2022-07-10 05:08:12 +00:00

7754 lines
151 KiB

"to shed tears often while making meaningless sounds as a sign of pain or distress":{
"the poor child was blubbering because he had fallen and skinned his knee"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in crying , sobbing":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in crying , weeping":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to shed tears often while making meaningless sounds as a sign of pain or distress":{
"the poor child was blubbering because he had fallen and skinned his knee"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to shed tears often while making meaningless sounds as a sign of pain or distress":{
"the poor child was blubbering because he had fallen and skinned his knee"
"near antonyms":[],
"to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner":{
"remodelers bludgeoned the wall with a sledgehammer to join the two rooms"
"near synonyms":[
"bowled (down or over)",
"knocked down",
"sucker punched",
"near antonyms":[],
"to strike repeatedly":{
"a boxer bludgeoning his opponent"
"bunged up",
"messed (up)",
"punched out",
"roughed (up)",
"worked over"
"near synonyms":[
"descended (on or upon)",
"jumped (on)",
"laid on",
"pounced (on or upon)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to show (something written) to be no longer valid by drawing a cross over or a line through it":{
"military censors blue-penciled any remarks that could possibly be deemed critical"
"crossing (out)",
"editing (out)",
"scratching (out)",
"striking (out)",
"stroking (out)",
"x-ing (out)",
"x'ing (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"blotting out",
"rooting (out)",
"rubbing out",
"wiping out",
"cleaning (up)",
"blacking out",
"near antonyms":[],
"of the very best kind":{
"your work on this project has been of blue-ribbon quality"
"number one",
"No. 1",
"numero uno",
"par excellence",
"peachy keen",
"near synonyms":[
"all right",
"near antonyms":[
"something given in recognition of achievement":{
"the Pritzker Prize is widely regarded as the ultimate blue ribbon for architectural achievement"
"near synonyms":[
"honorable mention"
"near antonyms":[],
"of, relating to, or occurring in the open sea":{
"an experienced hand at blue-water sailing in the South Pacific"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in waters , high seas":{
"near synonyms":[
"high seas",
"seven seas",
"Davy Jones's locker",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in pretending , hypocritical":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to cause to believe what is untrue":{
"I bluffed the interviewer into believing that I could really speak French and thus would be the perfect person to serve in the newspaper's Paris bureau"
"faking out",
"having on",
"stringing along",
"sucking in",
"taking in",
"near synonyms":[
"putting on",
"near antonyms":[
"showing up",
"to present a false appearance of":{
"the basketball player bluffed a shot, then passed instead"
"passing (for)",
"putting on",
"near synonyms":[
"letting on",
"near antonyms":[],
"an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy":{
"fixed a minor blunder in the advertising flyer"
"near antonyms":[
"to make a mistake":{
"even though the prosecution had blundered several times in presenting its case, it ultimately prevailed"
"near antonyms":[],
"foul up",
"goof (up)",
"louse up",
"mess (up)",
"screw up",
"slip up",
"to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually":{
"blundered his way through an acceptance speech"
"near antonyms":[
"to make a mistake":{
"even though the prosecution had blundered several times in presenting its case, it ultimately prevailed"
"fouled up",
"goofed (up)",
"loused up",
"messed (up)",
"screwed up",
"slipped up",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually":{
"blundered his way through an acceptance speech"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make a mistake":{
"even though the prosecution had blundered several times in presenting its case, it ultimately prevailed"
"fouling up",
"goofing (up)",
"lousing up",
"messing (up)",
"screwing up",
"slipping up",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually":{
"blundered his way through an acceptance speech"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"being or characterized by direct, brief, and potentially rude speech or manner":{
"he values honesty and is quite blunt about telling people what he doesn't like about them"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"lacking sharpness of edge or point":{
"a blunt knife won't open that package"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to reduce or weaken in strength or feeling":{
"the mushy music blunted the effect of the movie's final tragic scene"
"near synonyms":[
"tone (down)",
"let up (on)",
"taper (off)",
"near antonyms":[
"beef (up)",
