Empfindung des ":[
"die Qual der Wahl (oft scherzhaft: die Schwierigkeit, sich f\u00fcr eines von mehreren zur Wahl stehenden, gleich begehrenswerten Dingen o. \u00c4. zu entscheiden)",
"l\u00e4nger andauernde, [nahezu] unertr\u00e4gliche Empfindung des Leidens (1a)":[
"die Qual der Wahl (oft scherzhaft: die Schwierigkeit, sich f\u00fcr eines von mehreren zur Wahl stehenden, gleich begehrenswerten Dingen o. \u00c4. zu entscheiden)"
@ -501,26 +477,19 @@
"die Qual der Wahl (oft scherzhaft: die Schwierigkeit, sich f\u00fcr eines von mehreren zur Wahl stehenden, gleich begehrenswerten Dingen o. \u00c4. zu entscheiden)"
"die Qual der Wahl (oft scherzhaft: die Schwierigkeit, sich f\u00fcr eines von mehreren zur Wahl stehenden, gleich begehrenswerten Dingen o. \u00c4. zu entscheiden)"
"type":"schwaches Verb",
"(von Kindern) leise und kl\u00e4glich vor sich hin weinen":[
"dass ihr immer quengeln m\u00fcsst!",
"dass ihr immer quengeln m\u00fcsst!"
"(von Kindern) jemanden [weinerlich] immer wieder mit kleinen W\u00fcnschen, Klagen ungeduldig zu etwas dr\u00e4ngen":[
"\u00fcber das Wetter quengeln",
"in griesgr\u00e4mig-kleinlicher Weise etwas zu bem\u00e4ngeln, einzuwenden haben":[]
"\u00fcber das Wetter quengeln"
@ -534,21 +503,18 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"nach oben gerichtete Klingenlage, mit welcher der gegnerische Angriff nach innen abgewehrt wird":[]
"zu lateinisch quarta = die vierte, dies zu quartus"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -559,15 +525,11 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"englisches Hohlma\u00df (1,136\u00a0l)":[],
"amerikanisches Hohlma\u00df f\u00fcr Fl\u00fcssigkeiten (0,946\u00a0l)":[],
"amerikanisches Hohlma\u00df f\u00fcr trockene Substanzen (1,101 dm":[]
@ -575,22 +537,22 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"[dauerndes] ":[
"lass das Tier in Ruhe, h\u00f6r auf mit der Qu\u00e4lerei!",
"[dauerndes] Qu\u00e4len (1a)":[
"lass das Tier in Ruhe, h\u00f6r auf mit der Qu\u00e4lerei!"
"das ":[
"das Leben ist f\u00fcr das kranke Tier nur noch eine Qu\u00e4lerei",
"das Qu\u00e4len (2a)":[
"die dauernde Qu\u00e4lerei der Kinder ging uns auf die Nerven"
"das Sichqu\u00e4len (3a)":[
"das Leben ist f\u00fcr das kranke Tier nur noch eine Qu\u00e4lerei"
"etwas (besonders eine k\u00f6rperliche Anstrengung), was sehr m\u00fchevoll ist, dem man kaum gewachsen ist":[
"das Treppensteigen ist [f\u00fcr die Gro\u00dfeltern] eine Qu\u00e4lerei",
"das Treppensteigen ist [f\u00fcr die Gro\u00dfeltern] eine Qu\u00e4lerei"
@ -602,7 +564,7 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
@ -611,22 +573,18 @@
"eine hei\u00dfe Quelle",
"mineralhaltige Quellen",
"die Quelle sprudelt, versickert, versiegt",
"eine Quelle fassen (zur Gewinnung von Trink- oder Brauchwasser die Stelle, an der das Wasser austritt, ausmauern)",
"eine Quelle fassen (zur Gewinnung von Trink- oder Brauchwasser die Stelle, an der das Wasser austritt, ausmauern)"
"etwas, wodurch etwas entsteht":[
"eine Quelle der Freude, des Vergn\u00fcgens",
"eine Quelle der Freude, des Vergn\u00fcgens"
"[\u00fcberlieferter] Text, der f\u00fcr wissenschaftliche o.\u00a0\u00e4. Arbeiten, Forschungen herangezogen, ausgewertet wird, werden kann":[
"[\u00fcberlieferter] Text, der f\u00fcr wissenschaftliche o. \u00e4. Arbeiten, Forschungen herangezogen, ausgewertet wird, werden kann":[
"literarische, historische, unver\u00f6ffentlichte Quellen",
"Quellen heranziehen, zitieren, angeben",
"Quellen heranziehen, zitieren, angeben"
"Stelle oder Person[engruppe], von der man etwas Bestimmtes, besonders bestimmte Informationen, unmittelbar erh\u00e4lt":[
"eine Information aus sicherer, zuverl\u00e4ssiger Quelle haben",
"ich habe, wei\u00df daf\u00fcr eine gute Quelle (eine g\u00fcnstige Einkaufsm\u00f6glichkeit o. \u00c4.)",
"ich habe, wei\u00df daf\u00fcr eine gute Quelle (eine g\u00fcnstige Einkaufsm\u00f6glichkeit o. \u00c4.)"
@ -642,26 +600,20 @@
"; schon althochdeutsch quella"
"an der Quelle sitzen (umgangssprachlich: gute Verbindung zu jemandem haben und daher zu besonders g\u00fcnstigen Bedingungen in den Besitz von etwas gelangen)"
"an der Quelle sitzen (umgangssprachlich: gute Verbindung zu jemandem haben und daher zu besonders g\u00fcnstigen Bedingungen in den Besitz von etwas gelangen)"
"die Form eines ":[
"die Form eines Quadrats (1) aufweisend":[
"eine quadratische Fl\u00e4che",
"das Zimmer ist [ungef\u00e4hr, genau, fast] quadratisch",
"das Zimmer ist [ungef\u00e4hr, genau, fast] quadratisch"
"ins ":[
"ins Quadrat (2) erhoben":[
"x\u00b2 ist das quadratische Glied der Gleichung",
"eine quadratische Gleichung (Gleichung, die die Variable in zweiter \u2013 und keiner h\u00f6heren \u2013 Potenz enth\u00e4lt; Gleichung zweiten Grades)",
"eine quadratische Gleichung (Gleichung, die die Variable in zweiter \u2013 und keiner h\u00f6heren \u2013 Potenz enth\u00e4lt; Gleichung zweiten Grades)"
@ -671,7 +623,7 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
@ -690,7 +642,7 @@
"englisch quiz, eigentlich = schrulliger Kauz; Neckerei, Ulk, Herkunft ungekl\u00e4rt"
"type":"schwaches Verb",
@ -752,7 +704,7 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
@ -763,7 +715,7 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -780,7 +732,7 @@
@ -798,18 +750,16 @@
"type":"unregelm\u00e4\u00dfiges Verb",
"nicht recht sein, missfallen":[
"der Ton des Polizisten war ihr quergegangen",
"der Ton des Polizisten war ihr quergegangen"
"nicht den Pl\u00e4nen, den Absichten, den Erwartungen gem\u00e4\u00df verlaufen":[
"von dem Tag an ging alles quer",
"von dem Tag an ging alles quer"
@ -821,7 +771,7 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -848,24 +798,19 @@
"viel und t\u00f6richt reden":[
"ihr sollt [im Unterricht] nicht dauernd quatschen",
"und so was quatscht von Gerechtigkeit!",
"quatsch nicht so d\u00e4mlich, dumm, kariert!",
"quatsch nicht so d\u00e4mlich, dumm, kariert!"
"von sich ":[
"dummes Zeug, Unsinn quatschen",
"von sich geben (9)":[
"dummes Zeug, Unsinn quatschen"
"etwas, was geheim bleiben sollte, weitererz\u00e4hlen":[
"wer hat denn da wieder gequatscht?",
"wer hat denn da wieder gequatscht?"
"sich ":[
"mit jemandem, miteinander quatschen",
"sich unterhalten (4)":[
"mit jemandem, miteinander quatschen"
"(in Bezug auf eine nasse, breiig-weiche Masse) ein dem Klatschen \u00e4hnliches Ger\u00e4usch hervorbringen":[
"der Boden quatschte unter ihren F\u00fc\u00dfen",
"der Boden quatschte unter ihren F\u00fc\u00dfen"
@ -876,22 +821,20 @@
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
"altes deutsches Hohlma\u00df (unterschiedlicher Gr\u00f6\u00dfe)":[
"ein Buch in Quart",
"Buchformat in der Gr\u00f6\u00dfe eines viertel Bogens, das sich durch zweimaliges Falzen eines Bogens ergibt und das je nach Gr\u00f6\u00dfe des Bogens verschiedene Ma\u00dfe (von Klein- bis Gro\u00dfquart) haben kann":[]
"ein Buch in Quart"
"type":"Substantiv, Neutrum",
@ -910,7 +853,7 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
@ -944,17 +887,14 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"vierter Ton einer diatonischen Tonleiter":[],
"Intervall von vier diatonischen Tonstufen":[]
"lateinisch quarta = die vierte"
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
@ -973,20 +913,17 @@
"type":"schwaches Verb",
"durch Unterschrift eine Zahlung, Lieferung o.\u00a0\u00c4. best\u00e4tigen":[
"durch Unterschrift eine Zahlung, Lieferung o. \u00c4. best\u00e4tigen":[
"[jemandem] den Empfang einer Sendung quittieren",
"auf der R\u00fcckseite [der Rechnung] quittieren",
"sie quittierte \u00fcber [einen Betrag von] hundert Euro",
"sie quittierte \u00fcber [einen Betrag von] hundert Euro"
"auf ein Verhalten, Geschehen o.\u00a0\u00c4. in einer bestimmten Weise reagieren":[
"eine Kritik mit einem Achselzucken quittieren",
"auf ein Verhalten, Geschehen o. \u00c4. in einer bestimmten Weise reagieren":[
"eine Kritik mit einem Achselzucken quittieren"
"eine offizielle Stellung aufgeben; ein Amt niederlegen":[
"sein Amt quittieren",
"der Offizier, Beamte quittierte den, seinen Dienst",
"der Offizier, Beamte quittierte den, seinen Dienst"
@ -1002,7 +939,7 @@
") unter Einfluss von (mittel)franz\u00f6sisch quitter < mittellateinisch qui(e)t(t)are = befreien; (aus einer Verbindlichkeit) entlassen"
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
@ -1041,7 +978,7 @@
@ -1049,13 +986,11 @@
"einen Zustand erreicht habend, wo in Bezug auf Schulden, Verbindlichkeiten ein Ausgleich stattgefunden hat":[
"hier hast du die geliehenen 10 Euro zur\u00fcck, damit sind wir/jetzt sind wir quitt",
"ich habe dich gekr\u00e4nkt, du hast mich gekr\u00e4nkt \u2013 eigentlich sind wir quitt [miteinander]",
"mit ihrem Ex war sie quitt",
"mit ihrem Ex war sie quitt"
"befreit von etwas":[
"wer die Absolution erh\u00e4lt, ist seiner S\u00fcnden, seines Vergehens quitt",
"ich bin froh, wenn ich diesen Auftrag quitt bin",
"ich bin froh, wenn ich diesen Auftrag quitt bin"
@ -1069,19 +1004,17 @@
"mittelhochdeutsch qu\u012bt < altfranz\u00f6sisch quite < lateinisch quietus = ruhig; unt\u00e4tig; frei (von St\u00f6rungen)"
"type":"schwaches Verb",
"(durch Reibung) einen hohen, schrillen, lang gezogenen Ton von sich geben":[
"die Bremsen quietschen",
"die T\u00fcr, das Bett quietschte",
"die T\u00fcr, das Bett quietschte"
"als Ausdruck einer bestimmten Empfindung hohe, schrille Laute aussto\u00dfen":[
"vor Vergn\u00fcgen quietschen",
"vor Vergn\u00fcgen quietschen"
@ -1097,7 +1030,7 @@
", lautmalend"
@ -1111,19 +1044,17 @@
"type":"Substantiv, feminin",
"Empfangsbescheinigung, -best\u00e4tigung":[
"jemandem eine Quittung [f\u00fcr/\u00fcber 100 Euro] ausstellen, geben",
"etwas nur gegen Quittung abgeben",
"etwas nur gegen Quittung abgeben"
"unangenehme Folgen, die sich [als Reaktion anderer] aus jemandes Verhalten ergeben":[
"das ist die Quittung f\u00fcr deine Faulheit",
"das ist die Quittung f\u00fcr deine Faulheit"
@ -1137,7 +1068,7 @@
"sp\u00e4tmittelhochdeutsch quit(t)unge"
"type":"schwaches Verb",
@ -1173,7 +1104,7 @@
"type":"schwaches Verb",
@ -1195,15 +1126,9 @@
"aus dem Niederdeutschen, lautmalend"
"zum Quieken [sein] (umgangssprachlich:",
"zum Quieken [sein] (umgangssprachlich: piepen )"
@ -1221,19 +1146,17 @@
"mit gro\u00dfen Qualen verbunden":[
"ein langsamer, qualvoller Tod",
"elend und qualvoll zugrunde gehen",
"elend und qualvoll zugrunde gehen"
"mit qu\u00e4lender Angst, Ungewissheit, Unruhe o.\u00a0\u00c4. einhergehend":[
"qualvolles Warten",
"mit qu\u00e4lender Angst, Ungewissheit, Unruhe o. \u00c4. einhergehend":[
"qualvolles Warten"
@ -1244,31 +1167,26 @@
"type":"Substantiv, maskulin",
"(Ungeduld oder \u00c4rger hervorrufende) als dumm, ungereimt angesehene \u00c4u\u00dferung[en]":[
"Quatsch erz\u00e4hlen, verzapfen",
"Quatsch erz\u00e4hlen, verzapfen"
"als falsch, un\u00fcberlegt, unklug angesehene Handlung, Verhaltensweise; Torheit":[
"Quatsch [mit So\u00dfe]! (emotional verst\u00e4rkend: Entgegnung, mit der etwas zur\u00fcckgewiesen werden soll)",
"Quatsch [mit So\u00dfe]! (emotional verst\u00e4rkend: Entgegnung, mit der etwas zur\u00fcckgewiesen werden soll)"
"harmloser Unfug; Alberei, Jux":[
"hier habe ich Quatsch gemacht (mich geirrt, etwas falsch gemacht)",
"hier habe ich Quatsch gemacht (mich geirrt, etwas falsch gemacht)"
"etwas, was als wertlos, \u00fcberfl\u00fcssig, l\u00e4ppisch, l\u00e4stig angesehen wird":[
"die Kinder haben den ganzen Nachmittag nichts als Quatsch gemacht",
"ich habe das nur aus Quatsch (zum Spa\u00df) gesagt",
"ich habe das nur aus Quatsch (zum Spa\u00df) gesagt"
"f\u00fcr so einen Quatsch gebe ich doch kein Geld aus",
"f\u00fcr so einen Quatsch gebe ich doch kein Geld aus"
@ -1282,13 +1200,9 @@
"quatschen (1)"
"Quatsch [mit So\u00dfe]! (emotional verst\u00e4rkend: Entgegnung, mit der etwas zur\u00fcckgewiesen werden soll)"
"Quatsch [mit So\u00dfe]! (emotional verst\u00e4rkend: Entgegnung, mit der etwas zur\u00fcckgewiesen werden soll)"
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -26,6 +26,6 @@
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Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
": an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time : age":[
"I haven't seen him in eons ."
": a very large division of geologic time usually longer than an era":[
"the Archean eon"
": a unit of geologic time equal to one billion years":[]
"it's been aeons since I saw a movie at the multiplex",
"glaciers that formed aeons ago"
": a shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena":[],
": protection":[
"under the aegis of the Constitution"
": controlling or conditioning (see condition entry 2 sense 5a ) influence":[
"passed new laws under the aegis of national security"
": auspices , sponsorship":[
"under the aegis of the museum"
": control or guidance especially by an individual, group, or system":[
"under the aegis of the government"
"also \u02c8\u0101-",
"having no claim to the land under the aegis of the law, the cattle baron decided to claim it by force",
"a medical study that was questioned by many because it was done under the aegis of a major pharmaceutical company",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Tonight\u2019s late-night troika represents a big achievement for ViacomCBS, which has worked to demonstrate the broader portfolio of content under its aegis since the former CBS Corp. rejoined its corporate sibling, Viacom Inc., in 2019. \u2014 Brian Steinberg, Variety , 15 Dec. 2021",
"The Marion County Public Health Department, which like Eskenazi Health falls under the aegis of the Health and Hospitals Corporation, will also have space on site. \u2014 Shari Rudavsky, The Indianapolis Star , 9 June 2022",
"Although the awards are given in the name of the city, and under the aegis of its Housing Commission, all the money involved is collected from private donations. \u2014 Lola Sherman, San Diego Union-Tribune , 5 June 2022",
"When more than a hundred countries, initially meeting under the aegis of the United Nations, negotiated a treaty to phase out persistent organic pollutants, including pesticides, their final treaty created an exception for DDT. \u2014 Scott W. Stern, The New Republic , 31 May 2022",
"The ARCA Midwest Tour, Super Late Model racing series under the aegis of the Automobile Racing Club of America, heats up the Milwaukee Mile at Wisconsin State Fair Park on June 19. \u2014 Chris Foran, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , 25 May 2022",
"The incentive scheme will be administered by India\u2019s Film Facilitation Office (FFO), which operates under the aegis of the National Film Development Corporation. \u2014 Naman Ramachandran, Variety , 18 May 2022",
"These are hallmarks of a 21st century vaccine, one that was developed and tested under the aegis of Operation Warp Speed. \u2014 Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times , 16 May 2022",
"All of this is under the aegis of free speech, organized as correcting for wokeness and cancel culture. \u2014 David Marchese, New York Times , 1 May 2022"
"borrowed from Latin, borrowed from Greek aig\u00eds \"goatskin, mantle of Zeus,\" derivative of aig-, a\u00edx \"goat\"; akin to Armenian aic \"goat\" (perhaps going back to Indo-European *h 2 eig\u0301-ih 2 - ), and perhaps to Avestan iza\u0113na \"of leather\"":""
"15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful",
": artistic",
": pleasing in appearance : attractive",
": appreciative of, responsive to, or zealous about the beautiful",
": responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses",
": done or made to improve a person's appearance or to correct defects in a person's appearance",
": a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beauty",
": a particular theory or conception of beauty or art : a particular taste for or approach to what is pleasing to the senses and especially sight",
": a pleasing appearance or effect : beauty",
": relating to beauty and what is beautiful",
": done or made to improve a person's appearance or to correct defects in a person's appearance"
"British usually",
"British usually",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective",
"The campus is also home to GM's Additive Industrialization Center, which opened in 2020 to pioneer GM's initiatives to 3D-print functional and aesthetic components for its vehicles. \u2014 Sasha Richie, Car and Driver , 16 June 2022",
"Added to the proceedings are artists who didn\u2019t record for Black Fire but represented the same era, ethos and aesthetic . \u2014 Michael J. West, Washington Post , 9 June 2022",
"Surgery could have been fully covered by her insurance provider in the U.S., but the GCS technique developed by Dr. Suporn \u2014 the Chonburi flap method \u2014 is known to produce excellent aesthetic and functional results. \u2014 Mailee Osten-tan, Longreads , 8 June 2022",
"But the campaign is not only about aesthetic and moral values -- there is an ideological component as well. \u2014 Nectar Gan, CNN , 30 May 2022",
"The idea was to make a film that had an aesthetic and a cinematic dimension. \u2014 Elsa Keslassy, Variety , 28 May 2022",
"This extra feature focuses on designing the muscle car aesthetic and Mad Max engines, but that sensibility plus the final result on camera was pure Christine. \u2014 Mark Hughes, Forbes , 27 May 2022",
"Faced with that void, Selin interrogates aesthetic and social boundaries. \u2014 Lauren Leblanc, , 19 May 2022",
"Smith explains Marmo\u2019s elegant aesthetic and lively atmosphere sets it apart from Houston\u2019s existing Italian outposts. \u2014 Megha Mcswain, Chron , 12 May 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"The aesthetic is a nod to the New England waterfront and history from the glacial era, when ice transported massive rocks across land. \u2014 Shirley Leung, , 14 June 2022",
"The aesthetic is pitch-perfect for the noir-y tale Spielberg is telling. \u2014 David Sims, The Atlantic , 14 June 2022",
"That whimsical aesthetic is nothing new for the rising style star. \u2014 Christian Allaire, Vogue , 6 June 2022",
"The streamlined aesthetic is stylish, yet streamlined enough to match just about any outfit. \u2014 Mike Richard, Men's Health , 17 May 2022",
"With the exception of old standbys like Adirondack chairs and wicker settees, the current aesthetic of most outdoor furnishings is sleekly minimal, with sharp angles and unforgiving forms. \u2014 Michelle Slatalla, WSJ , 17 May 2022",
"This in-house aesthetic has been a constant throughout Sheer Mag\u2019s career. \u2014 Matt Wake |, al , 18 Feb. 2022",
"This cold press juicer ticks a lot of boxes beyond its sleek aesthetic . \u2014 Brigitt Earley, Good Housekeeping , 31 May 2022",
"The sleek, jet-black aesthetic also makes these the most luxurious and sophisticated steak knives on this list. \u2014 Mike Richard, Men's Health , 16 May 2022"
"1797, in the meaning defined at sense 1a",
"1822, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
": of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful",
": artistic",
": pleasing in appearance : attractive",
": appreciative of, responsive to, or zealous about the beautiful",
": responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses",
": done or made to improve a person's appearance or to correct defects in a person's appearance",
": a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beauty",
": a particular theory or conception of beauty or art : a particular taste for or approach to what is pleasing to the senses and especially sight",
": a pleasing appearance or effect : beauty",
": relating to beauty and what is beautiful",
": done or made to improve a person's appearance or to correct defects in a person's appearance"
"British usually",
"British usually",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective",
"The campus is also home to GM's Additive Industrialization Center, which opened in 2020 to pioneer GM's initiatives to 3D-print functional and aesthetic components for its vehicles. \u2014 Sasha Richie, Car and Driver , 16 June 2022",
"Added to the proceedings are artists who didn\u2019t record for Black Fire but represented the same era, ethos and aesthetic . \u2014 Michael J. West, Washington Post , 9 June 2022",
"Surgery could have been fully covered by her insurance provider in the U.S., but the GCS technique developed by Dr. Suporn \u2014 the Chonburi flap method \u2014 is known to produce excellent aesthetic and functional results. \u2014 Mailee Osten-tan, Longreads , 8 June 2022",
"But the campaign is not only about aesthetic and moral values -- there is an ideological component as well. \u2014 Nectar Gan, CNN , 30 May 2022",
"The idea was to make a film that had an aesthetic and a cinematic dimension. \u2014 Elsa Keslassy, Variety , 28 May 2022",
"This extra feature focuses on designing the muscle car aesthetic and Mad Max engines, but that sensibility plus the final result on camera was pure Christine. \u2014 Mark Hughes, Forbes , 27 May 2022",
"Faced with that void, Selin interrogates aesthetic and social boundaries. \u2014 Lauren Leblanc, , 19 May 2022",
"Smith explains Marmo\u2019s elegant aesthetic and lively atmosphere sets it apart from Houston\u2019s existing Italian outposts. \u2014 Megha Mcswain, Chron , 12 May 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"The aesthetic is a nod to the New England waterfront and history from the glacial era, when ice transported massive rocks across land. \u2014 Shirley Leung, , 14 June 2022",
"The aesthetic is pitch-perfect for the noir-y tale Spielberg is telling. \u2014 David Sims, The Atlantic , 14 June 2022",
"That whimsical aesthetic is nothing new for the rising style star. \u2014 Christian Allaire, Vogue , 6 June 2022",
"The streamlined aesthetic is stylish, yet streamlined enough to match just about any outfit. \u2014 Mike Richard, Men's Health , 17 May 2022",
"With the exception of old standbys like Adirondack chairs and wicker settees, the current aesthetic of most outdoor furnishings is sleekly minimal, with sharp angles and unforgiving forms. \u2014 Michelle Slatalla, WSJ , 17 May 2022",
"This in-house aesthetic has been a constant throughout Sheer Mag\u2019s career. \u2014 Matt Wake |, al , 18 Feb. 2022",
"This cold press juicer ticks a lot of boxes beyond its sleek aesthetic . \u2014 Brigitt Earley, Good Housekeeping , 31 May 2022",
"The sleek, jet-black aesthetic also makes these the most luxurious and sophisticated steak knives on this list. \u2014 Mike Richard, Men's Health , 16 May 2022"
"1797, in the meaning defined at sense 1a",
"1822, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
": one having or affecting sensitivity to the beautiful especially in art":[]
"British usually \u02c8\u0113s-"
"He regards art critics as a bunch of pretentious aesthetes .",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Or that having those organs removed through surgery has become, for a creepy rebel aesthete named Saul Tenser (Viggo Mortensen), a species of performance art? \u2014 Owen Gleiberman, Variety , 23 May 2022",
"Drawing on the most up-to-date manuscript discoveries and scholarship, Sturgis delivers the fullest one-volume account of the iconic fin-de-si\u00e8cle writer, aesthete , wit and gay martyr. \u2014 Washington Post , 18 Nov. 2021",
"Wondering how to shop for the aesthete who is always going on about clean lines, symmetries and scale? \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 4 Nov. 2021",
"While Le Corbusier was interested in reimagining practical dwellings for the masses (some of his most important projects were public housing developments), Mallet-Stevens was a pure aesthete . \u2014 New York Times , 11 Oct. 2021",
"An ambitious aesthete who\u2019s worked with words and images alike, Niquet leapt at the creative endeavor. \u2014 Zoe Ruffner, Vogue , 11 Oct. 2021",
"Povey, an aesthete with money troubles, sent the kneeling statues to Blathwayt. \u2014 Sam Knight, The New Yorker , 16 Aug. 2021",
"This attitude is exemplified by a new hotel, Piaule Catskill, which would satisfy any aesthete \u2019s appetite. \u2014 Sarah Spelling, Vogue , 21 July 2021",
"For Proust, there was no hypocrisy in the exquisite aesthete who wants to be roughed up or even in that of the family man who achieves climax by cursing his family (a specific case known to him). \u2014 Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker , 3 May 2021"
"probably derivative of aesthetic entry 1 or aesthetics , on the model of athletics : athlete and similar pairs":""
"1866, in the meaning defined above":""
"aesthetic distance":{
": the frame of reference that an artist creates by the use of technical devices in and around the work of art to differentiate it psychologically from reality":[]
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Rather, the turquoise frock coat takes the leopard\u2019s spots and abstracts them into a fascinating pattern that remains at an aesthetic distance from the creature that inspired it. \u2014 Rebecca Mead, The New Yorker , 21 Mar. 2022",
"It\u2019s as if the turmoil of recent years had prompted her to abandon aesthetic distance and enter the melee of the real. \u2014 Alex Ross, The New Yorker , 19 July 2021",
"Palm Beach, roughly the same physical and aesthetic distance from Miami as the Hamptons are from Manhattan, was already the winter home of Wall Street grandees as well as whoever wanted to cozy up at Mar-a-Lago. \u2014 Bill Kearney, Curbed , 16 Mar. 2021"
"1867, in the meaning defined above":""
"Definition of aesthesis variant spelling of esthesis"
": of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful":[
"aesthetic theories"
": artistic":[
"a work of aesthetic value"
": pleasing in appearance : attractive":[
"\u2026 easy-to-use keyboards, clear graphics, and other ergonomic and aesthetic features \u2026",
"\u2014 Mark Mehler"
": done or made to improve a person's appearance or to correct defects in a person's appearance":[
"aesthetic plastic surgery"
": a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beauty":[],
": a particular theory or conception of beauty or art : a particular taste for or approach to what is pleasing to the senses and especially sight":[
"modernist aesthetics",
"staging new ballets which reflected the aesthetic of the new nation",
"\u2014 Mary Clarke & Clement Crisp"
": a pleasing appearance or effect : beauty":[
"appreciated the aesthetics of the gemstones"
"es-\u02c8the-tik, British usually \u0113s-",
"British usually \u0113s-",
"My generation has an annoying penchant for treating luxuries as necessities and turning guilty pleasures into aesthetic and even moral touchstones. \u2014 Terrence Rafferty , GQ , October 1997",
"Whereas the essence of Proust's aesthetic position was contained in the deceptively simple yet momentous assertion that \"a picture's beauty does not depend on the things portrayed in it.\" \u2014 Alain de Botton , How Proust Can Change Your Life , 1997",
"I suppose that jazz listening and prizefight watching are my two most passionate avocations, and this is largely so because the origins of my aesthetic urges are in the black working class. \u2014 Gerald Early , \"The Passing of Jazz's Old Guard: \u2026 ,\" in The Best American Essays 1986 , Elizabeth Hardwick & Robert Atwan, editors , 1986",
"There are practical as well as aesthetic reasons for planting trees.",
"making aesthetic improvements to the building",
"Aesthetics is an important part of Greek philosophy.",
"the aesthetics of the gemstones",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective",
"The publishing veteran will steer the brand\u2019s design and aesthetic across all editorial platforms, reporting to Variety incoming co-editor-in-chief Ramin Setoodeh and co-editor-in-chief Cynthia Littleton. \u2014 William Earl, Variety , 23 June 2022",
"Tournebize profiles leaders in Venice\u2019s cultural and aesthetic scenes, such as design architect Carlo Scarpa, architect Philippe Starck and art collector Peggy Guggenheim. \u2014 Laura Manske, Forbes , 26 May 2022",
"The title is a direct reference to S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard\u2019s 1843 philosophical examination of the conflict between an ethical or aesthetic life. \u2014 Lauren Leblanc, , 19 May 2022",
"Aside from those practical and aesthetic differences, there\u2019s also a subtler perk: Wearing a dartless jacket amid a sea of darts can simply set the wearer apart. \u2014 Eric Twardzik, Robb Report , 6 Apr. 2022",
"Nothing about Doom's aesthetic or clunky military base textures has ever suggested the kind of lens flare that would make J.J. Abrams perk up in his director's chair. \u2014 Sam Machkovech, Ars Technica , 1 Apr. 2022",
"The campus is also home to GM's Additive Industrialization Center, which opened in 2020 to pioneer GM's initiatives to 3D-print functional and aesthetic components for its vehicles. \u2014 Sasha Richie, Car and Driver , 16 June 2022",
"Added to the proceedings are artists who didn\u2019t record for Black Fire but represented the same era, ethos and aesthetic . \u2014 Michael J. West, Washington Post , 9 June 2022",
"Surgery could have been fully covered by her insurance provider in the U.S., but the GCS technique developed by Dr. Suporn \u2014 the Chonburi flap method \u2014 is known to produce excellent aesthetic and functional results. \u2014 Mailee Osten-tan, Longreads , 8 June 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"While attending the Season 4 premiere of Westworld, the actress aced the show's futuristic aesthetic by wearing an iridescent nude gown from Interior. \u2014 Melody Leibner, Harper's BAZAAR , 23 June 2022",
"Besides the uniforms' aesthetic , the Pats boasted a 9-3 record when wearing the uniform during that time frame. \u2014 Toyloy Brown Iii, USA TODAY , 22 June 2022",
"Shoppers were looking for that unsung early 2000s aesthetic . \u2014 Liana Satenstein, Vogue , 13 June 2022",
"Studio Cooke John\u2019s current residential projects run the gamut from a townhouse renovation on Manhattan\u2019s Upper East Side to a ground-up oasis in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, both of which showcase her signature modern aesthetic . \u2014 Carly Olson, ELLE Decor , 13 June 2022",
"For this project, the clients loved elements of our past work but tweaked them and lightened up the colors to better suit their design aesthetic . \u2014 Ann Abel, House Beautiful , 7 June 2022",
"In the photos, Schumer rocked a red, 60s-style dress with white piping to match the hotel's red and white aesthetic . \u2014 Stacey Leasca, Travel + Leisure , 6 June 2022",
"Cape Town, with its particular topography, sandwiched between mountain and sea, and buffeted by two different seasonal winds, acted as an incubator for SAOTA's aesthetic . \u2014 CNN , 1 June 2022",
"MS Team got this treatment with the release of the excellent Ground Gundam, a fan favorite and a classic in terms of interpreting the Gundam aesthetic in a more military way. \u2014 Ollie Barder, Forbes , 1 June 2022"
