Remove prototorch/functions and prototorch/modules
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"""ProtoTorch functions."""
from .activations import identity, sigmoid_beta, swish_beta
from .competitions import knnc, wtac
from .pooling import *
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
"""ProtoTorch activation functions."""
import torch
def register_activation(fn):
"""Add the activation function to the registry."""
name = fn.__name__
ACTIVATIONS[name] = fn
return fn
def identity(x, beta=0.0):
"""Identity activation function.
:math:`f(x) = x`
Keyword Arguments:
beta (`float`): Ignored.
return x
def sigmoid_beta(x, beta=10.0):
r"""Sigmoid activation function with scaling.
:math:`f(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-\beta x}}`
Keyword Arguments:
beta (`float`): Scaling parameter :math:`\beta`
out = 1.0 / (1.0 + torch.exp(-1.0 * beta * x))
return out
def swish_beta(x, beta=10.0):
r"""Swish activation function with scaling.
:math:`f(x) = \frac{x}{1 + e^{-\beta x}}`
Keyword Arguments:
beta (`float`): Scaling parameter :math:`\beta`
out = x * sigmoid_beta(x, beta=beta)
return out
def get_activation(funcname):
"""Deserialize the activation function."""
if callable(funcname):
return funcname
if funcname in ACTIVATIONS:
return ACTIVATIONS.get(funcname)
raise NameError(f"Activation {funcname} was not found.")
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
"""ProtoTorch competition functions."""
import torch
def wtac(distances: torch.Tensor,
labels: torch.LongTensor) -> (torch.LongTensor):
Returns the labels corresponding to the winners.
winning_indices = torch.min(distances, dim=1).indices
winning_labels = labels[winning_indices].squeeze()
return winning_labels
def knnc(distances: torch.Tensor,
labels: torch.LongTensor,
k: int = 1) -> (torch.LongTensor):
Returns the labels corresponding to the winners.
winning_indices = torch.topk(-distances, k=k, dim=1).indices
winning_labels = torch.mode(labels[winning_indices], dim=1).values
return winning_labels
@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
"""ProtoTorch distance functions."""
import numpy as np
import torch
from prototorch.functions.helper import (_check_shapes, _int_and_mixed_shape,
equal_int_shape, get_flat)
def squared_euclidean_distance(x, y):
r"""Compute the squared Euclidean distance between :math:`\bm x` and :math:`\bm y`.
Compute :math:`{\langle \bm x - \bm y \rangle}_2`
x, y = get_flat(x, y)
expanded_x = x.unsqueeze(dim=1)
batchwise_difference = y - expanded_x
differences_raised = torch.pow(batchwise_difference, 2)
distances = torch.sum(differences_raised, axis=2)
return distances
def euclidean_distance(x, y):
r"""Compute the Euclidean distance between :math:`x` and :math:`y`.
Compute :math:`\sqrt{{\langle \bm x - \bm y \rangle}_2}`
:returns: Distance Tensor of shape :math:`X \times Y`
:rtype: `torch.tensor`
x, y = get_flat(x, y)
distances_raised = squared_euclidean_distance(x, y)
distances = torch.sqrt(distances_raised)
return distances
def euclidean_distance_v2(x, y):
x, y = get_flat(x, y)
diff = y - x.unsqueeze(1)
pairwise_distances = (diff @ diff.permute((0, 2, 1))).sqrt()
# Passing `dim1=-2` and `dim2=-1` to `diagonal()` takes the
# batch diagonal. See:
distances = torch.diagonal(pairwise_distances, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)
# print(f"{diff.shape=}") # (nx, ny, ndim)
# print(f"{pairwise_distances.shape=}") # (nx, ny, ny)
# print(f"{distances.shape=}") # (nx, ny)
return distances
def lpnorm_distance(x, y, p):
r"""Calculate the lp-norm between :math:`\bm x` and :math:`\bm y`.
Also known as Minkowski distance.
Compute :math:`{\| \bm x - \bm y \|}_p`.