"step up",
"to make (something) unclear to the understanding":{
"cleared (up)",
"an article for the layman that blurs the distinction between the two kinds of cholesterol"
"near antonyms":[
"straightened (out)",
"broke down"
"messed (up)",
"mixed (up)",
"to make dark, dim, or indistinct":{
"lit (up)",
"lighted (up)"
"evening shadows blurred the view of the valley from the overlook"
"near antonyms":[
"blotted out",
"fuzzed (up)",
"blurt (out)":{
"to utter with a sudden burst of strong feeling":{
"\"I'm very sad!\" the toddler blurted out"
"cry (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"blurted (out)":{
"to utter with a sudden burst of strong feeling":{
"\"I'm very sad!\" the toddler blurted out"
"near antonyms":[],
"cried (out)",
"a rosy appearance (of the cheeks)":{
"a baby with a healthy blush"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to develop a rosy facial color (as from excitement or embarrassment)":{
"she blushed when she realized she had walked into the boys' bathroom by mistake"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to develop a rosy facial color (as from excitement or embarrassment)":{
"she blushed when she realized she had walked into the boys' bathroom by mistake"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to talk loudly and wildly":{
"the rude customer blustered and yelled threats about lawsuits, but eventually left"
"near antonyms":[
"sounding off",
"speaking out",
"speaking up",
"blurting (out)",
"mouthing (off)",
"carrying on",
"taking on"
"as in counterfeiter , pretender":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"square shooter",
"straight shooter"
"as in speculator , sharper":{
"near synonyms":[
"high roller",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in abruptly , brusquely":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"blue ribbon":{
"of the very best kind":{
"your work on this project has been of blue-ribbon quality"
"number one",
"No. 1",
"numero uno",
"par excellence",
"peachy keen",
"near synonyms":[
"all right",
"near antonyms":[
"something given in recognition of achievement":{
"the Pritzker Prize is widely regarded as the ultimate blue ribbon for architectural achievement"
"near synonyms":[
"honorable mention"
"near antonyms":[],
"to work out the details of (something) in advance":{
"blueprinted the schedule of events for the festival right down to the last detail"
"laying out",
"mapping (out)",
"scheming (out)",
"strategizing (about)"
"near synonyms":[
"putting up",
"getting up",
"having on",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in featuring , pitching":{
"near synonyms":[
"calling (off or out)",
"handing down",
"giving out",
"near antonyms":[
"hushing (up)",
"a short description that praises something (such as a book) so that people will want to buy it":{
"a blurb on a book jacket"
"near synonyms":[
"fly sheet",
"show bill",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in feature , pitch":{
"near synonyms":[
"call (off or out)",
"hand down",
"give out",
"near antonyms":[
"hush (up)",
"blurting (out)":{
"to utter with a sudden burst of strong feeling":{
"\"I'm very sad!\" the toddler blurted out"
"crying (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"blurts (out)":{
"to utter with a sudden burst of strong feeling":{
"\"I'm very sad!\" the toddler blurted out"
"cries (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a heavy rigid stick used as a weapon or for punishment":{
"guards armed with bludgeons roamed the compound"
"billy club",
"near synonyms":[
"walking stick",
"near antonyms":[],
"to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner":{
"remodelers bludgeoned the wall with a sledgehammer to join the two rooms"
"near synonyms":[
"bowl (down or over)",
"knock down",
"sucker punch",
"near antonyms":[],
"to strike repeatedly":{
"a boxer bludgeoning his opponent"
"bung up",
"mess (up)",
"punch out",
"rough (up)",
"work over"
"near synonyms":[
"descend (on or upon)",
"jump (on)",
"lay on",
"pounce (on or upon)",
"near antonyms":[],
"blue chips":{
"as in blue chippers , jim-dandies":{
"near synonyms":[
"blue chippers",
"near antonyms":[
"as in sponger , parasite":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"depicting or referring to sexual matters in a way that is unacceptable in polite society":{
"was shocked at the blue banter on that satellite-radio talk show"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"feeling unhappiness":{
"a cold, dreary day always leaves me blue"
"cast down",
"down in the mouth",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"hinting at or intended to call to mind matters regarded as indecent":{
"a lighthearted comedy with a few moments of blue humor"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"much given to learning and thinking":{