"borrowed from German \u00e4sthetisch \"pertaining to taste or discernment,\" borrowed from New Latin aestheticus, borrowed from Greek aisth\u0113tik\u00f3s \"of sense perception, sensitive, perceptive,\" from aisth\u0113t\u00f3s \"sensible, perceptible\" (verbal adjective of aisth\u00e1nomai, aisth\u00e1nesthai \"to perceive, take notice of, understand,\" going back to *awis-t h -, from *awis-, base of Greek a\u00ef\u0301ein \"to perceive, hear\" + -t h -, resultative noun suffix) + -ikos -ic entry 1 \u2014 more at audible entry 1":"Adjective",
"borrowed from German \u00c4sthetik, borrowed from New Latin aesthetica, from feminine of aestheticus aesthetic entry 1 \u2014 more at -ics":"Noun"
"1797, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Adjective",
"1822, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun"
"\u2014 see esthesio-"
": a specialist in aesthetics (see aesthetic entry 2 sense 1 )":[
"Encountering such designs, we have the aestheticians to tell us that they are rhythmic ways of filling space and of pleasing the eye.",
"\u2014 Guy Davenpo",
"For the aesthetician , wildlife art is an enigma of stability in a century of ever-changing trends.",
"\u2014 Chuck Wechsler"
": a person licensed to provide cosmetic skin care treatments and services (such as facials, hair removal, and makeup application)":[
"In a dark booth at the back of the beauty salon, the aesthetician put me on a table and applied a series of ointments to my face, some cool, some warmed.",
"\u2014 Phyllis Rose",
"But instead of hot wax, the aesthetician smooths a heated preparation of sugar, lemon juice, water, and sometimes glycerin over the skin before pulling it off with either her fingers or a strip of cloth.",
"\u2014 Valerie Monroe"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"As seen on his TikTok account, @thelocalskindealer, Wright is the rare aesthetician who can actually keep up with his clients' moves. \u2014 Christian Cody, Allure , 12 Apr. 2022",
"Marcelin said her clients have come from as far as Vermont to receive services from a Black aesthetician . \u2014 , 13 Oct. 2021",
"For stubborn pore issues, Barczewska recommends seeing an aesthetician for a facial or a pore-specific treatment every four to six weeks. \u2014 Jessica Teich, Good Housekeeping , 29 May 2020",
"Usually done by a massage therapist, aesthetician , or holistic healer, the treatment is inspired by ancient Ayurvedic well-being principles that are believed to promote overall health in the body. \u2014 Audrey Noble, Allure , 3 Feb. 2020",
"Shannon Lee, an aesthetician in New York City who recently opened her own practice, spent days setting up new online booking and payment systems. \u2014 Jacob Stern, The Atlantic , 24 Apr. 2020",
"In his April 20 announcement, Kemp also allowed gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbers, cosmetologists, hair designers, nail care artists, aestheticians , their respective schools and massage therapists to reopen Friday. \u2014 Lorenzo Reyes, USA TODAY , 27 Apr. 2020",
"According to Forbes, the 153 employees on furlough include 32 servers, 19 valet attendants, 11 dishwashers, 1 aesthetician , an executive assistant and the director of tennis. \u2014 Breanna Edwards, Essence , 20 Apr. 2020",
"Below, celebrity aesthetician Karee Hays and founder and CEO of Shiffa Beauty, Lamees Hamdan, M.D., break things down step by step. \u2014 Sarah Wu, Glamour , 7 Apr. 2020"
"aesthetic(s) + -ian entry 1":""
"1829, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
"Definition of aesthenosphere variant spelling of asthenosphere"
"Definition of aesthacyte variant spelling of esthacyte"
"aes signatum":{
": ancient bronze money of Rome and Italy usually in the form of a barand stamped with an animal figure":[]
"Latin, literally, marked bronze":""
"1872, in the meaning defined above":""
"aes rude":{
": ancient money of Rome and Italy consisting of rough masses of bronze with no markings":[]
"Latin, literally, crude bronze":""
"circa 1736, in the meaning defined above":""
": a doctrine that the principles of beauty are basic to other and especially moral principles":[],
": devotion to or emphasis on beauty or the cultivation of the arts":[]
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"But that quasi-documentary principle also puts his willful aestheticism under sharp scrutiny. \u2014 Richard Brody, The New Yorker , 11 May 2022",
"Mandel infuses her novel with traditional aestheticism . \u2014 Katy Waldman, The New Yorker , 13 Jan. 2022",
"The line is also the perfect tag for the provocateur\u2019s particular brand of 20th-century aestheticism . \u2014 New York Times , 17 Feb. 2022",
"The movie\u2019s sublime aestheticism contrasts ironically with the degradation resulting from Biswambhar\u2019s passion for music. \u2014 Richard Brody, The New Yorker , 3 Nov. 2021",
"Kandinsky, determined to counter French aestheticism with modes that were both earthier and less tied to observation, quickly attracted allies and followers. \u2014 Peter Schjeldahl, The New Yorker , 8 Nov. 2021",
"There\u2019s an ethical heft in the sacrifice, shaming mere aestheticism . \u2014 Peter Schjeldahl, The New Yorker , 18 Oct. 2021",
"The 20-something Wilde had earlier perfected the delivery of his pronouncements \u2014 the slow enunciation, the casual hand gesture \u2014 while lecturing on aestheticism and home decoration in America. \u2014 Washington Post , 13 Oct. 2021",
"His practices\u2014blending documentary and aestheticism , subjectivity and classicism\u2014also made his characters\u2019 romantic doings seem deceptively frivolous, their intellectual disputations ironically austere. \u2014 Richard Brody, The New Yorker , 20 Mar. 2020"
"aesthetic entry 1 + -ism":""
"1843, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
"Aesop prawn":{
": a small decapod crustacean of the genus Hippolyte":[],
": a small humpbacked prawn ( Periclimenes aesopius )":[]
"New Latin aesopius , literally, Aesopian (specific epithet of Periclimenes aesopius ), from Latin Aesopus ; from the belief that Aesop was humpbacked":""
"1897, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": to make aesthetic":[]
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Kvedaravi\u010dius, as a filmmaker, doesn\u2019t aestheticize the war. \u2014 Owen Gleiberman, Variety , 20 May 2022",
"This extinction engine does not sentimentalize or aestheticize the materials of the world. \u2014 Anne Boyer, Harper's Magazine , 27 Apr. 2021",
"This includes not only his detractors but also many of his extremely online supporters, who lovingly aestheticize his hair and meme him as an action hero. \u2014 Spencer Kornhaber, The Atlantic , 30 Oct. 2020"
"aesthetic entry 1 + -ize":""
"1864, in the meaning defined above":""
": of, relating to, or characteristic of Aesop or his fables":[],
": conveying an innocent meaning to an outsider but a hidden meaning to a member of a conspiracy or underground movement":[
"Aesopian language"
"Aesopian, from Latin Aes\u014dp\u012bus (borrowed from Greek Ais\u014d\u0301peios \"of Aesop, legendary Greek fabulist,\" derivative of A\u00eds\u014dpos, Aesop) + -an entry 2 ; Aesopic borrowed from Late Latin Aes\u014dpicus, borrowed from Greek Ais\u014dpik\u00f3s, from A\u00eds\u014dpos, Aesop + -ikos -ic entry 1":""
"1728, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
"aesthetic movement":{
": a late nineteenth-century artistic movement originating in England that promoted the appreciation and production of art for art's sake : a movement advocating aestheticism"
"1879, in the meaning defined above"
"biographical name"
"Greek fabulist; probably legendary"
"plural noun"
": the principal race of Norse gods":[]
"borrowed from Old Norse \u00c6sir, plural of \u00e1ss \"(pagan) god, member of the Aesir,\" going back to Germanic *ansu-":""
"1782, in the meaning defined above":""
"aesthetic truth":{
": normative truth":[]
"1840, in the meaning defined above":""
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": to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise":[
"oohing and aahing at the fireworks"
"anno hegirae":[],
"arts and humanities":[]
"come on",
"my word",
"ah \u2014so that's the way it is!",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Interjection",
"And truthfully, being out in front of the people for those six weeks was just, ah , my God, such a Calgon bath. \u2014 Bethonie Butler, Washington Post , 17 June 2022",
"Sarah has just moved from Manchester, N.H., to the smaller Bedford, and in addition to her, ah , precocious vocabulary, she is afflicted with that bedwetting problem. \u2014 Charles Isherwood, WSJ , 9 June 2022",
"Another ah -ha moment for employers is that Gen-Z truly is a unique generation. \u2014 Mark C. Perna, Forbes , 8 June 2021",
"Aerosmith started whatever day Steven walked in the door, says Joe Perry, his Boston accent flattening those r\u2019s into ah \u2019s. \u2014 Sarah Grant, SPIN , 31 Mar. 2022",
"Growing in the bark is a welcome but unidentified succulent and ah unwelcome, annoying grass (the reason for weeding). \u2014 oregonlive , 26 Mar. 2022",
"The different clips stitched together show the model in a pink velvet bathing suit ( ah , a true sign of an L.A. winter) with frosty pink eye makeup and matching pink butterfly clips pulling her hair back from her face. \u2014 Addison Aloian, Allure , 3 Mar. 2022",
"Let passing motorists ooh and ah over this giant inflatable version of your most base, primal desires! \u2014 Johanna Gohmann, The New Yorker , 23 Dec. 2021",
"The film, which centers on a band of survivors trying to outlast a zombie outbreak ( ah , that old chestnut!), was a rather modest affair. \u2014 Brent Lang, Variety , 26 Nov. 2021"
"Middle English":"Interjection"
"1509, in the meaning defined above":"Interjection"
"abbreviation or noun",
": alpha hydroxy acid":[]
"come on",
"my word",
"aha ! so the money was never missing in the first place!",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Interjection",
"Take Ashley Cimone and Moya Annece for example: the two best friends experienced a joint \u2018 aha \u2019 moment while on a trip to India that resulted in creating their luxury accessories brand, ASHYA. \u2014 Greg Emmanuel, Essence , 3 Jan. 2022",
"What was the \u2018 aha \u2019 moment that drove you to quit your job and travel? \u2014 Jasmine Browley, Essence , 14 Dec. 2021",
"To start, aha ! will fly each route three times per week using 50-seat Embraer ERJ145 regional jets. \u2014 Alison Fox, Travel + Leisure , 5 Oct. 2021",
"Based on the popular Israeli format originally created by Assi Azar, aha \u2019s Telugu adaptation is produced by Annapurna Studios and directed by Jonathan Edwards. \u2014 Naman Ramachandran, Variety , 9 Sep. 2021",
"At every crossroads, there was a pathway, a coach, an environment contributing to aha moments. \u2014 David Woods, The Indianapolis Star , 7 Aug. 2021",
"There was no singular \u2018 aha \u2019 moment that compelled Mark Harlan to fire Larry Krystkowiak late Tuesday afternoon. \u2014 Josh Newman, The Salt Lake Tribune , 17 Mar. 2021",
"Those who like to read between the lines might say, aha , there\u2019s your starting five. \u2014 oregonlive , 22 Oct. 2020",
"Aha , here's a whole other way to look at this problem.' \u2014 Domenica Bongiovanni, Indianapolis Star , 23 June 2017"
"Middle English":"Interjection"
"14th century, in the meaning defined above":"Interjection",
"1991, in the meaning defined above":"Noun"
": to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise":[
"oohing and aahing at the fireworks"
"anno hegirae":[],
"arts and humanities":[]
"come on",
"my word",
"ah \u2014so that's the way it is!",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Interjection",
"And truthfully, being out in front of the people for those six weeks was just, ah , my God, such a Calgon bath. \u2014 Bethonie Butler, Washington Post , 17 June 2022",
"Sarah has just moved from Manchester, N.H., to the smaller Bedford, and in addition to her, ah , precocious vocabulary, she is afflicted with that bedwetting problem. \u2014 Charles Isherwood, WSJ , 9 June 2022",
"Another ah -ha moment for employers is that Gen-Z truly is a unique generation. \u2014 Mark C. Perna, Forbes , 8 June 2021",
"Aerosmith started whatever day Steven walked in the door, says Joe Perry, his Boston accent flattening those r\u2019s into ah \u2019s. \u2014 Sarah Grant, SPIN , 31 Mar. 2022",
"Growing in the bark is a welcome but unidentified succulent and ah unwelcome, annoying grass (the reason for weeding). \u2014 oregonlive , 26 Mar. 2022",
"The different clips stitched together show the model in a pink velvet bathing suit ( ah , a true sign of an L.A. winter) with frosty pink eye makeup and matching pink butterfly clips pulling her hair back from her face. \u2014 Addison Aloian, Allure , 3 Mar. 2022",
"Let passing motorists ooh and ah over this giant inflatable version of your most base, primal desires! \u2014 Johanna Gohmann, The New Yorker , 23 Dec. 2021",
"The film, which centers on a band of survivors trying to outlast a zombie outbreak ( ah , that old chestnut!), was a rather modest affair. \u2014 Brent Lang, Variety , 26 Nov. 2021"
"Middle English":"Interjection"
"1509, in the meaning defined above":"Interjection"
"ahead of":{
": in front or advance of",
": in excess of",
": in front of",
": earlier than",
": having a lead over"
"previous to",
"prior to",
"1613, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"ahead of one's/its time":{
": too advanced or modern to be understood or appreciated during the time when one lives or works":[
"As a director, he was ahead of his time . His movies are now regarded as classics, but they were unpopular when he made them."
"ahead of one's time":{
": too advanced or modern to be understood or appreciated":[
"As a poet, he was ahead of his time ."
"ahead of schedule":{
": earlier than planned":[
"We finished ahead of schedule ."
": doing or finishing something earlier than planned":[
"The builders came in ahead of schedule , and we are now able to move in."
"ahead of the curve":{
": faster about doing something than other people, companies, etc."
"ahead of the game":{
": in a position or situation in which one is likely to succeed, win, etc.":[
"The company has stayed ahead of the game by meeting new government standards before they go into effect."
"ahead of time":{
": at an earlier or previous time : in advance : beforehand"
"adverb or adjective"
": in a forward direction or position : forward",
": in front",
": in, into, or for the future",
": in or toward a more advantageous position",
": at or to an earlier time : in advance",
": in or into a leading position in a race or competition",
": in or into the situation of having thrown more strikes than balls to a batter",
": in or into the situation of having a count of more balls than strikes",
": in or toward the front",
": into or for the future"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Quite the contrary: The fundamentals suggest values will still be rising at the close of 2022, and keep slogging ahead through next year. \u2014 Shawn Tully, Fortune , 26 June 2022",
"Clinics in other states, like North Dakota and Idaho, were pressing ahead with services before more state bans took effect, typically in a matter of days or weeks. \u2014 Jennifer Calfas, WSJ , 26 June 2022",
"Lawmakers in Albany, however, are charging ahead in an attempt to rein in crisis pregnancy centers. \u2014 New York Times , 25 June 2022",
"But the others in my group must be waiting ahead at a tent camp. \u2014 Carl Nolte, San Francisco Chronicle , 25 June 2022",
"Verdugo, ahead in the count, 2-0, hammered Bieber 81 mph knuckle curve into the seats in right center for a 3-2 lead. \u2014 Paul Hoynes, cleveland , 25 June 2022",
"Explore opportunities to add this to the next budget cycle and start planning ahead . \u2014 Mari Carmen Pizarro, Forbes , 24 June 2022",
"Now, having toured with Snoh Aalegra and with more live dates ahead , the artist is nothing but excited for what\u2019s still to come. \u2014 Fred Sahai, Billboard , 24 June 2022",
"Smart shoppers, this is also your moment to think ahead and recharge your sweater collection before those cool breezes start whipping in. \u2014 Alexis Bennett, Vogue , 24 June 2022"
"1568, in the meaning defined at sense 1a"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
": having or suffering from an illness or injury":[
"providing care for his ailing mother",
"trying to rest her ailing knee/back",
"a person in ailing health",
"\u2014 often used figuratively an ailing company an ailing economy"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Ted Taylor, a chatty teacher at Cedar Hills High School and volunteer chaplain at the Orem Fire Department, hopes state leaders find a solution to the ailing Great Salt Lake. \u2014 The Salt Lake Tribune , 24 June 2022",
"Donigan has a plan to put the ailing pharmacy chain back on track. \u2014 Sheryl Estrada, Fortune , 15 June 2022",
"Through tokenization, coding is now creating new hybrid stock options for businesses and could offer a way forward for many ailing companies. \u2014 Ivan Burazin, Forbes , 7 June 2022",
"In the sixth, however, Jeimer Candelario \u2014 who entered in the third for an ailing Robbie Grossman \u2014 connected with a 79.5 mph curveball from McKenzie for a line-drive solo homer to right. \u2014 Ryan Ford, Detroit Free Press , 29 May 2022",
"Phoebe inexplicably pressures Emma to visit their ailing mother, who\u2019s been locked away in a sanitarium since her homicidal breakdown. \u2014 Washington Post , 21 Apr. 2022",
"At the time, Luma and government officials said the company was well positioned to tap some $9.5 billion in federal money to repair the notoriously aging and ailing system. \u2014 Jim Wyss, , 8 Apr. 2022",
"An ailing 78-year-old who spent 30 years on death row. \u2014 Chris Kenning, USA TODAY , 22 Apr. 2022",
"But its framing was a marked shift from the 2021 pitch for a fundamental transformation of an ailing American society. \u2014 New York Times , 28 Mar. 2022"
"from present participle of ail entry 1":""
"1598, in the meaning defined above":""
"transitive verb",
": to provide with what is useful or necessary in achieving an end":[
"aid a cause",
"aid a friend"
": to give assistance":[
"research that aided in the discovery of a new drug"
": the act of helping someone":[
"climbers in need of aid"
": aide":[
"worked as a teacher's aid"
": something by which assistance is given : an assisting device":[
"an aid to understanding",
"a visual aid"
"\u2014 see hearing aid":[
"an aid to understanding",
"a visual aid"
": a subsidy granted to the king by the English parliament until the 18th century for an extraordinary purpose":[],
": a tribute paid by a vassal to his lord":[],
"Agency for International Development":[],
"artificial insemination by donor":[]
"prop (up)",
"They gave money in order to aid the cause.",
"She aided them in their efforts.",
"He jumped into the water to aid the drowning child.",
"a home run that was aided by the wind",
"She aided the government in the attempt to fight illiteracy.",
"The project was completed with the aid of several students.",
"The work was done with the aid of a computer.",
"The government has given millions of dollars in economic aid to these nations.",
"She applied for financial aid in order to go to college.",
"The diagram is provided as an aid to understanding.",
"The computer is an aid to keeping costs down.",
"He teaches art with visual aids .",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhand pledged $10 million to immediately aid families in Paktika and Khost provinces. \u2014 John Bacon, USA TODAY , 22 June 2022",
"The gas tax increase emerged alongside calls from Indiana Democrats since March to suspend the tax to aid residents reeling from the worst inflation in 40 years. \u2014 Arleigh Rodgers, Chicago Tribune , 21 June 2022",
"Kiggans has also been boosted by the Winning for Women Action Fund, which launched a six-figure ad campaign last week to aid her campaign. \u2014 Mark Murray, NBC News , 21 June 2022",
"As a Native writer in Hollywood, I [have been called to aid ] white projects as the Native consultant. \u2014 Selome Hailu, Variety , 17 June 2022",
"As experienced personnel retires, fewer experts are around and aren\u2019t available to aid inexperienced personnel, as their time is spent elsewhere. \u2014 John Clemons, Forbes , 16 June 2022",
"This is a Google News Sitemap to aid Google News finding news on your website. \u2014 , 16 June 2022",
"The Noblesville school board hired University Search Team in February to aid the district in the search process. \u2014 Mj Slaby, The Indianapolis Star , 15 June 2022",
"OpenAI pilots self-critiquing A.I. systems to aid human evaluators. \u2014 Jeremy Kahn, Fortune , 14 June 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"As an on-campus housing option, a student's financial aid package can contribute to the cost of living at Trinity Woods. \u2014 Claire Reid, Journal Sentinel , 18 June 2022",
"The American aid package includes $350 million in rapid, off-the-shelf deliveries by the Pentagon and $650 million in other longer-term purchases. \u2014 Celina Tebor, USA TODAY , 17 June 2022",
"Davis also criticizes Miller for being the lone Illinois delegation member to vote against a $40 billion aid package to Ukraine and for not speaking out against Russian President Vladimir Putin\u2019s invasion and war. \u2014 Jeremy Gorner, Chicago Tribune , 17 June 2022",
"In the latest aid package, the U.S. will for the first time provide Ukraine with Harpoon antiship launchers, which defense officials said would arrive in roughly two months. \u2014 Daniel Michaels, WSJ , 15 June 2022",
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Biden for the new aid package. \u2014 John Leicester And Yuras Karmanau, Anchorage Daily News , 15 June 2022",
"Reflecting similar sentiments, 57 House Republicans voted against the Ukraine aid package, as did 11 Senate Republicans, including longtime anti-interventionist Rand Paul and upstarts Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton. \u2014 Jordan Michael Smith, The New Republic , 13 June 2022",
"The US$40 billion aid package recently signed by President Joe Biden includes $8.7 billion to replenish U.S. weapons stocks. \u2014 Terrence Guay, The Conversation , 7 June 2022",
"Since then, Biden\u2019s hallmark policy in the region \u2014 a $4 billion aid package to attack the root causes of migration in Central America \u2014 has stalled in Congress with no apparent effort to revive it. \u2014 Elliot Spagat, , 5 June 2022"
"Middle English eyden , from Anglo-French aider , from Latin adjutare , frequentative of adjuvare , from ad- + juvare to help":"Verb and Noun"
"15th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense":"Verb",
"15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 3":"Noun"
": a light breeze":[],
": breath":[],
": aircraft":[
"traveling by air"
": aviation":[
"air safety",
"air rights"
": air force":[
"air headquarters"
": airtime":[],
": outward appearance of a thing":[
"an air of luxury"
": a surrounding or pervading influence : atmosphere":[
"an air of mystery"
": the look, appearance, or bearing of a person especially as expressive of some personal quality or emotion : demeanor":[
"an air of dignity"
": an artificial or affected manner":[
"put on airs"
": nothingness":[
"\u2014 usually used in the phrases into thin air and out of thin air vanished/disappeared into thin air \u2026 nor did any of them seem to have noticed that six people had just melted into thin air in front of them. \u2014 J. K. Rowling \u2026 jobs can't just be created out of thin air . \u2014 The Wall Street Journal"
": empty space":[],
": a sudden severance of relations":[
"She gave me the air ."
": tune , melody":[
"a lilting air"
": the chief voice part or melody in choral music":[],
": an accompanied song or melody in usually strophic form":[],
": an air-conditioning system":[
"a house with central air"
": public utterance":[
"He gave air to his opinion."
": a football offense utilizing primarily the forward pass":[
"Trailing by 20 points, the team took to the air ."
": compressed air":[],
": being felt or expressed by many people : in wide circulation":[
"There was a sense of anticipation in the air ."
": not yet settled":[
"a question that's still up in the air"
": to expose to the air for drying, purifying, or refreshing : ventilate":[
"\u2014 often used with out He opened the windows to air out the room."
": to expose to public view or bring to public notice":[
"aired their complaints"
": to transmit by radio or television":[
"air a program"
": to become exposed to the open air":[
"The blankets were left outside to air ."
": to become broadcast":[
"a program that airs daily"
"\u02c8a(\u0259)r, \u02c8e(\u0259)r"
"synonym_discussion":"Choose the Right Synonym for air Noun pose , air , airs , affectation , mannerism mean an adopted way of speaking or behaving. pose implies an attitude deliberately assumed in order to impress others. her shyness was just a pose air may suggest natural acquirement through environment or way of life. a traveler's sophisticated air airs always implies artificiality and pretentiousness. snobbish airs affectation applies to a trick of speech or behavior that strikes the observer as insincere. the posh accent is an affectation mannerism applies to an acquired eccentricity that has become a habit. gesturing with a cigarette was her most noticeable mannerism Verb express , vent , utter , voice , broach , air mean to make known what one thinks or feels. express suggests an impulse to reveal in words, gestures, actions, or what one creates or produces. expressed her feelings in music vent stresses a strong inner compulsion to express especially in words. a tirade venting his frustration utter implies the use of the voice not necessarily in articulate speech. utter a groan voice does not necessarily imply vocal utterance but does imply expression or formulation in words. an editorial voicing their concerns broach adds the implication of disclosing for the first time something long thought over or reserved for a suitable occasion. broached the subject of a divorce air implies an exposing or parading of one's views often in order to gain relief or sympathy or attention. publicly airing their differences",
"These laws are meant to produce cleaner air .",
"A delicious smell filled the air .",
"I like to dine outdoors in the open air .",
"He can't breathe! Everybody move back and give him some air !",
"High in the mountains the air is thin and it can be hard to breathe.",
"He pumped air into the bicycle tire.",
"The city is wonderful seen from the air .",
"the fish of the sea and the birds of the air",
"The balloon rose up into the air and then floated through the air .",
"There has been heavy fighting on the ground and in the air .",
"The blankets were left outside to air .",
"She opened the windows to air the room.",
"The company had a meeting so that employees could air their complaints.",
"The interview will be aired tomorrow.",
"The interview will air tomorrow.",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"One of the larger campaign issues during last year\u2019s mayoral election was the emission of ethylene oxide (EtO) from Vantage Specialty, Inc., a chemical company based in Gurnee that was emitting the gas into the air . \u2014 Erin Yarnall, Chicago Tribune , 21 June 2022",
"Marques, whose works explore the stories of her Cuban ancestors, drops us into the darkest part of a fairy tale: Her bewitched or undead characters stride off into the air or open their arms helplessly. \u2014 Cate Mcquaid, , 21 June 2022",
"The blast flung his body into the air as his wife, child and a friend unpacked their bags on the shore. \u2014 Jennifer Hassan, Washington Post , 19 June 2022",
"After flinging itself into the air , the frog, about the size of a Skittle, tumbles and cartwheels before flopping to the ground on its back or belly, reports the Atlantic's Katherine J. Wu. \u2014 Elizabeth Gamillo, Smithsonian Magazine , 17 June 2022",
"Courtney hopped onto the shiny surface and laid flat on her stomach, then lifted her hips into the air and arched her back, staring into the camera on Nick\u2019s phone. \u2014 Kat Tenbarge, NBC News , 17 June 2022",
"While virtually ignored in the US until recently, the country\u2019s approximately 3,000 aviation airports are now the largest source of airborne lead in the US, pumping 468 tons into the air every year. \u2014 Quartz , 16 June 2022",
"Source, jamming, throws an uppercut into the air when a digital chime punctuates the bar. \u2014 Mankaprr Conteh, Rolling Stone , 15 June 2022",
"The older carriers, Liaoning and Shandong, use a ski ramp to launch jet fighters into the air . \u2014 Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics , 15 June 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"All 75 games of the 11-day competition will air live on ESPN networks or NBA TV. \u2014 Chris Fedor, cleveland , 20 June 2022",
"The event will air on CNN and will stream live for pay TV subscribers via and CNNgo where available. \u2014 Chloe Melas, CNN , 19 June 2022",
"The ceremony will air on CBS and stream on Paramount+. \u2014 Wilson Chapman, Variety , 16 June 2022",
"The show, hosted by Taraji P. Henson for the second year in a row, will air live on BET on June 26 at 8 p.m. ET/PT from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. \u2014 Paul Grein, Billboard , 16 June 2022",
"More of Heard's interview with Guthrie will air on Today and later on Dateline this Friday. \u2014 Nick Romano, , 14 June 2022",
"For the first time ever, the ceremony will air live on the West Coast. \u2014 Jordan Freiman, CBS News , 12 June 2022",
"How to watch the 2022 Tony Awards: The Tonys will air live on CBS and Paramount+ on Sunday, June 12, at 8 p.m. eastern. \u2014 Emily Burack, Town & Country , 12 June 2022",
"The series will air on the IFC cable channel and stream on Sundance Now. \u2014 Rick Porter, The Hollywood Reporter , 8 June 2022"
"Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin aer , from Greek a\u0113r air":"Noun and Verb"
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Noun",
"1530, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1":"Verb"
": an area in hostile territory secured usually by airborne troops for further use in bringing in troops and mat\u00e9riel by air":[],
": a mindless or stupid person":[]
"dim bulb",
"air entry 1 + -head (as in beachhead )":"Noun"
"circa 1943, in the meaning defined above":"Noun",
"1971, in the meaning defined above":"Noun"
"transitive verb",
": to give physical or emotional pain, discomfort, or trouble to":[
"His back has been ailing him.",
"It's good for what ails you.",
"What's ailing you?"