Calls ``torch.cdist``
:param p: p parameter of the lp norm
x, y = get_flat(x, y)
distances = torch.cdist(x, y, p=p)
return distances
def omega_distance(x, y, omega):
r"""Omega distance.
Compute :math:`{\| \Omega \bm x - \Omega \bm y \|}_p`
:param `torch.tensor` omega: Two dimensional matrix
x, y = get_flat(x, y)
projected_x = x @ omega
projected_y = y @ omega
distances = squared_euclidean_distance(projected_x, projected_y)
return distances
def lomega_distance(x, y, omegas):
r"""Localized Omega distance.
Compute :math:`{\| \Omega_k \bm x - \Omega_k \bm y_k \|}_p`
:param `torch.tensor` omegas: Three dimensional matrix
x, y = get_flat(x, y)
projected_x = x @ omegas
projected_y = torch.diagonal(y @ omegas).T
expanded_y = torch.unsqueeze(projected_y, dim=1)
batchwise_difference = expanded_y - projected_x
differences_squared = batchwise_difference**2
distances = torch.sum(differences_squared, dim=2)
distances = distances.permute(1, 0)
return distances
def euclidean_distance_matrix(x, y, squared=False, epsilon=1e-10):
r"""Computes an euclidean distances matrix given two distinct vectors.
last dimension must be the vector dimension!
compute the distance via the identity of the dot product. This avoids the memory overhead due to the subtraction!
- ``x.shape = (number_of_x_vectors, vector_dim)``
- ``y.shape = (number_of_y_vectors, vector_dim)``
output: matrix of distances (number_of_x_vectors, number_of_y_vectors)
for tensor in [x, y]:
if tensor.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(
"The tensor dimension must be two. You provide: tensor.ndim=" +
str(tensor.ndim) + ".")
if not equal_int_shape([tuple(x.shape)[1]], [tuple(y.shape)[1]]):
raise ValueError(
"The vector shape must be equivalent in both tensors. You provide: tuple(y.shape)[1]="
+ str(tuple(x.shape)[1]) + " and tuple(y.shape)(y)[1]=" +
str(tuple(y.shape)[1]) + ".")
y = torch.transpose(y)
diss = (torch.sum(x**2, axis=1, keepdims=True) - 2 *, y) +
torch.sum(y**2, axis=0, keepdims=True))
if not squared:
if epsilon == 0:
diss = torch.sqrt(diss)
diss = torch.sqrt(torch.max(diss, epsilon))
return diss
def tangent_distance(signals, protos, subspaces, squared=False, epsilon=1e-10):
r"""Tangent distances based on the tensorflow implementation of Sascha Saralajews
For more info about Tangen distances see
The subspaces is always assumed as transposed and must be orthogonal!
For local non sparse signals subspaces must be provided!
- shape(signals): batch x proto_number x channels x dim1 x dim2 x ... x dimN
- shape(protos): proto_number x dim1 x dim2 x ... x dimN
- shape(subspaces): (optional [proto_number]) x prod(dim1 * dim2 * ... * dimN) x prod(projected_atom_shape)
subspace should be orthogonalized
Pytorch implementation of Sascha Saralajew's tensorflow code.
Translation by Christoph Raab
signal_shape, signal_int_shape = _int_and_mixed_shape(signals)
proto_shape, proto_int_shape = _int_and_mixed_shape(protos)
subspace_int_shape = tuple(subspaces.shape)
# check if the shapes are correct
_check_shapes(signal_int_shape, proto_int_shape)
atom_axes = list(range(3, len(signal_int_shape)))
# for sparse signals, we use the memory efficient implementation
if signal_int_shape[1] == 1:
signals = torch.reshape(signals, [-1,[3:])])
if len(atom_axes) > 1:
protos = torch.reshape(protos, [proto_shape[0], -1])
if subspaces.ndim == 2:
# clean solution without map if the matrix_scope is global
projectors = torch.eye(subspace_int_shape[-2]) -
subspaces, torch.transpose(subspaces))
projected_signals =, projectors)
projected_protos =, projectors)
diss = euclidean_distance_matrix(projected_signals,
diss = torch.reshape(
diss, [signal_shape[0], signal_shape[2], proto_shape[0]])
return torch.permute(diss, [0, 2, 1])
