2022-07-10 03:16:16 +00:00

45593 lines
920 KiB

"to make more severe":{
"a misconceived plan that only exacerbated the city's traffic problem"
"near antonyms":[
"the quality or state of being demanding or unyielding (as in discipline or criticism)":{
"since I was a guest in their home, I was not about to critique the dinner with the exactingness of a professional restaurant reviewer"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the quality or state of being very accurate":{
"after its opening weekend, a movie's final box office gross can be estimated with considerable exactitude"
"near antonyms":[
"extended beyond normal or realistic bounds":{
"loves the exaggerated emotions that are part and parcel of grand opera"
"near antonyms":[
"to add to the interest of by including made-up details":{
"the American colonist John Smith is believed by many historians to have exaggerated his adventures"
"near antonyms":[
"played down",
"dressed up",
"gussied up",
"enlarged (on or upon)",
"fleshed (out)",
"played up",
"elaborated (on)",
"to describe or express in too strong terms":{
"it would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of this entrance exam"
"near antonyms":[
"played down"
"played up",
"put on"
"as in mythomaniac":{
"near antonyms":[],
"the act of raising someone or something in importance":{
"He criticized our society's exaltation of wealth."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to assign a high status or value to":{
"popular support and media hype have exalted Super Bowl Sunday to the level of a national holiday"
"near antonyms":[
"to proclaim the glory of":{
"monstrous, gaudy gambling palaces that seem to exalt the very notion of excess"
"near antonyms":[
"cracking up",
"to put a series of questions to":{
"the defense attorney was eager to examine her star witness"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to look over closely (as for judging quality or condition)":{
"the customer painstakingly examined the antique piece of furniture from top to bottom before purchasing it"
"checks (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"pores (over)",
"delves (into)",
"picks over",
"near antonyms":[
"to search through or into":{
"a groundbreaking study that examined the causes of juvenile delinquency"
"delves (into)",
"digs (into)",
"inquires (into)",
"looks (into)",
"near synonyms":[
"skims (through)",
"thumbs (through)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to look over closely (as for judging quality or condition)":{
"the customer painstakingly examined the antique piece of furniture from top to bottom before purchasing it"
"near antonyms":[
"poring (over)",
"delving (into)",
"picking over",
"checking (out)",
"to put a series of questions to":{
"the defense attorney was eager to examine her star witness"
"near antonyms":[],
"to search through or into":{
"a groundbreaking study that examined the causes of juvenile delinquency"
"near antonyms":[],
"skimming (through)",
"thumbing (through)",
"delving (into)",
"digging (into)",
"inquiring (into)",
"looking (into)",
"causing annoyance":{
"those exasperating details that come with almost any job"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts":{
"small children can exasperate their parents with endless questions about why this or that is so"
"burning (up)",
"hacking (off)",
"putting out",
"near synonyms":[
"freaking (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"as in cave , trench":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in caves , trenches":{
"near synonyms":[
"water holes",
"near antonyms":[
"to go beyond the limit of":{
"by resorting to corporal punishment, the teacher had clearly exceeded his authority"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to be greater, better, or stronger than":{
"her knowledge of French wines exceeds that of anyone else I know"
"tower (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"prevail (over)",
"triumph (over)",
"win (against)",
"near antonyms":[
"lose (to)"
"being out of the ordinary":{
"accepted the apology with exceeding graciousness"
"near antonyms":[
"to be greater, better, or stronger than":{
"her knowledge of French wines exceeds that of anyone else I know"
"near antonyms":[
"losing (to)"
"prevailing (over)",
"triumphing (over)",
"winning (against)",
"towering (over)",
"to go beyond the limit of":{
"by resorting to corporal punishment, the teacher had clearly exceeded his authority"
"near antonyms":[],
"to a great degree":{
"the salesclerk was exceedingly patient with one customer who couldn't make up his mind"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to be greater, better, or stronger than":{
"the special effects in this new sci-fi extravaganza excel any that we've seen previously"
"towered (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"prevailed (over)",
"triumphed (over)",
"won (against)",
"near antonyms":[
"lost (to)"
"a quality that gives something special worth":{
"claimed that granite has so many excellencies as material for countertops that it is well worth the high price"
"cardinal virtue",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"exceptionally high quality":{
"the excellency of the violins crafted by Stradivarius is beyond dispute"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"of the very best kind":{
"fast-food fans rate this chain's fries as excellent"
"near antonyms":[
"all right",
"number one",
"No. 1",
"numero uno",
"par excellence",
"peachy keen",
"to present an opposing opinion or argument":{
"I must except to your remark that there are no great novelists currently living"
"remonstrating (with)"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to prevent the participation, consideration, or inclusion of":{
"we'll have to except members who haven't paid their club dues from voting in the election"
"closing out",
"counting (out)",
"freezing out",
"ruling out",
"shutting out"
"near synonyms":[
"throwing out",
"staving off",
"warding (off)",
"checking off",
"combing (out)",
"weeding (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"taking in",
"to a great or unusual degree":{
"She was an exceptionally talented dancer."
"near antonyms":[],
"a feeling or declaration of disapproval or dissent":{
"I take strong exception to your assessment of his singing ability"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"something that is different from what is ordinary or expected":{
"her tardiness today is an exception ; usually she's on time"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount":{
"nerdy hackers who spend an excessive amount of time sitting in front of their computers"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"beyond a normal or acceptable limit":{
"noise from the party was excessively loud"
"near antonyms":[
"as in taxed , penalized":{
"near synonyms":[
"shook down",
"near antonyms":[
"glossed (over)",
"glozed (over)",
"as in removed , cut":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a sudden short emotional utterance":{
"the good news was greeted with a chorus of joyous exclamations"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to create or think of by clever use of the imagination":{
"she's a master at excogitating reasons not to do her assigned work"
"cooks (up)",
"drums up",
"makes up",
"thinks (up)",
"trumps up",
"vamps (up)"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to not allow (someone) to continue being a member of a group and especially the Roman Catholic church":{
"He was excommunicated from the church for his radical practices."
"near synonyms":[
"cast out",
"kick out",
"run out",
"throw out",
"near antonyms":[
"take in"
"to not allow (someone) to continue being a member of a group and especially the Roman Catholic church":{
"He was excommunicated from the church for his radical practices."
"near antonyms":[],
"to criticize harshly and usually publicly":{
"the mayor had hardly been in office for a month before she was being excoriated for problems of very long standing"
"jumped (on)",
"near synonyms":[
"put down",
"laced (into)",
"lashed (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"to make sore by continued rubbing":{
"the manacles had badly excoriated the prisoner's wrists"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to pass (waste matter) from the body or from an organ in the body":{
"excrete sweat",
"The kidneys excrete toxins."
"near antonyms":[],
"to cause persistent suffering to":{
"she has long been excruciated by an undiagnosed pain in her knee"
"near synonyms":[
"put out",
"near antonyms":[
"to cause persistent suffering to":{
"she has long been excruciated by an undiagnosed pain in her knee"
"near synonyms":[
"put out",
"near antonyms":[
"a part added at the end of a book or periodical":{
"this biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine contains an interesting excursus on the status of women in the Middle Ages"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in fairly , justifiably":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a person who manages or directs something":{
"a restaurant where the city's top execs like to have power lunches"
"near antonyms":[],
"middle manager",
"to carry out effectively":{
"the agency charged with executing the nation's drug laws"
"near antonyms":[
"brought about",
"to carry through (as a process) to completion":{
"when you execute this dance step, try to keep your arms a little higher"
"near antonyms":[
"brought about",
"engaged (in)",
"worked (at)",
"wound up",
"winded up"
"brought off",
"carried off",
"carried out",
"followed through (with)",
"pulled off",
"put through"
"to put to death deliberately":{
"during the war those convicted of desertion were summarily executed"
"near antonyms":[
"blew away",
"shot down",
"blotted out",
"carried off",
"cut down",
"mowed (down)",
"wiped out"
"bumped off",
"did in",
"knocked off",
"put away",
"rubbed out",
"took out",
"suited for or relating to the directing of things":{
"the executive skills needed to manage a large business office"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a person who manages or directs something":{
"a program that teaches company executives how to better manage their staffs"
"near synonyms":[
"middle manager",
"near antonyms":[],
"a statement that makes something clear":{
"a psychobiography that purports to be the definitive exegesis of the late president's character"
"near antonyms":[],
"road map"
"one of a group or collection that shows what the whole is like":{
"a futile war that is now regarded as the exemplification of national na\u00efvet\u00e9 and arrogance"
"near synonyms":[
"loci classici",
"cross sections",
"near antonyms":[],
"energetic movement of the body for the sake of physical fitness":{
"the doctor ordered plenty of fresh air and exercise"
"near synonyms":[
"body mechanics",
"weight lifting",
"physical therapy"
"near antonyms":[],
"something done over and over in order to develop skill":{
"a young piano student dutifully going through the standard finger exercises"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the act or practice of employing something for a particular purpose":{
"the observation that the best exercise for losing weight is the exercise of one's ability to say no to food"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to bring to bear especially forcefully or effectively":{
"a senator who consistently exercises his clout in Congress to get pork barrel projects for his state"
"put out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to do over and over so as to become skilled":{
"the only way to exercise your writing skills is to do more writing"
"run over"
"near synonyms":[
"point (for)",
"prepare (for)",
"train (with)",
"work (at or on)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to put into action or service":{
"commended the firefighters for exercising really good judgment in that emergency"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy":{
"the slightest change in travel plans is enough to get him all exercised"
"freak (out)",
"weird out",
"near synonyms":[
"put off",
"put out",
"shake up",
"near antonyms":[
"to use up all the physical energy of":{
"the long day at the county fair had exhausted everyone"
"burn out",
"do in",
"do up",
"knock out",
"tucker (out)",
"wash out",
"wear out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make complete use of":{
"we had been at the theme park barely for two hours, and we were on the verge of exhausting our spending money"
"draw down",
"play out",
"use up"
"near synonyms":[
"clean (out)",
"dry up",
"fritter (away)",
"run through",
"throw away",
"near antonyms":[
"depleted in strength, energy, or freshness":{
"the exhausted runner crossed the finish line and just collapsed"
"all in",
"played out",
"tapped out",
"tuckered (out)",
"wiped out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to use up all the physical energy of":{
"the long day at the county fair had exhausted everyone"
"burned out",
"burnt out",
"did in",
"did up",
"knocked out",
"tuckered (out)",
"washed out",
"wore out"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make complete use of":{
"we had been at the theme park barely for two hours, and we were on the verge of exhausting our spending money"
"drew down",
"played out",
"used up"
"near synonyms":[
"cleaned (out)",
"dried up",
"frittered (away)",
"ran through",
"threw away",
"near antonyms":[
"as in stressful , trying":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in comprehensive , exhaustive":{
"near synonyms":[
"mapped (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"to use up all the physical energy of":{
"the long day at the county fair had exhausted everyone"
"burning out",
"doing in",
"doing up",
"knocking out",
"tuckering (out)",
"washing out",
"wearing out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make complete use of":{
"we had been at the theme park barely for two hours, and we were on the verge of exhausting our spending money"
"drawing down",
"playing out",
"using up"
"near synonyms":[
"cleaning (out)",
"drying up",
"frittering (away)",
"running through",
"throwing away",
"near antonyms":[
"a complete depletion of energy or strength":{
"with all of the work and activity that the holiday season brings, the working couple was on the point of exhaustion"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"with attention to all aspects or details":{
"the psychic's claims were exhaustively examined by scientific experts and found to be without merit"
"inside out",
"through and through",
"near synonyms":[
"all out",
"full blast",
"near antonyms":[
"hit or miss",
"as in thoroughness , inclusiveness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a public showing of objects of interest":{
"a touring exhibit of national treasures from the Smithsonian Institution"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to present so as to invite notice or attention":{
"these naturalists take their birds of prey on tour and exhibit them before groups of schoolchildren"
"lay out",
"show off",
"near synonyms":[
"talk (about)",
"tell (of)",
"near antonyms":[
"to try to persuade (someone) through earnest appeals to follow a course of action":{
"the speaker exhorted the graduating students to go forth and try to make a difference in the world"
"egged (on)",
"near synonyms":[
"stirred (up)"
"near antonyms":[
"held back",
"to try to persuade (someone) through earnest appeals to follow a course of action":{
"the speaker exhorted the graduating students to go forth and try to make a difference in the world"
"near antonyms":[
"holding back",
"stirring (up)"
"egging (on)",
"to try to persuade (someone) through earnest appeals to follow a course of action":{
"the speaker exhorted the graduating students to go forth and try to make a difference in the world"
"near antonyms":[
"holds back",
"stirs (up)"
"eggs (on)",
"to have life":{
"passed away",
"strive to have a full, rich life rather than merely exist"
"near antonyms":[
"died (down)",
"let up",
"held on",
"held up",
"kept (on)",
"ran on",
"to have life":{
"strive to have a full, rich life rather than merely exist"
"near synonyms":[
"holds on",
"holds up",
"keeps (on)",
"runs on",
"near antonyms":[
"dies (down)",
"lets up",
"passes away",
"a place or means of going out":{
"all of the building's exits were being watched by security guards"
"near antonyms":[
"escape hatch",
"the act of leaving a place":{
"the movie star's quick exit through the back of the hotel went unnoticed by the horde of photographers waiting out front"
"near antonyms":[
"running away",
"lighting out",
"walking out"
"the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activities":{
"determined that his exit be from a place and time of his own choosing, the terminally ill patient opted for suicide"
"near antonyms":[
"great divide",
"to leave a place often for another":{
"show up",
"turn up"
"in case of fire, exit from the building in a calm and orderly fashion"
"near antonyms":[
"set out",
"strike out",
"get out",
"run away",
"go out",
"light out",
"step out",
"bail out",
"bug off",
"bug out",
"bugger off",
"buzz (off)",
"clear off",
"clear out",
"cut out",
"dig out",
"get off",
"go off",
"pack (up or off)",
"peel off",
"pike (out or off)",
"pull out",
"push off",
"push on",
"run along",
"sally (forth)",
"shove (off)",
"step (along)",
"take off",
"walk out"
"to stop living":{
"expressed her wish to exit surrounded by family and friends"
"near antonyms":[
"come to",
"dry up",
"check out",
"conk (out)",
"kick in",
"kick off",
"pass (on)",
"pass away",
"peg out",
"pop off",
"step out",
"to leave a place often for another":{
"in case of fire, exit from the building in a calm and orderly fashion"
"bailed out",
"bugged off",
"bugged out",
"buggered off",
"buzzed (off)",
"cleared off",
"cleared out",
"cut out",
"dug out",
"got off",
"packed (up or off)",
"peeled off",
"piked (out or off)",
"pulled out",
"pushed off",
"pushed on",
"ran along",
"sallied (forth)",
"shoved (off)",
"stepped (along)",
"took off",
"walked out",
"went off"
"near synonyms":[
"set out",
"struck out",
"got out",
"ran away",
"lighted out",
"stepped out",
"went out",
"near antonyms":[
"showed up",
"turned up"
"to stop living":{
"expressed her wish to exit surrounded by family and friends"
"checked out",
"conked (out)",
"kicked in",
"kicked off",
"passed away",
"passed (on)",
"pegged out",
"popped off",
"stepped out",
"near synonyms":[
"dried up",
"near antonyms":[
"came to",
"the act of leaving a place":{
"their exiting of the boring party was swiftly and quietly accomplished"
"lighting out",
"walking out"
"near synonyms":[
"running away",
"near antonyms":[
"to leave a place often for another":{
"in case of fire, exit from the building in a calm and orderly fashion"
"bailing out",
"buggering off",
"bugging off",
"bugging out",
"buzzing (off)",
"clearing off",
"clearing out",
"cutting out",
"digging out",
"getting off",
"going off",
"packing (up or off)",
"peeling off",
"piking (out or off)",
"pulling out",
"pushing off",
"pushing on",
"running along",
"sallying (forth)",
"shoving (off)",
"stepping (along)",
"taking off",
"walking out"
"near synonyms":[
"setting out",
"striking out",
"getting out",
"running away",
"going out",
"lighting out",
"stepping out",
"near antonyms":[
"showing up",
"turning up"
"to stop living":{
"expressed her wish to exit surrounded by family and friends"
"checking out",
"conking (out)",
"kicking in",
"kicking off",
"passing away",
"passing (on)",
"pegging out",
"popping off",
"stepping out",
"near synonyms":[
"drying up",
"near antonyms":[
"coming to",
"to get rid of as useless or unwanted":{
"please exorcise that offensive word from your vocabulary"
"cast (off)",
"flung (off or away)",
"laid by",
"shucked (off)",
"sloughed (off)",
"sluffed (off)",
"threw away",
"threw out",
"near synonyms":[
"kicked out",
"rooted (out)",
"stamped (out)",
"wiped out"
"near antonyms":[
"took on",
"held back",
"excitingly or mysteriously unusual":{
"the gradual disappearance of exotic lands in a culturally homogenized world"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"something strange or unusual that is an object of interest":{
"the botanical garden boasts an array of horticultural exotics from around the world"
"objet d'art",
"near synonyms":[
"found object",
"objet trouv\u00e9",
"rara avis",
"rare bird",
"near antonyms":[],
"to give a formal often extended talk on a subject":{
"the naturalist is known for her willingness to expatiate on any number of issues relating to wildlife and the environment"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in speaking out , speaking up":{
"near synonyms":[
"speaking out",
"speaking up",
"near antonyms":[
"to give a formal often extended talk on a subject":{
"the naturalist is known for her willingness to expatiate on any number of issues relating to wildlife and the environment"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to hand over or use up in payment":{
"redecoration will have to wait, since we've just expended our last dollar in buying the house"
"near antonyms":[
"lay up",
"fritter (away)",
"run through",
"throw away",
"fork (over, out, or up)",
"lay out",
"shell out",
"to make complete use of":{
"settlers had to be sure not to expend their supply of firewood before the end of the long winter"
"near antonyms":[
"clean (out)",
"dry up",
"fritter (away)",
"run through",
"throw away",
"draw down",
"play out",
