import numpy as np from scipy.special import softmax def interpolant(t): return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10) def generate_perlin_noise_2d( shape, res, tileable=(False, False), interpolant=interpolant ): """Generate a 2D numpy array of perlin noise. Args: shape: The shape of the generated array (tuple of two ints). This must be a multple of res. res: The number of periods of noise to generate along each axis (tuple of two ints). Note shape must be a multiple of res. tileable: If the noise should be tileable along each axis (tuple of two bools). Defaults to (False, False). interpolant: The interpolation function, defaults to t*t*t*(t*(t*6 - 15) + 10). Returns: A numpy array of shape shape with the generated noise. Raises: ValueError: If shape is not a multiple of res. """ delta = (res[0] / shape[0], res[1] / shape[1]) d = (shape[0] // res[0], shape[1] // res[1]) grid = np.mgrid[0 : res[0] : delta[0], 0 : res[1] : delta[1]].transpose(1, 2, 0) % 1 # Gradients angles = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(res[0] + 1, res[1] + 1) gradients = np.dstack((np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles))) if tileable[0]: gradients[-1, :] = gradients[0, :] if tileable[1]: gradients[:, -1] = gradients[:, 0] gradients = gradients.repeat(d[0], 0).repeat(d[1], 1) g00 = gradients[: -d[0], : -d[1]] g10 = gradients[d[0] :, : -d[1]] g01 = gradients[: -d[0], d[1] :] g11 = gradients[d[0] :, d[1] :] # Ramps n00 = np.sum(np.dstack((grid[:, :, 0], grid[:, :, 1])) * g00, 2) n10 = np.sum(np.dstack((grid[:, :, 0] - 1, grid[:, :, 1])) * g10, 2) n01 = np.sum(np.dstack((grid[:, :, 0], grid[:, :, 1] - 1)) * g01, 2) n11 = np.sum(np.dstack((grid[:, :, 0] - 1, grid[:, :, 1] - 1)) * g11, 2) # Interpolation t = interpolant(grid) n0 = n00 * (1 - t[:, :, 0]) + t[:, :, 0] * n10 n1 = n01 * (1 - t[:, :, 0]) + t[:, :, 0] * n11 return np.sqrt(2) * ((1 - t[:, :, 1]) * n0 + t[:, :, 1] * n1) class CoordsGenerator: def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, factor: int = 500): print(x, y, x // factor, y // factor) self.noise = generate_perlin_noise_2d((x, y), (x // factor, y // factor)) self.noise_distribution = softmax(self.noise, axis=1) def pick(self, n): x, y = self.noise.shape x = np.random.choice(x, size=n, replace=False) y = [ np.random.choice(y, size=1, p=self.noise_distribution[x_, :], replace=False) for x_ in x ] return x, y if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # gen = CoordsGenerator(1920, 1080, threshold=0.85) # x, y = gen.pick(1000) # plt.scatter(x, y) factor = 500 noise = generate_perlin_noise_2d((1080, 1920), (1080 // factor, 1920 // factor)) plt.matshow(noise, cmap="bwr") plt.colorbar()