": ailment":[
"winter ails"
"freak (out)",
"weird out",
"half of the staff is out sick with the usual wintertime ails",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"There are plenty of things that ail this particular Utah team, maybe more than what can legitimately be fixed in one offseason, but one offseason would be a start. \u2014 Josh Newman, The Salt Lake Tribune , 19 Jan. 2022",
"Jackson's ankle didn't appear to ail him at all during the second half. \u2014 Omari Sankofa Ii, Detroit Free Press , 2 Apr. 2021",
"Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, obeying The Netherlands\u2019 ban on nursing home visitations during the coronavirus pandemic, did not visit his ailing mother for weeks before her death earlier this month, according to local media reports Monday. \u2014 Fox News , 27 May 2020",
"Soon after, Wu left the industry to care for her ailing mother in San Jose. \u2014 Robert Ito, New York Times , 29 Apr. 2020",
"Lucha is caring for her ailing mother, Amalia (Gigi Cervantes), who\u2019s losing her memory. \u2014 Manuel Mendoza, Dallas News , 26 Mar. 2020",
"Chambers, 49, was noticeably absent from the midseason finale in November, and it was explained that his character was taking care of his ailing mother. \u2014 Christina Dugan, , 23 Jan. 2020",
"Nugent wrote that Walker also plans to care for his ailing mother, who is suffering from leukemia, Nugent wrote. \u2014 Eric Heisig, cleveland , 17 Oct. 2019",
"The protagonist, Arthur Fleck, is a mentally ill aspiring stand-up comedian who lives in a rundown flat with his ailing mother, Penny (Frances Conroy). \u2014 N.b., The Economist , 3 Oct. 2019",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"Overall, China\u2019s box office continues to ail , with sizable pockets of cinemas across the country still closed as a COVID precaution and consumer activity suppressed by mass testing and a prevailing sense of caution. \u2014 Patrick Brzeski, The Hollywood Reporter , 20 June 2022",
"Illinois\u2019s fiscal ails have long revolved around its pension system for teachers and state workers. \u2014 Shruti Singh, , 18 May 2020",
"By comparison, the U.S., the coronavirus\u2019s new hotspot, earmarked $2 trillion in March to help businesses, hospitals, and workers counter the economic ails of COVID-19, while the Fed slashed interest rates to nearly zero. \u2014 Eamon Barrett, Fortune , 20 Apr. 2020",
"This social pressure only worked, though, to the extent that patients could afford to leave normal life behind, and ail in isolation from their communities. \u2014 Annika Neklason, The Atlantic , 21 Mar. 2020",
"El Paso j ail records show a Patrick Wood Crusius was booked Sunday on state charges of capital murder. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 4 Aug. 2019",
"Apple\u2019s smartphone shipments in China fell 20% in the quarter ended December from a year earlier, according to International Data Corp. Tepid iPhone sales aren't all that ail Apple in China. \u2014 Stella Yifan Xie, WSJ , 21 Feb. 2019",
"Brian Dennehy is Irina\u2019s ailing elder brother, Sorin, although Dennehy, at seventy-nine, still looks too bearishly robust to ail . \u2014 Anthony Lane, The New Yorker , 11 May 2018",
"The pitch inherently presumes a technologically advanced society, one where medicine has cured our physical ails . \u2014 Will Nevin, , 26 Dec. 2017"
"Middle English eilen, eilien \"to trouble, afflict, affect (with animate or inanimate agent), be troubled, affected,\" going back to Old English eglan, eglian \"to torment, afflict (with animate or inanimate agent),\" going back to Germanic *agljan- (whence also Norwegian egle \"to bait, goad, heckle,\" Danish dialect [Jutland] egle \"to goad,\" [Bornholm] \u00e4gla \"to scold,\" Gothic agljan, translating Greek bl\u00e1ptein \"to harm, hurt\"), of uncertain origin":"Verb",
"Middle English eil \"harm, trouble,\" perhaps in part going back to an Old English noun *\u00e6gl, *\u00e6gle, n-stem noun cognate with Gothic aglo \"tribulation,\" derivative of a Germanic adjective agla-, whence Old English egle \"grievous, painful\"; in part noun derivative of Middle English eilen \"to trouble, afflict\" and eile \"harmful, grievous\" (continuing Old English egle ) \u2014 more at ail entry 1":"Noun"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense":"Verb",
"13th century, in the meaning defined above":"Noun"
": of or relating to air : atmospheric":[],
": high in the air : lofty":[
"airy perches"
": performed in air : aerial":[
"airy leaps"
": unreal , illusory":[
"airy romances"
": being light and graceful in movement or manner : sprightly , vivacious":[
"an airy dance"
": exceptionally light, delicate, or refined":[
"an airy fragrance"
": open to the free circulation of air":[
"an airy room"
": having openings or spaces":[
"airy lacework"
": affected , proud":[
"airy condescension"
"The room is open, light, and airy .",
"He refused with an airy wave of his hand.",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"This upscale, family-friendly property boasts 115 bright and airy accommodations, as well as an oceanfront swimming pool, whirlpool, and separate children's pool. \u2014 Lauren Dana Ellman, Travel + Leisure , 31 May 2022",
"By Saturday morning, the normally airy ballroom of the Menger Hotel downtown was arrayed with miniature battlefields. \u2014 Caroline Tien, San Antonio Express-News , 21 May 2022",
"From airy cotton skirts to matching two-piece swimsuits, the unfussy, effortless assortment conjures that getaway feeling best served with a frothy drink in hand. \u2014 Caroline Tell, Forbes , 19 May 2022",
"Inside, white floors, ceilings and walls make the space feel extremely airy and light-filled. \u2014 Tori Latham, Robb Report , 18 May 2022",
"Keep an eye out for whales while having a cocktail at the Alaloa Lounge and then stroll over to the Banyan Tree for dinner under airy orchids. \u2014 Olivia Hosken, Town & Country , 10 May 2022",
"The couple has seven children and Ms. Kronbach, 38 and originally from Chihuahua, Mexico, has a large family that gathers at the airy 4,500-square-foot house. \u2014 Cecilie Rohwedder, WSJ , 27 Apr. 2022",
"The apartment Liubov was moved into, along with Nataliia, was light and airy , suitable in every way for two very pregnant women except for its location up four flights of stairs. \u2014 New York Times , 3 May 2022",
"Overall, the aesthetic is light and airy , with accents of earth tones and navy. \u2014 Elise Taylor, Vogue , 26 Apr. 2022"
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":""
": a bodily disorder or chronic disease":[
"a stomach ailment"
": unrest , uneasiness":[
"an emotional ailment"
"She suffered from a chronic back ailment .",
"The doctor treated him for a variety of ailments .",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Although diabetes is a common cause for this uncommon ailment , most people do not have an identifiable cause of gastroparesis. \u2014 Dr. Keith Roach, oregonlive , 23 June 2022",
"The dispensary is strictly for those authorized under the Lone Star State's Compassionate Use Program, which requires a diagnosis of a certain disease or ailment and a prescription from a doctor. \u2014 Jay R. Jordan, Chron , 23 June 2022",
"The ailment initially manifested as a back injury, but the pain migrated to his legs. \u2014 Meghan Montemurro, Chicago Tribune , 3 June 2022",
"Each of them delivers a pompous speech diagnosing Pinocchio\u2019s ailment , and each diagnosis differs from the others. \u2014 Joan Acocella, The New Yorker , 6 June 2022",
"The implant is specifically for patients with microtia, a rare congenital ailment where the outer ear is either underdeveloped or doesn't exist at all. \u2014 Li Cohen, CBS News , 2 June 2022",
"And parsing out the severity of an infection isn\u2019t easy in someone who\u2019s battling another ailment , says Westyn Branch-Elliman, an infectious-disease physician at VA Boston Healthcare System and Harvard Medical School. \u2014 Katherine J. Wu, The Atlantic , 23 May 2022",
"Treinen missing \u2018trust\u2019: Blake Treinen\u2019s mystery shoulder ailment came no closer to being explained despite the best efforts of the Dodgers\u2019 high-leverage reliever Saturday. \u2014 Steve Hensonassistant Sports Editor, Los Angeles Times , 14 May 2022",
"This common ailment can be caused by ingesting water contaminated with bacterial pathogens such as Enterococcus. \u2014 Sean Mowbray, Smithsonian Magazine , 9 May 2022"
"ail entry 1 + -ment":""
"1606, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
"The senate office hired several congressional aides .",
"the nurse's aide will bring you an extra pillow",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Okechukwu Okoye, a legislator in the Anambra state assembly and his aide went missing on May 15. \u2014 Reuters, CNN , 23 May 2022",
"Ukraine is taking heavy blows on the battlefield and losing between 100 and 200 fighters daily, an aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said. \u2014 Mar\u00eda Luisa Pa\u00fal, Washington Post , 10 June 2022",
"But unlike other museums, the Lucas museum would not receive taxpayer subsidies to cover a portion of its operations, a top mayoral aide said. \u2014 Kori Rumore, Chicago Tribune , 13 May 2022",
"Another senior aide to Vice President Mike Pence, Chris Hodgson, was spotted at the panel's offices for an in-person deposition Wednesday. \u2014 Benjamin Siegel, ABC News , 30 Mar. 2022",
"An aide to President Voldymyr Zelenskiy said Russian troops continue their offensive at the town of Izyum in Kharkiv region. \u2014 , 26 Mar. 2022",
"One senior Senate aide said that Rotenberg investigators found countless examples of banks filing reports with the Department of Treasury, to no avail. \u2014 New York Times , 16 Mar. 2022",
"George Gasc\u00f3n, who was elected last year on a platform of criminal justice reform, does not support the efforts and has no plans to follow suit, an aide said. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 10 Nov. 2021",
"An aide to Clinton said the former president had a urological infection that spread to his bloodstream but was on the mend and never went into septic shock, a potentially life-threatening condition. \u2014 NBC News , 21 Oct. 2021"
"short for aide-de-camp":""
"1777, in the meaning defined above":""
": a civilian or military pilot, aviator, or aviation technician":[],
": an enlisted person in the air force: such as":[],
": an enlisted person of one of the four ranks below sergeant":[],
": an enlisted person ranking above an airman basic and below an airman first class":[]
"her father was an airman who was shot down in Vietnam",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"An American airman has been arrested following an investigation into an attack that wounded four troops at a small U.S. base in eastern Syria in April. \u2014 Doha Madani, NBC News , 22 June 2022",
"An airman was arrested in the U.S. on Thursday in connection with an April attack at a base in Syria that injured four other U.S. service members, according to a new statement from an Air Force official. \u2014 Luis Martinez, ABC News , 21 June 2022",
"Lieutenant Colonel Chris Graham, who grew up in Miami and served as an airman in Iraq, will lead the volunteer civilian force that originated during World War II but was deactivated in 1947. \u2014 David Lyons, Sun Sentinel , 15 June 2022",
"Remarkably, the system required the oversight of just a single airman . \u2014 Jeremy Bogaisky, Forbes , 3 June 2022",
"Based on Adam Makos' 2015 book Devotion: An Epic Story of Heroism, Friendship, and Sacrifice, the film stars Jonathan Majors as Jesse Brown, the first Black man to complete Naval flight training, while Powell plays another airman named Tom Hudner. \u2014 Clark Collis, , 31 May 2022",
"Among them were 19-year-old U.S. Army airman Staff Sgt. \u2014 CBS News , 18 May 2022",
"When help arrived, the men found Nemo stretched across the airman \u2019s chest, protecting him, as the dog had been trained. \u2014 Washington Post , 1 Aug. 2014",
"An airman killed when he was shot down over Romania during World War II is returning to his home to Massachusetts nearly 80 years later. \u2014 , 1 Apr. 2022"
"1873, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
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": related by blood : descended from a common ancestor or prototype":[
"The dog and fox are closely akin ."
": essentially similar, related, or compatible":[
"His interests are akin to mine."
"The two languages are closely akin .",
"foxes are closely akin to dogs",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"But Douglas said filing such a lawsuit was akin to a neighbor trying to stop her from cutting down a tree in her backyard. \u2014 Teo Armus, Washington Post , 26 June 2022",
"For Jamie Hawthorne, the Atlas is akin to Eden, seemingly offering the first home for this friendless 28-year-old who was raised in foster homes and lost touch with her only brother more than a decade ago. \u2014 Sun Sentinel , 22 June 2022",
"RVs come in three types, including one resembling a large bus, another that's akin to a camper, and non-motorized, towable models. \u2014 Kate Gibson, CBS News , 21 June 2022",
"In the world of motorsports, this would be akin to running out of fuel on the last lap of Daytona, or F1 driver Max Verstappen speeding into pit row at Monaco to find his crew sitting there without fresh tires ready. \u2014 Brett Berk, Popular Mechanics , 20 June 2022",
"The Save the Kids series marked Findeisen\u2019s transition from a snarky YouTube critic to something more akin to an investigative journalist. \u2014 Rachel Monroe, The New Yorker , 14 May 2022",
"But Selling Sunset is not a competition series, but rather has evolved into something more akin to a Real Housewives production as its beautiful women argue through their drama every week in between selling homes. \u2014 Paul Tassi, Forbes , 30 Apr. 2022",
"Now, after years of admiring such filmmakers to the point of mortification, Hader, 43, is becoming something more akin to a peer, taking on greater creative responsibility for one of TV\u2019s most cinematic shows. \u2014 Rebecca Keegan, The Hollywood Reporter , 30 Mar. 2022",
"Meanwhile, the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, coming after a year of lower global oil production, has caused a spike in energy prices akin to that of the seventies, Hunter said. \u2014 Irina Ivanova, CBS News , 10 June 2022"
"a- entry 1 + kin entry 1":""
"1525, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
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"aqua vitae":{
": a strong alcoholic liquor (such as brandy)":[]
"\u02ccak-w\u0259-\u02c8v\u012bt-\u0113, \u02cc\u00e4k-",
"ardent spirits",
"John Barleycorn",
"strong drink",
"aqua vitae has been part of human culture since ancient times"
"Middle English, from Medieval Latin, literally, water of life":""
"15th century, in the meaning defined above":""
": marked by trembling or quivering":[]
"He was all aquiver with excitement.",
"a puppy aquiver with anticipation as his owner held out a treat"
"1864, in the meaning defined above":""
": a structure for conveying a canal over a river or hollow":[],
": a canal or passage in a part or organ":[]
"marveled at the ancient Roman aqueducts that still carry water to distant villages",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"In the early 1900s, Los Angeles, growing fast and running out of water, bought land along either side of the Owens River, then built an aqueduct diverting the river\u2019s water 230 miles south to Los Angeles. \u2014 New York Times , 7 June 2022",
"The torrent would have swept away piers supporting the aqueduct had a passing train on the island railroad not gone off its tracks and partly plugged the gap. \u2014 David Owen, The New Yorker , 11 May 2022",
"The city has permission to use alum this fall when work on a tunnel under the Hudson River will require the temporary disconnection of the aqueduct for the neighboring Delaware watershed. \u2014 Michael Hill, ajc , 21 Apr. 2022",
"Archaeologists announced the discovery, at the Armenian archaeological site of Artashat-Artaxata, of the easternmost Roman aqueduct . \u2014 Rafil Kroll-zaidi, Harper\u2019s Magazine , 18 Jan. 2022",
"Stefanie Smallhouse, a rancher who heads the Arizona Farm Bureau, said Arizona farmers who rely on water from the aqueduct , known as the Central Arizona Project, may have to fallow up to 40 percent of their acreage. \u2014 Washington Post , 6 Aug. 2021",
"The interchange project also would include the relocation of a portion of the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District aqueduct , between the Utah and Salt Lake Canal and the South Jordan Canal, the study states. \u2014 Alixel Cabrera, The Salt Lake Tribune , 10 Feb. 2022",
"Each diver could only go beneath the surface for about 30 minutes at a time and could not touch the bottom of the aqueduct as the disruption of silt on the bottom obscured visibility, Mims explained. \u2014 Cheri Mossburg, CNN , 18 Jan. 2022",
"Workers have been spraying a biodegradable neutralizer into the Dominguez Channel, a 15.7-mile aqueduct in southern Los Angeles County, but applying it during high tide allowed much of the chemical to wash away. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 22 Oct. 2021"
"Latin aquaeductus , from aquae (genitive of aqua ) + ductus act of leading \u2014 more at duct":""
"1538, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":""
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"adjective or noun",
"geographical name"
"\u2014 see aksum":[]
": a cutting tool that consists of a heavy edged head fixed to a handle with the edge parallel to the handle and that is used especially for felling trees and chopping and splitting wood":[],
": a hammer with a sharp edge for dressing (see dress entry 1 sense 6e ) or spalling stone":[],
": removal from office or release from employment : dismissal":[
"\u2014 usually used with the Employees with poor evaluations got the axe . Trump quickly gave him the ax [=fired him] for his incompetence. \u2014 Laura Petrecca"
": abrupt elimination or severe reduction of something":[
"Unlimited expense accounts, signing bonuses, and office plants\u2014all are getting the ax [=being cut or eliminated] thanks to corporate cost-cutting measures.",
"\u2014 Amanda Hinnant",
"No party was brave enough to offend its supporters by taking an axe to [=severely reducing] expenditure.",
"\u2014 The Economist"
": any of several musical instruments (such as a guitar or a saxophone)":[],
": an ulterior often selfish underlying purpose":[
"claims that he has no axe to grind in criticizing the proposed law"
": to shape, dress (see dress entry 1 sense 6e ), or trim with an axe":[
"axe stone"
": to chop, split, or sever with an axe":[
"axe branches from a tree"
": to remove abruptly (as from employment or from a budget)":[
"The TV program was axed from the new schedule."
"muster out",
"turn off"
"the company was hemorrhaging money, so 700 employees would soon be given the ax",
"The boss told him that he had been axed .",
"the boss will ax anyone who leaks company secrets",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"Everybody that got rejected has a legitimate ax to grind. \u2014 Laura Johnston, cleveland , 29 Apr. 2022",
"People who have a political ax to grind aren't welcome in our parade. \u2014 Sahar Akbarzai, CNN , 2 Jan. 2022",
"Among the gems: Johnny Ramone\u2019s black and white Mosrite Ventures II guitar, his main ax from November 1977 through August 1996 \u2014 with the battle scars to prove it. \u2014 , 20 Sep. 2021",
"The rules are simple: One man will have the opportunity to inflict any blow on the knight and receive his exquisite ax . \u2014 Tyler Bey, The Christian Science Monitor , 30 July 2021",
"Kaduce set his snow hook and pulled out his ax , a mandatory item for Iditarod mushers. \u2014 Marc Lester, Anchorage Daily News , 18 Mar. 2021",
"The officer had pulled a car over near the intersection of Bond Street and McDowell Road when a second vehicle pulled up and a man in his 20s charged at the officer armed with an ax , a Naperville Police Department news release said. \u2014 Suzanne Baker, Chicago Tribune , 3 June 2022",
"In an assault on Israel\u2019s independence day, two Palestinian men allegedly bludgeoned three men to death with an ax in the ultra-Orthodox town of Elad. \u2014 Shira Rubin, Washington Post , 27 May 2022",
"For years, the image of a mountain climber was someone like Reinhold Messner or Edmund Hillary -- bearded, serious, ice- ax -toting white men from Europe or North America. \u2014 Lilit Marcus, CNN , 29 May 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"The European Union wants ax its dependence on Russian oil and gas by two-thirds this year and completely over five years through alternative sources, wind and solar, and conservation. \u2014 Derek Gatopoulos, ajc , 29 Apr. 2022",
"Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that the decision to ax the comedy was made months ago after the now fourth season and ultimate series finale aired back in December. \u2014 Lesley Goldberg, The Hollywood Reporter , 27 Apr. 2022",
"Irwin didn\u2019t ax all of Patrick Henry\u2019s advanced courses. \u2014 Kristen Taketa, San Diego Union-Tribune , 10 Apr. 2022",
"Her father also worked as a blacksmith and made baskets and ax handles. \u2014 Washington Post , 3 Mar. 2022",
"Noting Germany's decision last month to freeze the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Novak said Russia could ax the existing Nord Stream 1 pipeline \u2013 considered one of Europe's main sources of natural gas. \u2014 Celina Tebor, USA TODAY , 8 Mar. 2022",
"The cancellations come after a week of travel chaos over the holidays that saw airlines ax thousands of flights, with some blaming the spread of omicron among crew and other staff. \u2014 NBC News , 29 Dec. 2021",
"SkyWest, a major partner for United, Delta, American and Alaska, has had among the heaviest flight cancellations in the past couple of weeks as airlines tend to ax those regional flights first. \u2014 Dawn Gilbertson, USA TODAY , 7 Jan. 2022",
"The Mayo Clinic has faced some backlash over its policy, with 38 lawmakers signing a letter to the hospital last month asking it to ax the rule. \u2014 NBC News , 5 Jan. 2022"
"Middle English, from Old English \u00e6cs ; akin to Old High German ackus ax, Latin ascia , Greek axin\u0113":"Noun and Verb"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun",
"circa 1674, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Verb"
"biographical name",
"Emanuel 1949\u2013 American (Ukrainian-born of Polish parents) pianist":[]
": a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate":[
"the Earth's axis"
": a straight line with respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical":[
"the axis of a cone"
": a straight line that bisects at right angles a system of parallel chords of a curve and divides the curve into two symmetrical parts":[],
": one of the reference lines of a coordinate system (see coordinate entry 3 sense 1a )":[],
": the second vertebra of the neck on which the head and first vertebra turn as on a pivot":[],
": any of various central, fundamental, or axial parts":[],
": a plant stem":[],
": one of several imaginary lines assumed in describing the positions of the planes by which a crystal is bounded and the positions of atoms in the structure of the crystal":[],
": a main line of direction, motion, growth, or extension":[
"the axis of a city"
": an implied line in painting or sculpture through a composition to which elements in the composition are referred":[
"fruit and flowers arranged about a diagonal axis"
": a line actually drawn and used as the basis of measurements in an architectural or other working drawing":[],
": any of three fixed lines of reference in an aircraft that run in the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical directions, are mutually perpendicular, and usually pass through the aircraft's center of gravity":[],
": partnership , alliance":[
"an axis of countries"
": a point or continuum on which something centers":[
"an axis of social power"
": of or relating to the three powers Germany, Italy, and Japan engaged against the Allied nations in World War II":[]
"ground zero",
"nerve center",
"the Earth's axis of rotation",
"the spin of the Earth on its axis",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"Hope and belief exist at different points on the same axis . \u2014 New York Times , 3 May 2022",
"His hometown has been spared any major attacks, but even as the fighting shifts to the east, Kryvyi Rih sits on a key axis . \u2014 Washington Post , 21 Apr. 2022",
"Some towers with higher fundamental frequencies, however, twist around the central axis . \u2014 Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica , 7 Mar. 2022",
"America's highest court, for decades resting on a 5-4 conservative-liberal axis , with swing-vote justices often providing moderation, suddenly became controlled by a 6-3 conservative supermajority. \u2014 Joan Biskupic, CNN , 18 Sep. 2021",
"Vineyards are typically oriented on a southwest axis to shade vines from the afternoon sun. \u2014 Joseph V Micallef, Forbes , 2 Sep. 2021",
"In class, students a few hours into the day learned about Steinbeck and plotting positives on a Y axis . \u2014 Zaz Hollander, Anchorage Daily News , 19 Aug. 2021",
"Focus on being a better person, instead of trying to make the world wobble on its axis . \u2014 Kyle Smith, National Review , 21 May 2022",
"Earth is spinning on its axis , leading to the Coriolis effect, which causes objects to move in curved lines. \u2014 Manasee Wagh, Popular Mechanics , 29 Apr. 2022"
"Middle English, \"imaginary line passing through the center of a body, celestial axis,\" borrowed from Latin, \"axletree, axle, chariot, celestial axis,\" going back to Indo-European *h 2 e\u1e31s- \"axle,\" whence also, with varying thematic derivation, Germanic *ahs\u014d (whence Old English eax \"axle,\" Old Saxon & Old High German ahsa ), Old Russian/Eastern Church Slavic os\u012d \"axle,\" Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian \u00f4s, Lithuanian a\u0161\u00ecs, Old Prussian assis, Greek axon-, \u00e1x\u014dn, Sanskrit \u00e1k\u1e63a\u1e25, Avestan a\u0161a- \"armpit\"":"Noun"
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Noun",
"1938, in the meaning defined above":"Adjective"
"Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French axunge , from Late Latin axungia , from Latin, axle grease, from axis axle + -ungia (from ungere, unguere to grease, anoint)":""
": a European vetchlike herb ( Coronilla varia ) naturalized in the eastern U.S. and having umbels of pink-and-white flowers and sharp-angled pods":[]
": a semipermanent pseudopodium that consists of an axial rod surrounded by an ectoplasmic sheath and that is typically present in Radiolaria and Heliozoa"
"New Latin axopodium , from ax- + -podium"
": the protoplasm of an axon",
": the protoplasm of an axon"
"axo n + -plasm"
"1997, in the meaning defined above"
": any of the interspinal bones supporting the dorsal and anal fins of a fish":[]
"New Latin axon + English -ost":""
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": yes":[
"aye , aye , sir"
": an affirmative vote or voter":[
"the ayes have it"
": always , continually , ever":[
"love that will aye endure",
"\u2014 W. S. Gilbert"
"night and day",
"all right",
"of uncertain origin":"Adverb",
"noun derivative of aye entry 1":"Noun",
"Middle English ay, borrowed from Old Norse ei, ey, \u00e6 \"ever, forever,\" going back to Germanic *aiwim or *aiwom (whence also Old English \u0101 \"always, ever, eternally,\" Old Saxon io, eo \"ever, at any time, always,\" Old High German io, eo \"on every occasion, always,\" Gothic ni \u2026 aiw \"never\"), accusative forms, used adverbially, of *aiwis or *aiwos \"time, eternity\" (whence Old Frisian \u0113we \"eternity,\" Old Saxon and Old High German \u0113wa, Middle Dutch \u0113we, ee \"age, eternity\"), going back to Indo-European *h 2 ei\u032f-u\u032fo- \"eternity, age,\" whence also Latin aevus, aevum \"time as the medium in which events occur, age, lifetime\"; also, from a stem h 2 ei\u032f-u\u032f-on-, Greek ai\u1e53n \"lifetime, long period of time, age\"; and from a u-stem with ablaut and shifting stress *h 2 \u00f3i\u032f-u-, *h 2 i\u032f-\u00e9u\u032f-s, Sanskrit \u0101\u0301yu\u1e25 \"vital force,\" Avestan \u0101iiu (nominative), yao\u0161 (genitive) \"lifetime\"":"Adverb"
"1576, in the meaning defined above":"Adverb",
"1589, in the meaning defined above":"Noun",
"13th century, in the meaning defined above":"Adverb"
"ay me, we are doomed to listen to that noise all night!",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Well, the scientists ay , it\u2019s the most feasible option for far space travel. \u2014 Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics , 7 Apr. 2021"
"Middle French aymi ay me":""
"14th century, in the meaning defined above":""
": a large Mexican pine tree ( Pinus ayacahuite ) with long needles and extremely large yellowish red cones":[],
": the wood of ayacahuite":[]
"Spanish, from Nahuatl ayacuahuitl , from ayatl , a kind of cloth + cuahuitl tree":""
"geographical name"
"town in southern Peru southeast of Lima area population 612,489"
": a nurse or maid native to India":[]
"Hindi & Urdu \u0101y\u0101 , from Portuguese aia , from Latin avia grandmother":""
"1779, in the meaning defined above":""
": a psychoactive beverage containing dimethyltryptamine that is prepared especially from the bark of a woody vine ( Banisteriopsis caapi of the family Malpighiaceae) and the leaves of a shrubby plant ( Psychotria viridis of the family Rubiaceae) of South America",
": a psychoactive beverage containing dimethyltryptamine that is prepared especially from the bark of a woody vine ( Banisteriopsis caapi of the family Malpighiaceae) and the leaves of a shrubby plant ( Psychotria viridis of the family Rubiaceae) of South America",
": the woody vine ( Banisteriopsis caapi ) from which ayahuasca is prepared"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"From 2021 to 2022, bookings doubled at Soltara, a high-end ayahuasca healing center in Costa Rica frequented by celebrities, prompting the center to open an additional location in Costa Rica and one in Peru. \u2014 Kelley Manley, ELLE , 14 June 2022",
"During a two-year acting break, Smith vacationed to Peru and went on 14 ayahuasca journeys. \u2014 Zack Sharf, Variety , 24 May 2022",
"That compound comes from the other main ingredient in ayahuasca , a shrub called chacruna (which, incidentally, is a relative of the plant that gives us coffee). \u2014 Kiona N. Smith, Ars Technica , 16 May 2022",
"Using ayahuasca is risky: its impact depends crucially on the brew and the skill and ethics of the person supervising the session. \u2014 Carolina Schneider Comandulli, Scientific American , 23 Apr. 2022",
"Famously, the liana is one of the two main ingredients in a ritual drink called ayahuasca , which can induce hallucinations or an altered state of mind. \u2014 Kiona N. Smith, Ars Technica , 16 May 2022",