"use up"
"as in spent , reduced":{
"near synonyms":[
"used up",
"near antonyms":[
"to hand over or use up in payment":{
"redecoration will have to wait, since we've just expended our last dollar in buying the house"
"forked (over, out, or up)",
"laid out",
"shelled out",
"near synonyms":[
"frittered (away)",
"ran through",
"threw away",
"near antonyms":[
"laid up",
"to make complete use of":{
"settlers had to be sure not to expend their supply of firewood before the end of the long winter"
"drew down",
"played out",
"used up"
"near synonyms":[
"cleaned (out)",
"dried up",
"frittered (away)",
"ran through",
"threw away",
"near antonyms":[
"a payment made in the course of achieving a result":{
"they spared no expense in building the house of their dreams"
"near synonyms":[
"pocket money",
"spending money",
"near antonyms":[],
"a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field":{
"experts at the crime lab were able to tell the sex, race, and approximate age of the murderer"
"dab hand",
"past master",
"near synonyms":[
"hired gun",
"Renaissance man",
"near antonyms":[
"accomplished with trained ability":{
"to a serious collector, the expert carving on the duck decoy justifies its high price"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having or showing exceptional knowledge, experience, or skill in a field of endeavor":{
"people interested in laser eye surgery are advised to seek out an expert practitioner"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in reparation , atonement":{
"near antonyms":[],
"the act of ceasing to exist":{
"the expiry of a great empire is always a cataclysmic event"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activities":{
"once upon expiry , her soul entered the abode of the blessed dead"
"great divide",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"explained away":{
"to give the reason for or cause of":{
"after the surprise attack, military leaders struggled to explain away the nation's unpreparedness"
"accounted (for)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make (something) seem less bad by offering excuses":{
"tried to explain away his adulterous affairs by saying that men are promiscuous by nature"
"glossed (over)",
"glozed (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"accounted (for)",
"played down",
"near antonyms":[],
"to make plain or understandable":{
"the physicist did his best to explicate the wave theory of light for the audience of laymen"
"clears (up)",
"gets across",
"spells out",
"near synonyms":[
"breaks down",
"near antonyms":[
"so clearly expressed as to leave no doubt about the meaning":{
"explicit instructions about what to do in an emergency"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in blasted , detonated":{
"near synonyms":[
"wiped out",
"near antonyms":[
"to break open or into pieces usually because of internal pressure":{
"the building was wrecked when a powerful bomb exploded"
"blew up",
"went off"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to cause to break open or into pieces by or as if by an explosive":{
"the bomb was so powerful that it exploded windows in several neighboring buildings"
"blew up",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to develop suddenly and violently":{
"the mayor's latest unpopular decision caused long-suppressed resentment to explode into open anger"
"blazed (up)",
"broke out",
"burst (forth)",
"bursted (forth)",
"flared (up)"
"near synonyms":[
"blew up",
"touched off"
"near antonyms":[],
"to take unfair advantage of":{
"the type of person who exploits a friend's good nature by constantly sponging off of him"
"capitalizes (on)",
"cashes in (on)",
"imposes (on or upon)",
"plays (on or upon)",
"near synonyms":[
"jerks around",
"near antonyms":[],
"to control or take advantage of by artful, unfair, or insidious means":{
"a politician more than willing to exploit any national tragedy for political gain"
"plays (upon)"
"near synonyms":[
"takes in",
"near antonyms":[],
"to put into action or service":{
"it will be a shame if you don't exploit your artistic talent to the fullest"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an act of notable skill, strength, or cleverness":{
"the fanciful exploits of the giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan"
"tours de force",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"something done by someone":{
"once famed as an actor, John Wilkes Booth is now remembered for a single exploit , his assassination of Lincoln"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthand":{
"a memoir recounting three decades of exploits as a roving foreign correspondent for TV news"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to go into or range over for purposes of discovery":{
"we must continue to explore the depths of the ocean"
"near antonyms":[],
"to search through or into":{
"communities must explore new ways of raising money for their cultural institutions"
"near antonyms":[],
"skims (through)",
"thumbs (through)",
"delves (into)",
"digs (into)",
"inquires (into)",
"looks (into)",
"to go into or range over for purposes of discovery":{
"we must continue to explore the depths of the ocean"
"near antonyms":[],
"to search through or into":{
"communities must explore new ways of raising money for their cultural institutions"
"near antonyms":[],
"skimming (through)",
"thumbing (through)",
"delving (into)",
"digging (into)",
"inquiring (into)",
"looking (into)",
"extreme in degree, power, or effect":{
"there's been an explosive interest in the sport since the Olympics"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"toned (down)",
"marked by bursts of destructive force or intense activity":{
"one of the most explosive storms to hit that area of the coast in some time"
"knock-down, drag-out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in bomb":{
"near synonyms":[
"claymore mine",
"land mine",
"booby trap",
"near antonyms":[],
"in a vigorous and forceful manner":{
"the racehorses explosively broke from the starting gate"
"near synonyms":[
"hammer and tongs",
"near antonyms":[
"to send a product to be sold in another country":{
"countries that export oil to the U.S."
"near antonyms":[],
"a public showing of objects of interest":{
"an exposition of flying machines from the early days of aviation"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a series of explanations or observations on something (as an event)":{
"the nonstop exposition of the ceremonies by the TV newscasters was both unnecessary and irritating"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a statement that makes something clear":{
"the astronomer's exposition of white dwarfs was a little helpful"
"road maps"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to present an opposing opinion or argument":{
"the concerned parents tried to expostulate with their daughter when she announced her intention to live on her own in New York City"
"remonstrating (with)"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a feeling or declaration of disapproval or dissent":{
"despite the earnest expostulations of her friends, Jessica continued to date the foul-tempered guy"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the state of being left without shelter or protection against something harmful":{
"some people chronically avoid situations in which there is a high level of exposure to germs"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the state or fact of facing a particular direction":{
"this plant will need to be in a room with a southern exposure"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the act or an instance of making known something previously unknown or concealed":{
"the exposure by the local newspaper of a kickback scheme in the public works department"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the state or fact of facing a particular direction":{
"this plant will need to be in a room with a southern exposure"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the act or an instance of making known something previously unknown or concealed":{
"the exposure by the local newspaper of a kickback scheme in the public works department"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in spoken , stated":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to apply external pressure on so as to force out the juice or contents of":{
"except as a fun event at festivals, nowadays people do not make wine by expressing grapes with their feet"
"near antonyms":[],
"to communicate or convey (as an idea) to the mind":{
"an upraised thumb is now universally recognized as a gesture expressing approval or encouragement"
"near antonyms":[],
"added up (to)",
"amounted (to)",
"alluded (to)",
"referred (to)",
"touched (on or upon)",
"pointed (to)",
"to convey in appropriate or telling terms":{
"could you express your opinion of the book in words a little more precise than \"lousy\"?"
"near antonyms":[],
"wrote up"
"to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)":{
"in a true democracy, a person can freely express his or her views"
"near antonyms":[
"wrote up",
"sounded off",
"spoke out",
"spoke up",
"chimed in",
"put across",
"put over",
"to represent in visible form":{
"towering spires express in glass and steel the optimism of the age"
"near antonyms":[],
"to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)":{
"in a true democracy, a person can freely express his or her views"
"near synonyms":[
"writing up",
"sounding off",
"speaking out",
"speaking up",
"chiming in",
"putting across",
"putting over",
"near antonyms":[
"to apply external pressure on so as to force out the juice or contents of":{
"except as a fun event at festivals, nowadays people do not make wine by expressing grapes with their feet"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to communicate or convey (as an idea) to the mind":{
"an upraised thumb is now universally recognized as a gesture expressing approval or encouragement"
"near synonyms":[
"adding up (to)",
"amounting (to)",
"alluding (to)",
"referring (to)",
"touching (on or upon)",
"pointing (to)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to convey in appropriate or telling terms":{
"could you express your opinion of the book in words a little more precise than \"lousy\"?"
"near synonyms":[
"writing up"
"near antonyms":[],
"to represent in visible form":{
"towering spires express in glass and steel the optimism of the age"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual right":{
"dissidents were shot, and their lands expropriated under his regime"
"took over",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to end the occupancy or possession of":{
"the state will have to expropriate scores of homeowners in order to build the new road"
"near synonyms":[
"took over",
"near antonyms":[],
"to take ownership or control of (something) by right of one's authority":{
"plans by the city to expropriate entire blocks of houses in order to bulldoze them for expansion of the airport"
"near synonyms":[
"took over"
"near antonyms":[
"gave up",
"handed over",
"turned over",
"to destroy all traces of":{
"time and the weather have expunged any evidence that a thriving community once existed here"
"black out",
"blot out",
"clean (up)",
"root (out)",
"rub out",
"snuff (out)",
"stamp (out)",
"sweep (away)",
"wipe out"
"near synonyms":[
"mow (down)",
"tear down",
"blow up",
"kill off",
"throw out"
"near antonyms":[
"to remove objectionable parts from":{
"the newspaper had to expurgate the expletive-laden speech that the criminal made upon being sentenced to life imprisonment"
"near antonyms":[
"cut (out)",
"x-ed (out)",
"x'd (out)",
"xed (out)",
"blacked out",
"cleaned (up)",
"to remove objectionable parts from":{
"the newspaper had to expurgate the expletive-laden speech that the criminal made upon being sentenced to life imprisonment"
"near antonyms":[
"cuts (out)",
"x's (out)",
"blacks out",
"cleans (up)",
"made or done without previous thought or preparation":{
"after the election both candidates admitted that they had made a number of extempore remarks that they later regretted"
"ad hoc",
"down and dirty",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to perform, make, or do without preparation":{
"a good talk show host has to be able to extemporize the interviews when things don't go as planned"
"claps (together or up)",
"near synonyms":[
"cooks (up)",
"makes up",
"thinks (up)",
"cobbles (together or up)",
"dashes (off)"
"near antonyms":[
"the act of making longer":{
"the board's extension of the school year drew howls of protest"
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[],
"a smaller structure added to a main building":{
"the new extension will connect the house with what is now a freestanding garage"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to a large extent or degree":{
"several beaches were extensively damaged by the hurricane"
"near antonyms":[
"as in greatness , bigness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in thoroughness , inclusiveness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an outer part or layer":{
"the exterior of the tooth consists of very hard enamel"
"near antonyms":[],
"situated on the outside or farther out":{
"the house's exterior walls badly need to be painted"
"near antonyms":[
"to destroy all traces of":{
"hope that the fumigant exterminates the whole colony of cockroaches, for any survivors may be resistant to any poison"
"black out",
"blot out",
"clean (up)",
"root (out)",
"rub out",
"snuff (out)",
"stamp (out)",
"sweep (away)",
"wipe out"
"near synonyms":[
"mow (down)",
"tear down",
"blow up",
"kill off",
"throw out"
"near antonyms":[
"the state or fact of being rendered nonexistent, physically unsound, or useless":{
"the virtual extermination of the native tribes by the colonizers"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"no longer existing":{
"a few overgrown ruins are all that remain of that once mighty but now extinct civilization"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to cause to cease burning":{
"the fire in the skillet was quickly extinguished by slamming the lid on"
"puts out",
"snuffs (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"blows out",
"rubs out",
"snubs (out)",
"stamps (out)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of":{
"a fatal blunder that extinguished all hope that the team would actually win the play-offs"
"does in",
"pulls down",
"rubs out",
"tears down",
"near synonyms":[
"prevails (over)",
"triumphs (over)",
"wins (against)",
"blows up",
"sweeps (away)",
"washes out",
"wears (away)",
"takes down",
"blots out",
"roots (out)",
"snuffs (out)",
"stamps (out)",
"wipes out",
"cuts down",
"kills off",
"mows (down)",
"takes out",
"near antonyms":[
"brings about",
"puts up",
"sets up"
"to stop the noise or speech of":{
"her final, telling point extinguished her opponents on the city council"
"shuts up",
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[
"to cause to cease burning":{
"the fire in the skillet was quickly extinguished by slamming the lid on"
"putting out",
"snuffing (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"blowing out",
"rubbing out",
"snubbing (out)",
"stamping (out)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of":{
"a fatal blunder that extinguished all hope that the team would actually win the play-offs"
"doing in",
"pulling down",
"rubbing out",
"tearing down",
"near synonyms":[
"prevailing (over)",
"triumphing (over)",
"winning (against)",
"blowing up",
"sweeping (away)",
"washing out",
"wearing (away)",
"taking down",
"blotting out",
"rooting (out)",
"snuffing (out)",
"stamping (out)",
"wiping out",
"cutting down",
"killing off",
"mowing (down)",
"taking out",
"near antonyms":[
"bringing about",
"putting up",
"setting up"
"to stop the noise or speech of":{
"her final, telling point extinguished her opponents on the city council"
"shutting up",
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[
"to destroy all traces of":{
"the triumph of modern medicine in extirpating certain diseases"
"near antonyms":[
"mow (down)",
"tear down",
"blow up",
"kill off",
"throw out"
"black out",
"blot out",
"clean (up)",
"root (out)",
"rub out",
"snuff (out)",
"stamp (out)",
"sweep (away)",
"wipe out"
"to destroy all traces of":{
"the triumph of modern medicine in extirpating certain diseases"
"near antonyms":[
"mows (down)",
"tears down",
"blows up",
"kills off",
"throws out"
"blacks out",
"blots out",
"cleans (up)",
"roots (out)",
"rubs out",
"snuffs (out)",
"stamps (out)",
"sweeps (away)",
"wipes out"
"the exaction of a grossly excessive charge for goods or services":{
"six dollars for a cup of coffee is just plain extortion"
"near antonyms":[],
"highway robbery",
"to draw out by force or with effort":{
"extracted a splinter from my hand"
"root (out)",
"tear (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"take (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"a part taken from a longer work":{
"the anthology includes a long extract from the epic poem"
"near synonyms":[
"sound bite",
"locus classicus",
"purple passage",
"near antonyms":[],
"relating to or being a sexual encounter or relationship between a married person and someone other than their spouse":{
"hired a private detective to investigate her husband's extracurricular activities"
"near antonyms":[],
"being out of the ordinary":{
"the marine is being cited for extraordinary courage"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"noticeably different from what is generally found or experienced":{
"no one noticed anything extraordinary about the airline passenger"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and information":{
"we can extrapolate from past economic recessions the probable course of the current one"
"make out",
"near synonyms":[
"dope (out)",
"find out"
"near antonyms":[],
"likely to seek or enjoy the company of others":{
"a job in a research lab that is probably not well suited to an extroverted person"
"near antonyms":[
"as in maximum , outside":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in tip , extremity":{
"near antonyms":[],
"being very far from the center of public opinion":{
"their extreme political views attracted only a small band of followers"
"near antonyms":[
"going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount":{
"in their extreme zeal the members of the cult are willing to do whatever their leader dictates"
"near antonyms":[
"most distant from a center":{
"spacecraft that is specially designed to explore the extreme edge of our solar system"
"near antonyms":[
"the quality or state of having abundant or intense activity":{
"the exuberance of the housing market was an encouraging economic indicator"
"near antonyms":[
"having or expressing feelings of joy or triumph":{
"the exultant winner of the award for best country artist of the year"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to try to persuade (someone) through earnest appeals to follow a course of action":{
"the speaker exhorted the graduating students to go forth and try to make a difference in the world"
"egg (on)",
"near synonyms":[
"stir (up)"
"near antonyms":[
"hold back",
"to make plain or understandable":{
"the physicist did his best to explicate the wave theory of light for the audience of laymen"
"clear (up)",
"get across",
"spell out",
"near synonyms":[
"break down",
"near antonyms":[
"experimented (with)":{
"as in studied , investigated":{
"near synonyms":[
"checked (out)",
"felt (out)",
"tried (out)",
"near antonyms":[],
"the quality or state of being very accurate":{
"after its opening weekend, a movie's final box office gross can be estimated with considerable exactitude"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the fact of being or of being real":{
"the existence of UFO's is something that people continue to argue about"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in superbly , marvelously":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in taxing , penalizing":{
"near synonyms":[
"shaking down",
"near antonyms":[
"glossing (over)",
"glozing (over)",
"as in removing , cutting":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in sputa , salivations":{
"near antonyms":[],
"to form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and information":{
"we can extrapolate from past economic recessions the probable course of the current one"
"making out",
"near synonyms":[
"doping (out)",
"finding out"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in remarkableness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to add to the interest of by including made-up details":{
"the American colonist John Smith is believed by many historians to have exaggerated his adventures"
"elaborate (on)",
"near synonyms":[
"dress up",
"gussy up",
"enlarge (on or upon)",
"flesh (out)",
"play up",
"near antonyms":[
"play down",
"to describe or express in too strong terms":{
"it would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of this entrance exam"
"put on"
"near synonyms":[
"play up",
"near antonyms":[
"play down"
"one of a group or collection that shows what the whole is like":{
"the village's Congregational church could serve as an exemplar of the white clapboard church with a steeple that is a fixture in old New England towns"
"near synonyms":[
"loci classici",
"cross sections",
"near antonyms":[],