# no solution without map possible --> memory efficient but slow!
projectors = torch.eye(subspace_int_shape[-2]) - torch.bmm(
subspaces) # K.batch_dot(subspaces, subspaces, [2, 2])
projected_protos = (protos @ subspaces
).T # K.batch_dot(projectors, protos, [1, 1]))
def projected_norm(projector):
return torch.sum(, projector)**2, axis=1)
diss = (torch.transpose(map(projected_norm, projectors)) -
2 *, projected_protos) +
torch.sum(projected_protos**2, axis=0, keepdims=True))
if not squared:
if epsilon == 0:
diss = torch.sqrt(diss)
diss = torch.sqrt(torch.max(diss, epsilon))
diss = torch.reshape(
diss, [signal_shape[0], signal_shape[2], proto_shape[0]])
return torch.permute(diss, [0, 2, 1])
signals = signals.permute([0, 2, 1] + atom_axes)
diff = signals - protos
# global tangent space
if subspaces.ndim == 2:
# Scope Projectors
projectors = subspaces #
# Scope: Tangentspace Projections
diff = torch.reshape(
diff, (signal_shape[0] * signal_shape[2], signal_shape[1], -1))
projected_diff = diff @ projectors
projected_diff = torch.reshape(
(signal_shape[0], signal_shape[2], signal_shape[1]) +
diss = torch.norm(projected_diff, 2, dim=-1)
return diss.permute([0, 2, 1])
# local tangent spaces
# Scope: Calculate Projectors
projectors = subspaces
# Scope: Tangentspace Projections
diff = torch.reshape(
diff, (signal_shape[0] * signal_shape[2], signal_shape[1], -1))
diff = diff.permute([1, 0, 2])
projected_diff = torch.bmm(diff, projectors)
projected_diff = torch.reshape(
(signal_shape[1], signal_shape[0], signal_shape[2]) +
diss = torch.norm(projected_diff, 2, dim=-1)
return diss.permute([1, 0, 2]).squeeze(-1)
# Aliases
sed = squared_euclidean_distance
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
import torch
def get_flat(*args):
rv = [x.view(x.size(0), -1) for x in args]
return rv
def calculate_prototype_accuracy(y_pred, y_true, plabels):
"""Computes the accuracy of a prototype based model.
via Winner-Takes-All rule.
y_pred.shape == y_true.shape
unique(y_pred) in plabels
with torch.no_grad():
idx = torch.argmin(y_pred, axis=1)
return torch.true_divide(torch.sum(y_true == plabels[idx]),
len(y_pred)) * 100
def predict_label(y_pred, plabels):
r""" Predicts labels given a prediction of a prototype based model.
with torch.no_grad():
return plabels[torch.argmin(y_pred, 1)]
def mixed_shape(inputs):
if not torch.is_tensor(inputs):
raise ValueError("Input must be a tensor.")
int_shape = list(inputs.shape)
# sometimes int_shape returns mixed integer types
int_shape = [int(i) if i is not None else i for i in int_shape]
tensor_shape = inputs.shape
for i, s in enumerate(int_shape):
if s is None:
int_shape[i] = tensor_shape[i]
return tuple(int_shape)
def equal_int_shape(shape_1, shape_2):
if not isinstance(shape_1,
(tuple, list)) or not isinstance(shape_2, (tuple, list)):
raise ValueError("Input shapes must list or tuple.")
for shape in [shape_1, shape_2]:
if not all([isinstance(x, int) or x is None for x in shape]):
raise ValueError(
"Input shapes must be list or tuple of int and None values.")
