2021-05-25 20:37:34 +02:00

79 lines
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"""LVQ models that are optimized using non-gradient methods."""
from prototorch.functions.competitions import wtac
from prototorch.functions.losses import _get_dp_dm
from .glvq import GLVQ
class NonGradientLVQ(GLVQ):
"""Abstract Model for Models that do not use gradients in their update phase."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.automatic_optimization = False
def training_step(self, train_batch, batch_idx, optimizer_idx=None):
raise NotImplementedError
class LVQ1(NonGradientLVQ):
"""Learning Vector Quantization 1."""
def training_step(self, train_batch, batch_idx, optimizer_idx=None):
protos = self.proto_layer.components
plabels = self.proto_layer.component_labels
x, y = train_batch
dis = self._forward(x)
# TODO Vectorized implementation
for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
d = self._forward(xi.view(1, -1))
preds = wtac(d, plabels)
w = d.argmin(1)
if yi == preds:
shift = xi - protos[w]
shift = protos[w] - xi
updated_protos = protos + 0.0
updated_protos[w] = protos[w] + (self.hparams.lr * shift)
self.proto_layer.load_state_dict({"_components": updated_protos},
# Logging
self.log_acc(dis, y, tag="train_acc")
return None
class LVQ21(NonGradientLVQ):
"""Learning Vector Quantization 2.1."""
def training_step(self, train_batch, batch_idx, optimizer_idx=None):
protos = self.proto_layer.components
plabels = self.proto_layer.component_labels
x, y = train_batch
dis = self._forward(x)
# TODO Vectorized implementation
for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
xi = xi.view(1, -1)
yi = yi.view(1, )
d = self._forward(xi)
(_, wp), (_, wn) = _get_dp_dm(d, yi, plabels, with_indices=True)
shiftp = xi - protos[wp]
shiftn = protos[wn] - xi
updated_protos = protos + 0.0
updated_protos[wp] = protos[wp] + (self.hparams.lr * shiftp)
updated_protos[wn] = protos[wn] + (self.hparams.lr * shiftn)
self.proto_layer.load_state_dict({"_components": updated_protos},
# Logging
self.log_acc(dis, y, tag="train_acc")
return None
class MedianLVQ(NonGradientLVQ):
"""Median LVQ"""