"a book club that had been founded many years earlier by the blue , progressive women of the city"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the expanse of air surrounding the earth":{
"the plane flew off into the blue and was never seen again"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the whole body of salt water that covers nearly three-fourths of the earth":{
"pirate ships that sailed the vasty blue in search of treasure"
"seven seas"
"near synonyms":[
"blue water",
"high seas",
"Davy Jones's locker",
"near antonyms":[],
"someone who bungles an effort":{
"those blunderers at city hall sent me the wrong tax bill"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in confusion":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make (something) unclear to the understanding":{
"an article for the layman that blurs the distinction between the two kinds of cholesterol"
"near synonyms":[
"messing (up)",
"mixing (up)",
"near antonyms":[
"straightening (out)",
"breaking down"
"clearing (up)",
"to make dark, dim, or indistinct":{
"evening shadows blurred the view of the valley from the overlook"
"fuzzing (up)",
"near synonyms":[
"blotting out",
"near antonyms":[
"lighting (up)"
"as in mooched , cadged":{
"near synonyms":[
"appealed (to)",
"pleaded (to)",
"pled (to)",
"plead (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"a method worked out in advance for achieving some objective":{
"an ambitious young man with a remarkably detailed blueprint for becoming a millionaire by the age of 25"
"game plan",
"ground plan",
"master plan",
"road map",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to work out the details of (something) in advance":{
"blueprinted the schedule of events for the festival right down to the last detail"
"lay out",
"map (out)",
"scheme (out)",
"strategize (about)"
"near synonyms":[
"put up",
"get up",
"have on",
"near antonyms":[],
"someone who bungles an effort":{
"leave it to that blunderbuss to bungle a job that a child could do"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to reduce or weaken in strength or feeling":{
"the mushy music blunted the effect of the movie's final tragic scene"
"near synonyms":[
"tones (down)",
"lets up (on)",
"tapers (off)",
"near antonyms":[
"beefs (up)",
"steps up",
"to cause to believe what is untrue":{
"I bluffed the interviewer into believing that I could really speak French and thus would be the perfect person to serve in the newspaper's Paris bureau"
"faked out",
"had on",
"strung along",
"sucked in",
"took in",
"near synonyms":[
"put on",
"near antonyms":[
"showed up",
"to present a false appearance of":{
"the basketball player bluffed a shot, then passed instead"
"passed (for)",
"put on",
"near synonyms":[
"let on",
"near antonyms":[],
"blue moons":{
"a long or seemingly long period of time":{
"once in a blue moon we'll get dressed up and eat in a fancy restaurant"
"coon's ages",
"donkey's years",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"split seconds",
"to develop a rosy facial color (as from excitement or embarrassment)":{
"she blushed when she realized she had walked into the boys' bathroom by mistake"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to shed tears often while making meaningless sounds as a sign of pain or distress":{
"the poor child was blubbering because he had fallen and skinned his knee"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in cocky , bragging":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"marked by strong wind or more wind than usual":{
"it can be a bit risky to drive across the bridge on a blustery day"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"blue chip":{
"of the very best kind":{
"because of his blue-chip crew, he's won yachting's biggest prize several times"
"number one",
"No. 1",
"numero uno",
"par excellence",
"peachy keen",
"near synonyms":[
"all right",
"near antonyms":[
"as in blue chipper , jim-dandy":{
"near synonyms":[
"blue chipper",
"near antonyms":[
"to reduce or weaken in strength or feeling":{
"the mushy music blunted the effect of the movie's final tragic scene"
"near synonyms":[
"toning (down)",
"letting up (on)",
"tapering (off)",
"near antonyms":[
"beefing (up)",
"stepping up",
"as in bluntness , abruptness":{
"near synonyms":[
"back talk",
"near antonyms":[
"the free expression of one's true feelings and opinions":{
"the refreshing bluntness of the former president in assessing those who followed him in the Oval Office"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"blue laws":{
"as in laws , rules":{
"near synonyms":[
"ground rules",
"common law"
"near antonyms":[],
"blue chippers":{
"as in blue chips , dandies":{
"near synonyms":[
"blue chips",
"near antonyms":[
"a short description that praises something (such as a book) so that people will want to buy it":{
"a blurb on a book jacket"
"near synonyms":[
"fly sheets",
"show bills",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in features , pitches":{