if len(shape_1) != len(shape_2):
return False
for axis, value in enumerate(shape_1):
if value is not None and shape_2[axis] not in {value, None}:
return False
return True
def _check_shapes(signal_int_shape, proto_int_shape):
if len(signal_int_shape) < 4:
raise ValueError(
"The number of signal dimensions must be >=4. You provide: " +
if len(proto_int_shape) < 2:
raise ValueError(
"The number of proto dimensions must be >=2. You provide: " +
if not equal_int_shape(signal_int_shape[3:], proto_int_shape[1:]):
raise ValueError(
"The atom shape of signals must be equal protos. You provide: signals.shape[3:]="
+ str(signal_int_shape[3:]) + " != protos.shape[1:]=" +
# not a sparse signal
if signal_int_shape[1] != 1:
if not equal_int_shape(signal_int_shape[1:2], proto_int_shape[0:1]):
raise ValueError(
"If the signal is not sparse, the number of prototypes must be equal in signals and "
"protos. You provide: " + str(signal_int_shape[1]) + " != " +
return True
def _int_and_mixed_shape(tensor):
shape = mixed_shape(tensor)
int_shape = tuple([i if isinstance(i, int) else None for i in shape])
return shape, int_shape
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
"""ProtoTorch initialization functions."""
from itertools import chain
import torch
def register_initializer(function):
"""Add the initializer to the registry."""
INITIALIZERS[function.__name__] = function
return function
def labels_from(distribution, one_hot=True):
"""Takes a distribution tensor and returns a labels tensor."""
num_classes = distribution.shape[0]
llist = [[i] * n for i, n in zip(range(num_classes), distribution)]
# labels = [l for cl in llist for l in cl] # flatten the list of lists
flat_llist = list(chain(*llist)) # flatten label list with itertools.chain
plabels = torch.tensor(flat_llist, requires_grad=False)
if one_hot:
return torch.eye(num_classes)[plabels]
return plabels
def ones(x_train, y_train, prototype_distribution, one_hot=True):
num_protos = torch.sum(prototype_distribution)
protos = torch.ones(num_protos, *x_train.shape[1:])
plabels = labels_from(prototype_distribution, one_hot)
return protos, plabels
def zeros(x_train, y_train, prototype_distribution, one_hot=True):
num_protos = torch.sum(prototype_distribution)
protos = torch.zeros(num_protos, *x_train.shape[1:])
plabels = labels_from(prototype_distribution, one_hot)
return protos, plabels
def rand(x_train, y_train, prototype_distribution, one_hot=True):
num_protos = torch.sum(prototype_distribution)
protos = torch.rand(num_protos, *x_train.shape[1:])
plabels = labels_from(prototype_distribution, one_hot)
return protos, plabels
def randn(x_train, y_train, prototype_distribution, one_hot=True):
num_protos = torch.sum(prototype_distribution)
protos = torch.randn(num_protos, *x_train.shape[1:])
plabels = labels_from(prototype_distribution, one_hot)
return protos, plabels
def stratified_mean(x_train, y_train, prototype_distribution, one_hot=True):
num_protos = torch.sum(prototype_distribution)
pdim = x_train.shape[1]
protos = torch.empty(num_protos, pdim)
plabels = labels_from(prototype_distribution, one_hot)
for i, label in enumerate(plabels):
matcher = torch.eq(label.unsqueeze(dim=0), y_train)
if one_hot:
num_classes = y_train.size()[1]
matcher = torch.eq(torch.sum(matcher, dim=-1), num_classes)
xl = x_train[matcher]
mean_xl = torch.mean(xl, dim=0)
protos[i] = mean_xl
plabels = labels_from(prototype_distribution, one_hot=one_hot)
return protos, plabels
def stratified_random(x_train,
num_protos = torch.sum(prototype_distribution)
pdim = x_train.shape[1]
protos = torch.empty(num_protos, pdim)
plabels = labels_from(prototype_distribution, one_hot)
for i, label in enumerate(plabels):
matcher = torch.eq(label.unsqueeze(dim=0), y_train)
if one_hot:
num_classes = y_train.size()[1]
matcher = torch.eq(torch.sum(matcher, dim=-1), num_classes)
xl = x_train[matcher]
rand_index = torch.zeros(1).long().random_(0, xl.shape[0] - 1)
random_xl = xl[rand_index]
protos[i] = random_xl + epsilon
plabels = labels_from(prototype_distribution, one_hot=one_hot)
return protos, plabels
def get_initializer(funcname):
"""Deserialize the initializer."""
if callable(funcname):
return funcname
if funcname in INITIALIZERS:
return INITIALIZERS.get(funcname)
raise NameError(f"Initializer {funcname} was not found.")