"someone of such unequaled perfection as to deserve imitation":{
"few of history's heroes were quite the exemplars that generations of schoolteachers made them out to be"
"beau ideals",
"patron saints"
"near synonyms":[
"role models",
"near antonyms":[],
"the most perfect type or example":{
"the paintings of the French painter Claude Monet are often regarded as exemplars of Impressionism"
"beau ideals",
"near synonyms":[
"last words",
"near antonyms":[],
"a part taken from a longer work":{
"he'll read an excerpt from the novel at the book signing"
"sound bites",
"loci classici",
"purple passages",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in unreasonably , obscenely":{
"near antonyms":[],
"exchanged (for)":{
"as in dealt (for) , traded (for)":{
"near synonyms":[
"bartered (for)",
"dealt (for)",
"dickered (over)",
"haggled (for)",
"negotiated (about)",
"traded (for)",
"paid (for)",
"sprang (for)",
"sprung (for)",
"bargained (with)",
"chaffered (with)",
"horse-traded (with)",
"paltered (with)",
"picked up",
"near antonyms":[
"dealt (in)",
"existing in fact and not merely as a possibility":{
"to some people, angels are as existent as aardvarks or astronomers"
"de facto",
"near synonyms":[
"bona fide",
"near antonyms":[
"having being at the present time":{
"the coelacanth is one existent fish that was once thought to be entirely extinct"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"one that has a real and independent existence":{
"other worlds are existents that are generally taken for granted in works of science fiction"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in users":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act of ceasing to exist":{
"directed that upon her expiration her splendid Italian-style villa be given to the public as a museum"
"near antonyms":[
"the stopping of a process or activity":{
"with the expiration of all brain activity there was no point in keeping the patient alive"
"near antonyms":[
"the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activities":{
"the cancer patient passed away sometime during the night, the exact moment of her expiration not being known"
"great divide",
"near antonyms":[
"knowledge gained by actually doing or living through something":{
"new dog owners who were seeking someone with expertise in animal obedience"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the unlawful taking or withholding of something from the rightful owner under a guise of authority":{
"the development of the colony involved expropriation of large tracts of fertile farmland from the natives"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in acquitted , cleared":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"the results of the DNA fingerprinting finally exonerated the man, but only after he had wasted 10 years of his life in prison"
"near synonyms":[
"atoned (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"a short trip for pleasure":{
"our weekend excursions have encompassed virtually all parts of our home state"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a departure from the subject under consideration":{
"the professor's frequent and sometimes far-ranging excursions in his lectures are the stuff of campus legend"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in palliation":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the doing of an action":{
"the execution of this magic trick must be accomplished in one fluid motion"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a public showing of objects of interest":{
"an exhibition of valuable and fascinating artifacts from a recovered pirate ship"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an outward and often exaggerated indication of something abstract (as a feeling) for effect":{
"for the benefit of the crowd, the professional wrestler made a great exhibition of ferocity"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the act or an instance of exploding":{
"the explosion of the first atomic bomb at Hiroshima"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a sudden intense expression of strong feeling":{
"the explosion of patriotic feeling that the country experienced after that momentous event"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an outburst or display of excited anger":{
"the tennis player's expletive-enriched explosions on the court tested the patience of officials"
"hissy fit",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to declare to be morally wrong or evil":{
"leaders from around the world execrated the terrorists responsible for the bomb blast"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to dislike strongly":{
"execrates without apology anyone who would physically abuse children or animals"
"near synonyms":[
"disapprove (of)",
"near antonyms":[
"approve (of)",
"a set of questions or problems designed to assess knowledge, skills, or intelligence":{
"applicants to the prep school are required to take a demanding examination"
"near synonyms":[
"aptitude test",
"intelligence test",
"placement test",
"near antonyms":[],
"a systematic search for the truth or facts about something":{
"an examination into the extent and causes of juvenile delinquency in the community"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a close look at or over someone or something in order to judge condition":{
"even a hasty examination will tell any jeweler that that is not a real diamond"
"near synonyms":[
"trial run"
"near antonyms":[],
"being over what is needed":{
"always has extra food on hand in the event that unexpected company drops by"
"near synonyms":[
"de trop",
"near antonyms":[
"to a great degree":{
"the children tried to be extra quiet while their mother was recovering"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an interchangeable part or piece of equipment that is kept on hand for replacement of an original":{
"that portable player runs through batteries incredibly fast, so I always keep plenty of extras on hand"
"near synonyms":[
"carbon copy",
"near antonyms":[
"something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary":{
"the motel is clean and comfortable, but there are no extras"
"near synonyms":[
"bells and whistles",
"near antonyms":[],
"something given in addition to what is ordinarily expected or owed":{
"as an extra , the dealer filled the tank of my new car"
"gravy train",
"near synonyms":[
"fringe benefit",
"near antonyms":[],
"the forced removal from a homeland":{
"the ruthless expulsion of the French-speaking Acadians from Nova Scotia by the British"
"near synonyms":[
"ethnic cleansings",
"near antonyms":[
"to get rid of as useless or unwanted":{
"please exorcise that offensive word from your vocabulary"
"casts (off)",
"flings (off or away)",
"lays by",
"shucks (off)",
"sloughs (off)",
"sluffs (off)",
"throws away",
"throws out",
"near synonyms":[
"kicks out",
"roots (out)",
"stamps (out)",
"wipes out"
"near antonyms":[
"takes on",
"holds back",
"to give up (something) and take something else in return":{
"I'd like to exchange this sweater for one in a larger size"
"near synonyms":[
"handed over",
"near antonyms":[],
"a temporary replacement":{
"if you're a spectator caught without rainwear at a sporting event, then a plastic garbage bag makes an acceptable, if unfashionable, expedient"
"near synonyms":[
"quick fixes",
"near antonyms":[],
"an action planned or taken to achieve a desired result":{
"he vowed to use any expedient available to get the project done on time"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"something that one uses to accomplish an end especially when the usual means is not available":{
"since there wasn't a single bandage left in our backpacks, we had to use a bandanna, our only expedient"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"something that is a source of irritation":{
"add people who use cell phones inconsiderately to the list of daily exasperations"
"hair shirt",
"near synonyms":[
"pet peeve",
"pandora's box"
"near antonyms":[
"the feeling of impatience or anger caused by another's repeated disagreeable acts":{
"my rising exasperation with these constant interruptions"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make more severe":{
"a misconceived plan that only exacerbated the city's traffic problem"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in show-offs":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"shrinking violets",
"the quality or state of having abundant or intense activity":{
"the exuberance of the housing market was an encouraging economic indicator"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in witchcraft , magic":{
"near synonyms":[
"crystal gazing",
"near antonyms":[
"having being at the present time":{
"a celebrated author who is generally regarded as America's greatest novelist extant"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"existing or in progress right now":{
"when people envisage the future, they often base their predictions on the assumption that extant trends will continue indefinitely"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to cause to cease burning":{
"the fire in the skillet was quickly extinguished by slamming the lid on"
"put out",
"snuff (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"blow out",
"rub out",
"snub (out)",
"stamp (out)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of":{
"a fatal blunder that extinguished all hope that the team would actually win the play-offs"
"do in",
"pull down",
"rub out",
"tear down",
"near synonyms":[
"prevail (over)",
"triumph (over)",
"win (against)",
"blow up",
"sweep (away)",
"wash out",
"wear (away)",
"take down",
"blot out",
"root (out)",
"snuff (out)",
"stamp (out)",
"wipe out",
"cut down",
"kill off",
"mow (down)",
"take out",
"near antonyms":[
"bring about",
"put up",
"set up"
"to stop the noise or speech of":{
"her final, telling point extinguished her opponents on the city council"
"shut up",
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[
"to destroy all traces of":{
"hope that the fumigant exterminates the whole colony of cockroaches, for any survivors may be resistant to any poison"
"blacking out",
"blotting out",
"cleaning (up)",
"rooting (out)",
"rubbing out",
"snuffing (out)",
"stamping (out)",
"sweeping (away)",
"wiping out"
"near synonyms":[
"mowing (down)",
"tearing down",
"blowing up",
"killing off",
"throwing out"
"near antonyms":[
"as in anxieties , disturbances":{
"near synonyms":[
"nervous breakdowns",
"basket cases"
"near antonyms":[
"to hollow out or form (something) by removing earth":{
"workmen are excavating a long tunnel that will eventually replace the aboveground expressway"
"near synonyms":[
"dug in",
"near antonyms":[
"filled (in)",
"smoothed (out or over)"
"intensely or unbearably painful":{
"he finally visited the doctor when the pain became too excruciating to ignore"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"difficult to endure":{
"the excruciating heat that the settlers faced as they crossed the deserts of the Southwest"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"hard to accept or bear especially emotionally":{
"most excruciating of all was the endless wait for news of any survivors of the plane crash"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"extreme in degree, power, or effect":{
"the excruciating grief they felt upon the loss of their dear grandfather"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"toned (down)",
"to cause persistent suffering to":{
"she has long been excruciated by an undiagnosed pain in her knee"
"near synonyms":[
"putting out",
"near antonyms":[
"to show or make clear by using examples":{
"in your review you don't really exemplify your points with specific examples from the novel"
"near synonyms":[
"break down",
"clear (up)",
"spell out",
"near antonyms":[
"something that is a source of irritation":{
"add people who use cell phones inconsiderately to the list of daily exasperations"
"hair shirts",
"near synonyms":[
"pet peeves",
"pandora's boxes"
"near antonyms":[
"the feeling of impatience or anger caused by another's repeated disagreeable acts":{
"my rising exasperation with these constant interruptions"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"being very far from the center of public opinion":{
"their extremist views on religious issues set them apart from the rest of the community"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a person who favors rapid and sweeping changes especially in laws and methods of government":{
"extremists wanted to do away with everything, even though they had no thought-out plan for what to do afterwards"
"near synonyms":[
"young Turk",
"near antonyms":[
"made or done as an experiment":{
"an experimental procedure for patients suffering from leukemia"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"based on observation or experience":{
"asserted that experimental knowledge is vastly superior to idle speculation and theorizing"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"relating to or being a sexual encounter or relationship between a married person and someone other than their spouse":{
"she had several extramarital affairs with coworkers"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in visibly , outwardly":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to criticize harshly and usually publicly":{
"the mayor had hardly been in office for a month before she was being excoriated for problems of very long standing"
"jump (on)",
"near synonyms":[
"put down",
"lace (into)",
"lash (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"to make sore by continued rubbing":{
"the manacles had badly excoriated the prisoner's wrists"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in trimmed , downsized":{
"near synonyms":[
"laid off",
"mustered out",
"turned off",
"booted (out)",
"chucked (out)",
"drummed (out)",
"kicked out",
"threw out",
"near antonyms":[
"signed (up or on)",
"took on",
"a person who actively supports or favors a cause":{
"an articulate expounder of the liberal position on the issue"
"high priests",
"true believers",
"white knights"
"near synonyms":[
"fellow travelers"
"near antonyms":[
"one who brings an art or science to full realization":{
"one of the early expounders of abstract expressionism"
"high priests",
"near synonyms":[
"grand old men",
"near antonyms":[],
"to force to leave a country":{
"members of the deposed dictator's once-feared political party were expatriated as well"
"near synonyms":[
"casting out",
"kicking out",
"running out",
"throwing out",
"near antonyms":[
"taking in",
"energetic movement of the body for the sake of physical fitness":{
"often the television addict's greatest attempt at exertion was switching channels on the remote control"
"near synonyms":[
"body mechanics",
"weight lifting",
"physical therapy"
"near antonyms":[],
"the active use of energy in producing a result":{
"the number of blueberries that we were finding was hardly worth the exertion"
"elbow grease",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to give a formal often extended talk on a subject":{
"the naturalist is known for her willingness to expatiate on any number of issues relating to wildlife and the environment"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in unusually , uncommonly":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to feel or express joy or triumph":{
"the winners of the Super Bowl spent the next week exulting in their victory"
"near synonyms":[
"shows off",
"near antonyms":[
"in a luxurious manner":{
"the pop singer's expensively decorated mansion was a testament to her commercial success"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"careful thoroughness of detail":{
"the explicitness of the instruction about human reproduction should be appropriate for the age of the students receiving it"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"clearness of expression":{
"the user's manual is written with such rare explicitness that the average consumer actually has a chance of understanding it"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"available money":{
"their son would make beseeching requests for more money whenever his personal exchequer was getting low"
"near synonyms":[
"legal tender",
"deep pockets",
"cash flow",
"near antonyms":[
"hard to please":{
"he was shocked when his normally exacting supervisor complimented him on a job well done"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"not allowing for any exceptions or loosening of standards":{
"the prep school's exacting standards for admission"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"requiring considerable physical or mental effort":{
"the new recruits had to adjust themselves to the exacting discipline of military life"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"requiring much time, effort, or careful attention":{
"writing will always be an exacting task"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to ask for (something) earnestly or with authority":{
"every war inevitably exacts the greatest sacrifice possible from some of the nation's best and brightest"
"calling (for)",
"clamoring (for)",
"insisting (on)",
"pressing (for)",
"stipulating (for)"
"near synonyms":[
"pleading (for)",
"crying (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"giving up",
"to establish or apply as a charge or penalty":{
"vowed to exact a heavy fine from any hockey player engaging in such outrageous behavior on the ice"
"near synonyms":[
"shaking down",
"near antonyms":[
"glossing (over)",
"glozing (over)",
"to get (as money) by the use of force or threats":{
"that loan shark can be counted upon to exact repayment of his loan by whatever means necessary"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)":{
"a rambling interview in which the celebrated author expounds his views on an array of topics"
"near synonyms":[
"write up",
"sound off",
"speak out",
"speak up",
"chime in",
"put across",
"put over",
"near antonyms":[
"to make plain or understandable":{
"at the start of the trial the judge expounded the legal difference between libel and slander to the jury"
"clear (up)",
"get across",
"spell out",
"near synonyms":[
"break down",
"near antonyms":[
"an elaborate, visually exciting show or event":{
"the over-the-top extravaganzas that are usually staged at halftime during the Super Bowl"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a short section (as of a book) that leads to or explains the main part":{
"in his exordium the author warns his readers that they should expect a radically different interpretation of the causes of the war"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an often public or formal expression of disapproval":{
"the recent excoriation of dumbed-down textbooks by a panel of educators"
"riot act",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an instance of spending money or resources without care or restraint":{
"the purchase of a fur coat was simply the latest of his wife's extravagances"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the doing of an action":{
"the execution of this magic trick must be accomplished in one fluid motion"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"having or showing the ability to respond without delay or hesitation":{
"a company that is well-regarded for its expeditious handling of any request or complaint"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"not expressing any emotion":{
"veteran poker players invariably have expressionless faces, regardless of the hand they're holding"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to represent in visible form":{
"an actress with an expressive face that wonderfully externalizes a wide range of emotions"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in eradicated , obliterated":{
"near synonyms":[
"wiped out",
"near antonyms":[
"to destroy all traces of":{
"hope that the fumigant exterminates the whole colony of cockroaches, for any survivors may be resistant to any poison"
"blacked out",
"blotted out",
"cleaned (up)",
"rooted (out)",
"rubbed out",
"snuffed (out)",
"stamped (out)",
"swept (away)",
"wiped out"
"near synonyms":[
"mowed (down)",
"tore down",
"blew up",
"killed off",
"threw out"
"near antonyms":[
"to a great degree":{
"an extremely hot day"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in nervousness , excitability":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"before answering, the suspect exhaled a cloud of cigarette smoke"
"blowing (out)",
"breathing (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to throw or give off":{
"the lilacs were exhaling a sweet fragrance that virtually filled the room"
"giving out",
"sending (out)",
"throwing out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soaking (up)",
"sucking (up)",
"taking up"
"to be greater, better, or stronger than":{
"the special effects in this new sci-fi extravaganza excel any that we've seen previously"
"tower (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"prevail (over)",
"triumph (over)",
"win (against)",
"near antonyms":[
"lose (to)"
"a going from one place to another usually of some distance":{
"an avid mountain climber, always on an expedition to some far-off corner of the world"
"near synonyms":[
"grand tours",
"near antonyms":[],
"an elated, joyful feeling":{
"The crowd cheered in exultation when the home team scored."
