import pytorch_lightning as pl import torch import torchmetrics from prototorch.functions.competitions import wtac from prototorch.functions.distances import euclidean_distance from prototorch.functions.losses import glvq_loss from prototorch.modules.prototypes import Prototypes1D class GLVQ(pl.LightningModule): """Generalized Learning Vector Quantization.""" def __init__(self, hparams, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.save_hyperparameters(hparams) self.proto_layer = Prototypes1D( input_dim=self.hparams.input_dim, nclasses=self.hparams.nclasses, prototypes_per_class=self.hparams.prototypes_per_class, prototype_initializer=self.hparams.prototype_initializer, **kwargs) self.train_acc = torchmetrics.Accuracy() @property def prototypes(self): return self.proto_layer.prototypes.detach().numpy() @property def prototype_labels(self): return self.proto_layer.prototype_labels.detach().numpy() def configure_optimizers(self): optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), return optimizer def forward(self, x): protos = self.proto_layer.prototypes dis = euclidean_distance(x, protos) return dis def training_step(self, train_batch, batch_idx): x, y = train_batch x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) dis = self(x) plabels = self.proto_layer.prototype_labels mu = glvq_loss(dis, y, prototype_labels=plabels) loss = mu.sum(dim=0) self.log("train_loss", loss) with torch.no_grad(): preds = wtac(dis, plabels) # self.train_acc.update(, self.train_acc(, # FloatTensors are assumed to be class probabilities self.log( "acc", self.train_acc, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, logger=True, ) return loss # def training_epoch_end(self, outs): # # Calling `self.train_acc.compute()` is # # automatically done by setting `on_epoch=True` when logging in `self.training_step(...)` # self.log("train_acc_epoch", self.train_acc.compute()) def predict(self, x): # model.eval() # ?! with torch.no_grad(): d = self(x) plabels = self.proto_layer.prototype_labels y_pred = wtac(d, plabels) return y_pred.numpy() class ImageGLVQ(GLVQ): """GLVQ for training on image data. GLVQ model that constrains the prototypes to the range [0, 1] by clamping after updates. """ def on_train_batch_end(self, outputs, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx):, 1.0) class SiameseGLVQ(GLVQ): """GLVQ in a Siamese setting. GLVQ model that applies an arbitrary transformation on the inputs and the prototypes before computing the distances between them. The weights in the transformation pipeline are only learned from the inputs. """ def __init__(self, hparams, backbone_module=torch.nn.Identity, backbone_params={}, **kwargs): super().__init__(hparams, **kwargs) self.backbone = backbone_module(**backbone_params) self.backbone_dependent = backbone_module( **backbone_params).requires_grad_(False) def sync_backbones(self): master_state = self.backbone.state_dict() self.backbone_dependent.load_state_dict(master_state, strict=True) def forward(self, x): self.sync_backbones() protos = self.proto_layer.prototypes latent_x = self.backbone(x) latent_protos = self.backbone_dependent(protos) dis = euclidean_distance(latent_x, latent_protos) return dis def predict_latent(self, x): # model.eval() # ?! with torch.no_grad(): protos = self.proto_layer.prototypes latent_protos = self.backbone_dependent(protos) d = euclidean_distance(x, latent_protos) plabels = self.proto_layer.prototype_labels y_pred = wtac(d, plabels) return y_pred.numpy()