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
"""ProtoTorch loss functions."""
import torch
def _get_matcher(targets, labels):
"""Returns a boolean tensor."""
matcher = torch.eq(targets.unsqueeze(dim=1), labels)
if labels.ndim == 2:
# if the labels are one-hot vectors
num_classes = targets.size()[1]
matcher = torch.eq(torch.sum(matcher, dim=-1), num_classes)
return matcher
def _get_dp_dm(distances, targets, plabels, with_indices=False):
"""Returns the d+ and d- values for a batch of distances."""
matcher = _get_matcher(targets, plabels)
not_matcher = torch.bitwise_not(matcher)
inf = torch.full_like(distances, fill_value=float("inf"))
d_matching = torch.where(matcher, distances, inf)
d_unmatching = torch.where(not_matcher, distances, inf)
dp = torch.min(d_matching, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
dm = torch.min(d_unmatching, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
if with_indices:
return dp, dm
return dp.values, dm.values
def glvq_loss(distances, target_labels, prototype_labels):
"""GLVQ loss function with support for one-hot labels."""
dp, dm = _get_dp_dm(distances, target_labels, prototype_labels)
mu = (dp - dm) / (dp + dm)
return mu
def lvq1_loss(distances, target_labels, prototype_labels):
"""LVQ1 loss function with support for one-hot labels.
See Section 4 [Sado&Yamada]
dp, dm = _get_dp_dm(distances, target_labels, prototype_labels)
mu = dp
mu[dp > dm] = -dm[dp > dm]
return mu
def lvq21_loss(distances, target_labels, prototype_labels):
"""LVQ2.1 loss function with support for one-hot labels.
See Section 4 [Sado&Yamada]
dp, dm = _get_dp_dm(distances, target_labels, prototype_labels)
mu = dp - dm
return mu
# Probabilistic
def _get_class_probabilities(probabilities, targets, prototype_labels):
# Create Label Mapping
uniques = prototype_labels.unique(sorted=True).tolist()
key_val = {key: val for key, val in zip(uniques, range(len(uniques)))}
target_indices = torch.LongTensor(list(map(key_val.get, targets.tolist())))
whole = probabilities.sum(dim=1)
correct = probabilities[torch.arange(len(probabilities)), target_indices]
wrong = whole - correct
return whole, correct, wrong
def nllr_loss(probabilities, targets, prototype_labels):
"""Compute the Negative Log-Likelihood Ratio loss."""
_, correct, wrong = _get_class_probabilities(probabilities, targets,
likelihood = correct / wrong
log_likelihood = torch.log(likelihood)
return -1.0 * log_likelihood
def rslvq_loss(probabilities, targets, prototype_labels):
"""Compute the Robust Soft Learning Vector Quantization (RSLVQ) loss."""
whole, correct, _ = _get_class_probabilities(probabilities, targets,
likelihood = correct / whole
log_likelihood = torch.log(likelihood)
return -1.0 * log_likelihood
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import torch
def orthogonalization(tensors):
r""" Orthogonalization of a given tensor via polar decomposition.
u, _, v = torch.svd(tensors, compute_uv=True)
u_shape = tuple(list(u.shape))
v_shape = tuple(list(v.shape))
# reshape to (num x N x M)
u = torch.reshape(u, (-1, u_shape[-2], u_shape[-1]))
v = torch.reshape(v, (-1, v_shape[-2], v_shape[-1]))
out = u @ v.permute([0, 2, 1])
out = torch.reshape(out, u_shape[:-1] + (v_shape[-2], ))
return out
def trace_normalization(tensors):
r""" Trace normalization
epsilon = torch.tensor([1e-10], dtype=torch.float64)
# Scope trace_normalization
constant = torch.trace(tensors)
if epsilon != 0:
constant = torch.max(constant, epsilon)
return tensors / constant
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
"""ProtoTorch pooling functions."""
from typing import Callable
import torch
def stratify_with(values: torch.Tensor,
labels: torch.LongTensor,
fn: Callable,
fill_value: float = 0.0) -> (torch.Tensor):
"""Apply an arbitrary stratification strategy on the columns on `values`.