"near synonyms":[
"calls (off or out)",
"hands down",
"gives out",
"near antonyms":[
"hushes (up)",
"of high birth, rank, or station":{
"his blue-blooded in-laws and working class parents hit it off despite their different backgrounds"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in blues":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"being or characterized by direct, brief, and potentially rude speech or manner":{
"he's a bluff but good-hearted teacher"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a steep wall of rock, earth, or ice":{
"fossils embedded in a stone bluff that date from the Jurassic period"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to cause to believe what is untrue":{
"I bluffed the interviewer into believing that I could really speak French and thus would be the perfect person to serve in the newspaper's Paris bureau"
"fake out",
"have on",
"string along",
"suck in",
"take in",
"near synonyms":[
"put on",
"near antonyms":[
"show up",
"to present a false appearance of":{
"the basketball player bluffed a shot, then passed instead"
"pass (for)",
"put on",
"near synonyms":[
"let on",
"near antonyms":[],
"to show (something written) to be no longer valid by drawing a cross over or a line through it":{
"military censors blue-penciled any remarks that could possibly be deemed critical"
"cross (out)",
"edit (out)",
"scratch (out)",
"strike (out)",
"stroke (out)",
"x (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"blot out",
"root (out)",
"rub out",
"wipe out",
"clean (up)",
"black out",
"near antonyms":[],
"to show (something written) to be no longer valid by drawing a cross over or a line through it":{
"military censors blue-penciled any remarks that could possibly be deemed critical"
"crossed (out)",
"edited (out)",
"scratched (out)",
"stroked (out)",
"struck (out)",
"x-ed (out)",
"x'd (out)",
"xed (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"blotted out",
"rooted (out)",
"rubbed out",
"wiped out",
"cleaned (up)",
"blacked out",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in featured , pitched":{
"near synonyms":[
"called (off or out)",
"handed down",
"gave out",
"near antonyms":[
"hushed (up)",
"to shed tears often while making meaningless sounds as a sign of pain or distress":{
"the little girl was blubbing so uncontrollably that we couldn't understand what she was saying"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"blue blood":{
"a man or woman of high birth or social position":{
"one need not be a blue blood to enjoy the amenities at the Royal Crown Hotel"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in cock":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"having an excess of body fat":{
"a gathering of blubbery walruses basked on the beach"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"blue jeans":{
"as in jeans , cargo pants":{
"near synonyms":[
"cargo pants",
"pants suit",
"knee breeches",
"near antonyms":[],
"plural noun"
"blue chipper":{
"as in blue chip , dandy":{
"near synonyms":[
"blue chip",
"near antonyms":[
"as in mooch , cadge":{
"near synonyms":[
"appeal (to)",
"plead (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"to make (something) unclear to the understanding":{
"an article for the layman that blurs the distinction between the two kinds of cholesterol"
"near synonyms":[
"mess (up)",
"mix (up)",
"near antonyms":[
"straighten (out)",
"break down"
"clear (up)",
"to make dark, dim, or indistinct":{
"evening shadows blurred the view of the valley from the overlook"
"fuzz (up)",
"near synonyms":[
"blot out",
"near antonyms":[
"light (up)",
"as in spot , stain":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in shot , blabbered":{
"near synonyms":[
"got off",
"brought out",
"piped up (with)",
"ripped (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"lacking sharpness of edge or point":{
"the blunted saw was worthless for fine woodworking"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to reduce or weaken in strength or feeling":{
"the mushy music blunted the effect of the movie's final tragic scene"
"near synonyms":[
"toned (down)",
"let up (on)",
"tapered (off)",
"near antonyms":[
"beefed (up)",
"stepped up",
"blue law":{
"as in law , rule":{
"near synonyms":[
"ground rule",
"common law",
"martial law",
"near antonyms":[],
"someone who bungles an effort":{
"leave it to that blunderbuss to bungle a job that a child could do"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in officers , constables":{
"near synonyms":[
"police officers",
"police forces"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in honestly , frankly":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to shed tears often while making meaningless sounds as a sign of pain or distress":{