"near synonyms":[
"warm fuzzies",
"seventh heaven",
"near antonyms":[
"to search through or into":{
"communities must explore new ways of raising money for their cultural institutions"
"delved (into)",
"dug (into)",
"inquired (into)",
"looked (into)",
"near synonyms":[
"skimmed (through)",
"thumbed (through)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to go into or range over for purposes of discovery":{
"we must continue to explore the depths of the ocean"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make longer":{
"our guests from out of town extended their visit by a week"
"drag (out)",
"draw out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"cut back",
"to put before another for acceptance or consideration":{
"the couple extended an invitation to join them for a get-together at their house after the concert"
"trot out"
"near synonyms":[
"hold out",
"give in",
"near antonyms":[
"turn down",
"to arrange the parts of (something) over a wider area":{
"you can extend that chaise longue so that it lies completely flat"
"fan (out)",
"flare (out)",
"spread (out)",
"stretch (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to be positioned along a certain course or in a certain direction":{
"our backyard extends all the way to that brook"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make greater in size, amount, or number":{
"embarked on a series of wars intended to extend his empire"
"add (to)",
"build up",
"pump up",
"near synonyms":[
"bump (up)",
"ratchet (up)",
"rachet (up)",
"blow up",
"draw out",
"flesh (out)",
"beef (up)",
"follow up",
"near antonyms":[
"cut back",
"subtract (from)"
"to alter (something) for the worse with the addition of foreign or lower-grade substances":{
"the company extends its ice cream with thickeners and other additives"
"water down",
"near synonyms":[
"tamper (with)",
"near antonyms":[
"as in swells , clotheshorses":{
"near synonyms":[
"fancy Dans",
"Beau Brummells",
"lounge lizards",
"pretty boys"
"near antonyms":[
"a statement that makes something clear":{
"an explanation of photosynthesis that most museum visitors will be able to understand"
"road maps"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a statement given to explain a belief or act":{
"when questioned by authorities, the students were at a loss for an explanation for their senseless vandalism"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an elaborate, visually exciting show or event":{
"the over-the-top extravaganzas that are usually staged at halftime during the Super Bowl"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to reveal the true nature of":{
"a well-researched article that exposes the UFO story as a hoax"
"shows up",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make known (as information previously kept secret)":{
"the documentary claims to expose how winners of beauty pageants are really picked"
"lets on (about)",
"near synonyms":[
"shows up",
"brings out",
"gives away",
"rakes up",
"smokes out",
"near antonyms":[
"glosses (over)",
"covers (up)",
"to make known (something abstract) through outward signs":{
"the tight race for the championship exposed one team's mean streak"
"gives away",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"glosses (over)",
"to present so as to invite notice or attention":{
"I didn't want to expose my ignorance in front of the others, so I kept silent"
"lays out",
"shows off",
"near synonyms":[
"talks (about)",
"tells (of)",
"near antonyms":[
"to bring to bear especially forcefully or effectively":{
"parental involvement has consistently been shown to exert the most influence over a child's success in school"
"putting out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a person who actively supports or favors a cause":{
"exponents of space exploration earnestly called for more missions to the outer reaches of the solar system"
"high priest",
"true believer",
"white knight"
"near synonyms":[
"fellow traveler"
"near antonyms":[
"one who brings an art or science to full realization":{
"has long reigned as the nation's leading exponent of modern dance"
"high priest",
"near synonyms":[
"grand old man",
"near antonyms":[],
"provoking or likely to provoke protest":{
"as long as the language is not exceptionable , people can discuss any topic they want in the chat room"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"politically correct"
"as in spit":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in expelled , exhaled":{
"near synonyms":[
"blew (out)",
"breathed (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"explaining away":{
"to give the reason for or cause of":{
"after the surprise attack, military leaders struggled to explain away the nation's unpreparedness"
"accounting (for)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make (something) seem less bad by offering excuses":{
"tried to explain away his adulterous affairs by saying that men are promiscuous by nature"
"glossing (over)",
"glozing (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"accounting (for)",
"playing down",
"near antonyms":[],
"experiments (with)":{
"as in studies , investigates":{
"near synonyms":[
"checks (out)",
"feels (out)",
"tries (out)",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in supersensory , supersensible":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in spits":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in expels , exhales":{
"near synonyms":[
"blows (out)",
"breathes (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"the state or fact of being rendered nonexistent, physically unsound, or useless":{
"the state's population of moose has been replenished, having once been hunted almost to extinction"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to search through or into":{
"communities must explore new ways of raising money for their cultural institutions"
"delve (into)",
"dig (into)",
"inquire (into)",
"look (into)",
"near synonyms":[
"skim (through)",
"thumb (through)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to go into or range over for purposes of discovery":{
"we must continue to explore the depths of the ocean"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in distinctiveness , distinctness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in exculpatory , exonerating":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"I will present evidence that will exculpate my client"
"near synonyms":[
"atoning (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"to force to leave a country":{
"members of the deposed dictator's once-feared political party were expatriated as well"
"near synonyms":[
"cast out",
"kicked out",
"ran out",
"threw out",
"near antonyms":[
"took in",
"the state or quality of having a delicate structure":{
"marveled at the exquisiteness of the lace on the bride's gown"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in country , countryside":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"core city",
"inner city",
"the quality or fact of being free or wasteful in the expenditure of money":{
"Hollywood stars are famous for the extravagance of their parties"
"near synonyms":[
"conspicuous consumption",
"near antonyms":[
"an instance of spending money or resources without care or restraint":{
"the purchase of a fur coat was simply the latest of his wife's extravagances"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to go beyond the limit of":{
"by resorting to corporal punishment, the teacher had clearly exceeded his authority"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to be greater, better, or stronger than":{
"her knowledge of French wines exceeds that of anyone else I know"
"towered (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"prevailed (over)",
"triumphed (over)",
"won (against)",
"near antonyms":[
"lost (to)"
"to express more fully and in greater detail":{
"an article on the First Ladies that the author later expanded into a book"
"dilating (on or upon)",
"elaborating (on)",
"enlarging (on or upon)",
"fleshing (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"adding (to)",
"running on"
"near antonyms":[
"summing up"
"to make greater in size, amount, or number":{
"we had to expand the list of wedding guests several times in order to accommodate all the relatives Mother wouldn't dream of excluding"
"adding (to)",
"building up",
"pumping up",
"near synonyms":[
"bumping (up)",
"ratcheting (up)",
"racheting (up)",
"blowing up",
"drawing out",
"fleshing (out)",
"beefing (up)",
"following up",
"near antonyms":[
"cutting back",
"subtracting (from)"
"to arrange the parts of (something) over a wider area":{
"a spare leaf for those times when we have to expand the dining table to accommodate extra guests"
"fanning (out)",
"flaring (out)",
"spreading (out)",
"stretching (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number":{
"water expands when it becomes frozen"
"building up",
"rolling up",
"near synonyms":[
"blowing up",
"puffing (up)",
"near antonyms":[],
"an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthand":{
"related in a book his experiences as a roving correspondent for network TV news"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to come to a knowledge of (something) by living through it":{
"eventually we all have to experience the loss of a loved one"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the quality or state of being very accurate":{
"the exactness of the bathroom scale isn't such that you could use it in business"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having or expressing feelings of joy or triumph":{
"with an exulting smile the winner of the tournament waved to the cheering crowd"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to feel or express joy or triumph":{
"the winners of the Super Bowl spent the next week exulting in their victory"
"near synonyms":[
"showing off",
"near antonyms":[
"based on observation or experience":{
"possesses the kind of experiential knowledge that is gained only from a long and eventful life"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to not allow (someone) to continue being a member of a group and especially the Roman Catholic church":{
"He was excommunicated from the church for his radical practices."
"near synonyms":[
"casts out",
"kicks out",
"runs out",
"throws out",
"near antonyms":[
"takes in"
"to carry out effectively":{
"the agency charged with executing the nation's drug laws"
"near synonyms":[
"bring about",
"near antonyms":[
"to carry through (as a process) to completion":{
"when you execute this dance step, try to keep your arms a little higher"
"bring off",
"carry off",
"carry out",
"follow through (with)",
"pull off",
"put through"
"near synonyms":[
"bring about",
"engage (in)",
"work (at)",
"wind up"
"near antonyms":[
"to put to death deliberately":{
"during the war those convicted of desertion were summarily executed"
"bump off",
"do in",
"knock off",
"put away",
"rub out",
"take out",
"near synonyms":[
"blow away",
"shoot down",
"blot out",
"carry off",
"cut down",
"mow (down)",
"wipe out"
"near antonyms":[
"to make more severe":{
"a misconceived plan that only exacerbated the city's traffic problem"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"one of a group or collection that shows what the whole is like":{
"a war bonnet that is a fine example of Native American handicraft"
"near synonyms":[
"loci classici",
"cross sections",
"near antonyms":[],
"in a skillful or expert manner":{
"the apple pie was a traditional but expertly made version of an old favorite"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"exchange students":{
"as in students , day students":{
"near synonyms":[
"day students",
"high schoolers",
"middle schoolers",
"near antonyms":[],
"serving to explain":{
"a new edition of Shakespeare with an abundance of exegetical commentary for the modern reader"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an explanation that frees one from fault or blame":{
"\"a really important business call\" is no excuse for not paying proper attention to one's driving"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to dismiss as of little importance":{
"more often than not, voters are willing to excuse a candidate's youthful indiscretion"
"blinks (at)",
"brushes (aside or off)",
"glosses (over)",
"glozes (over)",
"papers over",
"passes over",
"shrugs off",
"winks (at)"
"near synonyms":[
"waves (aside or off)"
"near antonyms":[
"objects (to)"
"to be an acceptable reason for":{
"having a female passenger in labor will generally excuse a little disregard for the speed limit"
"near synonyms":[
"accounts (for)",
"explains away",
"brushes (aside or off)",
"glosses (over)",
"glozes (over)",
"passes over",
"shrugs off",
"winks (at)"
"near antonyms":[],
"to make (something) seem less bad by offering excuses":{
"he's always excusing his chronic lying by claiming that everybody lies"
"explains away",
"glosses (over)",
"glozes (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"accounts (for)",
"plays down",
"near antonyms":[],
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"before answering, the suspect exhaled a cloud of cigarette smoke"
"blows (out)",
"breathes (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to throw or give off":{
"the lilacs were exhaling a sweet fragrance that virtually filled the room"
"gives out",
"sends (out)",
"throws out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soaks (up)",
"sucks (up)",
"takes up"
"to drive or force out":{
"animal lover though I am, I was determined to expel the uninvited mouse from my room"
"booting (out)",
"casting out",
"drumming (out)",
"kicking out",
"running off",
"throwing out",
"turfing (out)",
"turning out"
"near synonyms":[
"reading out",
"shutting out",
"mustering out",
"near antonyms":[
"taking in",
"to throw or give off":{
"something in a wastebasket was expelling a foul odor"
"giving out",
"sending (out)",
"throwing out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soaking (up)",
"sucking (up)",
"taking up"
"to violently throw out or off (something from within)":{
"ringing and flashing madly, the slot machine expelled a bucketful of quarters"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"bottling (up)",
"shutting (in or up)"
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"asked the patient to expel a deep breath"
"blowing (out)",
"breathing (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a time or state of affairs requiring prompt or decisive action":{
"the exigencies requiring snap decisions that traders on the stock exchange face every day"
"boiling point",
"breaking point",
"crunch time",
"flash point",
"zero hour"
"near synonyms":[
"turning point",
"hot water",
"last ditch",
"eleventh hour",
"last minute"
"near antonyms":[],
"a public showing of objects of interest":{
"an exposition of flying machines from the early days of aviation"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a series of explanations or observations on something (as an event)":{
"the nonstop exposition of the ceremonies by the TV newscasters was both unnecessary and irritating"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a statement that makes something clear":{
"the astronomer's exposition of white dwarfs was a little helpful"
"road map"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in palliations":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make up for (an offense)":{
"Yom Kippur is the holy day on which Jews are expected to expiate sins committed during the past year"
"atoned (for)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to criticize harshly and usually publicly":{
"the mayor had hardly been in office for a month before she was being excoriated for problems of very long standing"
"jumping (on)",
"near synonyms":[
"putting down",
"lacing (into)",
"lashing (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"to make sore by continued rubbing":{
"the manacles had badly excoriated the prisoner's wrists"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to cause persistent suffering to":{
"she has long been excruciated by an undiagnosed pain in her knee"
"near synonyms":[
"puts out",
"near antonyms":[
"as in outpost , diaspora":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a systematic search for the truth or facts about something":{
"an examen of the president's assasination that has been plagued by controversy since its original publication"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an essay evaluating or analyzing something":{
"an insightful examen of the poet's works"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a giving or taking of one thing of value in return for another":{
"exchanges of commemorative pins are common among Olympic athletes"
"quid pro quos",
"near synonyms":[
"horse trades",
"near antonyms":[],
"talking or a talk between two or more people":{
"we had a brief exchange with the pastor as we passed him on the way out of church"
"near synonyms":[
"cross fires",
"small talk",
"table talk",
"round tables",
"near antonyms":[],
"to give up (something) and take something else in return":{
"I'd like to exchange this sweater for one in a larger size"
"near synonyms":[
"hands over",
"near antonyms":[],
"to draw out by force or with effort":{
"extracted a splinter from my hand"
"rooted (out)",
"tore (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"took (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"a person who actively supports or favors a cause":{
"an articulate expounder of the liberal position on the issue"
"high priest",
"true believer",
"white knight"
"near synonyms":[
"fellow traveler"
"near antonyms":[
"one who brings an art or science to full realization":{
"one of the early expounders of abstract expressionism"
"high priest",
"near synonyms":[
"grand old man",
"near antonyms":[],
"a statement that makes something clear":{
"an explanation of photosynthesis that most museum visitors will be able to understand"
"road map"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a statement given to explain a belief or act":{
"when questioned by authorities, the students were at a loss for an explanation for their senseless vandalism"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a period of undergoing practical instruction in one's job or career":{
"prior to graduation from the culinary school he had served an externship as a sous chef at a high-end restaurant"
"near synonyms":[
"basic training",
"boot camp",
"near antonyms":[
"a person who favors rapid and sweeping changes especially in laws and methods of government":{
"extremists wanted to do away with everything, even though they had no thought-out plan for what to do afterwards"
"near synonyms":[
"young Turks",
"near antonyms":[
"easily excited by nature":{
"an excitable child who needs a stable home life"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an outer part or layer":{
"the exterior of the tooth consists of very hard enamel"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to drive or force out":{
"the sort of person who is determined to extrude every last gob of toothpaste from the tube"
"booted (out)",
"cast out",
"drummed (out)",
"kicked out",
"ran off",
"threw out",
"turfed (out)",
"turned out"
"near synonyms":[
"read out",
"shut out",
"mustered out",
"near antonyms":[
"took in",
"something that is performed, made, or done without preparation":{
"a guitar extemporization"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to add to the interest of by including made-up details":{
"the American colonist John Smith is believed by many historians to have exaggerated his adventures"
"elaborates (on)",
"near synonyms":[
"dresses up",
"gussies up",
"enlarges (on or upon)",
"fleshes (out)",
"plays up",
"near antonyms":[
"plays down",
"to describe or express in too strong terms":{
"it would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of this entrance exam"
"puts on"
"near synonyms":[
"plays up",
"near antonyms":[
"plays down"
"as in dispatch , expedition":{
"near synonyms":[
"warp speed",
"near antonyms":[
"to cause a pleasurable stimulation of the feelings":{
"for some reason the first snowfall of the season never fails to excite us"
"pump up",
"turn on"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to rouse to strong feeling or action":{
"televised pictures of the victims of the famine that would excite any viewer to pity"
"fire (up)",
"rev (up)",
"near synonyms":[
"key (up)",
"pump up",
"set off",
"whip (up)",
"near antonyms":[
"to add to the interest of by including made-up details":{
"the American colonist John Smith is believed by many historians to have exaggerated his adventures"
"elaborating (on)",
"near synonyms":[
"dressing up",
"gussying up",
"enlarging (on or upon)",
"fleshing (out)",
"playing up",
"near antonyms":[
"playing down",
"to describe or express in too strong terms":{
"it would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of this entrance exam"
"putting on"
"near synonyms":[
"playing up",
"near antonyms":[
"playing down"
"as in ostracism":{
"near synonyms":[
"cold shoulder",
"silent treatment",
"near antonyms":[
"glad hand",
"welcome mat",
"open arms"
"the fact of being or of being real":{
"the existence of UFO's is something that people continue to argue about"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to create or think of by clever use of the imagination":{
"she's a master at excogitating reasons not to do her assigned work"
"cooked (up)",
"drummed up",
"made up",
"thought (up)",
"trumped up",
"vamped (up)"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make plain or understandable":{
"a pamphlet that explains the medical procedure in language that any layperson can understand"
"clearing (up)",
"getting across",
"spelling out",
"near synonyms":[
"breaking down",
"near antonyms":[
"to give the reason for or cause of":{
"can you explain your very odd behavior at the wedding reception?"