"These beings, especially the plant ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi), which the Ashaninka call kamar\u00e3pi, help treat their diseases and guide their decisions through visions. \u2014 Carolina Schneider Comandulli, Scientific American , 23 Apr. 2022",
"Following a Supreme Court decision that permitted adherents of a small church to use ayahuasca during ceremonies, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration allowed people to seek religious exemptions from the Controlled Substances Act. \u2014 John Keilman, , 28 Mar. 2022",
"Unlike ayahuasca or mushrooms, which often produce visions that coalesce into narratives, ketamine usually gives a brief experience of the void. \u2014 Emily Witt, The New Yorker , 29 Dec. 2021"
"American Spanish"
"1870, in the meaning defined above"
": a low spreading herbaceous Brazilian shrub ( Eupatorium aya-pana ) whose long narrow leaves are used to make a mildly stimulating decoction resembling tea"
"Spanish & Portuguese; Spanish ayapan\u00e1 , from Portuguese aiapana, aiapaina , from Tupi ayapana"
": a religious leader among Shiite Muslims":[
"\u2014 used as a title of respect especially for one who is not an imam"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"One of the highlights of the trip is Francis\u2019 meeting with al-Sistani, the grand ayatollah whose 2014 fatwah calling on able-bodied men to fight ISIS swelled the ranks of Shiite militias that helped defeat the group. \u2014 Fox News , 3 Mar. 2021",
"His father Nasrollah Banisadr was an ayatollah , a high-ranking Shiite cleric, who opposed the policies of the shah\u2019s father, Reza Shah. \u2014 , 10 Oct. 2021",
"In December, Louis Sako, the patriarch of Iraq's Chaldean Catholic Church told The Associated Press the church was trying to schedule a meeting between Francis and the ayatollah . \u2014 Star Tribune , 3 Mar. 2021",
"Ellen flies around meeting world leaders, including the grand ayatollah of Iran, in an effort to prevent the detonation of nuclear devices hidden in three American cities. \u2014 Sarah Lyall, New York Times , 11 Oct. 2021",
"With the ayatollah 's blessing, Banisadr easily won the presidential election of Jan. 25, 1980. \u2014 The New York Times, Arkansas Online , 10 Oct. 2021",
"There is speculation that Raisi, who is a cleric but not an ayatollah , may be on the road to getting fast-tracked for the top job once the supreme leader passes on. \u2014 Amy Kellogg, Fox News , 26 May 2021",
"At one point in their 40-minute meeting, the pope gingerly cradled the ayatollah \u2019s two hands in his own as al-Sistani leaned in speaking, according to footage aired on Lebanon\u2019s LBC. \u2014 Nicole Winfield And Qassim Abdul-zahra, , 6 Mar. 2021",
"Inside, and some steps to the right, the pontiff will come face to face with the ayatollah . \u2014 Star Tribune , 3 Mar. 2021"
"Persian \u0101yatoll\u0101h , literally, sign of God, from Arabic \u0101yatall\u0101h , from \u0101ya sign, miracle + all\u0101h God":""
"1950, in the meaning defined above":""
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": on the whole : in general"
": on the whole : in general":[]
@ -41,23 +41,24 @@
"by and large , that information is accurate",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Military court officials will have the training required to understand the nuances in a way that civilian courts will, by and large , not. \u2014 Robert Goldman, The Conversation , 23 May 2022",
"But the site is, by and large , not a place one goes to anymore for colorful windows into Hollywood lives. \u2014 Will Oremus, Washington Post , 9 Apr. 2022",
"The special committee will be made up of council committee chairs and vice chairs who Lightfoot chooses for those posts and who, by and large , support her agenda. \u2014 Gregory Pratt, , 23 Mar. 2022",
"Study after study shows that the kids who get hospitalized for Covid-19 are, by and large , those who are unvaccinated ... \u2014 Richard Galant, CNN , 13 Mar. 2022",
"Our tuition dollar is lower by and large , than a lot of our regional peer institutions. \u2014 al , 31 Jan. 2022",
"And these were, by and large , students who had just been cleared to attend school in the baseline testing the week before. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 20 Jan. 2022",
"People were, by and large , returning to normal life. \u2014 Jamie Ducharme, Time , 12 Aug. 2021",
"With earnings season by and large in the rearview mirror, that leaves the focus on any economic data to be released in the coming weeks. \u2014 Jj Kinahan, Forbes , 6 June 2022",
"So his calculus on when to engage is still, by and large , based on intuition. \u2014 Fortune , 2 June 2022",
"Those chosen, by and large , are lauded for having a positive impact on the world, but some on the list are simply acknowledged for having great power. \u2014 Mary Colurso |, al , 23 May 2022",
"The effort is there, but by and large , most attempts to move the needle on well-being have been frustrating failures. \u2014 Tessa West, WSJ , 2 May 2022"
"With earnings season by and large in the rearview mirror, that leaves the focus on any economic data to be released in the coming weeks. \u2014 Jj Kinahan, Forbes , 6 June 2022"
"1707, in the meaning defined above"
"1707, in the meaning defined above":""
@ -117,14 +118,11 @@
": a rule adopted by an organization chiefly for the government of its members and the regulation of its affairs",
": a local ordinance",
": a rule adopted by an organization chiefly for the government of its members and the management of its affairs",
": a local ordinance"
": a rule adopted by an organization chiefly for the government of its members and the regulation of its affairs":[],
": a local ordinance":[]
@ -134,6 +132,7 @@
"the club's bylaws bar any member whose annual dues remain unpaid from voting in the election",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
@ -146,11 +145,13 @@
"But there\u2019s something else to know: Before a bylaw can be voted upon, conference rules require it to be officially proposed to the board in a motion. \u2014 Gregg Doyel, The Indianapolis Star , 10 Feb. 2022",
"But the sorority\u2019s national leaders opposed the expulsion, citing a bylaw stating that members cannot be punished for actions before joining the group. \u2014 Jeong Park Staff Writer, Los Angeles Times , 10 Feb. 2022"
"history_and_etymology":"Middle English bilawe , probably from Old Norse *b\u0233l\u01ebg , from Old Norse b\u0233r town + lag-, l\u01ebg law",
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"Middle English bilawe , probably from Old Norse *b\u0233l\u01ebg , from Old Norse b\u0233r town + lag-, l\u01ebg law":""
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
@ -158,27 +159,19 @@
"transitive verb",
": a passage to one side",
": a deflected route usually around a town",
": a channel carrying a fluid around a part and back to the main stream",
": shunt sense 1b",
": shunt sense 1c",
": a surgical procedure for the establishment of a shunt",
": to avoid by means of a bypass",
": to cause to follow a bypass",
": to neglect or ignore usually intentionally",
": circumvent",
": a road serving as a substitute route around a blocked or crowded area",
": to make a detour around",
": avoid sense 1 , forgo",
": a surgically established shunt",
": a surgical procedure for the establishment of a shunt",
"\u2014 see coronary artery bypass , gastric bypass , jejunoileal bypass"
": a channel carrying a fluid around a part and back to the main stream":[],
": shunt sense 1b":[],
": to avoid by means of a bypass":[
"bypass a congested area"
": to cause to follow a bypass":[],
": to neglect or ignore usually intentionally":[],
": circumvent":[
"attempting to bypass the law"
@ -188,6 +181,7 @@
"The bridge is being rebuilt so we'll have to take the bypass .",
@ -206,23 +200,21 @@
"People in the Pacific Northwest medical community heard of a doctor in Washington who got COVID-19 and had to go on a heart-lung bypass machine. \u2014 Michael Armstrong, Anchorage Daily News , 17 Jan. 2022",
"Bennett could be taken off the bypass machine as early as Tuesday, if all goes well, his doctors said. \u2014 Katie Campione, , 10 Jan. 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"By tapping into a host kitchen network, cloud concepts can avoid the massive outlay of capital needed to launch a ghost kitchen and bypass the long time to scale in organic expansion. \u2014 Rishi Nigam, Forbes , 8 June 2022",
"To bypass these restrictions amidst the national shortage, the Ohio Department of Health applied for two waivers on May 18. \u2014 Victoria Moorwood, The Enquirer , 6 June 2022",
"One of the passwords let the investigators bypass the encryption on the virtual machine. \u2014 Patrick Radden Keefe, The New Yorker , 6 June 2022",
"One reason: consumers continue to ditch or bypass legacy cable TV at a rapid pace. \u2014 Stephen Battaglio, Los Angeles Times , 6 May 2022",
"This software allows judges to approve no-knock warrants with the click of a button and bypass the face-to-face process that usually involves an officer meeting with a judge in person. \u2014 Washington Post , 5 May 2022",
"The Equality Act, which passed in the House in a 224-206 vote largely along party lines in February 2021, doesn\u2019t have the 60 votes needed to bypass a filibuster in the Senate. \u2014 NBC News , 3 May 2022",
"Canada, home to the largest Ukrainian diaspora in the world after Russia, expanded its support to Ukrainians with a temporary Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel program to bypass lengthy immigration processes. \u2014 Lenora Chu, The Christian Science Monitor , 26 Apr. 2022",
"The state took over the project and ownership of the land from the JDA to bypass zoning votes. \u2014 J. Scott Trubey, ajc , 26 Apr. 2022"
"Yet government agencies can legally purchase surveillance data and completely bypass the system of warrants designed to protect us. \u2014 Patrick Walsh, Forbes , 24 June 2022",
"Soon, though, players were dipping into old Dark Souls speedrunning tricks to bypass tough bosses or reach new map sections via careful, barely survivable jumps. \u2014 Kyle Orland, Ars Technica , 11 Apr. 2022",
"In their scramble to evacuate as many civilians as possible, local U.S. commanders decided to leave paths to the Abbey Gate airport entrance unguarded so Afghans could bypass Taliban checkpoints. \u2014 Mirzahussain Sadid, ProPublica , 5 Apr. 2022",
"To push such a button and become free of the cartel, the FBI, and everything else, essentially starting over, would be to cheat the audience and bypass the explosive finale that\u2019s waiting for us. \u2014 Andy Meek, BGR , 30 Mar. 2022",
"Cathay, unlike other airlines, has declined to clarify whether its planes will intentionally bypass Russia. \u2014 Lilit Marcus, CNN , 30 Mar. 2022",
"However, many users in the country have been responding by downloading VPN apps, which can bypass the Kremlin\u2019s censorship. \u2014 Michael Kan, PCMAG , 25 Mar. 2022",
"But Thibodeaux may be too tantalizing to bypass , especially after the Panthers' leading sack man in 2021, Haason Reddick, left for Philadelphia. \u2014 Nate Davis, USA TODAY , 24 Mar. 2022",
"McCourt said these homemade guns bypass federal laws requiring registration and tracing. \u2014 Ivan Pereira, ABC News , 17 Mar. 2022"
"1848, in the meaning defined at sense 1",
"1736, in the meaning defined at sense 1a"
"1848, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun",
"1736, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Verb"
@ -278,54 +270,85 @@
": in proximity to : near",
": into the vicinity of and beyond : past",
": through or through the medium (see medium entry 1 sense 2 ) of : via",
": in the direction of : toward",
": during the course of",
": not later than",
": through the agency (see agency sense 3 ) or instrumentality of",
": born or begot of",
": sired or borne by",
": with the witness or sanction (see sanction entry 1 sense 4c ) of",
": in conformity with",
": according to",
": with respect to",
": on behalf of",
": in or to the amount or extent of",
": in comparison with : beside",
": in the opinion of : from the point of view of",
": incidentally sense 2",
": past",
": at or to another's home",
": close at hand : near",
": aside , away",
": something of secondary importance : a side issue",
": being off the main route : side",
": incidental",
": close to : near",
": so as to go on",
": so as to go through",
": so as to pass",
": at sense 1 , during",
": no later than",
": with the use or help of",
": through the action of",
": according to sense 1",
": with respect to",
": to the amount of",
": near at hand",
": past entry 4",
": after a while"
": in proximity to : near":[
"standing by the window"
": into the vicinity of and beyond : past":[
"went right by him"
": through or through the medium (see medium entry 1 sense 2 ) of : via":[
"enter by the door"
": in the direction of : toward":[
"sailed north by east"
": during the course of":[
"studied by night"
": not later than":[
"be there by 2 p.m."
": through the agency (see agency sense 3 ) or instrumentality of":[
"a poem written by Keats",
"death by firing squad",
"taken by force",
"happened by luck"
": born or begot of":[
"had two sons by his first wife",
"one child by her second husband"
": sired or borne by":[
"having foals by champion race horses"
": with the witness or sanction (see sanction entry 1 sense 4c ) of":[
"swear by all that is holy"
": in conformity with":[
"acted by the rules"
": according to":[
"called her by name",
"sold by the pound"
": with respect to":[
"a lawyer by profession"
": on behalf of":[
"did right by his children"
": in or to the amount or extent of":[
"win by a nose"
": in comparison with : beside":[],
": in the opinion of : from the point of view of":[
"OK by me"
": incidentally sense 2":[],
": past":[
"saw him go by"
": at or to another's home":[
"stop by"
": close at hand : near":[
"lives close by"
": aside , away":[],
": something of secondary importance : a side issue":[
"by the by"
": being off the main route : side":[
"a by passage"
": incidental":[
"by effects"
"before consonants also",
"before consonants also b\u0259",
@ -341,26 +364,38 @@
"His wife was sitting by him.",
"They have a house by the lake.",
"The bus went right by him without stopping.",
"Some friends stopped by our house for a chat.",
"Why don't you come by my place later?",
"The bus went right by without stopping.",
"We stood and applauded as the parade went by .",
"Why don't you come by later?",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Preposition",
"Heartbreakingly, despite best efforts by outreach teams, service providers often must stand by and watch if a person does not have the capacity to accept help. \u2014 Jim Vargas, San Diego Union-Tribune , 20 June 2022",
"By the time Licht took over CNN in the spring, the network was grappling with what one staffer described as an identity crisis, struggling to find a purpose after spending the Trump years doing hour- by -hour critiques of his presidency. \u2014 Gerry Smith, Anchorage Daily News , 20 June 2022",
"Judges award Huber privileges on a case- by -case basis for offenses such as drunk driving, low-level drug crimes or others. \u2014 Lydia Morrell, Journal Sentinel , 20 June 2022",
"The former Bridgerton star is keeping busy\u2014not only by starring alongside Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, and Ana de Armas in The Gray Man, a new thriller out on July 15, but also as the new face of Armani Code Parfum. \u2014 Lindy Segal, Harper's BAZAAR , 20 June 2022",
"Swimmers walk back from the sea after a summer solstice dip in Saltburn- by -the-Sea, England, on June 21, 2021. \u2014 Forrest Brown, CNN , 20 June 2022",
"With Vice President Kamala Harris, the first Black woman to hold the second-highest office in the executive branch, by his side, President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law last year, on June 17, 2021. \u2014 Jamia Pugh, ABC News , 19 June 2022",
"Maldonado already knew McLeod \u2014 not well, but definitely by reputation. \u2014 Marisa Kabas, Rolling Stone , 19 June 2022",
"Living closer to the edge Even before this latest inflationary burst, millions of Americans were scraping by . \u2014 Russ Wiles, USA TODAY , 19 June 2022",
"Palliative care is optimally delivered by an interdisciplinary team. \u2014 John Mulder, STAT , 3 July 2022",
"Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport leads the way in Saturday delays among U.S. airports, followed by Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. \u2014 Timothy Bella, Washington Post , 2 July 2022",
"Dispatches from Ukraine, provided by Forbes Ukraine\u2019s editorial team. \u2014 Katya Soldak, Forbes , 2 July 2022",
"That is by far the largest liability listed in a statement of financial affairs filed Thursday evening in bankruptcy court. \u2014 Deborah Martin And Jim Kiest, San Antonio Express-News , 1 July 2022",
"Nurkic got by far the biggest payday of his career, agreeing to a four-year, $70 million contract with Portland. \u2014 Tim Reynolds, ajc , 1 July 2022",
"Hankey Capital is by far the largest creditor of the estate, having made three loans totaling more than $100 million to Crestlloyd starting in 2018 when Niami was in search of cash to finish the opulent mansion. \u2014 Laurence Darmientostaff Writer, Los Angeles Times , 1 July 2022",
"The tax is built into the price of gas in California, which is about $6.30 per gallon \u2014 by far the highest in the nation. \u2014 Fifth & Mission Podcast, San Francisco Chronicle , 1 July 2022",
"This site is protected by recaptcha Privacy Policy | Terms of Service Of the 178 shot so far this year, 33 of them were killed. \u2014 Ken Dilanian, NBC News , 1 July 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adverb",
"As the years went by , these trips into the Wallowa Mountains became multigenerational. \u2014 Britta Lokting, Washington Post , 14 June 2022",
"As the years went by , and the pandemic restricted in-person services and events, 10 other municipalities joined the agency. \u2014 Alixel Cabrera, The Salt Lake Tribune , 13 June 2022",
"Years went by without the bodies being identified and without progress in the missing persons case. \u2014 Natalie Neysa Alund, USA TODAY , 9 June 2022",
"Not a minute went by without motorcycles bawling past us. \u2014 New York Times , 9 June 2022",
"As the years went by , the jingle from the federal piggy bank diminished, but the freeways stayed on the drawing boards and in the minds of highway project planners. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 7 June 2022",
"The royal siblings were spotted snacking, waving and dancing to the music as the floats and performers went by . \u2014 Monique Jessen, , 5 June 2022",
"Two months went by without any visits at all until May 24, when an investigator visited the family and spoke with the mother and the child. \u2014 Chicago Tribune , 3 June 2022",
"Siddharth Menon, the co-founder of WazirX, told CNN Business that following the announcement, his platform saw daily sign-ups jump by over 50%. \u2014 Diksha Madhok, CNN , 3 Mar. 2022",
"The posting noted that some trains pass by at up to 90 mph. \u2014 Charlie Riedel And, , 28 June 2022",
"This lack of unique coloration on the sides of their bodies means that researchers like Alexander can't usually tell if one puma crosses a camera trap five times, or if five individual animals pass by . \u2014 Ashleigh Papp, Scientific American , 24 June 2022",
"Yvonne Boggs never let a day pass by without speaking to her daughter Charlotte. \u2014 Kyani Reid, NBC News , 19 June 2022",
"Clearly, the Seth Rogen of The Boys universe is becoming more and more of a shill for Vought as time goes by . \u2014 Evan Romano, Men's Health , 17 June 2022",
"Allow any thoughts that come up to pass by \u2014don\u2019t engage with them. \u2014 Erin Urban, Forbes , 2 June 2022",
"As its larger sister moons\u2014Io, Ganymede and Callisto\u2014pass by in their orbits, their gravity causes Europa to flex slightly, generating interior heat that prevents the water from freezing. \u2014 Jeffrey Kluger, Time , 21 Apr. 2022",
"The coiffed, aging blonde behind the wheel in a traffic jam in Donetsk who\u2019s calmly smoking out the car window, watching life pass by . \u2014 Artem Chapeye, The New Yorker , 28 Mar. 2022",
"The association also wants the city to enforce minimum distancing between tents and buildings to create enough room for individuals with physical disabilities to pass by in their scooters or wheelchairs. \u2014 oregonlive , 19 Mar. 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"These fears keep viewers engaged, with political violence as a by -product. \u2014 Alex Shephard, The New Republic , 17 May 2022",
"The Cambridge family took in the traditional fly- by . \u2014 Lauren Hubbard, Town & Country , 3 June 2022",
"The Tom Cruise actioner had a spectacular red carpet premiere in Cannes on Wednesday, which even featured a fly- by from a squadron of French fighter jets. \u2014 Scott Roxborough, The Hollywood Reporter , 19 May 2022",
"What is the name of the asteroid that NASA's Osiris Rex spacecraft is preparing to leave after collecting a sample and conducting a recent fly- by ? \u2014 CNN , 16 Apr. 2021",
@ -368,7 +403,6 @@
"Winemakers often bleed off juice to add intensity to their red wines, in this way the resulting ros\u00e9 is really a by -product of red wine. \u2014 Katie Kelly Bell, Forbes , 26 Apr. 2022",
"City workers were on stand- by , ready with axes, picks and crowbars to raze the market to the ground before anyone could protest the ruling. \u2014 Jeff Suess, The Enquirer , 22 Apr. 2022",
"The mass resignations will require fresh by -elections in well over 100 seats. \u2014 NBC News , 11 Apr. 2022",
"In another instance of character-building- by -tailoring, Richie\u2014the hothead son of a local crime boss\u2014is seen in a Harrison\u2019s camel-hair overcoat with too-wide shoulders, aggressive lapels and turnback cuffs. \u2014 Eric Twardzik, Robb Report , 17 Mar. 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective",
"Running backs coach Mike Jinks reiterated USC wants to employ less of a by -committee approach this fall, and Ingram has the look of a workhorse, with the ability to do damage in space and between the tackles. \u2014 Ryan Kartje, Los Angeles Times , 1 May 2021",
"About 500 fast charging stalls will go live the by end of this year, GM said. \u2014 Jamie L. Lareau, Detroit Free Press , 28 Apr. 2021",
@ -379,40 +413,44 @@
"JoJo\u2019 Robar, if not by name then by description \u2014 that guy with the 200-watt smile and his three-wheeled bike who rode all over, collecting cans and friends. \u2014 Bill Leukhardt, Courant Community , 13 June 2018",
"In the church\u2019s library, retired religion scholar Herb Burhenn unpacks John 16 verse by verse as a dozen seniors seated around a long table listen and nod deferentially. \u2014 G. Jeffrey Macdonald, The Christian Science Monitor , 30 Oct. 2017"
"history_and_etymology":"Preposition, Adverb, Noun, and Adjective",
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1",
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2b",
"1567, in the meaning defined above",
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1",
"1709, in the meaning defined above"
"Middle English, preposition & adverb, from Old English, preposition, be, b\u012b ; akin to Old High German b\u012b by, near, Latin ambi- on both sides, around, Greek amphi":"Preposition, Adverb, Noun, and Adjective",
"short for goodbye":"Interjection"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Preposition",
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2b":"Adverb",
"1567, in the meaning defined above":"Noun",
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Adjective",
"1709, in the meaning defined above":"Interjection"
": of, relating to, or characteristic of the ancient city of Byzantium",
": of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of architecture developed in the Byzantine Empire especially in the fifth and sixth centuries featuring the dome carried on pendentives over a square and incrustation with marble veneering and with colored mosaics on grounds of gold",
": of or relating to the churches using a traditional Greek rite and subject to Eastern (see eastern sense 2 ) canon law",
": of, relating to, or characterized by a devious and usually surreptitious manner of operation",
": intricately involved : labyrinthine",
": a native or inhabitant of Byzantium"
": of, relating to, or characteristic of the ancient city of Byzantium":[
"Byzantine art"
": of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of architecture developed in the Byzantine Empire especially in the fifth and sixth centuries featuring the dome carried on pendentives over a square and incrustation with marble veneering and with colored mosaics on grounds of gold":[],
": of or relating to the churches using a traditional Greek rite and subject to Eastern (see eastern sense 2 ) canon law":[],
": of, relating to, or characterized by a devious and usually surreptitious manner of operation":[
"a Byzantine power struggle"
": intricately involved : labyrinthine":[
"rules of Byzantine complexity"
": a native or inhabitant of Byzantium":[]
@ -438,25 +476,24 @@
"1651, in the meaning defined at sense 1",
"1651, in the meaning defined above"
"1651, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Adjective",
"1651, in the meaning defined above":"Noun"
"by and by":{
": a future time or occasion",
": before long , soon"
": a future time or occasion":[],
": before long , soon":[]
@ -476,26 +513,30 @@
"we'll get under way by and by"
"we'll get under way by and by",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adverb",
"The red oak leaves were staying put, by and by , of course. \u2014 Bob Timmons, Star Tribune , 16 Oct. 2020",
"The previous GoT prequel project starring Naomi Watts, by and by , shot a pilot in Northern Ireland before HBO decided not to move forward with that one. \u2014 James Hibberd, , 14 Oct. 2020",
"But by and by he allows himself to be coaxed into the fold. \u2014 Michael Friedrich, The New Republic , 24 May 2018",
"Robert Frost would not gaze off into the snowy world, telling this tale with a sigh, by and by , not yet. \u2014 Mary O\u2019connell , Longreads , 18 Sep. 2017"
"1591, in the meaning defined above",
"1526, in the meaning defined above"
"1591, in the meaning defined above":"Noun",
"1526, in the meaning defined above":"Adverb"
": bygone"
": bygone":[]
@ -518,14 +559,15 @@
"those bypast days when gasoline was cheap"
"15th century, in the meaning defined above"
"15th century, in the meaning defined above":""
@ -564,11 +606,24 @@
": an indirect blow",
": a child born to parents who are not married to each other",
": a secondary or unintended consequence"
": an indirect blow":[
"While photographers snapped away, the two men chatted amiably about \u2026 the by-blows from Hurricane Esther, even then whipping through New York.",
"\u2014 Time"
": a child born to parents who are not married to each other":[
"\u2026 Aubrey noted that Shakespeare \u2026 had bedded down at the Crown Tavern in Oxford; that the innkeeper's wife was a very beautiful and witty woman; and that her poet son boasted of being Shakespeare's by-blow .",
"\u2014 S. Schoenbaum",
"\u2026 and now, after over twenty years of bachelorhood, Travis has suddenly discovered he has a daughter of seventeen, a by-blow from an earlier case.",
"\u2014 Charles Nicol"
": a secondary or unintended consequence":[
"As one of the by-blows of having my microwave books published in London, I have been going there more \u2026",
"\u2014 Barbara Kafka",
"\u2026 the lunar programme was a child of its time, a by-blow of the Cold War arms race \u2026",
"\u2014 Daily Telegraph (London)"
@ -578,22 +633,23 @@
"1590, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"1590, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": a future time or occasion",
": before long , soon"
": a future time or occasion":[],
": before long , soon":[]
@ -613,33 +669,40 @@
"we'll get under way by and by"
"we'll get under way by and by",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adverb",
"The red oak leaves were staying put, by and by , of course. \u2014 Bob Timmons, Star Tribune , 16 Oct. 2020",
"The previous GoT prequel project starring Naomi Watts, by and by , shot a pilot in Northern Ireland before HBO decided not to move forward with that one. \u2014 James Hibberd, , 14 Oct. 2020",
"But by and by he allows himself to be coaxed into the fold. \u2014 Michael Friedrich, The New Republic , 24 May 2018",
"Robert Frost would not gaze off into the snowy world, telling this tale with a sigh, by and by , not yet. \u2014 Mary O\u2019connell , Longreads , 18 Sep. 2017"
"1591, in the meaning defined above",
"1526, in the meaning defined above"
"1591, in the meaning defined above":"Noun",
"1526, in the meaning defined above":"Adverb"
"by ambulance":{
": in an ambulance"
": in an ambulance":[
"She was taken by ambulance to the hospital."
@ -661,29 +724,45 @@
": a side alley"
": a side alley":[]
": something produced in a usually industrial or biological process in addition to the principal product",
": a secondary and sometimes unexpected or unintended result",
": something produced (as in manufacturing) in addition to the main product"
": something produced in a usually industrial or biological process in addition to the principal product":[
"Sulfured molasses is a by-product of sugar refining.",
"\u2014 Wayne Gisslen",
"Small amounts of amyloid beta are generated as an ordinary metabolic byproduct and are believed to do no harm, but larger amounts seem to be tied to Alzheimer's.",
"\u2014 January W. Payne",
"Meat by-products are parts other than meat, including organs, blood and bone \u2026",
"\u2014 Amy D. Shojai",
"Among the most commonly occurring and thoroughly studied chlorination byproducts are trihalomethanes \u2026",
"\u2014 Consumer Reports"
": a secondary and sometimes unexpected or unintended result":[
"Japan's success as an international exporter of manufactured goods is a by-product of the volatile trade among Japanese cities.",
"\u2014 Jane Jacobs",
"As investor confidence grows, overspending and overborrowing are typically byproducts of an aging bull market.",
"\u2014 Carolyn Bigda",
"One of the by-products of the information age is an increasing number of data formats.",
"\u2014 John Was"
@ -698,27 +777,31 @@
"1849, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"1849, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
"by air":{
": by flying in airplanes"
": by flying in airplanes":[
"travel by air"
"by-product coke":{
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@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
": a native or inhabitant of western Czechoslovakia (Bohemia or Moravia) or the Czech Republic",
": the Slavic language of the Czechs",
": a native or inhabitant of Czechoslovakia"
"the customs of the Czechs",
"He learned to speak Czech ."