"the little girl was blubbing so uncontrollably that we couldn't understand what she was saying"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in shooting , blabbering":{
"near synonyms":[
"getting off",
"bringing out",
"piping up (with)",
"ripping (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"a person who is greatly concerned with seemly behavior and morality especially regarding sexual matters":{
"the editorial lambasts those bluenoses who feel they have the moral authority to dictate how other people should conduct themselves in private"
"Mrs. Grundys",
"nice nellies",
"near synonyms":[
"old maids",
"stuffed shirts"
"near antonyms":[
"to talk loudly and wildly":{
"the rude customer blustered and yelled threats about lawsuits, but eventually left"
"near synonyms":[
"sounded off",
"spoke out",
"spoke up",
"blurted (out)",
"mouthed (off)",
"carried on",
"took on"
"near antonyms":[
"not seen or understood clearly":{
"a blurry image in the foreground of the photograph"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"someone who bungles an effort":{
"those blunderers at city hall sent me the wrong tax bill"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"blue racer":{
"as in diamondback rattlesnake , black racer":{
"near synonyms":[
"black racer",
"bull snake",
"chicken snake",
"coral snake",
"cottonmouth moccasin",
"diamondback rattlesnake",
"garter snake",
"gopher snake",
"green snake",
"hognose snake",
"horned viper",
"indigo snake",
"king cobra",
"king snake",
"milk snake",
"pine snake",
"pit viper",
"puff adder",
"rat snake",
"sea serpent",
"sea snake",
"water moccasin",
"water snake",
"worm snake",
"near antonyms":[],
"to shed tears often while making meaningless sounds as a sign of pain or distress":{
"the little girl was blubbing so uncontrollably that we couldn't understand what she was saying"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a steep wall of rock, earth, or ice":{
"fossils embedded in a stone bluff that date from the Jurassic period"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to cause to believe what is untrue":{
"I bluffed the interviewer into believing that I could really speak French and thus would be the perfect person to serve in the newspaper's Paris bureau"
"fakes out",
"has on",
"strings along",
"sucks in",
"takes in",
"near synonyms":[
"puts on",
"near antonyms":[
"shows up",
"to present a false appearance of":{
"the basketball player bluffed a shot, then passed instead"
"passes (for)",
"puts on",
"near synonyms":[
"lets on",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in shoot , blabber":{
"near synonyms":[
"get off",
"bring out",
"pipe up (with)",
"rip (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"the quality or state of being obscene":{
"a comedy act without any hint of blueness"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy":{
"fixed a minor blunder in the advertising flyer"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make a mistake":{
"even though the prosecution had blundered several times in presenting its case, it ultimately prevailed"
"fouls up",
"goofs (up)",
"louses up",
"messes (up)",
"screws up",
"slips up",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually":{
"blundered his way through an acceptance speech"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in spongers , parasites":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a method worked out in advance for achieving some objective":{
"an ambitious young man with a remarkably detailed blueprint for becoming a millionaire by the age of 25"
"game plans",
"ground plans",
"master plans",
"road maps",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to work out the details of (something) in advance":{
"blueprinted the schedule of events for the festival right down to the last detail"
"lays out",
"maps (out)",
"schemes (out)",
"strategizes (about)"
"near synonyms":[
"puts up",
"gets up",
"has on",
"near antonyms":[],
"blue ribbons":{
"something given in recognition of achievement":{
"the Pritzker Prize is widely regarded as the ultimate blue ribbon for architectural achievement"
"near synonyms":[
"honorable mentions"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in counterfeiters , pretenders":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"square shooters",
"straight shooters"
"as in speculators , sharpers":{
"near synonyms":[
"high rollers",
"near antonyms":[],
"to work out the details of (something) in advance":{
"blueprinted the schedule of events for the festival right down to the last detail"
"laid out",
"mapped (out)",
"schemed (out)",
"strategized (about)"
"near synonyms":[
"put up",
"got up",
"had on",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in mooches , cadges":{
"near synonyms":[
"appeals (to)",
"pleads (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"as in officer , constable":{
"near synonyms":[
"police officer",
"police force"
"near antonyms":[],