"accounting (for)",
"explaining away",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a person who executes people who have been sentenced to death":{
"was sentenced to face the executioner"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to bring to bear especially forcefully or effectively":{
"parental involvement has consistently been shown to exert the most influence over a child's success in school"
"put out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"serving to explain":{
"the explanatory section has as its heading \"What the New Tax Changes Mean\""
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in famous , glorious":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to assign a high status or value to":{
"popular support and media hype have exalted Super Bowl Sunday to the level of a national holiday"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to proclaim the glory of":{
"monstrous, gaudy gambling palaces that seem to exalt the very notion of excess"
"near synonyms":[
"cracked up",
"near antonyms":[
"a person who travels for pleasure":{
"a list of things to do for weekend excursionists in the city"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to express more fully and in greater detail":{
"an article on the First Ladies that the author later expanded into a book"
"dilate (on or upon)",
"elaborate (on)",
"enlarge (on or upon)",
"flesh (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"add (to)",
"run on"
"near antonyms":[
"sum up"
"to make greater in size, amount, or number":{
"we had to expand the list of wedding guests several times in order to accommodate all the relatives Mother wouldn't dream of excluding"
"add (to)",
"build up",
"pump up",
"near synonyms":[
"bump (up)",
"ratchet (up)",
"rachet (up)",
"blow up",
"draw out",
"flesh (out)",
"beef (up)",
"follow up",
"near antonyms":[
"cut back",
"subtract (from)"
"to arrange the parts of (something) over a wider area":{
"a spare leaf for those times when we have to expand the dining table to accommodate extra guests"
"fan (out)",
"flare (out)",
"spread (out)",
"stretch (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number":{
"water expands when it becomes frozen"
"build up",
"roll up",
"near synonyms":[
"blow up",
"puff (up)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to ask for (something) earnestly or with authority":{
"every war inevitably exacts the greatest sacrifice possible from some of the nation's best and brightest"
"called (for)",
"clamored (for)",
"insisted (on)",
"pressed (for)",
"stipulated (for)"
"near synonyms":[
"pleaded (for)",
"pled (for)",
"plead (for)",
"cried (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"gave up",
"to establish or apply as a charge or penalty":{
"vowed to exact a heavy fine from any hockey player engaging in such outrageous behavior on the ice"
"near synonyms":[
"shook down",
"near antonyms":[
"glossed (over)",
"glozed (over)",
"to get (as money) by the use of force or threats":{
"that loan shark can be counted upon to exact repayment of his loan by whatever means necessary"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in expel , evict":{
"near synonyms":[
"cast out",
"kick out",
"run out",
"throw out",
"near antonyms":[
"take in",
"explains away":{
"to give the reason for or cause of":{
"after the surprise attack, military leaders struggled to explain away the nation's unpreparedness"
"accounts (for)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make (something) seem less bad by offering excuses":{
"tried to explain away his adulterous affairs by saying that men are promiscuous by nature"
"glosses (over)",
"glozes (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"accounts (for)",
"plays down",
"near antonyms":[],
"to set free from entanglement or difficulty":{
"you've woven such a web of lies that it's hard to see how you can extricate yourself now"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"someone who is named to act on behalf of another":{
"He named his daughter as the executor of his will."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the act of ceasing to exist":{
"the expiry of a great empire is always a cataclysmic event"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activities":{
"once upon expiry , her soul entered the abode of the blessed dead"
"great divides",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"suitable for bringing about a desired result under the circumstances":{
"made the expedient decision to sell the land to whomever offered the most money"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a temporary replacement":{
"if you're a spectator caught without rainwear at a sporting event, then a plastic garbage bag makes an acceptable, if unfashionable, expedient"
"near synonyms":[
"quick fix",
"near antonyms":[],
"an action planned or taken to achieve a desired result":{
"he vowed to use any expedient available to get the project done on time"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"something that one uses to accomplish an end especially when the usual means is not available":{
"since there wasn't a single bandage left in our backpacks, we had to use a bandanna, our only expedient"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to force to leave a country":{
"with their conquest of the Moors complete, Ferdinand and Isabella next exiled the Jews from Spain"
"near synonyms":[
"casting out",
"kicking out",
"running out",
"throwing out",
"near antonyms":[
"taking in",
"suitability for bringing about a desired result under the circumstances":{
"the expediency of such a plan is questionable"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to remove from place of burial":{
"the remains of John Paul Jones were exhumed in Paris and transported with great ceremony to the U.S. Naval Academy"
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[],
"a place or means of going out":{
"all of the building's exits were being watched by security guards"
"near synonyms":[
"escape hatches",
"near antonyms":[
"the act of leaving a place":{
"the movie star's quick exit through the back of the hotel went unnoticed by the horde of photographers waiting out front"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activities":{
"determined that his exit be from a place and time of his own choosing, the terminally ill patient opted for suicide"
"great divides",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to leave a place often for another":{
"in case of fire, exit from the building in a calm and orderly fashion"
"bails out",
"buggers off",
"bugs off",
"bugs out",
"buzzes (off)",
"clears off",
"clears out",
"cuts out",
"digs out",
"gets off",
"goes off",
"packs (up or off)",
"peels off",
"pikes (out or off)",
"pulls out",
"pushes off",
"pushes on",
"runs along",
"sallies (forth)",
"shoves (off)",
"steps (along)",
"takes off",
"walks out"
"near synonyms":[
"sets out",
"strikes out",
"gets out",
"runs away",
"goes out",
"lights out",
"steps out",
"near antonyms":[
"shows up",
"turns up"
"to stop living":{
"expressed her wish to exit surrounded by family and friends"
"checks out",
"conks (out)",
"kicks in",
"kicks off",
"passes away",
"passes (on)",
"pegs out",
"pops off",
"steps out",
"near synonyms":[
"dries up",
"near antonyms":[
"comes to",
"as in inspectors":{
"near synonyms":[
"fact finders",
"near antonyms":[],
"to utter with a sudden burst of strong feeling":{
"the whole team exclaimed with one voice, \"We won!\""
"blurts (out)",
"cries (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a setting free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"evidence that might bring about the exculpation of the defendant"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a setting free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"evidence that might bring about the exculpation of the defendant"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a person who gets money from another by using force or threats":{
"tortured by a gang of extortionists into revealing the combination for the money vault"
"near synonyms":[
"button men",
"near antonyms":[],
"causing great emotional or mental stimulation":{
"an exciting , come-from-behind victory for the underdogs in the last game of the World Series"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"serving or likely to arouse a strong reaction":{
"and what exciting news have you for us today?"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to cause a pleasurable stimulation of the feelings":{
"for some reason the first snowfall of the season never fails to excite us"
"pumping up",
"turning on"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to rouse to strong feeling or action":{
"televised pictures of the victims of the famine that would excite any viewer to pity"
"firing (up)",
"revving (up)",
"near synonyms":[
"keying (up)",
"pumping up",
"setting off",
"whipping (up)",
"near antonyms":[
"a time or state of affairs requiring prompt or decisive action":{
"the exigencies requiring snap decisions that traders on the stock exchange face every day"
"boiling points",
"breaking points",
"crunch times",
"flash points",
"zero hours"
"near synonyms":[
"turning points",
"hot waters",
"last ditches",
"eleventh hours",
"last minutes"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in fables , parables":{
"near synonyms":[
"bedtime stories",
"short stories",
"fairy tales",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in trimming , downsizing":{
"near synonyms":[
"laying off",
"mustering out",
"turning off",
"booting (out)",
"chucking (out)",
"drumming (out)",
"kicking out",
"throwing out",
"near antonyms":[
"signing (up or on)",
"taking on",
"the act of ceasing to exist":{
"directed that upon her expiration her splendid Italian-style villa be given to the public as a museum"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the stopping of a process or activity":{
"with the expiration of all brain activity there was no point in keeping the patient alive"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activities":{
"the cancer patient passed away sometime during the night, the exact moment of her expiration not being known"
"great divides",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"serving to explain":{
"an expository piece on the workings of the internal-combustion engine"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to use up all the physical energy of":{
"the long day at the county fair had exhausted everyone"
"burns out",
"does in",
"does up",
"knocks out",
"tuckers (out)",
"washes out",
"wears out"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make complete use of":{
"we had been at the theme park barely for two hours, and we were on the verge of exhausting our spending money"
"draws down",
"plays out",
"uses up"
"near synonyms":[
"cleans (out)",
"dries up",
"fritters (away)",
"runs through",
"throws away",
"near antonyms":[
"to send a product to be sold in another country":{
"countries that export oil to the U.S."
"near synonyms":[
"trafficking (in)",
"dealing (in)",
"putting up",
"near antonyms":[
"extreme in degree, power, or effect":{
"felt such exquisite anger at being betrayed by a so-called friend that she could hardly think straight"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"toned (down)",
"having qualities that appeal to a refined taste":{
"exquisite pen-and-ink drawings of city scenes grace the walls of the formal restaurant"
"near synonyms":[
"par excellence",
"near antonyms":[
"satisfying or pleasing because of fineness or mildness":{
"waiters at the wedding reception served exquisite hors d'oeuvres from silver trays"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in swell , clotheshorse":{
"near synonyms":[
"fancy Dan",
"Beau Brummell",
"lounge lizard",
"pretty boy"
"near antonyms":[
"a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field":{
"experts at the crime lab were able to tell the sex, race, and approximate age of the murderer"
"dab hands",
"past masters",
"near synonyms":[
"hired guns",
"Renaissance men",
"near antonyms":[
"to bring to bear especially forcefully or effectively":{
"parental involvement has consistently been shown to exert the most influence over a child's success in school"
"puts out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an amount of money that a government requires people to pay according to the value of certain possessions that are made, sold, or used within a country":{
"The state seems to impose an excise on any number of goods."