"history_and_etymology":"Czech \u010cech ",
"1841, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
": one having great power or authority":[
"a banking czar"
"a showbiz czar who is said to be able to make or break a career",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"As well as being his home city, it is named after Peter the Great, the 18th-century modernizing but militant czar to whom Putin favorably compared himself earlier this month. \u2014 Patrick Smith, NBC News , 17 June 2022",
"Everyone from the czar \u2019s wife to the lowliest serf might turn to magic at some juncture in their lives. \u2014 Valerie Kivelson, Smithsonian Magazine , 15 June 2022",
"Intriguingly, India\u2019s vaccine czar Adar Poonawalla advised Musk on Twitter a few days ago to manufacture in India. \u2014 Niharika Sharma, Quartz , 10 May 2022",
"There have been cries for a college commissioner, a czar , but good luck with that \u2014 bonne chance, getting back that chip on the table. \u2014 Nick Canepacolumnist, San Diego Union-Tribune , 21 May 2022",
"The key turning point was a supportive message from a meeting of policy makers, chaired by China\u2019s economic czar , Liu He. \u2014 Jacky Wong, WSJ , 28 Mar. 2022",
"The most vocal inflation hawk over the past year is former Treasury Secretary and former Obama economic czar Larry Summers. \u2014 Zachary Karabell, Time , 13 May 2022",
"Ashish Jha, President Biden\u2019s new Covid czar , told STAT. \u2014 Matthew Herper, STAT , 28 Apr. 2022",
"Does the Covid czar think the Supreme Court should have been precluded from reviewing the CDC\u2019s rental eviction moratorium too? \u2014 The Editorial Board, WSJ , 22 Apr. 2022"
"New Latin czar , from Russian tsar' , from Old Russian ts\u012dsar\u012d , from Goth kaisar , from Greek or Latin; Greek, from Latin Caesar \u2014 more at caesar":""
"1555, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
"noun or adjective"
": the government of Russia under the czars":[],
": autocratic rule":[]
"historically, during times of national crisis, people have looked to czarism as an answer to their fears",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Lenin, Stalin and their epigones, despite their ideological rejection of czarism , acted as de facto Great Russian imperialists in assembling the Soviet Union and maintaining it by brute force. \u2014 George Weigel, WSJ , 27 Jan. 2022",
"The difference between czarism and Leninism is the one between absolutism and totalitarianism. \u2014 Josef Joffe, New York Times , 19 Oct. 2017",
"With the collapse of czarism , this commitment to gradual reform and the development of parliamentary institutions seemed outdated. \u2014 Carolyn Harris, Smithsonian , 13 Apr. 2017"
"1855, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
"noun or adjective"
": the government of Russia under the czars":[],
": autocratic rule":[]
"historically, during times of national crisis, people have looked to czarism as an answer to their fears",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Lenin, Stalin and their epigones, despite their ideological rejection of czarism , acted as de facto Great Russian imperialists in assembling the Soviet Union and maintaining it by brute force. \u2014 George Weigel, WSJ , 27 Jan. 2022",
"The difference between czarism and Leninism is the one between absolutism and totalitarianism. \u2014 Josef Joffe, New York Times , 19 Oct. 2017",
"With the collapse of czarism , this commitment to gradual reform and the development of parliamentary institutions seemed outdated. \u2014 Carolyn Harris, Smithsonian , 13 Apr. 2017"
"1855, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": czarina"
"history_and_etymology":"Russian tsaritsa , feminine of tsar' ",
": czarist"
": the wife of a czar":[]
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"But this all comes at the end of this addictively chronicled history, in six parts, of a deluded autocrat and his equally imperious czarina , German-born and the granddaughter of Queen Victoria. \u2014 Dorothy Rabinowitz, WSJ , 27 June 2019",
"There is a new gambling czarina \u2014 Governor Charlie Baker appointed Cathy Judd-Stein to the post in January. \u2014 Shirley Leung, , 7 Aug. 2019",
"Almost to the end, the czar and czarina \u2014secure in their faith that they are adored\u2014scoff at all indicators to the contrary as rumors or malicious lies. \u2014 Dorothy Rabinowitz, WSJ , 27 June 2019",
"Tamim\u2019s younger sister, Mayassa, is Qatar\u2019s culture czarina \u2014 an art world behemoth who, at the age of 30, had an estimated annual budget of $1 billion. \u2014 Written By Declan Walsh; Photographs By Tomas Munita, New York Times , 22 Jan. 2018",
"There, King Stanislaw II August Poniatowski was trying to rebuild the nation\u2019s strength despite the menacing influence of Russian czarina Catherine the Great, his former lover and patron. \u2014 Erick Trickey, Smithsonian , 8 Mar. 2017",
"Rumor and street culture\u2014jokes, postcards, sayings, bawdy plays performed in saloons\u2014changed the image of the czar and the czarina , desacralized them, before and during the war. \u2014 Olga Ingurazova, Smithsonian , 29 Sep. 2017",
"And Thrive Global, the wellness-crusading company that new media czarina Arianna Huffington founded nearly a year ago, didn\u2019t invent downtime. \u2014 Clifton Leaf, Fortune , 19 Oct. 2017",
"The Russian Poles see the new czarina , Marina, a proud Pole, as a champion. \u2014 Anthony Tommasini, New York Times , 31 July 2017"
"probably modification of German Zarin , from Zar czar, from Russian tsar'":""
"1717, in the meaning defined above":""
": a daughter of a Russian czar":[],
": the wife of a czarevitch":[]
"Russian tsarevna , from tsar' + -evna (feminine patronymic suffix)":""
": an heir apparent of a Russian czar":[]
"Russian tsarevich , from tsar' + -evich , patronymic suffix":""
"1710, in the meaning defined above":""
": a Hungarian dance to music in duple time in which the dancers start slowly and finish with a rapid whirl"
"history_and_etymology":"Hungarian cs\u00e1rd\u00e1s ",
"1860, in the meaning defined above"
"transitive verb"
": to make Czech : cause to acquire Czech traits or characteristics":[]
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
"desktop publishing":[],
"diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis":[]
"You need to have the DTaP vaccine before you can enroll in school."
"doctor of theology":[]
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@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
": to remain for a time":[
"dwell in the hallway"
": to live as a resident":[
"the town in which he dwelled for eight years",
"the dwelling place of the gods"
": exist , lie":[
"where the heart of the matter dwells"
": to keep the attention directed":[
"\u2014 used with on or upon tried not to dwell on my fears"
": to speak or write insistently":[
"\u2014 used with on or upon reporters dwelling on the recent scandal"
"hang around",
"stick around",
"bail out",
"bug out",
"buzz (off)",
"clear off",
"clear out",
"cut out",
"get off",
"go off",
"pack (up ",
"peel off",
"pike (out ",
"pull out",
"push off",
"push on",
"shove (off)",
"take off",
"walk out"
"a cave where bats dwell",
"dwelling with a farm family as an exchange student in France",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"And inside the app, teens who dwell on certain content will be redirected. \u2014 Shara Tibken, WSJ , 14 June 2022",
"My heart was also changed, having shared a brief, intimate few moments with the creatures who dwell here and depend upon the river. \u2014 San Diego Union-Tribune , 11 June 2022",
"The story of Hiroo Onoda shows how Herzog\u2019s fascination with dreams can veer into Freudian nonsense\u2014a reluctance to attribute people\u2019s behavior to very obvious real-world causes, preferring instead to dwell on the mazy mysteries of the mind. \u2014 Ryu Spaeth, The New Republic , 2 June 2022",
"Those who dwell \u2026 among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. \u2014 Anelise Chen, The Atlantic , 17 May 2022",
"Wohlleben cites research showing that even a dozen trees planted in a residential neighborhood can extend the life span of residents by more than a year, compared with individuals who dwell on treeless streets. \u2014 Washington Post , 24 July 2021",
"In the space where an IC engine might dwell there is instead the Mega Power Frunk: a 14.1-cubic-foot cargo box with a 400-pound capacity, sufficient to hold eight 50-pound sacks of cement. \u2014 Dan Neil, WSJ , 12 May 2022",
"There\u2019s no time for Orlando City to dwell on its loss this past Saturday. \u2014 Austin David, Orlando Sentinel , 10 May 2022",
"Borgli, who cameos in the film as a director of a commercial gone wrong, never intended to dwell too much on his protagonist\u2019s motivations. \u2014 Marta Balaga, Variety , 12 May 2022"
"Middle English, from Old English dwellan to go astray, hinder; akin to Old High German twellen to tarry":""
"13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
"dwell (on ":{
"phrasal verb"
": to think or talk about (something) for a long time":[
"There is no need to dwell on the past.",
"Don't dwell upon your mistakes."
": to become steadily less : shrink":[
"Their savings dwindled to nothing.",
"a dwindling population"
": to make steadily less":[]
"knock down",
"synonym_discussion":"Choose the Right Synonym for dwindle decrease , lessen , diminish , reduce , abate , dwindle mean to grow or make less. decrease suggests a progressive decline in size, amount, numbers, or intensity. slowly decreased the amount of pressure lessen suggests a decline in amount rather than in number. has been unable to lessen her debt diminish emphasizes a perceptible loss and implies its subtraction from a total. his visual acuity has diminished reduce implies a bringing down or lowering. you must reduce your caloric intake abate implies a reducing of something excessive or oppressive in force or amount. the storm abated dwindle implies progressive lessening and is applied to things growing visibly smaller. their provisions dwindled slowly",
"Our energy dwindled as the meeting dragged on.",
"The town's population is dwindling away.",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"There is no way to predict whether the flu outbreaks will dwindle or grow worse. \u2014 New York Times , 17 June 2022",
"Even though spending remains robust, and most economists don't expect a recession this year, the market sell-off has soured the overall mood as the value of trading portfolios and retirement accounts dwindle . \u2014 Julia Horowitz, CNN , 10 June 2022",
"As years go by, narrative after narrative evades me; the possible storylines and adventures dwindle , and little gasps of optimism deflate, and deflate, and deflate. \u2014 Morgan Parker, ELLE , 4 June 2022",
"That\u2019s because the payouts depend on lending revenue, which can dwindle during bear markets. \u2014 Omkar Godbole, Forbes , 27 May 2022",
"Now some of those leaders, desperate for energy as Russian flows dwindle , are turning to African nations with burgeoning reserves of oil and natural gas. \u2014 Evan Halper, Washington Post , 13 May 2022",
"Some people are able to tap into their savings now to cover higher costs but savings will dwindle at some point. \u2014 Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press , 11 May 2022",
"Meanwhile, mortgage applications continued to dwindle last week, driving down demand to its lowest level in 22 years. \u2014 Kathy Orton, Washington Post , 9 June 2022",
"In November, 2019, with player numbers continuing to dwindle , Matignon disbanded its once powerful boys\u2019 hockey program. \u2014 Nate Weitzer, , 7 June 2022"
"probably frequentative of dwine to waste away, from Middle English, from Old English dw\u012bnan ; akin to Old Norse dv\u012bna to pine away, deyja to die \u2014 more at die":""
"1596, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense":""
"transitive verb",
": an animal or plant much below normal size":[],
": a small legendary manlike being who is usually misshapen and ugly and skilled as a craftsman":[],
": a celestial object of comparatively small mass or size: such as":[],
": a star of ordinary or low luminosity":[
"The outer layers of a swollen elderly red giant star were pouring onto the photosphere of a vigorous \u2026 yellow dwarf , something like the Sun.",
"\u2014 Carl Sagan"
"\u2014 compare giant sense 4 , supergiant":[
"The outer layers of a swollen elderly red giant star were pouring onto the photosphere of a vigorous \u2026 yellow dwarf , something like the Sun.",
"\u2014 Carl Sagan"
": a galaxy containing a relatively low number of stars":[
"Harlow Shapley discovered the first examples of dwarf satellite galaxies in 1938, one in the constellation Sculptor and one in Fornax.",
"\u2014 Astronomy"
": an insignificant person":[
"a literary dwarf"
": to cause to appear smaller or to seem inferior":[
"dwarfed by his older brother",
"has dwarfed the achievements of her predecessors"
": to restrict the growth of : stunt":[
"children dwarfed by malnutrition"
": to become smaller":[],
": low-growing in habit":[
"a dwarf peach tree",
"dwarfer forms of citrus"
"Tom Thumb"
"Shetland ponies are the dwarfs of the horse world.",
"Snow White and the seven dwarfs .",
"shrubs dwarfed by the lack of water",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"And observational astronomers are now reporting that indeed some dwarf galaxies, at least, appear not to need this non-baryonic dark matter to form and to function. \u2014 Bruce Dorminey, Forbes , 15 June 2022",
"Look for dwarf varieties, and make sure to choose a large pot made from a material that won\u2019t freeze and crack in cold climates. \u2014 Arricca Elin Sansone, Country Living , 26 May 2022",
"The Gaia mission\u2014a satellite launched in 2013 to map and characterize more than one billion of the stars in the Milky Way\u2014has already revealed that our galaxy\u2019s halo is full of debris from some massive dwarf galaxies. \u2014 Jamie Carter, Forbes , 3 May 2022",
"Five month-old male Nigerian dwarf goats and two African pygmy hedgehogs are the latest additions to Randall Oaks Zoo in West Dundee as the public facility opens for the 2022 season. \u2014 Mike Danahey, , 1 Apr. 2022",
"The observatory is slated to look at the TRAPPIST-1 system, which includes seven Earth-size exoplanets orbiting a cool dwarf star about 40 light-years away. \u2014 Ashley Strickland, CNN , 20 Nov. 2021",
"Studying dwarf galaxies, or those that have remained small over time, could help astronomers discover how supermassive black holes came to exist early on in the history of the universe. \u2014 Ashley Strickland, CNN , 21 Jan. 2022",
"The study of such small dwarf galaxies could help theorists better understand how supermassive black holes first evolved in the early universe. \u2014 Bruce Dorminey, Forbes , 20 Jan. 2022",
"Plant dwarf annual flowers such as coleus, impatiens and seedling geraniums inside as houseplants. \u2014 oregonlive , 3 Jan. 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"However, despite recent, unprecedented enrollment declines, there are still 16 million students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities \u2013 a number that continues to dwarf those pursuing faster + cheaper alternatives. \u2014 Ryan Craig, Forbes , 17 June 2022",
"While a few plants run by other companies nearby also emitted these chemicals, Westlake\u2019s authorized emissions would come to dwarf theirs. \u2014 Kathleen Flynn, ProPublica , 20 May 2022",
"The number of Americans lost to COVID-19 also continues to dwarf the number of deaths from influenza. \u2014 Arielle Mitropoulos, ABC News , 12 May 2022",
"Demand for workers cooled slightly for the second straight month in February but continued to dwarf the number of people looking for employment. \u2014 Bryan Mena, WSJ , 29 Mar. 2022",
"From pharmaceutical companies to tech firms, that\u2019s the pattern: big progress on the first two categories, along with steady increases in Scope 3\u2014which just so happens to dwarf the others. \u2014 Gregory Barber, Wired , 29 Mar. 2022",
"The challenge of dealing with Manson even as a secondary subject is that his persona is designed to dwarf everyone and everything else around him. \u2014 Sophie Gilbert, The Atlantic , 22 Mar. 2022",
"Both Republicans and Democrats expect spending in this race to dwarf past cycles, including the record-setting 2020 Senate race between Collins and Gideon. \u2014 Daniel Strauss, The New Republic , 18 Mar. 2022",
"In its directives, the FTA said the MBTA\u2019s investments in capital projects dwarf investments in day to day maintenance of its older equipment, limiting critical upkeep. \u2014 Globe Staff, , 15 June 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective",
"Last year my semi- dwarf Braeburn had scant blossoms only along the very top. \u2014 oregonlive , 30 Apr. 2022",
"In this hands-on workshop, participants will graft and take home a semi- dwarf producing apple tree, suitable for the coastal climate. \u2014 Jeanette Marantos, Los Angeles Times , 15 Feb. 2022",
"In this hands-on workshop, participants will graft and take home a semi- dwarf producing apple tree, suitable for the coastal climate. \u2014 Jeanette Marantos, Los Angeles Times , 15 Feb. 2022",
"In this hands-on workshop, participants will graft and take home a semi- dwarf producing apple tree, suitable for the coastal climate. \u2014 Jeanette Marantos, Los Angeles Times , 15 Feb. 2022",
"In this hands-on workshop, participants will graft and take home a semi- dwarf producing apple tree, suitable for the coastal climate. \u2014 Jeanette Marantos, Los Angeles Times , 15 Feb. 2022",
"In this hands-on workshop, participants will graft and take home a semi- dwarf producing apple tree, suitable for the coastal climate. \u2014 Jeanette Marantos, Los Angeles Times , 15 Feb. 2022",
"In this hands-on workshop, participants will graft and take home a semi- dwarf producing apple tree, suitable for the coastal climate. \u2014 Jeanette Marantos, Los Angeles Times , 15 Feb. 2022",
"Whitney' is a dwarf variety with sage green leaves. \u2014 Megan Hughes, Better Homes & Gardens , 9 Feb. 2022"
"Middle English dwerg, dwerf , from Old English dweorg, dweorh ; akin to Old High German twerg dwarf":"Noun, Verb, and Adjective"
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun",
"circa 1626, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 2":"Verb",
"1597, in the meaning defined above":"Adjective"
": a shelter (such as a house) in which people live":[]
"the simple dwellings in which the Pilgrims spent the first winter at Plymouth",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"There is an income-producing accessory dwelling unit (ADU) with a side entrance. \u2014 oregonlive , 19 June 2022",
"Other homes in the area are listing even bigger price reductions: a $78,000 cut for a two-bedroom home, and a house with an accessory dwelling unit first listed at $1 million now for sale at $860,000 \u2014 a $140,000 price cut. \u2014 Andrew Khouri, Los Angeles Times , 14 June 2022",
"At first, treehouses may seem like an unlikely choice of dwelling , particularly in our modern age. \u2014 Elise Taylor, Vogue , 8 Apr. 2022",
"The back of the dwelling has expansive glass panels. \u2014 oregonlive , 24 Dec. 2021",
"Staff said finding financing, particularly for homeowners who want to add an accessory dwelling unit to their home, can be challenging. \u2014 Ginny Monk, Hartford Courant , 20 Apr. 2022",
"Many other cities have restrictions on the number of unrelated people allowed to occupy a dwelling , although they are not consistently enforced. \u2014 Irina Ivanova, CBS News , 6 May 2022",
"Along with offering a safe dwelling , the organization has met with the regional government to maintain their partnership to keep the children safe and healthy as the war continues. \u2014 Alexis Oatman, cleveland , 4 May 2022",
"The dwelling is near Booker T. Washington Middle School. \u2014 Ngan Ho, Baltimore Sun , 22 Apr. 2022"
"see dwell":""
"14th century, in the meaning defined above":""
@ -3,18 +3,19 @@
"biographical name"
"Alexander 1798\u20131869 Scottish editor"
"Alexander 1798\u20131869 Scottish editor":[]
@ -241,11 +242,15 @@
": a theory that all phenomena (such as matter or motion) can be explained as manifestations of force (see force entry 1 sense 4 ) \u2014 compare mechanism",
": dynamics sense 2",
": a dynamic (see dynamic entry 1 sense 1 ) or expansionist quality"
": a theory that all phenomena (such as matter or motion) can be explained as manifestations of force (see force entry 1 sense 4 ) \u2014 compare mechanism":[],
": dynamics sense 2":[
"population dynamism"
": a dynamic (see dynamic entry 1 sense 1 ) or expansionist quality":[
"the dynamism of a natural leader"
@ -286,24 +291,27 @@
"He has the dynamism of a natural leader.",
"voters were attracted to the young challenger's dynamism , charisma, and progressive ideas",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"An investor can profit from the dynamism of the U.S. and global economy by owning stocks. \u2014 Bill Stone, Forbes , 26 June 2022",
"For Kramer, the dynamism of the market today is reflected in the number of third-party distribution deals that Paramount has picked up of late. \u2014 Cynthia Littleton, Variety , 20 May 2022",
"Certainly, there is a dynamism to the works that can\u2019t easily be conveyed in photographs. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 12 May 2022",
"Balla and his colleagues joined the call to arms, at first borrowing from the Cubists to convey a sense of dynamism on the canvas. \u2014 New York Times , 11 June 2021",
"Importantly, this dynamism and divergence in expectations for company ESG data go beyond the investor community. \u2014 R. Mukund, Forbes , 25 Apr. 2022",
"As the firelight moves different horses are illuminated, giving a sense of dynamism to the art. \u2014 Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica , 21 Apr. 2022",
"That\u2019s the kind of dynamism that leads to a long career. \u2014 Jayson Buford, Rolling Stone , 30 Mar. 2022",
"Most of today\u2019s successful nation-states are conglomerations of racial, ethnic and religious groups that have become, on balance, sources of dynamism rather than conflict. \u2014 Christopher Demuth, WSJ , 4 Feb. 2022",
"But this remarkable dynamism , some researchers argue, is a double-edged sword. \u2014 New York Times , 27 Apr. 2021",
"First, its peplum-ish ruffle is sort of genius, giving dynamism and playfulness while maintaining the lean column shape Kidman favors. \u2014 Rachel Tashjian, Harper's BAZAAR , 28 Mar. 2022"
"Most of today\u2019s successful nation-states are conglomerations of racial, ethnic and religious groups that have become, on balance, sources of dynamism rather than conflict. \u2014 Christopher Demuth, WSJ , 4 Feb. 2022"
"history_and_etymology":"borrowed from French dynamisme, from dynam ique dynamic entry 1 + -isme -ism ",
"circa 1857, in the meaning defined at sense 1a"
"borrowed from French dynamisme, from dynam ique dynamic entry 1 + -isme -ism":""
"circa 1857, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":""
@ -311,19 +319,14 @@
": an explosive that is made of nitroglycerin absorbed in a porous material and that often contains ammonium nitrate or cellulose nitrate",
": an explosive (such as a mixture of ammonium nitrate and nitrocellulose) that contains no nitroglycerin",
": one that has a powerful effect",
": something that has great potential to cause trouble or conflict",
": to blow up with dynamite",
": to cause the failure or destruction of",
": terrific , wonderful",
": an explosive used in blasting",
": to blow up with dynamite"
": to blow up with dynamite":[],
": to cause the failure or destruction of":[],
": terrific , wonderful":[
"a dynamite performance"
@ -438,6 +441,7 @@
"The death penalty is political dynamite .",
@ -447,15 +451,16 @@
"They put on a dynamite performance.",
"a summer blockbuster that features some really dynamite special effects",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"The company instructed workers to drill and cover holes where dynamite was placed for demolition projects near Lawrenceville, investigators found. \u2014 Spencer Donovan, ajc , 29 June 2022",
"The show has a dynamite cast, including the irreverent Kathryn Hahn and scene-stealing Casey Wilson, who help The Shrink Next Door enter the upper echelon of Apple TV+ shows. \u2014 Keith Nelson, Men's Health , 25 May 2022",
"But with inflation above 8%, cutting interest rates anytime soon would be like testing a flamethrower in a dynamite factory. \u2014 Jason Zweig, WSJ , 13 May 2022",
"It was meant admiringly, and Schjeldahl is absolutely right: A disjunction between intentions and effects can produce aesthetic dynamite . \u2014 Washington Post , 3 Feb. 2022",
"Here was a collection of pop songs on steroids, hits with more muscle than Gold\u2019s Gym, a stick of musical dynamite that blew up everywhere. \u2014 Lars Brandle, Billboard , 26 May 2022",
"Trump came not with a paintbrush but with a stick of dynamite . \u2014 Alex Thomas, The New Republic , 16 May 2022",
"These include Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Peace Prize and inventor of dynamite ; Joseph Priestly, chemist and theologian who discovered oxygen; and Alfred Mond, ICI founder and chairman. \u2014 Emma Reynolds, Robb Report , 12 Apr. 2022",
"Not much dynamite was required, because the cabin was eight feet wide by ten feet long. \u2014 The New Yorker , 4 Apr. 2022",
"The salt will have ample time to absorb, and the exterior will be bone dry \u2014 perfect for achieving a juicy steak with a dynamite sear. \u2014 Jeffrey Gardner, USA TODAY , 1 Apr. 2022",
"Boothe, like so many others, is captivated by the stone fortress, resting on an acre-wide rocky outcrop that was leveled by dynamite during construction. \u2014 oregonlive , 27 Mar. 2022",
"Kurt Russell delivers a dynamite performances surrounded by William Baldwin, Robert De Niro, Scott Glenn, Donald Sutherland, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Rebecca De Mornay. \u2014 Ben Flanagan |, al , 1 Mar. 2022",
"Among the many victims: the Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, a civil rights leader whose home was damaged on Christmas Day in 1956 by 16 sticks of dynamite placed beneath his bedroom window. \u2014 Cheyanne Mumphrey And Jeff Martin, The Christian Science Monitor , 8 Feb. 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"This dynamite duo from Plowboys BBQ, a joint with locations in Kansas and Missouri, will satisfy all of your classic Kansas City-Style barbecue cravings. \u2014 Becca Miller, Good Housekeeping , 30 June 2022",
"The history of the Indian subcontinent is rife with fascinating stories that make for dynamite action films, and this 2015 drama is a great example. \u2014 K. Thor Jensen, PCMAG , 8 June 2022",
"Before Parasite, director Bong Joon-ho made Mother, another dynamite contribution to the world of Korean cinema. \u2014 Deanna Janes, Harper's BAZAAR , 5 May 2022",
"Strip mining in Central Appalachia rips forests from the ground and uses dynamite to blast the tops and sides of mountains to get at coal buried hundreds of feet beneath them. \u2014 James Bruggers, The Courier-Journal , 18 Apr. 2022",
@ -463,40 +468,37 @@
"Gulf dynamite shrimp spiced with serranos, and sweet and fiery mango habanero salmon, alongside traditional dishes like chicken tikka masala and lamb vindaloo. \u2014 Megha Mcswain, Chron , 22 Mar. 2022",
"With pick and shovel and a perilous, pre- dynamite blasting method, the workers built the Windsor Locks Canal from 1827-29. \u2014 Jesse Leavenworth, , 17 Mar. 2022",
"Yes, actual gunfire and dynamite play a role in the proceedings. \u2014 Bill Goodykoontz, Detroit Free Press , 22 Oct. 2021",
"In less crowded places, dynamite or other explosives blast away rock, or excavators break rock into smaller pieces. \u2014 Khari Johnson, Wired , 9 Dec. 2021",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective",
"Their love triangle was dynamite , with fans passionately split. \u2014 Amanda Ostuni, , 21 June 2022",
"Behind a dynamite third quarter and, according to Cleaning The Glass, the second-stingiest defensive performance of their season, the Warriors prevented a lot of Internet chaos in Game 2. \u2014 Shane Young, Forbes , 6 June 2022",
"Some characters are actually thriving, including Mercedes\u2019 mother Patrice (the dynamite Harriet D. Foy), whose makeshift church has become a community hub, giving out boxes of food and inspirational CDs. \u2014 Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter , 1 June 2022",
"But what this modern folk poet extraordinaire does have is a dynamite show that hums with raw honesty. \u2014 Matthew J. Palm, Orlando Sentinel , 25 May 2022",