The outputs correspond to sorted labels.
clabels = torch.unique(labels, dim=0, sorted=True)
num_classes = clabels.size()[0]
if values.size()[1] == num_classes:
# skip if stratification is trivial
return values
batch_size = values.size()[0]
winning_values = torch.zeros(num_classes, batch_size, device=labels.device)
filler = torch.full_like(values.T, fill_value=fill_value)
for i, cl in enumerate(clabels):
matcher = torch.eq(labels.unsqueeze(dim=1), cl)
if labels.ndim == 2:
# if the labels are one-hot vectors
matcher = torch.eq(torch.sum(matcher, dim=-1), num_classes)
cdists = torch.where(matcher, values.T, filler).T
winning_values[i] = fn(cdists)
if labels.ndim == 2:
# Transpose to return with `batch_size` first and
# reverse the columns to fix the ordering of the classes
return torch.flip(winning_values.T, dims=(1, ))
return winning_values.T # return with `batch_size` first
def stratified_sum_pooling(values: torch.Tensor,
labels: torch.LongTensor) -> (torch.Tensor):
"""Group-wise sum."""
winning_values = stratify_with(
fn=lambda x: torch.sum(x, dim=1, keepdim=True).squeeze(),
return winning_values
def stratified_min_pooling(values: torch.Tensor,
labels: torch.LongTensor) -> (torch.Tensor):
"""Group-wise minimum."""
winning_values = stratify_with(
fn=lambda x: torch.min(x, dim=1, keepdim=True).values.squeeze(),
return winning_values
def stratified_max_pooling(values: torch.Tensor,
labels: torch.LongTensor) -> (torch.Tensor):
"""Group-wise maximum."""
winning_values = stratify_with(
fn=lambda x: torch.max(x, dim=1, keepdim=True).values.squeeze(),
fill_value=-1.0 * float("inf"))
return winning_values
def stratified_prod_pooling(values: torch.Tensor,
labels: torch.LongTensor) -> (torch.Tensor):
"""Group-wise maximum."""
winning_values = stratify_with(
fn=lambda x:, dim=1, keepdim=True).squeeze(),
return winning_values
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
"""ProtoTorch similarity functions."""
import torch
def cosine_similarity(x, y):
"""Compute the cosine similarity between :math:`x` and :math:`y`.
Expected dimension of x is 2.
Expected dimension of y is 2.
norm_x = x.pow(2).sum(1).sqrt()
norm_y = y.pow(2).sum(1).sqrt()
norm_mat = norm_x.unsqueeze(-1) @ norm_y.unsqueeze(-1).T
epsilon = torch.finfo(norm_mat.dtype).eps
similarities = (x @ y.T) / norm_mat
return similarities
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
import torch
# Functions
def gaussian(distances, variance):
return torch.exp(-(distances * distances) / (2 * variance))
def rank_scaled_gaussian(distances, lambd):
order = torch.argsort(distances, dim=1)
ranks = torch.argsort(order, dim=1)
return torch.exp(-torch.exp(-ranks / lambd) * distances)
# Modules
class GaussianPrior(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, variance):
self.variance = variance
def forward(self, distances):
return gaussian(distances, self.variance)
class RankScaledGaussianPrior(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, lambd):
self.lambd = lambd
def forward(self, distances):
return rank_scaled_gaussian(distances, self.lambd)
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"""ProtoTorch modules."""
from .competitions import *
from .pooling import *
from .wrappers import LambdaLayer, LossLayer
Reference in New Issue
Block a user