"near synonyms":[
"hidden tax",
"income tax",
"poll tax",
"property tax",
"sales tax",
"single tax",
"sin tax",
"value-added tax",
"withholding tax",
"direct tax",
"personal tax",
"death tax",
"estate tax",
"inheritance tax",
"flat tax",
"proportional tax"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in tax , penalize":{
"near synonyms":[
"shake down",
"near antonyms":[
"gloss (over)",
"gloze (over)",
"as in remove , cut":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"exult (in)":{
"as in delight , glory (in)":{
"near synonyms":[
"glory (in)",
"rejoice (in)",
"near antonyms":[
"grieve (for)",
"wail (for)",
"cry (for)",
"as in deportation , expulsion":{
"near synonyms":[
"ethnic cleansing",
"near antonyms":[
"to present an opposing opinion or argument":{
"the concerned parents tried to expostulate with their daughter when she announced her intention to live on her own in New York City"
"remonstrates (with)"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a passage cleared for public vehicular travel":{
"a baffling maze of high-speed expressways encircles the city"
"high roads",
"near synonyms":[
"dual carriageways",
"ring roads",
"through streets",
"high streets",
"Main Streets",
"secondary roads",
"side roads",
"side streets",
"dead ends",
"near antonyms":[],
"to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual right":{
"dissidents were shot, and their lands expropriated under his regime"
"taking over",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to end the occupancy or possession of":{
"the state will have to expropriate scores of homeowners in order to build the new road"
"near synonyms":[
"taking over",
"near antonyms":[],
"to take ownership or control of (something) by right of one's authority":{
"plans by the city to expropriate entire blocks of houses in order to bulldoze them for expansion of the airport"
"near synonyms":[
"taking over"
"near antonyms":[
"giving up",
"handing over",
"turning over",
"extended (out)":{
"as in projected , stuck out":{
"near synonyms":[
"stuck out",
"near antonyms":[],
"to prevent the participation, consideration, or inclusion of":{
"the revelation that the candidate had excluded journalists from certain news outlets from the press briefing"
"close out",
"count (out)",
"freeze out",
"rule out",
"shut out"
"near synonyms":[
"throw out",
"stave off",
"ward (off)",
"check off",
"comb (out)",
"weed (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"take in",
"capable of having the reason for or cause of determined":{
"the mystery of those strange noises became quite explicable once we realized that a colony of bats had taken up residence"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an often public or formal expression of disapproval":{
"the recent excoriation of dumbed-down textbooks by a panel of educators"
"riot acts",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a payment made in the course of achieving a result":{
"you'll have to drastically cut back on your clothing expenditures if you hope to save anything"
"near synonyms":[
"pocket money",
"spending money",
"near antonyms":[],
"the active use of energy in producing a result":{
"the expenditure of the nation's military might on wars that may or may not involve the national interest"
"elbow grease",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to remove objectionable parts from":{
"the newspaper had to expurgate the expletive-laden speech that the criminal made upon being sentenced to life imprisonment"
"cleaning (up)",
"near synonyms":[
"cutting (out)",
"x-ing (out)",
"x'ing (out)",
"blacking out",
"near antonyms":[
"worthy of forgiveness":{
"an excusable minor error"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a short section (as of a book) that leads to or explains the main part":{
"in his exordium the author warns his readers that they should expect a radically different interpretation of the causes of the war"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"serving to explain":{
"an edition of Melville's novel that could use more explanative footnotes about whaling"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to proclaim the glory of":{
"campaign literature extolling the candidate's military record"
"near synonyms":[
"crack up",
"near antonyms":[
"a systematic search for the truth or facts about something":{
"an examen of the president's assasination that has been plagued by controversy since its original publication"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an essay evaluating or analyzing something":{
"an insightful examen of the poet's works"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"exchanging (for)":{
"as in dealing (for) , trading (for)":{
"near synonyms":[
"bartering (for)",
"dealing (for)",
"dickering (over)",
"haggling (for)",
"negotiating (about)",
"trading (for)",
"paying (for)",
"springing (for)",
"bargaining (with)",
"chaffering (with)",
"horse-trading (with)",
"paltering (with)",
"picking up",
"near antonyms":[
"dealing (in)",
"to free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"I will present evidence that will exculpate my client"
"near synonyms":[
"atones (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"the state or an instance of going beyond what is usual, proper, or needed":{
"a new television season with an excess of sitcoms featuring wisecracking teenagers"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in trims , downsizes":{
"near synonyms":[
"lays off",
"musters out",
"turns off",
"boots (out)",
"chucks (out)",
"drums (out)",
"kicks out",
"throws out",
"near antonyms":[
"signs (up or on)",
"takes on",
"a setting free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"the accused refused a plea bargain, asserting that he was innocent and would settle for nothing less than complete exoneration"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to dismiss as of little importance":{
"more often than not, voters are willing to excuse a candidate's youthful indiscretion"
"blinking (at)",
"brushing (aside or off)",
"glossing (over)",
"glozing (over)",
"papering over",
"passing over",
"shrugging off",
"winking (at)"
"near synonyms":[
"waving (aside or off)"
"near antonyms":[
"objecting (to)"
"to be an acceptable reason for":{
"having a female passenger in labor will generally excuse a little disregard for the speed limit"
"near synonyms":[
"accounting (for)",
"explaining away",
"brushing (aside or off)",
"glossing (over)",
"glozing (over)",
"passing over",
"shrugging off",
"winking (at)"
"near antonyms":[],
"to make (something) seem less bad by offering excuses":{
"he's always excusing his chronic lying by claiming that everybody lies"
"explaining away",
"glossing (over)",
"glozing (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"accounting (for)",
"playing down",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in dead , doused":{
"near synonyms":[
"snuffed (out)",
"stamped (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"piping hot",
"to cause to cease burning":{
"the fire in the skillet was quickly extinguished by slamming the lid on"
"put out",
"snuffed (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"blew out",
"rubbed out",
"snubbed (out)",
"stamped (out)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of":{
"a fatal blunder that extinguished all hope that the team would actually win the play-offs"
"did in",
"pulled down",
"rubbed out",
"tore down",
"near synonyms":[
"prevailed (over)",
"triumphed (over)",
"won (against)",
"blew up",
"swept (away)",
"washed out",
"wore (away)",
"took down",
"blotted out",
"rooted (out)",
"snuffed (out)",
"stamped (out)",
"wiped out",
"cut down",
"killed off",
"mowed (down)",
"took out",
"near antonyms":[
"brought about",
"put up",
"set up"
"to stop the noise or speech of":{
"her final, telling point extinguished her opponents on the city council"
"shut up",
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[
"an act, process, or means of putting something into words":{
"the poem is his expression of his grief upon the loss of his beloved wife"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"facial appearance regarded as an indication of mood or feeling":{
"we could tell by the fans' expressions that the Chicago Cubs had lost again"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a pronounceable series of letters having a distinct meaning especially in a particular field":{
"the expression \"John Doe\" is used in legal proceedings to refer to a person whose actual name is either unknown or being withheld from the public"
"near synonyms":[
"linguistic form",
"speech form",
"near antonyms":[],
"a sequence of words having a specific meaning":{
"the popular expression \"raining cats and dogs\" is meaningless in other languages"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make (something) seem less bad by offering excuses":{
"don't even try to extenuate their vandalism of the cemetery with the old refrain of \"Boys will be boys\""
"explaining away",
"glossing (over)",
"glozing (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"accounting (for)",
"playing down",
"near antonyms":[],
"someone who is named to act on behalf of another":{
"He named his daughter as the executor of his will."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"something that arouses a strong response from another":{
"there were few excitements of any kind on our very uneventful trip back home"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in boldness , brashness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"I will present evidence that will exculpate my client"
"near synonyms":[
"atoned (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"to present an opposing opinion or argument":{
"I must except to your remark that there are no great novelists currently living"
"remonstrated (with)"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to prevent the participation, consideration, or inclusion of":{
"we'll have to except members who haven't paid their club dues from voting in the election"
"closed out",
"counted (out)",
"froze out",
"ruled out",
"shut out"
"near synonyms":[
"threw out",
"staved off",
"warded (off)",
"checked off",
"combed (out)",
"weeded (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"took in",
"a statement that makes something clear":{
"a psychobiography that purports to be the definitive exegesis of the late president's character"
"road maps"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to feel or express joy or triumph":{
"after their first World Series championship in 86 years, Bostonians felt that they had earned the right to exuberate with abandon"
"near synonyms":[
"show off",
"near antonyms":[
"to proclaim the glory of":{
"campaign literature extolling the candidate's military record"
"near synonyms":[
"crack up",
"near antonyms":[
"to cause (something) to happen faster":{
"They've asked the judge to expedite the lawsuits.",
"We'll do what we can to expedite the processing of your insurance claim."
"near synonyms":[
"speed (up)",
"near antonyms":[
"hold back",
"hold up",
"interfere (with)",
"rein (in)",
"tie up",
"slow (down)"
"as in retailers , distributors":{
"near synonyms":[
"black marketers",
"black marketeers",
"horse traders",
"near antonyms":[
"end users",
"to cause (something) to happen faster":{
"They've asked the judge to expedite the lawsuits.",
"We'll do what we can to expedite the processing of your insurance claim."
"near synonyms":[
"speeding (up)",
"near antonyms":[
"holding back",
"holding up",
"interfering (with)",
"reining (in)",
"tying up",
"tieing up",
"slowing (down)"
"to get rid of as useless or unwanted":{
"please exorcise that offensive word from your vocabulary"
"cast (off)",
"flung (off or away)",
"laid by",
"shucked (off)",
"sloughed (off)",
"sluffed (off)",
"threw away",
"threw out",
"near synonyms":[
"kicked out",
"rooted (out)",
"stamped (out)",
"wiped out"
"near antonyms":[
"took on",
"held back",
"having considerable extent":{
"a rock hound whose extensive reading enables him to identify just about any rock or mineral"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a public showing of objects of interest":{
"many of the bigger expos won't fit into the city's relatively small civic center"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in exorcists":{
"near synonyms":[
"crystal gazers",
"medicine men",
"witch doctors",
"near antonyms":[],
"except for":{
"not including":{
"except for newscasts, I hardly watch any television at all"
"apart from",
"aside from",
"exclusive of",
"other than",
"outside of",
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[],
"going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount":{
"the cost of our stay was so exorbitant you would have thought that we had bought the hotel and not just spent a few nights there"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an amount of money that a government requires people to pay according to the value of certain possessions that are made, sold, or used within a country":{
"The state seems to impose an excise on any number of goods."
"near synonyms":[
"hidden taxes",
"income taxes",
"poll taxes",
"property taxes",
"sales taxes",
"single taxes",
"sin taxes",
"value-added taxes",
"withholding taxes",
"direct taxes",
"personal taxes",
"death taxes",
"estate taxes",
"inheritance taxes",
"flat taxes",
"proportional taxes"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in taxes , penalizes":{
"near synonyms":[
"shakes down",
"near antonyms":[
"glosses (over)",
"glozes (over)",
"as in removes , cuts":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"experimenting (with)":{
"as in studying , investigating":{
"near synonyms":[
"checking (out)",
"feeling (out)",
"trying (out)",
"near antonyms":[],
"subjected to and reacting with irritation":{
"overworked, exasperated parents barking at their children over little things"
"put out",
"teed off",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts":{
"small children can exasperate their parents with endless questions about why this or that is so"
"burned (up)",
"burnt (up)",
"hacked (off)",
"put out",
"near synonyms":[
"freaked (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"an elated, joyful feeling":{
"The crowd cheered in exultation when the home team scored."
"near synonyms":[
"warm fuzzies",
"seventh heaven",
"near antonyms":[
"as in bombs":{
"near synonyms":[
"claymore mines",
"land mines",
"booby traps",
"near antonyms":[],
"the act or state of looking forward to some occurrence":{
"in expectation of a harsh winter, we budgeted more money than usual for the cost of heating our home"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to flow forth slowly through small openings":{
"a sticky resin exudes from the bark of the tree"
"near synonyms":[
"give off",
"near antonyms":[
"to utter with a sudden burst of strong feeling":{
"the whole team exclaimed with one voice, \"We won!\""
"blurt (out)",
"cry (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to show or make clear by using examples":{
"in your review you don't really exemplify your points with specific examples from the novel"
"near synonyms":[
"broke down",
"cleared (up)",
"spelled out",
"near antonyms":[
"as in bachelor , single":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"better half",
"significant other",
"soul mate",
"domestic partner"
"the representation of something in terms that go beyond the facts":{
"their exaggeration was such that a rainstorm became a hurricane"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to flow forth slowly through small openings":{
"a sticky resin exudes from the bark of the tree"
"near synonyms":[
"gives off",
"near antonyms":[
"a disrespectful or indecent word or expression":{
"unleashed a slew of expletives upon losing the tennis match"
"dirty word",
"four-letter word",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in magics , witchcrafts":{
"near synonyms":[
"crystal gazings",
"near antonyms":[
"the forced removal from a homeland":{
"the brutal expatriation of thousands of Cherokee to Indian Territory is now commonly referred to as the Trail of Tears"
"near synonyms":[
"ethnic cleansings",
"near antonyms":[
"to get rid of as useless or unwanted":{
"please exorcise that offensive word from your vocabulary"
"casting (off)",
"flinging (off or away)",
"laying by",
"shucking (off)",
"sloughing (off)",
"sluffing (off)",
"throwing away",
"throwing out",
"near synonyms":[
"kicking out",
"rooting (out)",
"stamping (out)",
"wiping out"
"near antonyms":[
"taking on",
"holding back",
"as in expels , evicts":{
"near synonyms":[
"casts out",
"kicks out",
"runs out",
"throws out",
"near antonyms":[
"takes in",
"to cast (a natural bodily covering or appendage) aside":{
"a soap that promises to help me exfoliate all that dry, flaky skin I've apparently been carrying around"
"near synonyms":[
"flinging (off or away)",
"shucking (off)",
"throwing away",
"throwing out",
"near antonyms":[],
"the forced removal from a homeland":{
"the ruthless expulsion of the French-speaking Acadians from Nova Scotia by the British"
"near synonyms":[
"ethnic cleansing",
"near antonyms":[
"to represent in visible form":{
"an actress with an expressive face that wonderfully externalizes a wide range of emotions"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"exceptionally high quality":{
"the annual awards honor excellence in children's literature"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a quality that gives something special worth":{
"the particular excellence of down in clothing and sleeping bags is its lightness"
"cardinal virtue",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"extrasensory perception":{
"the power of seeing or knowing about things that are not present to the senses":{
"second sight",
"sixth sense"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in tumblers":{
"near synonyms":[
"trapeze artists",
"near antonyms":[],
"a quality that gives something special worth":{
"claimed that granite has so many excellencies as material for countertops that it is well worth the high price"
"cardinal virtues",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to get rid of as useless or unwanted":{
"please exorcise that offensive word from your vocabulary"
"casting (off)",
"flinging (off or away)",
"laying by",
"shucking (off)",
"sloughing (off)",
"sluffing (off)",
"throwing away",
"throwing out",
"near synonyms":[
"kicking out",
"rooting (out)",
"stamping (out)",
"wiping out"
"near antonyms":[
"taking on",
"holding back",
"experiment (with)":{
"as in study , investigate":{
"near synonyms":[
"check (out)",
"feel (out)",
"try (out)",
"near antonyms":[],
"something that arouses a strong response from another":{
"there were few excitements of any kind on our very uneventful trip back home"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"urgent desire or interest":{
"in our excitement to get going, we forgot to make sure that all of the lights in the house had been turned off"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to come to a knowledge of (something) by living through it":{
"eventually we all have to experience the loss of a loved one"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to destroy all traces of":{
"time and the weather have expunged any evidence that a thriving community once existed here"
"blacks out",
"blots out",
"cleans (up)",
"roots (out)",
"rubs out",
"snuffs (out)",
"stamps (out)",
"sweeps (away)",
"wipes out"
"near synonyms":[
"mows (down)",
"tears down",
"blows up",
"kills off",
"throws out"
"near antonyms":[
"to present an opposing opinion or argument":{
"the concerned parents tried to expostulate with their daughter when she announced her intention to live on her own in New York City"
"remonstrate (with)"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a visible representation of something abstract (as a quality)":{
"bizarre paintings that are the externalization of a very troubled psyche"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in exorciser":{
"near synonyms":[
"crystal gazer",
"medicine man",
"witch doctor",
"near antonyms":[],
"one that has a real and independent existence":{
"other worlds are existents that are generally taken for granted in works of science fiction"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"one who observes or studies by close examination and systematic inquiry":{
"a psychology experimenter doing research into the sources of panic attacks"
"near synonyms":[
"fact finder",
"near antonyms":[],
"a wide space or area":{
"the great explorers who crossed the vast expanses of the seven seas in small ships"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the quality or fact of being free or wasteful in the expenditure of money":{
"warned their spendthrift daughter that she would eventually pay the price for her extravagancy"
"near synonyms":[
"conspicuous consumption",
"near antonyms":[
"a prayer that harm will come to someone":{
"upon discovering that someone had stolen his golf bag, he let loose a volley of execrations"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a very strong dislike":{
"a cowardly betrayal that earned him the execration of all who had remained loyal to the cause"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"something or someone that is hated":{
"denounced as an abomination before God and man, the heretic would forever be an execration even amongst his own people"
"b\u00eate noire",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an abnormal mass of tissue":{
"fortunately, the excrescency could be removed with surgery"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"something that spoils the appearance or completeness of a thing":{
"some feel that the planned skyscraper would be an excrescency on the city's low-rise skyline"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"solid matter discharged from an animal's alimentary canal":{
"the cage badly needed to be cleaned of the rabbit's excreta"
"near synonyms":[
"night soil",
"near antonyms":[],
"plural noun"
"a disrespectful or indecent word or expression":{
"unleashed a slew of expletives upon losing the tennis match"
"dirty words",
"four-letter words",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to break open or into pieces usually because of internal pressure":{
"the building was wrecked when a powerful bomb exploded"
"blowing up",
"going off",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to cause to break open or into pieces by or as if by an explosive":{
"the bomb was so powerful that it exploded windows in several neighboring buildings"
"blowing up",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to develop suddenly and violently":{
"the mayor's latest unpopular decision caused long-suppressed resentment to explode into open anger"
"blazing (up)",
"breaking out",
"bursting (forth)",
"flaring (up)"
"near synonyms":[
"blowing up",
"touching off"
"near antonyms":[],
"exults (in)":{
"as in delights , glories (in)":{
"near synonyms":[
"glories (in)",
"rejoices (in)",
"near antonyms":[
"grieves (for)",
"wails (for)",
"cries (for)",
"to not allow (someone) to continue being a member of a group and especially the Roman Catholic church":{
"He was excommunicated from the church for his radical practices."