"Courtney Williams was dynamite for West Linn on both sides of the ball. \u2014 oregonlive , 25 May 2022",
"Russell delivers a dynamite performance surrounded by Robert De Niro, Scott Glenn, Donald Sutherland, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Rebecca De Mornay. \u2014 Ben Flanagan |, al , 17 Mar. 2022",
"Martinez, who graduated early from high school to enroll at OSU in January, is a dynamite blend of power and speed. \u2014 oregonlive , 15 Apr. 2022",
"The trio of Sam Rockwell, Laurence Fishburne and Darren Criss anchors the piece in dynamite style. \u2014 Washington Post , 15 Apr. 2022",
"Jefferson County Circuit Judge Kechia Davis then issued an Allen charge, sometimes called a dynamite charge, telling jurors to keep deliberating. \u2014 Carol Robinson |, al , 12 Apr. 2022"
"The trio of Sam Rockwell, Laurence Fishburne and Darren Criss anchors the piece in dynamite style. \u2014 Washington Post , 15 Apr. 2022"
"1867, in the meaning defined at sense 1",
"1881, in the meaning defined at sense 1",
"1922, in the meaning defined above"
"Greek d\u00fdnamis \"power, strength\" + -ite entry 1 \u2014 more at dynamic entry 1":"Noun",
"derivative of dynamite entry 1":"Verb",
"from attributive use of dynamite entry 1":"Adjective"
"1867, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun",
"1881, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Verb",
"1922, in the meaning defined above":"Adjective"
": generator sense 1b",
": a forceful energetic individual",
": generator",
": an energetic person"
": generator sense 1b":[],
": a forceful energetic individual":[]
@ -505,23 +507,26 @@
"a dynamo who barely needs to sleep, or so it seems",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"At his best, the 6-foot-9 Barnes is a versatile dynamo with a game similar to, but much less refined than, that of Milwaukee\u2019s Giannis Antetokounmpo. \u2014 New York Times , 19 Apr. 2022",
"Eight seasons ago, Steph Curry and his Bay Area teammates jelled into a breezy, unselfish dynamo , and won it all. \u2014 Jason Gay, WSJ , 17 June 2022",
"An aging, stubborn, driven, clay-court dynamo named Rafael Nadal will be playing a less-aging, equally stubborn and almost equally driven clay-court expert named Novak Djokovic on Tuesday in the quarterfinals of the French Open. \u2014 Houston Mitchell, Los Angeles Times , 30 May 2022",
"Like many of the other 67 bands and solo artists performing at this weekend\u2019s 19th annual Gator by the Bay festival, blues and soul vocal dynamo Sugaray Rayford got his start on the stage of a nightclub. \u2014 George Varga, San Diego Union-Tribune , 4 May 2022",
"Least of all the director here, a pocket-sized Tatar dynamo called Taras Voznyak, who meets me in his office. \u2014 Waldemar Januszczak For The Times, Robb Report , 19 Apr. 2022",
"That\u2019s right, the electric Seahawk dynamo , who led Seattle to its only Super Bowl title in the 2013 season (versus Denver, no less) is reportedly on the move to the Mile High for a pile of picks and Broncos quarterback Drew Lock. \u2014 Jason Gay, WSJ , 9 Mar. 2022",
"Enter a brave little dynamo named Beanie Feldstein, who has dared to step into the part in the first Broadway revival, directed by Michael Mayer. \u2014 Charles Isherwood, WSJ , 28 Apr. 2022",
"Richmond earning a spot ensures that players like Jacob Gilyard, the Spiders\u2019 dynamo of a point guard, will get to shine in front of a broader audience. \u2014 New York Times , 13 Mar. 2022",
"Manville\u2019s performance is the distasteful dynamo powering much of the film\u2019s drama, but Leigh is always careful not to castigate or villainize, keeping the audience\u2019s sympathies balanced through each character\u2019s ups and downs. \u2014 David Sims, The Atlantic , 26 Feb. 2022",
"The Hull sisters took turns guarding Harmon, too, using their height and length to tower over the 5-foot-6 dynamo . \u2014 Lindsay Schnell, USA TODAY , 28 Mar. 2022",
"The Terps have their own offensive dynamo in graduate student attacker Aurora Cordingley, who leads the country in points per game (7.7) and ranks second in assists per game (3.2). \u2014 Edward Lee, , 17 Mar. 2022"
"Richmond earning a spot ensures that players like Jacob Gilyard, the Spiders\u2019 dynamo of a point guard, will get to shine in front of a broader audience. \u2014 New York Times , 13 Mar. 2022"
"history_and_etymology":"short for dynamo-electric machine, translation of German dynamo-elektrische Maschine ; dynamo-elektrisch, probably by inversion of elektrodynamisch electrodynamic ",
"1882, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"short for dynamo-electric machine, translation of German dynamo-elektrische Maschine ; dynamo-elektrisch, probably by inversion of elektrodynamisch electrodynamic":""
"1882, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
@ -554,23 +559,14 @@
": color from dyeing",
": a soluble or insoluble coloring matter",
": to impart a new and often permanent color to especially by impregnating with a dye",
": to impart (a color) by dyeing",
": to take up or impart color in dyeing",
": a substance used to change the color of something",
": to change the color of something using a substance",
": color from dyeing",
": a soluble or insoluble coloring matter",
": to impart a new and often permanent color to especially by impregnating with a dye",
": to impart (a color) by dyeing",
": to take up or impart color in dyeing"
": color from dyeing":[],
": a soluble or insoluble coloring matter":[],
": to impart a new and often permanent color to especially by impregnating with a dye":[],
": to impart (a color) by dyeing":[],
": to take up or impart color in dyeing":[]
@ -591,6 +587,7 @@
"soaked the fabric in blue dye",
@ -598,32 +595,32 @@
"She had been dyeing her hair for years.",
"The fabric is bleached, dyed , and then washed.",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"The America\u2019s Mayor Gin, gin, gin, and just a whisper of hair dye . \u2014 Bruce Handy, The New Yorker , 16 June 2022",
"Hospitals are facing a scarcity of contrast dye used in diagnostic scans, the result of a COVID lockdown at the Shanghai plant where most of it is produced. \u2014 Darius Tahir, CBS News , 3 June 2022",
"Still, there are a few things to know before diving hair first into the world of DIY hair dye . \u2014 Kaleigh Fasanella, Allure , 5 Mar. 2022",
"Hospitals are facing a scarcity of contrast dye used in diagnostic scans, the result of a COVID lockdown at the Shanghai plant where most of it is produced. \u2014 Darius Tahir, CBS News , 3 June 2022",
"Hospitals are facing a scarcity of contrast dye used in diagnostic scans, the result of a COVID lockdown at the Shanghai plant where most of it is produced. \u2014 Darius Tahir, Fortune , 2 June 2022",
"GE Healthcare's production of contrast dye is expected to return to normal by late June, the American Hospital Association said in a statement. \u2014 Kristen Jordan Shamus, Detroit Free Press , 14 May 2022",
"Lines of blue dye that mark the path through the course disappeared, despite course workers attempting to redraw them after each run. \u2014 Nathan Fenno, Los Angeles Times , 15 Feb. 2022",
"The following month, he was splashed with an antiseptic green dye , damaging his vision in one eye. \u2014 Paul Leblanc, CNN , 22 Apr. 2022",
"The DERMAdoctor difference means the formula is dermatologist tested, as well as non-drying, non-comedogenic, oil-free, synthetic fragrance-free, synthetic dye -free, gluten-free, and cruelty-free. \u2014 Elizabeth Berry And Samantha Lawyer, Woman's Day , 13 June 2022",
"The product is dye -free and does not contain any common allergens to protect these consumers. \u2014 Grooming Playbook, The Salt Lake Tribune , 9 June 2022",
"This dye -free, clear mousse applies like a plush cloud and smells like a tropical vacation. \u2014 Harper's Bazaar Staff, Harper's BAZAAR , 1 June 2022",
"The translucent dye -free water dispenses as an airy foam that spreads smoothly for even, colorless application that transforms into a medium and deep color in just a few hours. \u2014 Cristina Montemayor, SELF , 27 May 2022",
"Like its sister products, it's said to be approved for daily use and is also made fragrance and dye -free. \u2014 Sabina Wizemann, Good Housekeeping , 25 Apr. 2022",
"Brander has also released harmless purple dye into rips, with footage of the dramatic streaks appearing on TV and online videos. \u2014 Chloe Williams, The Atlantic , 20 June 2022",
"Kaia Gerber gave herself punk-pink dip- dye ends with some virtual assistance from hair maestro Guido Palau. \u2014 Elle Turner, Glamour , 19 June 2022",
"One chapter is all about red drinks, a custom tied to the West African tradition of imbibing drinks made from kola nuts or hibiscus leaves, which dye liquids striking shades of red. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 9 June 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"Don\u2019t try to cover up my tattoos, don\u2019t try to cut my hair, don\u2019t try to dye my hair. \u2014 Jenna Kunze, ELLE , 17 June 2022",
"On visits to the nursing home, the husband-author wrestled with his wife in the shower, trying to dye her hair. \u2014 Elinor Lipman, Washington Post , 26 May 2022",
"The depot held clothing ready for export as well as drums filled with hydrogen peroxide, a chemical compound often used to bleach and dye fabric. \u2014 New York Times , 7 June 2022",
"In the Lab, scientists dye human hair samples in brown, blonde, red and black shades and evaluate the products for their gray hair coverage. \u2014 Sabina Wizemann, Good Housekeeping , 25 May 2022",
"Loc extensions, starter locs, styling locs, coloring locs, and loc maintenance. Want to dye your locs purple? \u2014 Danielle James, Allure , 11 May 2022",
"My new workplace has about 30 employees, mostly women, every one of whom either dyes their hair or is young enough not to need to, and many younger employees dye their hair too. \u2014 Washington Post , 18 Aug. 2021",
"The band will play Moda Center on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 7:30 p.m., which gives you plenty of time to get angsty about something and dye your hair black. \u2014 oregonlive , 10 Mar. 2022",
"The blue thread used would be typical of Native American or prairie settlers at the time, both of whom used indigo to dye thread a deep midnight blue. \u2014 oregonlive , 5 Feb. 2022",
"For over a decade, Margolis has asked his patients to dye his hair, coloring it from white to green as a way to boost morale and support the Milwaukee Bucks. \u2014 Eddie Morales, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , 12 Jan. 2022",
"Older Kid can dye her own yarn, maybe, lowering your costs and increasing her range. \u2014 Washington Post , 7 Dec. 2021"
"The blue thread used would be typical of Native American or prairie settlers at the time, both of whom used indigo to dye thread a deep midnight blue. \u2014 oregonlive , 5 Feb. 2022"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1",
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1"
"Middle English dehe , from Old English d\u0113ah, d\u0113ag":"Noun"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun",
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1":"Verb"
@ -631,19 +628,17 @@
": indigestion",
": ill humor : disgruntlement",
": indigestion"
": indigestion":[],
": ill humor : disgruntlement":[]
"He is suffering from dyspepsia .",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
@ -656,22 +651,42 @@
"The Europeans who encountered indigenous people in Mexico in the 1500s noted that chocolate was used to treat numerous ailments ranging from dysentery and indigestion, to fatigue and dyspepsia . \u2014 Jeffrey Miller, Smithsonian , 29 June 2018",
"Pepsi however, says that the truth is that the name came from Bradham\u2019s belief that his Pepsi-Cola could soothe an upset stomach, taking its name from the word dyspepsia , which means indigestion. \u2014 Melissa Locker, Southern Living , 27 Feb. 2018"
"history_and_etymology":"borrowed from Latin, borrowed from Greek dyspeps\u00eda, from dys- dys- + p\u00e9psis \"cooking, ripening, digestion\" (from pep-, base of p\u00e9ttein, p\u00e9ssein, p\u00e9ptein \"to cook, ripen, digest\" + -sis -sis ) + -ia -ia entry 1 \u2014 more at cook entry 1 ",
"circa 1706, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"borrowed from Latin, borrowed from Greek dyspeps\u00eda, from dys- dys- + p\u00e9psis \"cooking, ripening, digestion\" (from pep-, base of p\u00e9ttein, p\u00e9ssein, p\u00e9ptein \"to cook, ripen, digest\" + -sis -sis ) + -ia -ia entry 1 \u2014 more at cook entry 1":""
"circa 1706, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": approaching death",
": gradually ceasing to be",
": having reached an advanced or ultimate stage of decay or disuse",
": of, relating to, or occurring at the time of death or dying"
": approaching death":[
"a dying man",
"He had come back three years earlier to care for his dying mother.",
"\u2014 Jeff Tietz",
"the dying day",
"a dying fire"
": gradually ceasing to be":[
"a dying man",
"He had come back three years earlier to care for his dying mother.",
"\u2014 Jeff Tietz",
"the dying day",
"a dying fire"
": having reached an advanced or ultimate stage of decay or disuse":[
"a dying civilization",
"a dying tradition"
": of, relating to, or occurring at the time of death or dying":[
"recorded his dying words",
"promised to fulfill her dying wishes"
@ -679,12 +694,13 @@
"15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a"
"15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":""
@ -724,16 +740,15 @@
": any of various conditions (such as Parkinson's disease and torticollis) characterized by abnormalities of movement and muscle tone",
": a state of disordered tonicity of tissues (as of muscle)"
": any of various conditions (such as Parkinson's disease and torticollis) characterized by abnormalities of movement and muscle tone":[]
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"In 1997, the FDA gave its first green light to deep brain stimulation as a treatment for tremor, and then for Parkinson\u2019s in 2002 and the movement disorder dystonia in 2003. \u2014 Isabella Cueto, STAT , 14 Jan. 2022",
@ -745,32 +760,38 @@
"The cause of dystonia isn't known, but some forms are inherited, states Mayo Clinic. \u2014 Claire Gillespie, , 9 Dec. 2019",
"Spinney, who also operated and voiced Oscar, Big Bird's grumpy trash can-dwelling neighbor, before retiring from the iconic kids program in October 2018, died at his home in Connecticut after living with dystonia for some time. \u2014 Lisa De Los Reyes, Billboard , 8 Dec. 2019"
"history_and_etymology":"borrowed from German Dystonie, from dys- dys- + -tonie -tonia ",
"1860, in the meaning defined above"
"borrowed from German Dystonie, from dys- dys- + -tonie -tonia":""
"1860, in the meaning defined above":""
": slow or difficult labor or delivery",
": slow or difficult labor or delivery \u2014 compare eutocia"
": slow or difficult labor or delivery":[]
"history_and_etymology":"borrowed from New Latin, borrowed from Greek dystok\u00eda, from dys- dys- + t\u00f3kos \"childbirth, act of giving birth (of animals), offspring\" + -ia -ia entry 1 ; t\u00f3kos nominal ablaut derivative of t\u00edkt\u014d, t\u00edktein, aorist \u00e9tekon, teke\u00een \"to give birth to, beget, generate,\" probably going back to Indo-European *te\u1e31- \"generate, give birth to,\" base of the aorist stem *tet\u1e31- \"generate, produce\" \u2014 more at tectonic ",
"circa 1706, in the meaning defined above"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Complications like shoulder dystocia are rare in obstetrics. \u2014 Adam Wolfberg, The Atlantic , 26 May 2017"
"borrowed from New Latin, borrowed from Greek dystok\u00eda, from dys- dys- + t\u00f3kos \"childbirth, act of giving birth (of animals), offspring\" + -ia -ia entry 1 ; t\u00f3kos nominal ablaut derivative of t\u00edkt\u014d, t\u00edktein, aorist \u00e9tekon, teke\u00een \"to give birth to, beget, generate,\" probably going back to Indo-European *te\u1e31- \"generate, give birth to,\" base of the aorist stem *tet\u1e31- \"generate, produce\" \u2014 more at tectonic":""
"circa 1706, in the meaning defined above":""
@ -778,23 +799,14 @@
": color from dyeing",
": a soluble or insoluble coloring matter",
": to impart a new and often permanent color to especially by impregnating with a dye",
": to impart (a color) by dyeing",
": to take up or impart color in dyeing",
": a substance used to change the color of something",
": to change the color of something using a substance",
": color from dyeing",
": a soluble or insoluble coloring matter",
": to impart a new and often permanent color to especially by impregnating with a dye",
": to impart (a color) by dyeing",
": to take up or impart color in dyeing"
": color from dyeing":[],
": a soluble or insoluble coloring matter":[],
": to impart a new and often permanent color to especially by impregnating with a dye":[],
": to impart (a color) by dyeing":[],
": to take up or impart color in dyeing":[]
@ -815,6 +827,7 @@
"soaked the fabric in blue dye",
@ -822,32 +835,32 @@
"She had been dyeing her hair for years.",
"The fabric is bleached, dyed , and then washed.",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"The America\u2019s Mayor Gin, gin, gin, and just a whisper of hair dye . \u2014 Bruce Handy, The New Yorker , 16 June 2022",
"Hospitals are facing a scarcity of contrast dye used in diagnostic scans, the result of a COVID lockdown at the Shanghai plant where most of it is produced. \u2014 Darius Tahir, CBS News , 3 June 2022",
"Still, there are a few things to know before diving hair first into the world of DIY hair dye . \u2014 Kaleigh Fasanella, Allure , 5 Mar. 2022",
"Hospitals are facing a scarcity of contrast dye used in diagnostic scans, the result of a COVID lockdown at the Shanghai plant where most of it is produced. \u2014 Darius Tahir, CBS News , 3 June 2022",
"Hospitals are facing a scarcity of contrast dye used in diagnostic scans, the result of a COVID lockdown at the Shanghai plant where most of it is produced. \u2014 Darius Tahir, Fortune , 2 June 2022",
"GE Healthcare's production of contrast dye is expected to return to normal by late June, the American Hospital Association said in a statement. \u2014 Kristen Jordan Shamus, Detroit Free Press , 14 May 2022",
"Lines of blue dye that mark the path through the course disappeared, despite course workers attempting to redraw them after each run. \u2014 Nathan Fenno, Los Angeles Times , 15 Feb. 2022",
"The following month, he was splashed with an antiseptic green dye , damaging his vision in one eye. \u2014 Paul Leblanc, CNN , 22 Apr. 2022",
"The DERMAdoctor difference means the formula is dermatologist tested, as well as non-drying, non-comedogenic, oil-free, synthetic fragrance-free, synthetic dye -free, gluten-free, and cruelty-free. \u2014 Elizabeth Berry And Samantha Lawyer, Woman's Day , 13 June 2022",
"The product is dye -free and does not contain any common allergens to protect these consumers. \u2014 Grooming Playbook, The Salt Lake Tribune , 9 June 2022",
"This dye -free, clear mousse applies like a plush cloud and smells like a tropical vacation. \u2014 Harper's Bazaar Staff, Harper's BAZAAR , 1 June 2022",
"The translucent dye -free water dispenses as an airy foam that spreads smoothly for even, colorless application that transforms into a medium and deep color in just a few hours. \u2014 Cristina Montemayor, SELF , 27 May 2022",
"Like its sister products, it's said to be approved for daily use and is also made fragrance and dye -free. \u2014 Sabina Wizemann, Good Housekeeping , 25 Apr. 2022",
"Brander has also released harmless purple dye into rips, with footage of the dramatic streaks appearing on TV and online videos. \u2014 Chloe Williams, The Atlantic , 20 June 2022",
"Kaia Gerber gave herself punk-pink dip- dye ends with some virtual assistance from hair maestro Guido Palau. \u2014 Elle Turner, Glamour , 19 June 2022",
"One chapter is all about red drinks, a custom tied to the West African tradition of imbibing drinks made from kola nuts or hibiscus leaves, which dye liquids striking shades of red. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 9 June 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"Don\u2019t try to cover up my tattoos, don\u2019t try to cut my hair, don\u2019t try to dye my hair. \u2014 Jenna Kunze, ELLE , 17 June 2022",
"On visits to the nursing home, the husband-author wrestled with his wife in the shower, trying to dye her hair. \u2014 Elinor Lipman, Washington Post , 26 May 2022",
"The depot held clothing ready for export as well as drums filled with hydrogen peroxide, a chemical compound often used to bleach and dye fabric. \u2014 New York Times , 7 June 2022",
"In the Lab, scientists dye human hair samples in brown, blonde, red and black shades and evaluate the products for their gray hair coverage. \u2014 Sabina Wizemann, Good Housekeeping , 25 May 2022",
"Loc extensions, starter locs, styling locs, coloring locs, and loc maintenance. Want to dye your locs purple? \u2014 Danielle James, Allure , 11 May 2022",
"My new workplace has about 30 employees, mostly women, every one of whom either dyes their hair or is young enough not to need to, and many younger employees dye their hair too. \u2014 Washington Post , 18 Aug. 2021",
"The band will play Moda Center on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 7:30 p.m., which gives you plenty of time to get angsty about something and dye your hair black. \u2014 oregonlive , 10 Mar. 2022",
"The blue thread used would be typical of Native American or prairie settlers at the time, both of whom used indigo to dye thread a deep midnight blue. \u2014 oregonlive , 5 Feb. 2022",
"For over a decade, Margolis has asked his patients to dye his hair, coloring it from white to green as a way to boost morale and support the Milwaukee Bucks. \u2014 Eddie Morales, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , 12 Jan. 2022",
"Older Kid can dye her own yarn, maybe, lowering your costs and increasing her range. \u2014 Washington Post , 7 Dec. 2021"
"The blue thread used would be typical of Native American or prairie settlers at the time, both of whom used indigo to dye thread a deep midnight blue. \u2014 oregonlive , 5 Feb. 2022"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1",
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1"
"Middle English dehe , from Old English d\u0113ah, d\u0113ag":"Noun"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun",
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1":"Verb"
"dye base":{
@ -868,84 +881,111 @@
": a wandering soul believed in Jewish folklore to enter and control a living body until exorcised by a religious rite"
": a wandering soul believed in Jewish folklore to enter and control a living body until exorcised by a religious rite":[]
"history_and_etymology":"Yiddish dibek , from Late Hebrew dibb\u016bq ",
"circa 1903, in the meaning defined above"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"That dybbuk had set up shop in her mother\u2019s stomach and had not wanted to leave. \u2014 Olga Tokarczuk, The New Yorker , 13 Sep. 2021",
"Parents must work together to save their young daughter from a dybbuk , a malevolent spirit that inhabits and ultimately devours its human host. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 26 Mar. 2021",
"The dybbuk stops here regardless, and The Vigil is nothing if not determined to break out every trick in the malevolent-spirit-run-amuck book to spook, unsettle, and jar you. \u2014 David Fear, Rolling Stone , 25 Feb. 2021",
"When a little girl named Em unleashes a demon called the dybbuk \u2014the taker of children\u2014and becomes possessed, a series of scream-out-loud moments follow. 2. \u2014 Noelle Devoe, Seventeen , 8 Oct. 2014",
"The 48-minute, nine-part ballet takes its musical and choreographic impetus from the notion of the dybbuk , a lost and restless spirit found in Central-European Jewish folklore. \u2014 Robert Greskovic, WSJ , 8 May 2018"
"Yiddish dibek , from Late Hebrew dibb\u016bq":""
"circa 1903, in the meaning defined above":""
": of, relating to, or being an imagined world or society in which people lead dehumanized, fearful lives : relating to or characteristic of a dystopia"
": of, relating to, or being an imagined world or society in which people lead dehumanized, fearful lives : relating to or characteristic of a dystopia":[
"A twisted romantic haunted by dystopian visions, Gibson borrows the language of science fiction and crafts doomed love stories with high-tech trappings.",
"\u2014 Maitland McDonagh",
"Dystopian visions are in a sense mythopoeic: depicting a creation myth in a future world of darkness and silence.",
"\u2014 Sarah Lefanu",
"Biotechnology is a force for good, but without adherence to the ideal of universal human equality, it opens the door to the soft tyranny of Gattaca and, ultimately the dystopian nightmare of Brave New World.",
"\u2014 Wesley J. Smith",
"Like many advances in science and technology, the dystopian implications of data mining have been described best by science-fiction writers.",
"\u2014 John Markoff",
"\u2026 Orwellian has become a word itself: an adjective denoting a dystopic world where language is cut adrift from meaning.",
"\u2014 Harvey A. Daniels",
"Letter by letter, we read of a society that seems to move from one dystopic nightmare to another \u2026",
"\u2014 Simon Winchester"
"dystopian from dystopia + -an entry 2 ; dystopic from dystopia + -ic entry 1"
"1962, in the meaning defined above"
"dystopian from dystopia + -an entry 2 ; dystopic from dystopia + -ic entry 1":""
"1962, in the meaning defined above":""
": relating to or caused by faulty nutrition",
": relating to or affected with a dystrophy",
": brownish with much dissolved humic matter, a sparse bottom fauna, and a high oxygen consumption",
": relating to or caused by faulty nutrition",
": relating to or affected with a dystrophy",
": occurring at sites of damaged or necrotic tissue",
": characterized by disordered growth"
": relating to or caused by faulty nutrition":[],
": relating to or affected with a dystrophy":[
"a dystrophic patient"
": brownish with much dissolved humic matter, a sparse bottom fauna, and a high oxygen consumption":[]
"dystrophy + -ic entry 1 ; in sense 2 after German dystroph"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"There are four major types of EB \u2014 EB simplex (EBS), junctional EB (JEB), dystrophic EB (DEB), and Kindler syndrome. \u2014 Megan Woodward, , 26 Oct. 2020",
"Another quest focuses on dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB), genetic conditions that cause fragile skin, widespread blistering, vision loss, disfigurement and other serious medical problems. \u2014 Julie Washington, , 1 Nov. 2017",
"Speaking of \u2018the dystrophic child\u2019s plight,\u2019 or calling disability a \u2018 \u2014 Travis M. Andrews, sacbee , 21 Aug. 2017"
"1893, in the meaning defined at sense 1a"
"dystrophy + -ic entry 1 ; in sense 2 after German dystroph":""
"1893, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":""
": a protein that is associated with a transmembrane complex of skeletal muscle cells and that is absent in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and deficient or defective in Becker muscular dystrophy",
": a protein of high molecular weight that is associated with a transmembrane glycoprotein complex of skeletal muscle cells and is absent in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and deficient or of abnormal molecular weight in Becker muscular dystrophy"
": a protein that is associated with a transmembrane complex of skeletal muscle cells and that is absent in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and deficient or defective in Becker muscular dystrophy":[]
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"In a study involving patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 12 weeks of treatment with the Wave drug called suvodirsen failed to increase levels of dystrophin compared to baseline, the company said. \u2014 , 17 Dec. 2019",
@ -957,30 +997,28 @@
"In a clinical trial, Sarepta\u2019s drug produced a small increase in an important muscle protein called dystrophin that is normally missing in children with Duchenne. \u2014 Damian Garde, STAT , 12 Dec. 2019",
"Instead, the Wave drug made no dystrophin protein at all, which raises serious questions about the viability of the company\u2019s entire chemistry platform. \u2014 , 17 Dec. 2019"
"dystrophy + -in entry 1",
"Note: Term introduced by Eric P. Hoffman, Robert H. Brown, Jr., and Louis M. Kunkel in \"Dystrophin: The protein product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy locus,\" Cell, vol. 51, no. 6, December 24, 1987, pp. 919-28."
"1987, in the meaning defined above"
"dystrophy + -in entry 1":""
"1987, in the meaning defined above":""
"adjective or noun",
": a mood disorder characterized by chronic mildly depressed or irritable mood often accompanied by other symptoms (such as eating and sleeping disturbances, fatigue, and poor self-esteem)",
": a mood disorder characterized by chronic mildly depressed or irritable mood often accompanied by other symptoms (as eating and sleeping disturbances, fatigue, and poor self-esteem)"
": a mood disorder characterized by chronic mildly depressed or irritable mood often accompanied by other symptoms (such as eating and sleeping disturbances, fatigue, and poor self-esteem)":[]
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"It is categorized as a mental illness, on the low end of the spectrum of manic depressive illness, with dysthymia \u2014 its depressive equivalent \u2014 at the other end of the spectrum. \u2014 Gregg Martin, STAT , 31 Oct. 2021",
@ -991,45 +1029,47 @@
"Diagnoses like depression, dysthymia , seasonal affective disorder, and bipolar disorder all benefit from CBT, too. \u2014 Molly Burford, Allure , 16 Oct. 2019",
"Silverman explains that in the DSM-5, experts essentially collapsed two mood disorders\u2014chronic major depressive disorder and dysthymia \u2014into one: PDD. \u2014 Claire Gillespie, SELF , 19 Nov. 2018"
"probably borrowed from German Dysthymie, borrowed from Greek dysth\u0233m\u00eda \"despondency, despair,\" from d\u00fdsth\u0233mos \"despondent, melancholy\" (from dys- dys- + \u00ac -th\u0233mos, adjective derivative of th\u0233m\u00f3s \"spirit, mind, courage\") + -ia -ia entry 1 \u2014 more at fume entry 1"
"1844, in the meaning defined above"
"probably borrowed from German Dysthymie, borrowed from Greek dysth\u0233m\u00eda \"despondency, despair,\" from d\u00fdsth\u0233mos \"despondent, melancholy\" (from dys- dys- + \u00ac -th\u0233mos, adjective derivative of th\u0233m\u00f3s \"spirit, mind, courage\") + -ia -ia entry 1 \u2014 more at fume entry 1":""
"1844, in the meaning defined above":""
": diaster"
": diaster":[]
"dy- + -aster (star)"
"dy- + -aster (star)":""
": a solution containing a dye used in dyeing"
": a solution containing a dye used in dyeing":[]
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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
": the reflux of the tide toward the sea":[],
": a point or condition of decline":[
"our spirits were at a low ebb"
": to recede from the flood":[],
": to fall from a higher to a lower level or from a better to a worse state":[
"his popularity ebbed"
"synonym_discussion":"Choose the Right Synonym for ebb Verb abate , subside , wane , ebb mean to die down in force or intensity. abate stresses the idea of progressive diminishing. the storm abated subside implies the ceasing of turbulence or agitation. the protests subsided after a few days wane suggests the fading or weakening of something good or impressive. waning enthusiasm ebb suggests the receding of something (such as the tide) that commonly comes and goes. the ebbing of daylight",
"Morale seems to have reached its lowest ebb .",
"a surprising ebb in the quality of workmanship in goods coming from that country",
"waiting for the tide to ebb",
"the fortunes of the town slowly ebbed as factory after textile factory closed",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"Liliya Sekreta, head nurse at the West Berkeley OptumServe site, has seen demand for testing and treatment ebb and flow. \u2014 Rachel Scheier, San Francisco Chronicle , 18 June 2022",
"This one will start the same way, but for an historic ebb of opportunity. \u2014 Bill Monroe, oregonlive , 11 June 2022",
"The opening episodes of any Alone season have a familiar ebb and flow, and thus far season nine is no different. \u2014 Frederick Dreier, Outside Online , 3 June 2022",
"The ebb and flow in calls to the hotline in 2020 were just one concern of the children's advocates. \u2014 The Enquirer , 26 Apr. 2021",
"There are also idiosyncratic ones, including the rapid return of inflation after decades at a low ebb , a wobbling Chinese economy and a war in Ukraine that has shocked commodity markets. \u2014 Justin Baer, WSJ , 21 May 2022",
"Relations between the two nations were at a particularly low ebb in the decades-long Cold War, which had emerged out of the ashes of World War II. \u2014 Francine Uenuma, Smithsonian Magazine , 27 Apr. 2022",
"Just save it for when your anger is at a low ebb and frame it as reconciling differences in style. \u2014 Washington Post , 11 Apr. 2022",
"Stock markets are at their lowest ebb since the dark days of the pandemic. \u2014 Samuel Goldman, The Week , 11 May 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"When Delta began to ebb , the desire to come back into the salon revved right back up. \u2014 Washington Post , 5 May 2022",
"Employee productivity and performance levels ebb and flow. \u2014 Rob Catalano, Forbes , 2 May 2022",
"With the cost of consumer goods up 8.3% year over year, the report painted a picture of the highest inflation rate since 1981 and shattered hopes that the rising tide of inflation would ebb any time soon. \u2014 Christopher Hurn, Forbes , 1 June 2022",
"And even if inflation continues to ebb , prices are still rising far more quickly than the Fed\u2019s target of 2 percent over time. \u2014 New York Times , 27 May 2022",
"Public confidence in the various organs of American governance continues to ebb . \u2014 Matt Ford, The New Republic , 19 May 2022",
"That sort of equilibrium will take work to achieve and to maintain, as antibody levels ebb over time and new variants crop up. \u2014 Katherine J. Wu, The Atlantic , 4 May 2022",
"The grounds of the museum will include a tidal pool where water will ebb and flow; on its bottom will be etched a ghostly cross section of a slave ship with prone figures of men, women, and children crowded as tightly as possible. \u2014 Klara Glowczewska, Town & Country , 18 Mar. 2022",
"Health concerns last year shifted more people than ever to online, and many will continue to favor that option as the pandemic continues to ebb and flow. \u2014 Lorraine Mirabella, , 26 Nov. 2021"
"Middle English ebbe , from Old English ebba ; akin to Middle Dutch ebbe ebb, Old English of from \u2014 more at of":"Noun"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Verb"
": the reflux of the tide toward the sea":[],
": a point or condition of decline":[
"our spirits were at a low ebb"
": to recede from the flood":[],
": to fall from a higher to a lower level or from a better to a worse state":[
"his popularity ebbed"
"synonym_discussion":"Choose the Right Synonym for ebb Verb abate , subside , wane , ebb mean to die down in force or intensity. abate stresses the idea of progressive diminishing. the storm abated subside implies the ceasing of turbulence or agitation. the protests subsided after a few days wane suggests the fading or weakening of something good or impressive. waning enthusiasm ebb suggests the receding of something (such as the tide) that commonly comes and goes. the ebbing of daylight",
"Morale seems to have reached its lowest ebb .",
"a surprising ebb in the quality of workmanship in goods coming from that country",
"waiting for the tide to ebb",
"the fortunes of the town slowly ebbed as factory after textile factory closed",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"Liliya Sekreta, head nurse at the West Berkeley OptumServe site, has seen demand for testing and treatment ebb and flow. \u2014 Rachel Scheier, San Francisco Chronicle , 18 June 2022",
"This one will start the same way, but for an historic ebb of opportunity. \u2014 Bill Monroe, oregonlive , 11 June 2022",
"The opening episodes of any Alone season have a familiar ebb and flow, and thus far season nine is no different. \u2014 Frederick Dreier, Outside Online , 3 June 2022",
"The ebb and flow in calls to the hotline in 2020 were just one concern of the children's advocates. \u2014 The Enquirer , 26 Apr. 2021",
"There are also idiosyncratic ones, including the rapid return of inflation after decades at a low ebb , a wobbling Chinese economy and a war in Ukraine that has shocked commodity markets. \u2014 Justin Baer, WSJ , 21 May 2022",
"Relations between the two nations were at a particularly low ebb in the decades-long Cold War, which had emerged out of the ashes of World War II. \u2014 Francine Uenuma, Smithsonian Magazine , 27 Apr. 2022",
"Just save it for when your anger is at a low ebb and frame it as reconciling differences in style. \u2014 Washington Post , 11 Apr. 2022",
"Stock markets are at their lowest ebb since the dark days of the pandemic. \u2014 Samuel Goldman, The Week , 11 May 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"When Delta began to ebb , the desire to come back into the salon revved right back up. \u2014 Washington Post , 5 May 2022",
"Employee productivity and performance levels ebb and flow. \u2014 Rob Catalano, Forbes , 2 May 2022",
"With the cost of consumer goods up 8.3% year over year, the report painted a picture of the highest inflation rate since 1981 and shattered hopes that the rising tide of inflation would ebb any time soon. \u2014 Christopher Hurn, Forbes , 1 June 2022",
"And even if inflation continues to ebb , prices are still rising far more quickly than the Fed\u2019s target of 2 percent over time. \u2014 New York Times , 27 May 2022",
"Public confidence in the various organs of American governance continues to ebb . \u2014 Matt Ford, The New Republic , 19 May 2022",
"That sort of equilibrium will take work to achieve and to maintain, as antibody levels ebb over time and new variants crop up. \u2014 Katherine J. Wu, The Atlantic , 4 May 2022",
"The grounds of the museum will include a tidal pool where water will ebb and flow; on its bottom will be etched a ghostly cross section of a slave ship with prone figures of men, women, and children crowded as tightly as possible. \u2014 Klara Glowczewska, Town & Country , 18 Mar. 2022",
"Health concerns last year shifted more people than ever to online, and many will continue to favor that option as the pandemic continues to ebb and flow. \u2014 Lorraine Mirabella, , 26 Nov. 2021"
"Middle English ebbe , from Old English ebba ; akin to Middle Dutch ebbe ebb, Old English of from \u2014 more at of":"Noun"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Verb"
": a sudden violent outburst or display":[],
": the act, process, or state of boiling or bubbling up":[]
"the earsplitting ebullition of the fans following the from-the-jaws-of-defeat victory",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"The labor unrest has been fueled by the confluence of the pandemic and an ebullition of streaming platforms thirsting for hot new shows and films. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 10 Sep. 2021",
"The bossa nova era was one of two great, creative ebullitions in 20th-century Brazil. \u2014 The Economist , 11 July 2019"
"1534, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
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@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
": an unsubstantial image : phantom":[],
": ideal":[]
"beau ideal",
"patron saint"
"an industrialist who remains an eidolon of the visionary and ambitious self-made man",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"To enlist Helen, rather than the more popular The Trojan Women, for an antiwar theme makes sense especially in the wake of the conflict in Iraq: Helen posits that a decade-long war was fought and a civilization destroyed over a mirage, an eidolon . \u2014 Lidija Haas, Harper's Magazine , 27 Apr. 2020"
"Greek eid\u014dlon \u2014 more at idol":""
"1828, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": being the one and the other of two : each":[
"flowers blooming on either side of the walk",
"plays either instrument well"
": being the one or the other of two":[
"take either road"
": the one or the other":[
"take either of the two routes"
": likewise , moreover":[
"\u2014 used for emphasis after a negative not smart or handsome either"
": for that matter":[
"\u2014 used for emphasis after an alternative following a question or conditional clause especially where negation is implied who answers for the Irish parliament? or army either ? \u2014 Robert Browning"
"also \u02c8\u012b-",
"French and English are closer to each other than either language is to Chinese.",
"You may take either road.",
"You may choose either answer.",
"Either way is all right with me.",
"I haven't written to either of my parents.",
"you won't convince them, and, in fact, I don't agree either !",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective",
"But some judges criticized the either -jail-or-probation sentencing aspect of the parading charge. \u2014 Rachel Weiner, Tom Jackman And Spencer S. Hsu, Anchorage Daily News , 10 Jan. 2022",
"But some judges criticized the either -jail-or-probation sentencing aspect of the parading charge. \u2014 Rachel Weiner, Tom Jackman And Spencer S. Hsu, Anchorage Daily News , 10 Jan. 2022",
"But some judges criticized the either -jail-or-probation sentencing aspect of the parading charge. \u2014 Rachel Weiner, Tom Jackman And Spencer S. Hsu, Anchorage Daily News , 10 Jan. 2022",
"But some judges criticized the either -jail-or-probation sentencing aspect of the parading charge. \u2014 Rachel Weiner, Tom Jackman And Spencer S. Hsu, Anchorage Daily News , 10 Jan. 2022",
"But some judges criticized the either -jail-or-probation sentencing aspect of the parading charge. \u2014 Rachel Weiner, Tom Jackman And Spencer S. Hsu, Anchorage Daily News , 10 Jan. 2022",
"But some judges criticized the either -jail-or-probation sentencing aspect of the parading charge. \u2014 Rachel Weiner, Tom Jackman And Spencer S. Hsu, Anchorage Daily News , 10 Jan. 2022",
"But some judges criticized the either -jail-or-probation sentencing aspect of the parading charge. \u2014 Rachel Weiner, Tom Jackman And Spencer S. Hsu, Anchorage Daily News , 10 Jan. 2022",
"But some judges criticized the either -jail-or-probation sentencing aspect of the parading charge. \u2014 Rachel Weiner, Tom Jackman And Spencer S. Hsu, Anchorage Daily News , 10 Jan. 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Conjunction",
"But scientists and doctors say things aren\u2019t that simple \u2014 and a belief that exposing children to marijuana, either directly or indirectly, is harmless isn\u2019t supported by the facts. \u2014 Daniel M. Jimenez, The Cannifornian , 22 June 2017",
"Consumers face two possible outcomes \u2014 insurers will either leave the marketplace or be forced to raise their rates. \u2014 Bloomberg News, The Denver Post , 5 May 2017",
"Either the gravitational influence from a passing star or group of stars, or the shock waves from an old exploding star in the distance, stirs up the nebula. \u2014 Mike Lynch / Sky Watch, Twin Cities , 11 Mar. 2017",
"Now either the president is flip-flopping or his staff is, once again, speaking out of turn. \u2014 Alicia Wallace, The Cannabist , 23 Feb. 2017",
"The tests use either a cheek swab or saliva and return autosomal DNA reports, sampling at more than 700,000 locations along a genome. \u2014 Katharine Gammon, Orange County Register , 30 Jan. 2017",
"The quarterbacks are the storyline for the 1:35 p.m. kickoff, but not in the way either team would\u2019ve liked. \u2014 Jimmy Durkin, The Mercury News , 3 Jan. 2017",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adverb",
"Get the biggest stories delivered (The Nets are not blameless either . \u2014 Jeff Zillgitt, USA TODAY , 2 July 2022",
"The cost to buy a San Diego single-family home is out of reach for Pam Anderson, but renting one isn\u2019t easy either . \u2014 Phillip Molnar, San Diego Union-Tribune , 1 July 2022",
"Still, an inflation hedge that adds a solid return while lowering risk ain\u2019t bad either . \u2014 Kevin Coldiron, Forbes , 1 July 2022",
"The relentlessly unpretentious Maryanne \u2014 who became the show's second Black female winner ever \u2014 was not just a silly barrel of laughs either . \u2014 Ew Staff, , 1 July 2022",
"These Minnesota punks are either on the emo side of math-rock or the math-rock side of emo, maybe both. \u2014 Ed Masley, The Arizona Republic , 1 July 2022",
"But the lawyers didn\u2019t think that was a strong case either . \u2014 Washington Post , 30 June 2022",
"Off the show, things haven't been good between the two either . \u2014 Dave Quinn, , 30 June 2022",
"That's not the only casualty, either , as Hyundai is also dropping the Accent subcompact sedan after the 2022 model year. \u2014 Eric Stafford, Car and Driver , 30 June 2022"
"Middle English, from Old English \u01e3ghw\u00e6ther both, each, from \u0101 always + ge- , collective prefix + hw\u00e6ther which of two, whether \u2014 more at aye , co-":"Adjective"
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Adjective",
"before the 12th century, in the meaning defined above":"Conjunction",
"15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Adverb"
": to refuse to serve (a customer)":[
"\"Beer here, barkeep,\" he said. \"You're eighty-sixed ,\" Lucy said. \"Cut off. No more for you.\"",
"\u2014 Mary Karr"
": to remove (an item) from a menu : to no longer offer (an item) to customers":[
"Many small restaurants or bars may run into issues with their inventory. When there are not enough ingredients left to make a popular dish or drink, they'll have to 86 it. This prevents customers from ordering it and then getting upset.",
"\u2014 Joshua Weatherwax"
": to reject, discontinue, or get rid of (something)":[
"Democratic leaders also eighty-sixed a similar amendment introduced in the House version of the bill \u2026",
"\u2014 Dell Cameron",
"Sadly, \u2026 the heartless bottom-liners on the food committee eighty-sixed the black raspberry [ice cream] for good.",
"\u2014 Greg Kesich",
"So after attempting a Zoom interview that had them sounding as garbled as the off-camera adults in a \"Peanuts\" special, we eighty-sixed the audio on our computers and talked on the phone \u2026",
"\u2014 Brian O'Neill"
"cast (off)",
"fling (off ",
"lay by",
"shuck (off)",
"slough (off)",
"sluff (off)",
"throw away",
"throw out",
"probably rhyming slang for nix entry 1":""
"1948, in the meaning defined at sense 2b":""
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"He was greeted with ejaculations of surprise.",
"uttered a profane ejaculation upon stubbing his toe in the dark",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"The average volume of the semen which gets ejaculated is between 2 to 5 ml, with each ejaculation containing 200 to 300 million sperms. \u2014 Sophie Saint Thomas, Forbes , 6 June 2022",
"Vasectomies don\u2019t lead to sterility or changes in ejaculation (other than the lack of sperm), and can often be reversed. \u2014 Annalisa Merelli, Quartz , 30 Mar. 2022",
"Around the time omicron panic set in, the On/Go at-home tests appeared on Roman\u2019s website, improbably grafted in between medications for hair loss and premature ejaculation . \u2014 Molly Osberg, The New Republic , 28 Dec. 2021",
"One form of male sterilization that is better known than the rest is the vasectomy, a procedure which blocks the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm during ejaculation . \u2014 Justin Ray, Los Angeles Times , 21 Dec. 2021",
"Say goodbye to premature ejaculation with ProSolution Plus. \u2014 Norcal Marketing Llc, Chron , 4 Feb. 2021",
"The two steps of insertion and ejaculation can take no more than a five-count in some species. \u2014 Emily Willingham, Wired , 22 Sep. 2020",
"Today, practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine sell antler velvet soups and powders to treat ailments ranging from back pain and anemia to premature ejaculation . \u2014 Alec Luhn, National Geographic , 12 Aug. 2020",
"One company, called Morari, showed off a prototype of a perineum patch that is supposed to help those who struggle with premature ejaculation . \u2014 Lauren Goode, Wired , 8 Jan. 2020"
"1603, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
"transitive verb",
": to throw out especially by physical force, authority, or influence":[
"ejected the player from the game"
": to evict from property":[],
": to throw out or off from within":[
"ejects the empty cartridges"
"boot (out)",
"cast out",
"drum (out)",
"kick out",
"run off",
"throw out",
"turf (out)",
"turn out"
"synonym_discussion":"Choose the Right Synonym for eject eject , expel , oust , evict mean to drive or force out. eject carries an especially strong implication of throwing or thrusting out from within as a physical action. ejected an obnoxious patron from the bar expel stresses a thrusting out or driving away especially permanently which need not be physical. a student expelled from college oust implies removal or dispossession by power of the law or by force or compulsion. police ousted the squatters evict chiefly applies to turning out of house and home. evicted for nonpayment of rent",
"The machine automatically ejected the CD.",
"The pilot ejected when his plane caught fire.",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Any Jeep Wrangler, no matter the trim, would certainly eject its occupants to the moon at this pace. \u2014 David Beard, Car and Driver , 20 June 2022",
"Because anything that goes to a bot will not go to real members, individuals will, in most cases, be motivated to eject the fake accounts from their groups, instead of hoping that the platform will provide that service. \u2014 Jaron Lanier, The Atlantic , 26 May 2022",
"Occasionally, plumes eject from holes in the ice out into space. \u2014 Ashley Strickland, CNN , 29 Dec. 2021",
"Most of the world\u2019s coral reefs, including the Great Barrier Reef, will undergo bleaching every few years, meaning the water will be so hot that the coral will eject their symbiotic microorganisms into the water, starving themselves in the process. \u2014 Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic , 11 May 2022",
"The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed the incident, telling NBC Los Angeles that the male suspect had been armed with a replica gun that could eject a knife blade when discharged correctly. \u2014 NBC News , 4 May 2022",
"Lee also had a replica gun that could eject a knife blade in his possession when he was arrested and booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, the Los Angeles Times reported. \u2014 Nancy Dillon, Rolling Stone , 4 May 2022",
"Jones\u2019 motorcycle struck the Malibu that Searcey was driving, causing Jones to eject off the bike and crash into the passenger side of the car. \u2014 Sarah Nelson, The Indianapolis Star , 13 Apr. 2022",
"Two Marines were able to eject and walk away alive when their fighter jet crashed on the family plantation of South Carolina's former governor. \u2014 Fox News , 4 Mar. 2022"
"Middle English, from Latin ejectus , past participle of eicere , from e- + jacere":""
"15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":""
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"geographical name"
"municipality in northeastern Republic of South Africa including the city of Germiston population 3,178,500":[]
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
": an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time : age":[
"I haven't seen him in eons ."
": a very large division of geologic time usually longer than an era":[
"the Archean eon"
": a unit of geologic time equal to one billion years":[]
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Sanctions take a comparative eon in the scheme of war or a humanitarian crisis. \u2014 Robin Wright, The New Yorker , 7 Mar. 2022",
"During this early period, the Archean eon , life was not yet a major planetary player. \u2014 Adam Frank, The Atlantic , 19 Feb. 2022",
"But for the largest museum of natural history in the world, the year-and-a-half-long closure to the public during the Covid-19 pandemic felt like an eon . \u2014 Nora Mcgreevy, Smithsonian Magazine , 26 May 2021",
"Twelve years is an eon in information technology time. \u2014 Paul Krugman, Star Tribune , 21 May 2021",
"Over a year and a half, or a political eon ago, the focal point of our political discourse was a caravan of migrants trekking through Central America and Mexico in the hopes of winning asylum in the United States. \u2014 Osita Nwanevu, The New Republic , 3 June 2020",
"Over eons , the river carved the Grand Canyon and scattered billions of tons of sediment across its delta, flowing into the Sea of Cortez. \u2014 Ian James, , 19 Apr. 2020",
"Its surface is extremely and uniformly red\u2014probably because of organic molecules that formed over eons of steady pummeling by cosmic radiation. \u2014 Lee Billings, Scientific American , 20 Feb. 2020",
"Hunter expects to hit $6 million in sales by May, eons ahead of its loftiest projections from January. \u2014 Kate Knibbs, Wired , 27 Apr. 2020"
"borrowed from Late Latin ae\u014dn \"age (in the world's history), evil spirit (in Gnosticism),\" borrowed from Greek ai\u1e53n \"lifetime, long period of time, age\" \u2014 more at aye entry 3":""
"circa 1642, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
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@ -94,113 +94,40 @@
"having infinite duration everlasting",
"of or relating to eternity",
"characterized by abiding fellowship with God",
"continued without intermission perpetual",
"seemingly endless",
"valid or existing at all times timeless",
"god sense 1",
"something eternal",
"lasting forever having no beginning and no end",
"continuing without interruption seeming to last forever"
"Supreme Being",
"the eternal flames of hell",
"in search of eternal wisdom",
"When will his eternal whining stop?",
"Recent Examples on the Web Adjective",
"Ancient cultures from the Chinese to the Hebrews hung evergreen branches over doors to symbolize eternal life. \u2014 Faith Bottum, WSJ , 23 Dec. 2021",
"What could be a more consistent expression of the will to power than wanting eternal life for yourself, and dismissing concerns about a global pandemic as overblown? \u2014 Moira Weigel, The New Republic , 20 Dec. 2021",
"But despite her failings, that cat must have the gift of eternal life. \u2014 Irv Erdos Columnist, San Diego Union-Tribune , 14 Nov. 2021",
"Paxton plays this vamp as a floppy-haired hick punk who\u2019s having way too much fun being an undead psychopath on the open range, spending his eternal life wreaking bloody havoc. \u2014 Vulture Editors, Vulture , 25 Oct. 2021",
"Green is also a color closely linked to paradise, salvation and eternal life in Islam, the religion practiced by the Mughal rulers. \u2014 CNN , 14 Sep. 2021",
"To lead the survivors of the human race to an eternal life while the rest of society burned. \u2014 Jonathan Vigliotti, CBS News , 1 Sep. 2021",
"The project did not confer eternal life on either of its makers. \u2014 Diana Budds, Curbed , 19 Aug. 2021",
"The Dark Crystal is more fantasy than horror, set in a world of magical creatures like Gelflings and Skeksis locked in eternal struggle over the universe. \u2014 Marisa Lascala, Good Housekeeping , 20 May 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web Noun",
"These ancient seas and islands offer some reassuring glimpse of the eternal . \u2014 Stanley Stewart, Travel + Leisure , 24 Apr. 2022",
"Youth, like hope, seemingly springs eternal at the dawn of a new season. \u2014 New York Times , 8 Apr. 2022",
"But hope springs eternal , maybe more so in baseball than anywhere else. \u2014 John Wilkens, San Diego Union-Tribune , 10 Apr. 2022",
"More significantly, if life eternal is to know the only true God, as John 17 3 states, is their salvation at stake? \u2014 The Salt Lake Tribune , 26 Mar. 2022",
"Hope wasn\u2019t given much of a chance to spring eternal on Monday for the Diamondbacks. \u2014 Nick Piecoro, The Arizona Republic , 14 Mar. 2022",
"Hope springs eternal , though, as the two never confirmed their breakup with an official statement. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 22 Feb. 2022",
"Hope for the success of the alien apocalypse springs eternal . \u2014 Kathryn Vanarendonk, Vulture , 22 Oct. 2021",
"But just like every team in the NFL, hope springs eternal in Week 1. \u2014 David Moore, Dallas News , 9 Sep. 2021"
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a",
"1573, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"transitive verb"
": having infinite duration : everlasting",
": of or relating to eternity",
": characterized by abiding fellowship with God",
": continued without intermission : perpetual",
": seemingly endless",
": infernal",
": valid or existing at all times : timeless",
": god sense 1",
": something eternal",
": lasting forever : having no beginning and no end",
": continuing without interruption : seeming to last forever"
": having infinite duration : everlasting":[
"eternal damnation"
": of or relating to eternity":[],
": characterized by abiding fellowship with God":[
"good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?",
"\u2014 Mark 10:17 (Revised Standard Version)"
": continued without intermission : perpetual":[
"an eternal flame"
": seemingly endless":[
"eternal delays"
": infernal":[
"some eternal villain \u2026 devised this slander",
"\u2014 William Shakespeare"
": valid or existing at all times : timeless":[
"eternal verities"
": god sense 1":[
"\u2014 used with the"
": something eternal":[]
@ -240,20 +167,21 @@
"the eternal flames of hell",
"in search of eternal wisdom",
"When will his eternal whining stop?",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective",
"Donald Trump is not a man who has any worries about the second coming of Jesus Christ or his eternal salvation. \u2014 Alex Morris, Rolling Stone , 18 June 2022",
"In December, a langur monkey who frequently visited the village of Dalupura died of cold exposure, and was sent to its eternal rest by a crowd of about fifteen hundred people. \u2014 Susan Orlean, The New Yorker , 19 Apr. 2022",
"But for a select group of people in the religious realm, a more important matter is at stake \u2013 eternal salvation. \u2014 Scott Gleeson, USA TODAY , 26 Sep. 2021",
"The eucharist is essential and central to our faith as the bread of life that sustains our faith journeys to eternal salvation. \u2014 Star Tribune , 2 May 2021",
"Ancient cultures from the Chinese to the Hebrews hung evergreen branches over doors to symbolize eternal life. \u2014 Faith Bottum, WSJ , 23 Dec. 2021",
"What could be a more consistent expression of the will to power than wanting eternal life for yourself, and dismissing concerns about a global pandemic as overblown? \u2014 Moira Weigel, The New Republic , 20 Dec. 2021",
"But despite her failings, that cat must have the gift of eternal life. \u2014 Irv Erdos Columnist, San Diego Union-Tribune , 14 Nov. 2021",
"Paxton plays this vamp as a floppy-haired hick punk who\u2019s having way too much fun being an undead psychopath on the open range, spending his eternal life wreaking bloody havoc. \u2014 Vulture Editors, Vulture , 25 Oct. 2021",
"Green is also a color closely linked to paradise, salvation and eternal life in Islam, the religion practiced by the Mughal rulers. \u2014 CNN , 14 Sep. 2021",
"To lead the survivors of the human race to an eternal life while the rest of society burned. \u2014 Jonathan Vigliotti, CBS News , 1 Sep. 2021",
"The project did not confer eternal life on either of its makers. \u2014 Diana Budds, Curbed , 19 Aug. 2021",
"The Dark Crystal is more fantasy than horror, set in a world of magical creatures like Gelflings and Skeksis locked in eternal struggle over the universe. \u2014 Marisa Lascala, Good Housekeeping , 20 May 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"These ancient seas and islands offer some reassuring glimpse of the eternal . \u2014 Stanley Stewart, Travel + Leisure , 24 Apr. 2022",
"Youth, like hope, seemingly springs eternal at the dawn of a new season. \u2014 New York Times , 8 Apr. 2022",
@ -264,28 +192,141 @@
"Hope for the success of the alien apocalypse springs eternal . \u2014 Kathryn Vanarendonk, Vulture , 22 Oct. 2021",
"But just like every team in the NFL, hope springs eternal in Week 1. \u2014 David Moore, Dallas News , 9 Sep. 2021"
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a",
"1573, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin aeternalis , from Latin aeternus eternal, from aevum age, eternity \u2014 more at aye":"Adjective"
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Adjective",
"1573, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun"
"transitive verb"
": having infinite duration : everlasting":[
"eternal damnation"
": of or relating to eternity":[],
": characterized by abiding fellowship with God":[
"good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?",
"\u2014 Mark 10:17 (Revised Standard Version)"
": continued without intermission : perpetual":[
"an eternal flame"
": seemingly endless":[
"eternal delays"
": infernal":[
"some eternal villain \u2026 devised this slander",
"\u2014 William Shakespeare"
": valid or existing at all times : timeless":[
"eternal verities"
": god sense 1":[
"\u2014 used with the"
": something eternal":[]
"Supreme Being",
"the eternal flames of hell",
"in search of eternal wisdom",
"When will his eternal whining stop?",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective",
"Donald Trump is not a man who has any worries about the second coming of Jesus Christ or his eternal salvation. \u2014 Alex Morris, Rolling Stone , 18 June 2022",
"In December, a langur monkey who frequently visited the village of Dalupura died of cold exposure, and was sent to its eternal rest by a crowd of about fifteen hundred people. \u2014 Susan Orlean, The New Yorker , 19 Apr. 2022",
"But for a select group of people in the religious realm, a more important matter is at stake \u2013 eternal salvation. \u2014 Scott Gleeson, USA TODAY , 26 Sep. 2021",
"The eucharist is essential and central to our faith as the bread of life that sustains our faith journeys to eternal salvation. \u2014 Star Tribune , 2 May 2021",
"Ancient cultures from the Chinese to the Hebrews hung evergreen branches over doors to symbolize eternal life. \u2014 Faith Bottum, WSJ , 23 Dec. 2021",
"What could be a more consistent expression of the will to power than wanting eternal life for yourself, and dismissing concerns about a global pandemic as overblown? \u2014 Moira Weigel, The New Republic , 20 Dec. 2021",