"near synonyms":[
"casting out",
"kicking out",
"running out",
"throwing out",
"near antonyms":[
"taking in"
"as in exculpatory , vindicating":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"the results of the DNA fingerprinting finally exonerated the man, but only after he had wasted 10 years of his life in prison"
"near synonyms":[
"atoning (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"to feel or express joy or triumph":{
"the winners of the Super Bowl spent the next week exulting in their victory"
"near synonyms":[
"showed off",
"near antonyms":[
"to drive or force out":{
"animal lover though I am, I was determined to expel the uninvited mouse from my room"
"boots (out)",
"casts out",
"drums (out)",
"kicks out",
"runs off",
"throws out",
"turfs (out)",
"turns out"
"near synonyms":[
"reads out",
"shuts out",
"musters out",
"near antonyms":[
"takes in",
"to throw or give off":{
"something in a wastebasket was expelling a foul odor"
"gives out",
"sends (out)",
"throws out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soaks (up)",
"sucks (up)",
"takes up"
"to violently throw out or off (something from within)":{
"ringing and flashing madly, the slot machine expelled a bucketful of quarters"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"bottles (up)",
"shuts (in or up)"
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"asked the patient to expel a deep breath"
"blows (out)",
"breathes (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"not including":{
"the store is open daily except Sundays"
"apart from",
"aside from",
"except for",
"exclusive of",
"other than",
"outside of",
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[],
"to present an opposing opinion or argument":{
"I must except to your remark that there are no great novelists currently living"
"remonstrate (with)"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to prevent the participation, consideration, or inclusion of":{
"we'll have to except members who haven't paid their club dues from voting in the election"
"close out",
"count (out)",
"freeze out",
"rule out",
"shut out"
"near synonyms":[
"throw out",
"stave off",
"ward (off)",
"check off",
"comb (out)",
"weed (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"take in",
"if it were not for the fact that":{
"I'd go, except it's too far"
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[],
"to make (something) seem less bad by offering excuses":{
"don't even try to extenuate their vandalism of the cemetery with the old refrain of \"Boys will be boys\""
"explained away",
"glossed (over)",
"glozed (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"accounted (for)",
"played down",
"near antonyms":[],
"one who observes or studies by close examination and systematic inquiry":{
"a psychology experimenter doing research into the sources of panic attacks"
"near synonyms":[
"fact finders",
"near antonyms":[],
"likely to seek or enjoy the company of others":{
"a job in a research lab that is probably not well suited to an extroverted person"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"made or done without previous thought or preparation":{
"caught by surprise, I had to make an extemporaneous speech at the awards banquet"
"ad hoc",
"down and dirty",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a going from one place to another usually of some distance":{
"an avid mountain climber, always on an expedition to some far-off corner of the world"
"near synonyms":[
"grand tour",
"near antonyms":[],
"to make plain or understandable":{
"the physicist did his best to explicate the wave theory of light for the audience of laymen"
"clearing (up)",
"getting across",
"spelling out",
"near synonyms":[
"breaking down",
"near antonyms":[
"being in a situation where one is likely to meet with harm":{
"without our immune systems we'd be exposed to all sorts of deadly infections"
"subject (to)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"lacking a usual or natural covering":{
"the exposed electrical wires were a safety hazard"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"lacking protection from danger or resistance against attack":{
"the soldiers were so exposed in the open field that they were the proverbial sitting ducks"
"near synonyms":[
"preyed (on or upon)",
"high and dry",
"near antonyms":[
"to reveal the true nature of":{
"a well-researched article that exposes the UFO story as a hoax"
"showed up",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make known (as information previously kept secret)":{
"the documentary claims to expose how winners of beauty pageants are really picked"
"let on (about)",
"near synonyms":[
"showed up",
"brought out",
"gave away",
"raked up",
"smoked out",
"near antonyms":[
"glossed (over)",
"covered (up)",
"to make known (something abstract) through outward signs":{
"the tight race for the championship exposed one team's mean streak"
"gave away",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"glossed (over)",
"to present so as to invite notice or attention":{
"I didn't want to expose my ignorance in front of the others, so I kept silent"
"laid out",
"showed off",
"near synonyms":[
"talked (about)",
"told (of)",
"near antonyms":[
"to carry out effectively":{
"the agency charged with executing the nation's drug laws"
"near synonyms":[
"bringing about",
"near antonyms":[
"to carry through (as a process) to completion":{
"when you execute this dance step, try to keep your arms a little higher"
"bringing off",
"carrying off",
"carrying out",
"following through (with)",
"pulling off",
"putting through"
"near synonyms":[
"bringing about",
"engaging (in)",
"working (at)",
"winding up"
"near antonyms":[
"to put to death deliberately":{
"during the war those convicted of desertion were summarily executed"
"bumping off",
"doing in",
"knocking off",
"putting away",
"rubbing out",
"taking out",
"near synonyms":[
"blowing away",
"shooting down",
"blotting out",
"carrying off",
"cutting down",
"mowing (down)",
"wiping out"
"near antonyms":[
"to remove from place of burial":{
"the remains of John Paul Jones were exhumed in Paris and transported with great ceremony to the U.S. Naval Academy"
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[],
"as in lifeless":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a public showing of objects of interest":{
"an exhibition of valuable and fascinating artifacts from a recovered pirate ship"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an outward and often exaggerated indication of something abstract (as a feeling) for effect":{
"for the benefit of the crowd, the professional wrestler made a great exhibition of ferocity"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a time or state of affairs requiring prompt or decisive action":{
"made offers of aid to the refugees, and of asylum in extremity"
"boiling point",
"breaking point",
"crunch time",
"flash point",
"zero hour"
"near synonyms":[
"turning point",
"hot water",
"last ditch",
"eleventh hour",
"last minute"
"near antonyms":[],
"the most extreme or advanced point":{
"at its extremity the fever was actually life-threatening"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the line of ancestors from whom a person is descended":{
"a family of Italian extraction"
"family trees",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to get rid of as useless or unwanted":{
"please exorcise that offensive word from your vocabulary"
"casts (off)",
"flings (off or away)",
"lays by",
"shucks (off)",
"sloughs (off)",
"sluffs (off)",
"throws away",
"throws out",
"near synonyms":[
"kicks out",
"roots (out)",
"stamps (out)",
"wipes out"
"near antonyms":[
"takes on",
"holds back",
"the act or state of looking forward to some occurrence":{
"gave them the painting, with no expectance of anything in return"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"exchanges (for)":{
"as in deals (for) , trades (for)":{
"near synonyms":[
"barters (for)",
"deals (for)",
"dickers (over)",
"haggles (for)",
"negotiates (about)",
"trades (for)",
"pays (for)",
"springs (for)",
"bargains (with)",
"chaffers (with)",
"horse-trades (with)",
"palters (with)",
"picks up",
"near antonyms":[
"deals (in)",
"as in exonerative":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to carry out effectively":{
"the agency charged with executing the nation's drug laws"
"near synonyms":[
"brings about",
"near antonyms":[
"to carry through (as a process) to completion":{
"when you execute this dance step, try to keep your arms a little higher"
"brings off",
"carries off",
"carries out",
"follows through (with)",
"pulls off",
"puts through"
"near synonyms":[
"brings about",
"engages (in)",
"works (at)",
"winds up"
"near antonyms":[
"to put to death deliberately":{
"during the war those convicted of desertion were summarily executed"
"bumps off",
"does in",
"knocks off",
"puts away",
"rubs out",
"takes out",
"near synonyms":[
"blows away",
"shoots down",
"blots out",
"carries off",
"cuts down",
"mows (down)",
"wipes out"
"near antonyms":[
"not subject to something to which others are required":{
"They were exempt from jury duty because of their jobs as firefighters."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in nervousness":{
"near synonyms":[
"nervous breakdown",
"basket case"
"near antonyms":[
"to flow forth slowly through small openings":{
"a sticky resin exudes from the bark of the tree"
"near synonyms":[
"giving off",
"near antonyms":[
"one who seeks an office, honor, position, or award":{
"divinity students who were all expectants for a curacy"
"near synonyms":[
"dark horses",
"stalking horses",
"crown princes",
"favorite sons",
"running mates"
"near antonyms":[
"as in spitting":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in expelling , exhaling":{
"near synonyms":[
"blowing (out)",
"breathing (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual right":{
"dissidents were shot, and their lands expropriated under his regime"
"takes over",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to end the occupancy or possession of":{
"the state will have to expropriate scores of homeowners in order to build the new road"
"near synonyms":[
"takes over",
"near antonyms":[],
"to take ownership or control of (something) by right of one's authority":{
"plans by the city to expropriate entire blocks of houses in order to bulldoze them for expansion of the airport"
"near synonyms":[
"takes over"
"near antonyms":[
"gives up",
"hands over",
"turns over",
"a feeling or declaration of disapproval or dissent":{
"I take strong exception to your assessment of his singing ability"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"something that is different from what is ordinary or expected":{
"her tardiness today is an exception ; usually she's on time"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a period of undergoing practical instruction in one's job or career":{
"prior to graduation from the culinary school he had served an externship as a sous chef at a high-end restaurant"
"near synonyms":[
"basic trainings",
"boot camps",
"near antonyms":[
"to get (as money) by the use of force or threats":{
"a school bully who was used to extorting lunch money from weaker kids"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in shell , cocoon":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"extremely unsatisfactory":{
"her execrable singing finally brought a complaint from the neighbors"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"of low quality":{
"another souvenir shop selling execrable knickknacks manufactured in some foreign sweatshop"
"el cheapo",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"not following or in accordance with standards of honor and decency":{
"a sordid murder case that was covered with execrable excess by the newspaper tabloids and cable news outlets"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a systematic search for the truth or facts about something":{
"an exploration into the disappearance of famed aviator Amelia Earhart"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a wide space or area":{
"the great explorers who crossed the vast expanses of the seven seas in small ships"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a setting free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"the accused refused a plea bargain, asserting that he was innocent and would settle for nothing less than complete exoneration"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to break open or into pieces usually because of internal pressure":{
"the building was wrecked when a powerful bomb exploded"
"blows up",
"goes off",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to cause to break open or into pieces by or as if by an explosive":{
"the bomb was so powerful that it exploded windows in several neighboring buildings"
"blows up",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to develop suddenly and violently":{
"the mayor's latest unpopular decision caused long-suppressed resentment to explode into open anger"
"blazes (up)",
"breaks out",
"bursts (forth)",
"flares (up)"
"near synonyms":[
"blows up",
"touches off"
"near antonyms":[],
"to draw out by force or with effort":{
"extracted a splinter from my hand"
"roots (out)",
"tears (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"takes (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"a part taken from a longer work":{
"the anthology includes a long extract from the epic poem"
"near synonyms":[
"sound bites",
"loci classici",
"purple passages",
"near antonyms":[],
"to believe in the future occurrence of (something)":{
"we expect their arrival late this afternoon"
"hopes (for)",
"watches (for)"
"near synonyms":[
"banks on",
"counts (on or upon)",
"depends (on or upon)",
"relies (on or upon)",
"waits (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"to destroy all traces of":{
"hope that the fumigant exterminates the whole colony of cockroaches, for any survivors may be resistant to any poison"
"blacks out",
"blots out",
"cleans (up)",
"roots (out)",
"rubs out",
"snuffs (out)",
"stamps (out)",
"sweeps (away)",
"wipes out"
"near synonyms":[
"mows (down)",
"tears down",
"blows up",
"kills off",
"throws out"
"near antonyms":[
"to assign a high status or value to":{
"popular support and media hype have exalted Super Bowl Sunday to the level of a national holiday"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to proclaim the glory of":{
"monstrous, gaudy gambling palaces that seem to exalt the very notion of excess"
"near synonyms":[
"crack up",
"near antonyms":[
"having or showing signs of eagerly awaiting something":{
"expectant crowds gathered at the spot where the President was scheduled to make an appearance"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"containing unborn young within the body":{
"a medication that should not be taken by expectant women without permission from their doctors"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"one who seeks an office, honor, position, or award":{
"divinity students who were all expectants for a curacy"
"near synonyms":[
"dark horse",
"stalking horse",
"crown prince",
"favorite son",
"running mate"
"near antonyms":[
"a flowing or going out":{
"the mass exodus from the cities for the beaches and the mountains on most summer weekends"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a pleasurably intense stimulation of the feelings":{
"the lavish spectacle results in one exhilaration after another"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a state of overwhelming usually pleasurable emotion":{
"the exhilaration of victory that spectators get to witness at the Olympic Games"
"cloud nine",
"seventh heaven",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to hand over or use up in payment":{
"redecoration will have to wait, since we've just expended our last dollar in buying the house"
"forks (over, out, or up)",
"lays out",
"shells out",
"near synonyms":[
"fritters (away)",
"runs through",
"throws away",
"near antonyms":[
"lays up",
"to make complete use of":{
"settlers had to be sure not to expend their supply of firewood before the end of the long winter"
"draws down",
"plays out",
"uses up"
"near synonyms":[
"cleans (out)",
"dries up",
"fritters (away)",
"runs through",
"throws away",
"near antonyms":[
"a short section (as of a book) that leads to or explains the main part":{
"in his exordium the author warns his readers that they should expect a radically different interpretation of the causes of the war"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to cause a pleasurable stimulation of the feelings":{
"the exhilarating feeling of flying that hang gliding offers"
"pumps up",
"turns on"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to fill with great joy":{
"the climactic moment of commencement ceremonies usually exhilarates graduates and proud parents alike"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to draw out by force or with effort":{
"extracted a splinter from my hand"
"rooting (out)",
"tearing (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"taking (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"to remove from place of burial":{
"the remains of John Paul Jones were exhumed in Paris and transported with great ceremony to the U.S. Naval Academy"
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[],
"to destroy all traces of":{
"time and the weather have expunged any evidence that a thriving community once existed here"
"blacked out",
"blotted out",
"cleaned (up)",
"rooted (out)",
"rubbed out",
"snuffed (out)",
"stamped (out)",
"swept (away)",
"wiped out"
"near synonyms":[
"mowed (down)",
"tore down",
"blew up",
"killed off",
"threw out"
"near antonyms":[
"to pass (waste matter) from the body or from an organ in the body":{
"excrete sweat",
"The kidneys excrete toxins."
"near synonyms":[
"giving out",
"sending (out)",
"throwing out",
"near antonyms":[
"soaking (up)",
"sucking (up)",
"taking up"
"the representation of something in terms that go beyond the facts":{
"their exaggeration was such that a rainstorm became a hurricane"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a gregarious and unreserved person":{
"a natural extrovert , he mixes well in any social situation"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"shrinking violet",
"no longer existing":{
"a wildlife organization dedicated to ensuring that the giant panda not be added to the list of expired species"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to come to an end":{
"speakers will not be allowed to continue after their allotted time has expired"
"broke off",
"broke up",
"left off",
"let up",
"winked (out)",
"wound up",
"winded up"
"near synonyms":[
"desisted (from)",
"laid off (of)",
"refrained (from)",
"gave over",
"knocked off",
"packed (up or in)",
"broke down",
"conked (out)",
"cut out",
"petered (out)",
"wound down",
"winded down"
"near antonyms":[
"drew out",
"hung on",
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"he vows to hold on to that belief until he expires his last breath"
"blew (out)",
"breathed (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to stop living":{
"made one last visit to his homeland and expired not long afterwards"
"checked out",
"conked (out)",
"kicked in",
"kicked off",
"passed away",
"passed (on)",
"pegged out",
"popped off",
"stepped out",
"near synonyms":[
"dried up",
"near antonyms":[
"came to",
"to throw or give off":{
"linden trees expiring their rich perfume"
"gave out",
"sent (out)",
"threw out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soaked (up)",
"sucked (up)",
"took up"
"as in retailer , distributor":{
"near synonyms":[
"black marketer",
"black marketeer",
"horse trader",
"near antonyms":[
"end user",
"an interchangeable part or piece of equipment that is kept on hand for replacement of an original":{
"that portable player runs through batteries incredibly fast, so I always keep plenty of extras on hand"
"near synonyms":[
"carbon copies",
"near antonyms":[
"something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary":{
"the motel is clean and comfortable, but there are no extras"
"near synonyms":[
"bells and whistles",
"near antonyms":[],
"something given in addition to what is ordinarily expected or owed":{
"as an extra , the dealer filled the tank of my new car"
"gravy trains",
"near synonyms":[
"fringe benefits",
"near antonyms":[],
"a person who gets money from another by using force or threats":{
"extortioners threatened to beat up the shop owner if he didn't pay the bribe"
"near synonyms":[
"button man",
"near antonyms":[],
"the forced removal from a homeland":{
"the exile of French settlers from Nova Scotia resulted in the birth of the Cajun community in the U.S."
"near synonyms":[
"ethnic cleansings",
"near antonyms":[
"a person forced to emigrate for political reasons":{
"after being overthrown in a coup, the dictator spent the remainder of his life as an exile in a string of less-than-welcoming countries"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to force to leave a country":{
"with their conquest of the Moors complete, Ferdinand and Isabella next exiled the Jews from Spain"
"near synonyms":[
"casts out",
"kicks out",
"runs out",
"throws out",
"near antonyms":[
"takes in",
"as in condemnation , denunciation":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a statement that makes something clear":{
"any explication of Einstein's theory of relativity probably wouldn't help me much"
"road map"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts":{
"small children can exasperate their parents with endless questions about why this or that is so"
"burn (up)",
"hack (off)",
"put out",
"near synonyms":[
"freak (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"being in accordance with the prescribed, normal, or logical course of events":{
"the children did their chores, but not without the expected whining"
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[
"to believe in the future occurrence of (something)":{
"we expect their arrival late this afternoon"
"hoped (for)",
"watched (for)"
"near synonyms":[
"banked on",
"counted (on or upon)",
"depended (on or upon)",
"relied (on or upon)",
"waited (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"to utter with a sudden burst of strong feeling":{
"the whole team exclaimed with one voice, \"We won!\""
"blurting (out)",
"crying (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a gregarious and unreserved person":{
"a natural extrovert , he mixes well in any social situation"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"shrinking violets",
"something strange or unusual that is an object of interest":{
"the botanical garden boasts an array of horticultural exotics from around the world"
"objets d'art",
"near synonyms":[
"found objects",
"objets trouv\u00e9s",
"rara avises",
"rarae aves",
"rare birds",
"near antonyms":[],
"to be greater, better, or stronger than":{
"the special effects in this new sci-fi extravaganza excel any that we've seen previously"
"towering (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"prevailing (over)",
"triumphing (over)",
"winning (against)",
"near antonyms":[
"losing (to)"
"to make plain or understandable":{
"a pamphlet that explains the medical procedure in language that any layperson can understand"
"clears (up)",
"gets across",
"spells out",
"near synonyms":[
"breaks down",
"near antonyms":[
"to give the reason for or cause of":{
"can you explain your very odd behavior at the wedding reception?"