"But despite her failings, that cat must have the gift of eternal life. \u2014 Irv Erdos Columnist, San Diego Union-Tribune , 14 Nov. 2021",
"Paxton plays this vamp as a floppy-haired hick punk who\u2019s having way too much fun being an undead psychopath on the open range, spending his eternal life wreaking bloody havoc. \u2014 Vulture Editors, Vulture , 25 Oct. 2021",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"These ancient seas and islands offer some reassuring glimpse of the eternal . \u2014 Stanley Stewart, Travel + Leisure , 24 Apr. 2022",
"Youth, like hope, seemingly springs eternal at the dawn of a new season. \u2014 New York Times , 8 Apr. 2022",
"But hope springs eternal , maybe more so in baseball than anywhere else. \u2014 John Wilkens, San Diego Union-Tribune , 10 Apr. 2022",
"More significantly, if life eternal is to know the only true God, as John 17:3 states, is their salvation at stake? \u2014 The Salt Lake Tribune , 26 Mar. 2022",
"Hope wasn\u2019t given much of a chance to spring eternal on Monday for the Diamondbacks. \u2014 Nick Piecoro, The Arizona Republic , 14 Mar. 2022",
"Hope springs eternal , though, as the two never confirmed their breakup with an official statement. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 22 Feb. 2022",
"Hope for the success of the alien apocalypse springs eternal . \u2014 Kathryn Vanarendonk, Vulture , 22 Oct. 2021",
"But just like every team in the NFL, hope springs eternal in Week 1. \u2014 David Moore, Dallas News , 9 Sep. 2021"
"Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin aeternalis , from Latin aeternus eternal, from aevum age, eternity \u2014 more at aye":"Adjective"
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Adjective",
"1573, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun"
"the quality or state of being eternal",
"infinite time",
"age sense 3b",
"the state after death immortality",
"a seemingly endless or immeasurable time",
"time without end",
"the state after death",
"a period of time that seems endless"
": the quality or state of being eternal":[],
": infinite time":[
"lasting throughout eternity"
": age sense 3b":[],
": the state after death : immortality":[],
": a seemingly endless or immeasurable time":[
"an eternity of delays"
@ -293,6 +334,7 @@
"They believed that sinners would spend eternity in hell.",
"We suffered through an eternity of delays during the lawsuit.",
@ -306,11 +348,13 @@
"Despite his best efforts, he was forced to keep pushing the rock up the hill for the rest of eternity . \u2014 Mario Fraioli, Outside Online , 24 Sep. 2021",
"There are a couple of clips that will live rent-free in my mind for the rest of eternity . \u2014 Brian Moylan, Vulture , 21 June 2021"
"history_and_etymology":"Middle English eternite , from Middle French eternit\u00e9 , from Latin aeternitat-, aeternitas , from aeternus ",
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"Middle English eternite , from Middle French eternit\u00e9 , from Latin aeternitat-, aeternitas , from aeternus":""
"14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
@ -318,24 +362,21 @@
": of or relating to ethics",
": involving or expressing moral approval or disapproval",
": conforming to accepted standards of conduct",
": restricted to sale only on a doctor's prescription",
": involving questions of right and wrong : relating to ethics",
": following accepted rules of behavior",
": conforming to accepted professional standards of conduct",
": restricted to sale only on a doctor's prescription",
": an ethical drug",
": of or relating to ethics",
": conforming to accepted professional standards of conduct"
": of or relating to ethics":[
"ethical theories"
": involving or expressing moral approval or disapproval":[
"ethical judgments"
": conforming to accepted standards of conduct":[
"ethical behavior"
": restricted to sale only on a doctor's prescription":[]
"all right",
@ -368,24 +409,27 @@
"synonym_discussion":"Choose the Right Synonym for ethical moral , ethical , virtuous , righteous , noble mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good. moral implies conformity to established sanctioned codes or accepted notions of right and wrong. the basic moral values of a community ethical may suggest the involvement of more difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity. committed to the highest ethical principles virtuous implies moral excellence in character. not a religious person, but virtuous nevertheless righteous stresses guiltlessness or blamelessness and often suggests the sanctimonious. wished to be righteous before God and the world noble implies moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean, or dubious in conduct and character. had the noblest of reasons for seeking office",
"Some doctors feel that this procedure is not medically ethical .",
"the ethical behavior expected of every member of the police force",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"In December, the anchor Chris Cuomo was fired for ethical lapses, prompting an investigation that ultimately led to Mr. Zucker\u2019s ouster in February over an undisclosed relationship with a co-worker. \u2014 New York Times , 5 June 2022",
"Since Hawai\u02bbi is one of the only places in the world where vanilla can grow, owner Malia Reddekopp\u2019s goal is to help create a viable new industry for Hawai\u02bbi in an ethical and sustainable way. \u2014 Sarah Burchard, Forbes , 2 June 2022",
"At the time, the HFPA was dealing with controversy resulting from a Times investigation that revealed ethical lapses and a lack of diversity within the organization. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 6 May 2022",
"Since 2011, Fix the Court has logged 52 ethical lapses among justices appointed by Republicans and Democrats alike. \u2014 Ella Lee, USA TODAY , 28 Apr. 2022",
"Moral and ethical considerations rarely figure in a President's calculations, especially when the public is not all that concerned and the issue on the table is military intervention. \u2014 Aaron David Miller, CNN , 19 Apr. 2022",
"The weapons are prompting a fresh round of moral and ethical questions about their use, as more nations look to take advantage of the relatively cheap, lethal equipment. \u2014 Jacob Carpenter, Fortune , 29 Mar. 2022",
"The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, reeling from a public relations storm over ethical lapses and a lack of internal diversity, announced its awards winners on social media. \u2014 NBC News , 28 Feb. 2022",
"Robbing banks is her way of doing right for herself, without any moral or ethical judgement, and that\u2019s the most fascinating aspect of this story. \u2014 Holly Jones, Variety , 16 Feb. 2022"
"But the committee members are still doing their meticulous best to convince the public of the scope, intricacy and ethical bottomlessness of Trump\u2019s conspiracy \u2014 and in doing so, exemplifying how government should work every day. \u2014 Inkoo Kang, Washington Post , 23 June 2022",
"Those touchstones don\u2019t distract from mankind\u2019s ongoing ethical struggle. \u2014 Armond White, National Review , 22 June 2022",
"Those who have given up a pleasure or convenience for ethical reasons might admit to occasional lapses or temptations. \u2014 Michelle Nijhuis, The Atlantic , 22 June 2022",
"Paraphrasing the sentiment of Professor Ober, this great ethical philosopher crashes on the reef. \u2014 Lance Eliot, Forbes , 21 June 2022",
"Vignarajah may have also committed an ethical violation when his campaign accepted a donation from Owens\u2019 card. \u2014 Lee O. Sanderlin, Baltimore Sun , 17 June 2022",
"For instance, if the city approved an ordinance that allowed sales of pets raised by what a retailer claims are ethical breeders, the city would have to be willing to expend a significant effort to verify that claim. \u2014 Jim Riccioli, Journal Sentinel , 17 June 2022",
"The Man Next Door\u2019 and \u2018The Distinguishd Citizen\u2019 \u2014 raised questions about the tensions between high and popular culture, the costs of success and the broad ethical quandaries those of us delusional enough to commit to a creative life face. \u2014 Mark Olsen, Los Angeles Times , 17 June 2022",
"Thomas, wife of a Supreme Court justice, has raised ethical questions for her husband for decades. \u2014 Erin Mansfield, USA TODAY , 17 June 2022"
"history_and_etymology":"Middle English etik , from Latin ethicus , from Greek \u0113thikos , from \u0113thos character \u2014 more at sib ",
"circa 1573, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"Middle English etik , from Latin ethicus , from Greek \u0113thikos , from \u0113thos character \u2014 more at sib":""
"circa 1573, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
@ -434,17 +478,18 @@
": to produce (something, such as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (as by acid or laser beam)",
": to subject to such etching",
": to delineate or impress clearly",
": to practice etching",
": the action or effect of etching a surface",
": a chemical agent used in etching",
": to produce designs or figures on metal or glass by using acid to eat into the surface"
": to produce (something, such as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (as by acid or laser beam)":[],
": to subject to such etching":[],
": to delineate or impress clearly":[
"scenes etched in our minds",
"pain was etched on his features"
": to practice etching":[],
": the action or effect of etching a surface":[],
": a chemical agent used in etching":[]
@ -455,11 +500,13 @@
"etched an identification number on the back of the television",
"glass that has been etched with an identification number",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"Intel 4's biggest improvement is its integration of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, which uses short-wavelength ultraviolet light to etch tiny patterns into silicon wafers. \u2014 Andrew Cunningham, Ars Technica , 13 June 2022",
"Ukraine is the world\u2019s largest exporter of neon, a gas used in lasers that etch circuits onto computer chips. \u2014 Tom Krisher And Kelvin Chan, Anchorage Daily News , 3 Apr. 2022",
"Chip manufacturers employ lasers to etch hyperfine circuit patterns onto wafers of silicon. \u2014 Samanth Subramanian, Quartz , 28 Feb. 2022",
"On the other hand, give Glossier\u2019s beloved Brow Flick a try to subtly etch faux hairs and add fullness. \u2014 Kiana Murden, Vogue , 20 May 2022",
@ -467,20 +514,19 @@
"Nevertheless, etch your calendar in stone for an aggressive investigation into why. \u2014 Shakeel Ahmed, Forbes , 21 Apr. 2022",
"Fractal wood burning pairs high-voltage electricity and a chemical solution to etch intricate designs into slabs of wood. \u2014 Washington Post , 26 Apr. 2022",
"Enormous machines project designs for chips across each wafer, and then deposit and etch away layers of materials to create their transistors and connect them. \u2014 New York Times , 8 Apr. 2022",
"The process to etch the Black authors' names by the Center for Black Literature and Culture began about two years ago, Twyman said. \u2014 Domenica Bongiovanni, The Indianapolis Star , 1 Apr. 2022",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"There seems to be a limitless number of products available to clean, strip, etch , degrease, and brighten various surfaces around the home, yard, and workshop. \u2014 Popular Mechanics , 6 Oct. 2020",
"If your floors have deep scuffs or scratches, start by using etch remover. \u2014 Emma Bazilian, House Beautiful , 28 May 2020",
"From the clearing where we\u2019d laid out our tents and camp pads, the opposite bank of the river was barely perceptible except for a faint Etch -a-Sketch panorama of sandstone buttes and towers. \u2014 Jim Buchta, , 11 Aug. 2017"
"1634, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a",
"1896, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"Dutch etsen , from German \u00e4tzen to etch, corrode, from Old High German azzen to feed; akin to Old High German ezzan to eat \u2014 more at eat":"Verb"
"1634, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a":"Verb",
"1896, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun"
@ -489,21 +535,19 @@
"transitive verb"
": of or relating to the regions beyond the earth",
": celestial , heavenly",
": unworldly , spiritual",
": lacking material substance : immaterial , intangible",
": marked by unusual delicacy or refinement",
": suggesting the heavens or heaven",
": relating to, containing, or resembling a chemical ether",
": suggesting heaven or the heavens",
": very delicate : airy",
": relating to, containing, or resembling a chemical ether"
": of or relating to the regions beyond the earth":[],
": celestial , heavenly":[],
": unworldly , spiritual":[],
": lacking material substance : immaterial , intangible":[],
": marked by unusual delicacy or refinement":[
"this smallest, most ethereal , and daintiest of birds",
"\u2014 William Beebe"
": suggesting the heavens or heaven":[],
": relating to, containing, or resembling a chemical ether":[]
@ -525,24 +569,25 @@
"The windows give the church an ethereal glow.",
"that ethereal attribute that every performer should have\u2014charisma",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"On May 20, Sabrian Elba \u2014 accompanying husband Idris Elba to the premiere of Three Thousand Years of Longing \u2014 looked ethereal in a gauzy white Tony Ward Couture gown. \u2014 Allyson Portee, The Hollywood Reporter , 23 May 2022",
"In a 2021 interview with The Oregonian/OregonLive, Zauner talked about the differing styles represented in her detailed memoir and her more ethereal songwriting. \u2014 oregonlive , 19 May 2022",
"Ever angelic, the singer looked especially ethereal with curled lashes and a nude lip. \u2014 Michella Or\u00e9, Vogue , 12 Dec. 2021",
"But even before thinking about those literal incorporations of music, Hannah had to find the more ethereal vibe or spirit of the show itself. \u2014 Tim Greiving, Los Angeles Times , 8 June 2022",
"For the show\u2019s finale, Viard showed ethereal dresses that would make for stunning wedding looks for any non-traditional bride. \u2014 Frances Sol\u00e1-santiago, , 26 Jan. 2022",
"Chao\u2019s latest Four Seasons Collection piece interprets the ethereal beauty of the early morning with winding vines and leaves moistened by crystal clear dewdrops. \u2014 Anthony Demarco, Forbes , 12 Dec. 2021",
"What the diaries do reveal is that this supposedly ethereal creature was in fact solidly earthbound. \u2014 Maggie Doherty, The New Yorker , 9 May 2022",
"Singer-songwriter Rakiyah has an ethereal and ambitious approach to her music. \u2014 Masiyaleti Mbewe, , 13 May 2022",
"The struggle is all internal, a bit ethereal and definitely personal. \u2014 Tom Roland, Billboard , 3 May 2022",
"In the purple light, the banner was ethereal and simple \u2014 the logo of their group, a peace sign and the words NO WAR. \u2014 New York Times , 30 Mar. 2022",
"One of the protagonists of the series is Galadriel, the ethereal elven queen made famous by Cate Blanchett's portrayal in the Peter Jackson film trilogy. \u2014 Janae Mckenzie, Glamour , 11 Feb. 2022"
"Singer-songwriter Rakiyah has an ethereal and ambitious approach to her music. \u2014 Masiyaleti Mbewe, , 13 May 2022"
"1522, in the meaning defined at sense 1a"
"1522, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
"plural noun"
": a family of black or black and yellowish chalcid flies which have the abdomen rounded and compressed and some of which are parasitic on other insects while others are plant feeders and important pests especially of grains \u2014 see jointworm"
"New Latin, from Eurytoma , type genus (from eury- + -toma ) + -idae"
": a genus of digenetic trematode worms (family Dicrocoeliidae) infesting the pancreatic and bile ducts of various ruminants, rodents, and primates chiefly in tropical areas":[]
"New Latin, from eury- + -trema":""
": a card game in which each player is dealt five cards and the player making trump must take three tricks to win a hand":[],
": to prevent from winning three tricks in euchre":[],
": cheat , trick":[
"euchred out of their life savings",
"\u2014 Pete Martin"
"do in",
"rip off",
"shake down",
"a fast-talking speculator who thought that euchring the tribe out of their land would be easy",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Noun",
"In my family, no Thanksgiving weekend has ever been complete without a euchre tournament. \u2014 Laura Johnston, cleveland , 21 Nov. 2020",
"There were at various points a euchre and lotto party, a newsboy parade, an auto race and \u2014 a true novelty at the time \u2014 an air show, all to will Hope Haven into reality. \u2014 Mike Scott, , 29 Sep. 2020",
"Snarples is popular among hockey players, an apparent mix of euchre and hearts. \u2014 Matthew Defranks, Dallas News , 28 July 2020",
"Does the author dislike a round of euchre around the family table after dinner? \u2014 Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics , 3 July 2020",
"Special to IndyStar Joe Kernan and his friends used to have euchre nights. \u2014 Jason Kelly, The Indianapolis Star , 10 July 2020",
"Evers, a 67-year-old former elementary school principal from Plymouth who indulges in Egg McMuffins and games of euchre , defeated Walker \u2014 one of the most formidable politicians the state had ever seen. \u2014 Patrick Marley, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , 27 Dec. 2019",
"Some get together and walk and still others get together and golf while others play euchre . \u2014 Sara Clarkson, , 13 Aug. 2019",
"Awestruck Festival Holy Cross Lutheran Church hosts a family fun event including water games, cornhole, food trucks, art vendors, a euchre tent, live music and more. \u2014 Chris Sims, Indianapolis Star , 12 June 2019",
"Recent Examples on the Web: Verb",
"Good news for competitive Michiganders: Those family euchre tournaments that get a little too intense may be delaying the onset of Alzheimer\u2019s by five years, a new study reveals. \u2014 Emma Stein, Detroit Free Press , 31 July 2021",
"The American history of the game goes back a couple of centuries, but ties euchre to Midwestern auto workers, who could play an entire match during a single coffee and/or lunch break. \u2014 Laura Johnston, cleveland , 21 Nov. 2020"
"origin unknown":"Noun"
"1835, in the meaning defined above":"Noun",
"1847, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Verb"
": of, relating to, or having good digestion":[],
": cheerful , optimistic":[]
"our eupeptic colleague was unfazed by our gloomy expressions and dire predictions",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"It\u2019s a eupeptic , buoyant whiskey that is easy to digest. \u2014 Dan Dunn, Robb Report , 15 Dec. 2020"
"1699, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": pleasing to the ear":[]
"an opera singer with an appropriately euphonious name",
"the doorbell had a noticeably euphonious chime",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"Although seemingly euphonious , such concepts and goals are anything but. \u2014 Daniel Buck, National Review , 27 Mar. 2022",
"Released in January 2021, the record is a poignant commentary on the restrictive beauty standards that society imposes on women, with the 18-year-old\u2019s euphonious vocals magnifying the song\u2019s triumphant message. \u2014 Rolling Stone , 20 May 2021",
"With a euphonious voice, tender lyrics, and smooth instrumentals, Brittanny Foushe\u00e9 believes her music speaks for itself. \u2014 Allison Hazel, Essence , 10 Mar. 2021",
"More surprising are passages of childlike innocence\u2014for example, a euphonious chorus of singing flowers\u2014and episodes of polyrhythmic orchestral exuberance, as in Kay\u2019s wild sleigh ride with the Queen. \u2014 Alex Ross, The New Yorker , 30 Dec. 2019",
"The super-producer hailing from Iowa changed hip-hop with an ear for flipping certain cadences into euphonious loops -- a production style that many attempted to mimic at the top of the decade. \u2014 Michael Saponara, Billboard , 13 Feb. 2018",
"If the cartoonists had christened weekends the way the Jacobins christened months, time would tick by in a succession of euphonious fairways: Silvermine, Millbrook, Burning Tree, Rockrimmon, Stanwich. \u2014 Cullen Murphy, Vanities , 9 Aug. 2017",
"If the cartoonists had christened weekends the way the Jacobins christened months, time would tick by in a succession of euphonious fairways: Silvermine, Millbrook, Burning Tree, Rockrimmon, Stanwich. \u2014 Cullen Murphy, , 3 Aug. 2017",
"Sullivan\u2019s music is typically euphonious and sprightly, played deftly by the orchestra under the baton of David M\u00f6schler, but there are relatively few memorable ditties compared to some of the duo\u2019s most popular works. Reading this on your phone? \u2014 Sam Hurwitt, The Mercury News , 10 Feb. 2017"
"Late Latin euph\u014dnia euphony + -ous":""
"1774, in the meaning defined above":""
": a feeling of well-being or elation":[]
"yu\u0307-\u02c8f\u014dr-\u0113-\u0259, -\u02c8f\u022fr-",
"cloud nine",
"seventh heaven",
"The initial euphoria following their victory in the election has now subsided.",
"The drug produces intense feelings of euphoria .",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"As in past periods of market euphoria , today\u2019s investors can\u2019t count on anyone else to do their homework for them. \u2014 Laura Forman, WSJ , 20 June 2022",
"The euphoria over Apple\u2019s applaud of their hard work remains fresh for the team, who are based in Australia. \u2014 Steven Aquino, Forbes , 17 June 2022",
"The euphoria that accompanied Friday\u2019s victory over Vanderbilt vanished into moist air at the Corvallis Regional, where Oregon State dealt the Toreros a decisive setback at Goss Stadium. \u2014 San Diego Union-Tribune , 4 June 2022",
"Most strangely of all, for a film that states and restates the bone-deep vocational importance of the acting process, there is little real sense of the euphoria of performance, or the irresistible lure that the stage exerts on these kids. \u2014 Jessica Kiang, Variety , 24 May 2022",
"Getting high, feeling the adrenaline from the crowd at local shows, and experiencing the euphoria of being onstage was too much. \u2014 Julyssa Lopez, Rolling Stone , 20 May 2022",
"The uneasy realization that the businesses might never live up to the hype sapped the euphoria . \u2014 Jon Markman, Forbes , 18 May 2022",
"First-time homeownership is a lot like first love: Interior designer meets house; house meets new owner; a mood board is drawn; euphoria ensues. \u2014 Mallory Abreu, Better Homes & Gardens , 17 May 2022",
"Such questions complicated the general euphoria at the march in Richmond. \u2014 David Montgomery, Washington Post , 14 May 2022"
"New Latin, from Greek, from euphoros healthy, from eu- + pherein to bear \u2014 more at bear":""
"circa 1751, in the meaning defined above":""
": marked by a feeling of great happiness and excitement : characterized by, based on, or producing euphoria"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"From Troye Sivan and Jay Som\u2018s euphoric new song to Years & Years\u2018s new collaboration with Regard, check out just a few of our favorite releases from this week below. \u2014 Stephen Daw, Billboard , 18 Feb. 2022",
"Most people say that the experience is euphoric , even life-changing. \u2014 The New Yorker , 21 Mar. 2022",
"By turns intensely moving and utterly euphoric , the service made for a suitably special tribute to a very special person. \u2014 Marley Marius, Vogue , 30 Apr. 2022",
"My first memory is of being pulled out of a cardboard box to Chris Farren\u2019s euphoric screams. \u2014 Jonah Bayer, SPIN , 14 Apr. 2022",
"Awards felt the euphoric bromance between Jackson and his presenter Denzel Washington. \u2014 Cori Murray, Essence , 27 Mar. 2022",
"Dancehall not only penetrated the U.S., but the now-49-year-old hitmaker had the opportunity to tour the world with the euphoric Kingston riddims. \u2014 Neena Rouhani, Billboard , 23 Mar. 2022",
"With 1:03 left in the game here in Greenville, S.C., War Jabari instantly became the physical presence of this season\u2019s euphoric rise of Auburn basketball from great to national powerhouse. \u2014 Joseph Goodman |, al , 18 Mar. 2022",
"Fentanyl produces a powerful high, but the euphoric feelings are shorter-lived than those offered by other opioids like heroin. \u2014 Andrew Joseph, STAT , 15 Mar. 2022"
"1888, in the meaning defined above"
": a commendatory oration or writing especially in honor of one deceased":[
"she delivered the eulogy at his funeral"
": high praise":[]
"synonym_discussion":"Choose the Right Synonym for eulogy encomium , eulogy , panegyric , tribute , citation mean a formal expression of praise. encomium implies enthusiasm and warmth in praising a person or a thing. received encomiums from literary critics eulogy applies to a prepared speech or writing extolling the virtues and services of a person. delivered the eulogy at the funeral service panegyric suggests an elaborate often poetic compliment. her lyrical memoir was a panegyric to her mentor tribute implies deeply felt praise conveyed either through words or through a significant act. the concert was a musical tribute to the early jazz masters citation applies to the formal praise of a person offered in a military dispatch or in awarding an honorary degree. earned a citation for bravery",
"He delivered a moving eulogy at his father's funeral.",
"several eulogies were given at the special assembly marking the retirement of the company's longtime president",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"In the statement, officials noted that Klein delivered the eulogy for his fellow firefighter and friend, Steven Pollard, who died in 2019 responding to an accident on the Belt Parkway. \u2014 NBC News , 25 Apr. 2022",
"Speaking publicly for the first time since the assassination, which also left her wounded, Mo\u00efse delivered a eulogy that was pointedly political. \u2014 , 23 July 2021",
"Speakers at Hunter's memorial service, where civil rights leader Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy , also called for federal lawmakers to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. \u2014 N'dea Yancey-bragg, USA TODAY , 13 July 2021",
"Don\u2019t mean to overreact here, spilling into eulogy mode, writing in the past tense. \u2014 Gordon Monson, The Salt Lake Tribune , 9 Feb. 2022",
"Presidential historian Jon Meacham will deliver the keynote eulogy . \u2014 Steve Karnowski, ajc , 1 May 2022",
"Each old building is a testament to survival and community; every empty lot, a eulogy . \u2014 Frank Shyongcolumnist, Los Angeles Times , 27 Apr. 2022",
"Indeed, one of her last public appearances was delivering a funny, poignant and affectionate eulogy for Mr. Powell in the same cathedral in November. \u2014 New York Times , 27 Apr. 2022",
"During the funeral, his bandmates served as pallbearers and his wife Kelsey delivered an emotional eulogy honoring her late husband. \u2014 Daniela Avila, , 20 Apr. 2022"
"Middle English euloge , from Medieval Latin eulogium , from Greek eulogia praise, from eu- + -logia -logy":""
"15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": a harmonious succession of words having a pleasing sound":[]
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"In more recent ones, Harris has expanded the scope of her ambient sound to include brushes of folk, the suspension of drone music, and the euphony and tunefulness of pop. \u2014 Sheldon Pearce, The New Yorker , 26 Oct. 2021",
"For all the euphony and alliteration of the phrase, winter white is more of a squirrel-meat gray. \u2014 Dan Neil, WSJ , 7 Feb. 2020",
"The combination of Freddy Cole\u2019s reedy voice and Lionel Cole\u2019s chesty baritone made for a most appealing euphony , accompanied by Freddy Cole\u2019s silvery pianism, Randy Napoleon\u2019s buoyant guitar work and a chugging backbeat from the rest of the band. \u2014 Howard Reich, , 30 Aug. 2019",
"Both the music and the film footage conveyed a sense of lyricism, rhythmic relaxation, peace and euphony . \u2014 Howard Reich, , 30 June 2019",
"Intersections in the Washington area do not seem to be ranked officially for euphony or the way the names of the individual streets sound when they are linked together. \u2014 Martin Weil, Washington Post , 31 Mar. 2018",
"Commercials for one of the biggest brands, Bolla, played regularly on radio and television, and the euphony of the phrase was as catchy as Orson Welles declaring that Paul Masson would sell no wine before its time. \u2014 Eric Asimov, New York Times , 5 Oct. 2017"
"borrowed from Late Latin euph\u014dnia, borrowed from Greek euph\u014dn\u00eda \"good voice quality (of a public speaker), good tone (of horns),\" from e\u00faph\u014dnos \"pleasant-sounding, musical\" (from eu- eu- + -ph\u014dnos \"having a sound [of the kind specified],\" adjective derivative of ph\u014dn\u1e17 \"sound made by something living, voice, speech\") + -ia -ia entry 1 \u2014 more at phono-":""
"1606, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": harmonious":[],
": of or relating to eurythmy or eurythmics":[]
"the ratio of the height of the temple's colonnade to the width of the entablature and pediment make for an eye-pleasing and eurythmic facade"
"1855, in the meaning defined at sense 1":""
": harmonious",
": of or relating to eurythmy or eurythmics"
"the ratio of the height of the temple's colonnade to the width of the entablature and pediment make for an eye-pleasing and eurythmic facade"
"1855, in the meaning defined at sense 1"
"noun, plural in form but singular or plural in construction"
": the art of harmonious bodily movement especially through expressive timed movements in response to improvised music":[]
"1912, in the meaning defined above":""
": eulogy":[]
"on the centennial of its completion, the building received the greatest possible eulogium : it remains a unique achievement in architectural design"
"Medieval Latin":""
"1621, in the meaning defined above":""
": one who eulogizes"
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"The whole thing works magnificently, allowing Gray to essentially be his own eulogist . \u2014 Tim Grierson, Vulture , 7 July 2021",
"In an era when political differences have metastasized into tribal warfare, at least 74 million voters turned to a figure who has become known as the eulogist in chief for his empathy and friendships with Republicans and Democrats alike. \u2014 Jonathan Martin, New York Times , 7 Nov. 2020",
"The pop culture account posted about an unsubstantiated claim that an $80 million bounty had been set for President Trump (something apparently proposed by one eulogist at the funeral for Iranian Maj. \u2014 Washington Post , 7 Jan. 2020",
"Amy Harris/Invision, via Associated Press Last year, Juice WRLD emerged as SoundCloud rap\u2019s best hope, and also its eulogist . \u2014 Jon Caramanica, New York Times , 9 Dec. 2019",
"Like one of the official eulogists said Saturday, Hayden Fry taught his players how to live. \u2014 Kevin Sherrington, Dallas News , 25 Jan. 2020",
"But the bounty to kill Mr. Trump is not an official threat from the Iranian government \u2014 it was merely suggested by a eulogist during Soleimani's funeral, according to Al Arabia. \u2014 Caitlin O'kane, CBS News , 6 Jan. 2020",
"In the age of oversharing, even grieving has gone viral, and social media has turned everyone into a hot-winded eulogist . \u2014 Bob Morris, Town & Country , 6 Aug. 2019",
"Obama is reportedly expected to be one of the eulogists at McCain\u2019s funeral service. \u2014 Emily Stewart, Vox , 26 Aug. 2018"
"1808, in the meaning defined above"
": the act of eulogizing : praise":[]
": an expression of eulogy"
"eulogy + -ism"
"Definition of eulogise British spelling of eulogize"
": to speak or write in high praise of : extol"
"He was eulogized at his funeral as a great actor and a good friend.",
"Recent Examples on the Web",
"President Joe Biden is slated to eulogize the trailblazing diplomat during the service held at Washington National Cathedral. \u2014 Editors, USA TODAY , 27 Apr. 2022",
"President Joe Biden will eulogize Albright at the funeral, and her daughters, Anne, Alice and Katie, will also speak. \u2014 Oren Oppenheim, ABC News , 27 Apr. 2022",
"Stamos and Saget appeared as guests on the show to eulogize the comedian Don Rickles, who died in April 2017. \u2014 J. Kim Murphy, Variety , 10 Jan. 2022",
"As The Day is dying, the reporters and editors gather at a bar to eulogize it, and one talks about her misbegotten career choice, which has left her with two weeks\u2019 severance and $81 in the bank. \u2014 Christopher Bonanos, Vulture , 7 Dec. 2021",
"There are too many lyrics with which to eulogize him: on art, on show biz, on mothers, on grief. \u2014 Michael Schulman, The New Yorker , 27 Nov. 2021",
"Cindy McCain, wife of former U.S. Sen. John McCain, and former Phoenix Suns basketball star Charles Barkley will eulogize Woods, who died Oct. 23 of a heart attack. \u2014 Mary Jo Pitzl, The Arizona Republic , 1 Nov. 2021",
"Arriving three years after Bourdain, the celebrated chef, writer and world traveler, died by suicide at the age of 61, the movie doesn\u2019t just politely explore or recount or even eulogize . \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 15 July 2021",
"After delivering a powerful speech at Kobe\u2019s memorial, expect Vanessa to eulogize Kobe just as poignantly during his posthumous Hall-of-Fame induction. \u2014 Mark Medina, USA TODAY , 15 May 2021"
"1810, in the meaning defined above"
": a system of harmonious body movement to the rhythm of spoken words":[]
"German Eurhythmie , from Latin eurythmia rhythmical movement, from Greek, from eurythmos rhythmical, from eu- + rhythmos rhythm":""
"1949, in the meaning defined above":""
": eulogistic":[]
"eulogy + -ous":""
": tolerant of wide variation in one or more environmental factors":[]
"International Scientific Vocabulary eury- + Greek topos place":""
"1937, in the meaning defined above":""
": eurythermal"
"International Scientific Vocabulary"
"1940, in the meaning defined above"
": eurythermal"
"International Scientific Vocabulary"
"1903, in the meaning defined above"
": eulogistic":[]
"eulogy + -ic or -ical":""
": tolerating a wide range of temperature":[
"eurythermal animals"
"International Scientific Vocabulary":""
"1881, in the meaning defined above":""
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