"accounts (for)",
"explains away",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in digressively , tangentially":{
"near synonyms":[
"en passant",
"near antonyms":[],
"a quality that gives something special worth":{
"the particular excellence of down in clothing and sleeping bags is its lightness"
"cardinal virtues",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"explain away":{
"to give the reason for or cause of":{
"after the surprise attack, military leaders struggled to explain away the nation's unpreparedness"
"account (for)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make (something) seem less bad by offering excuses":{
"tried to explain away his adulterous affairs by saying that men are promiscuous by nature"
"gloss (over)",
"gloze (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"account (for)",
"play down",
"near antonyms":[],
"to drive or force out":{
"animal lover though I am, I was determined to expel the uninvited mouse from my room"
"boot (out)",
"cast out",
"drum (out)",
"kick out",
"run off",
"throw out",
"turf (out)",
"turn out"
"near synonyms":[
"read out",
"shut out",
"muster out",
"near antonyms":[
"take in",
"to throw or give off":{
"something in a wastebasket was expelling a foul odor"
"give out",
"send (out)",
"throw out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soak (up)",
"suck (up)",
"take up"
"to violently throw out or off (something from within)":{
"ringing and flashing madly, the slot machine expelled a bucketful of quarters"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"bottle (up)",
"shut (in or up)"
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"asked the patient to expel a deep breath"
"blow (out)",
"breathe (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"given to spending money freely or foolishly":{
"the billionaire's son is the typically extravagant playboy who hasn't earned any of what he spends"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount":{
"the book doesn't quite merit the extravagant praise that it has received"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"commanding a large price":{
"wooed her with an array of extravagant gifts"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)":{
"in a true democracy, a person can freely express his or her views"
"near synonyms":[
"write up",
"sound off",
"speak out",
"speak up",
"chime in",
"put across",
"put over",
"near antonyms":[
"to apply external pressure on so as to force out the juice or contents of":{
"except as a fun event at festivals, nowadays people do not make wine by expressing grapes with their feet"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to communicate or convey (as an idea) to the mind":{
"an upraised thumb is now universally recognized as a gesture expressing approval or encouragement"
"near synonyms":[
"add up (to)",
"amount (to)",
"allude (to)",
"refer (to)",
"touch (on or upon)",
"point (to)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to convey in appropriate or telling terms":{
"could you express your opinion of the book in words a little more precise than \"lousy\"?"
"near synonyms":[
"write up"
"near antonyms":[],
"to represent in visible form":{
"towering spires express in glass and steel the optimism of the age"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"of a particular or exact sort":{
"a trip to the supermarket with the express purpose of buying milk"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"so clearly expressed as to leave no doubt about the meaning":{
"students are not allowed to leave the grounds during school hours unless they have express permission from the principal's office"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"one that carries a message or does an errand":{
"the solicitors employ an express to deliver their summonses"
"near synonyms":[
"letter carrier",
"mail carrier",
"near antonyms":[],
"having being at the present time":{
"existing breeds of the turkey that graces our Thanksgiving table are said to bear little resemblance to the gamy birds that the Pilgrims enjoyed"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to have life":{
"strive to have a full, rich life rather than merely exist"
"near synonyms":[
"holding on",
"holding up",
"keeping (on)",
"running on",
"near antonyms":[
"dying (down)",
"letting up",
"passing away",
"to make longer":{
"our guests from out of town extended their visit by a week"
"drags (out)",
"draws out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"cuts back",
"to put before another for acceptance or consideration":{
"the couple extended an invitation to join them for a get-together at their house after the concert"
"trots out"
"near synonyms":[
"holds out",
"gives in",
"near antonyms":[
"turns down",
"to arrange the parts of (something) over a wider area":{
"you can extend that chaise longue so that it lies completely flat"
"fans (out)",
"flares (out)",
"spreads (out)",
"stretches (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to be positioned along a certain course or in a certain direction":{
"our backyard extends all the way to that brook"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to make greater in size, amount, or number":{
"embarked on a series of wars intended to extend his empire"
"adds (to)",
"builds up",
"pumps up",
"near synonyms":[
"bumps (up)",
"ratchets (up)",
"rachets (up)",
"blows up",
"draws out",
"fleshes (out)",
"beefs (up)",
"follows up",
"near antonyms":[
"cuts back",
"subtracts (from)"
"to alter (something) for the worse with the addition of foreign or lower-grade substances":{
"the company extends its ice cream with thickeners and other additives"
"waters down",
"near synonyms":[
"tampers (with)",
"near antonyms":[
"as in reparations , atonements":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"something added (as by growth)":{
"the museum's new wing is only the first in a series of expansions planned for the next decade"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act or process of going from the simple or basic to the complex or advanced":{
"the expansion of remedial reading classes into a district-wide program using school volunteers for a variety of needs"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a wide space or area":{
"we gazed in awe at the star-strewn expansion of nighttime sky above us"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to get (as money) by the use of force or threats":{
"a school bully who was used to extorting lunch money from weaker kids"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"for nothing other than":{
"his best paintings are the ones that he did exclusively for the sheer pleasure they gave him"
"near synonyms":[
"by and large",
"near antonyms":[
"to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)":{
"in a true democracy, a person can freely express his or her views"
"near synonyms":[
"writes up",
"sounds off",
"speaks out",
"speaks up",
"chimes in",
"puts across",
"puts over",
"near antonyms":[
"to apply external pressure on so as to force out the juice or contents of":{
"except as a fun event at festivals, nowadays people do not make wine by expressing grapes with their feet"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to communicate or convey (as an idea) to the mind":{
"an upraised thumb is now universally recognized as a gesture expressing approval or encouragement"
"near synonyms":[
"adds up (to)",
"amounts (to)",
"alludes (to)",
"refers (to)",
"touches (on or upon)",
"points (to)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to convey in appropriate or telling terms":{
"could you express your opinion of the book in words a little more precise than \"lousy\"?"
"near synonyms":[
"writes up"
"near antonyms":[],
"to represent in visible form":{
"towering spires express in glass and steel the optimism of the age"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"one that carries a message or does an errand":{
"the solicitors employ an express to deliver their summonses"
"near synonyms":[
"letter carriers",
"mail carriers",
"near antonyms":[],
"to go beyond the limit of":{
"by resorting to corporal punishment, the teacher had clearly exceeded his authority"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to be greater, better, or stronger than":{
"her knowledge of French wines exceeds that of anyone else I know"
"towers (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"prevails (over)",
"triumphs (over)",
"wins (against)",
"near antonyms":[
"loses (to)"
"to cast (a natural bodily covering or appendage) aside":{
"a soap that promises to help me exfoliate all that dry, flaky skin I've apparently been carrying around"
"near synonyms":[
"fling (off or away)",
"shuck (off)",
"throw away",
"throw out",
"near antonyms":[],
"to put a series of questions to":{
"the defense attorney was eager to examine her star witness"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to look over closely (as for judging quality or condition)":{
"the customer painstakingly examined the antique piece of furniture from top to bottom before purchasing it"
"checked (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"pored (over)",
"delved (into)",
"picked over",
"near antonyms":[
"to search through or into":{
"a groundbreaking study that examined the causes of juvenile delinquency"
"delved (into)",
"dug (into)",
"inquired (into)",
"looked (into)",
"near synonyms":[
"skimmed (through)",
"thumbed (through)",
"near antonyms":[],
"the forced removal from a homeland":{
"the exile of French settlers from Nova Scotia resulted in the birth of the Cajun community in the U.S."
"near synonyms":[
"ethnic cleansing",
"near antonyms":[
"a person forced to emigrate for political reasons":{
"after being overthrown in a coup, the dictator spent the remainder of his life as an exile in a string of less-than-welcoming countries"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to force to leave a country":{
"with their conquest of the Moors complete, Ferdinand and Isabella next exiled the Jews from Spain"
"near synonyms":[
"cast out",
"kick out",
"run out",
"throw out",
"near antonyms":[
"take in",
"being out of the ordinary":{
"the sort of chef extraordinaire who can whip up a fantastic meal, regardless of the ingredients on hand"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"belonging only to the one person, unit, or group named":{
"residents of the apartment complex have exclusive use of the pool"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"not divided or scattered among several areas of interest or concern":{
"during interviews she always gives the job applicant her exclusive attention"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"appealing to affluent consumers":{
"a section of the city where the exclusive boutiques and fashionable restaurants are concentrated"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"being in the latest or current fashion":{
"an exclusive designer gown of the sort that shows up on red carpets"
"\u00e0 la mode",
"a la mode",
"au courant",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to represent in visible form":{
"an actress with an expressive face that wonderfully externalizes a wide range of emotions"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and information":{
"we can extrapolate from past economic recessions the probable course of the current one"
"makes out",
"near synonyms":[
"dopes (out)",
"finds out"
"near antonyms":[],
"to free from a charge of wrongdoing":{
"the results of the DNA fingerprinting finally exonerated the man, but only after he had wasted 10 years of his life in prison"
"near synonyms":[
"atones (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"done or created to find something or to learn more about something":{
"exploratory drilling for oil"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in tumbler":{
"near synonyms":[
"trapeze artist",
"near antonyms":[],
"to create or think of by clever use of the imagination":{
"she's a master at excogitating reasons not to do her assigned work"
"cooking (up)",
"drumming up",
"making up",
"thinking (up)",
"trumping up",
"vamping (up)"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to drive or force out":{
"the sort of person who is determined to extrude every last gob of toothpaste from the tube"
"booting (out)",
"casting out",
"drumming (out)",
"kicking out",
"running off",
"throwing out",
"turfing (out)",
"turning out"
"near synonyms":[
"reading out",
"shutting out",
"mustering out",
"near antonyms":[
"taking in",
"exchange (for)":{
"as in deal (for) , trade (for)":{
"near synonyms":[
"barter (for)",
"deal (for)",
"dicker (over)",
"haggle (for)",
"negotiate (about)",
"trade (for)",
"pay (for)",
"spring (for)",
"bargain (with)",
"chaffer (with)",
"horse-trade (with)",
"palter (with)",
"pick up",
"near antonyms":[
"deal (in)",
"exulting (in)":{
"as in delighting , glorying (in)":{
"near synonyms":[
"glorying (in)",
"rejoicing (in)",
"near antonyms":[
"grieving (for)",
"wailing (for)",
"crying (for)",
"as in fading , sinking":{
"near synonyms":[
"passing away",
"passed away",
"near antonyms":[
"as in expiration , end":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to come to an end":{
"speakers will not be allowed to continue after their allotted time has expired"
"breaking off",
"breaking up",
"leaving off",
"letting up",
"winding up",
"winking (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"desisting (from)",
"laying off (of)",
"refraining (from)",
"giving over",
"knocking off",
"packing (up or in)",
"breaking down",
"conking (out)",
"cutting out",
"petering (out)",
"winding down"
"near antonyms":[
"drawing out",
"hanging on",
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"he vows to hold on to that belief until he expires his last breath"
"blowing (out)",
"breathing (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to stop living":{
"made one last visit to his homeland and expired not long afterwards"
"checking out",
"conking (out)",
"kicking in",
"kicking off",
"passing away",
"passing (on)",
"pegging out",
"popping off",
"stepping out",
"near synonyms":[
"drying up",
"near antonyms":[
"coming to",
"to throw or give off":{
"linden trees expiring their rich perfume"
"giving out",
"sending (out)",
"throwing out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soaking (up)",
"sucking (up)",
"taking up"
"as in eagerly , impatiently":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a procedure or operation carried out to resolve an uncertainty":{
"people who oppose experimentations involving animals for the testing of cosmetics intended for humans"
"near synonyms":[
"trial and error",
"dry run",
"near antonyms":[],
"to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)":{
"a rambling interview in which the celebrated author expounds his views on an array of topics"
"near synonyms":[
"wrote up",
"sounded off",
"spoke out",
"spoke up",
"chimed in",
"put across",
"put over",
"near antonyms":[
"to make plain or understandable":{
"at the start of the trial the judge expounded the legal difference between libel and slander to the jury"
"cleared (up)",
"got across",
"spelled out",
"near synonyms":[
"broke down",
"near antonyms":[
"as in impressionistic , impressionist":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to take unfair advantage of":{
"the type of person who exploits a friend's good nature by constantly sponging off of him"
"capitalize (on)",
"cash in (on)",
"impose (on or upon)",
"play (on or upon)",
"near synonyms":[
"jerk around",
"near antonyms":[],
"to control or take advantage of by artful, unfair, or insidious means":{
"a politician more than willing to exploit any national tragedy for political gain"
"play (upon)"
"near synonyms":[
"take in",
"near antonyms":[],
"to put into action or service":{
"it will be a shame if you don't exploit your artistic talent to the fullest"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an act of notable skill, strength, or cleverness":{
"the fanciful exploits of the giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan"
"tour de force",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"something done by someone":{
"once famed as an actor, John Wilkes Booth is now remembered for a single exploit , his assassination of Lincoln"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthand":{
"a memoir recounting three decades of exploits as a roving foreign correspondent for TV news"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in mythomaniacs":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"square shooters"
"to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)":{
"a rambling interview in which the celebrated author expounds his views on an array of topics"
"near synonyms":[
"writes up",
"sounds off",
"speaks out",
"speaks up",
"chimes in",
"puts across",
"puts over",
"near antonyms":[
"to make plain or understandable":{
"at the start of the trial the judge expounded the legal difference between libel and slander to the jury"
"clears (up)",
"gets across",
"spells out",
"near synonyms":[
"breaks down",
"near antonyms":[
"being in a state of increased activity or agitation":{
"excited trading on the stock exchange followed in the wake of the favorable economic report"
"near synonyms":[
"het up",
"near antonyms":[
"showing urgent desire or interest":{
"everyone was excited about the upcoming family vacation at the ski resort"
"gung ho",
"hepped up",
"near synonyms":[
"hung up",
"near antonyms":[
"to cause a pleasurable stimulation of the feelings":{
"for some reason the first snowfall of the season never fails to excite us"
"pumped up",
"turned on"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to rouse to strong feeling or action":{
"televised pictures of the victims of the famine that would excite any viewer to pity"
"fired (up)",
"revved (up)",
"near synonyms":[
"keyed (up)",
"pumped up",
"set off",
"whipped (up)",
"near antonyms":[
"the act or state of looking forward to some occurrence":{
"in expectation of a harsh winter, we budgeted more money than usual for the cost of heating our home"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in concretely":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"by and large",
"as in even , perfectly":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to hollow out or form (something) by removing earth":{
"workmen are excavating a long tunnel that will eventually replace the aboveground expressway"
"near synonyms":[
"digging in",
"near antonyms":[
"filling (in)",
"smoothing (out or over)"
"a state of great suffering of body or mind":{
"had never experienced such excruciation as when he contracted shingles"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in show-off":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"shrinking violet",
"extend (out)":{
"as in project , stick out":{
"near synonyms":[
"stick out",
"near antonyms":[],
"an abnormal mass of tissue":{
"fortunately, the excrescency could be removed with surgery"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"something that spoils the appearance or completeness of a thing":{
"some feel that the planned skyscraper would be an excrescency on the city's low-rise skyline"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to come to an end":{
"speakers will not be allowed to continue after their allotted time has expired"
"breaks off",
"breaks up",
"leaves off",
"lets up",
"winds up",
"winks (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"desists (from)",
"lays off (of)",
"refrains (from)",
"gives over",
"knocks off",
"packs (up or in)",
"breaks down",
"conks (out)",
"cuts out",
"peters (out)",
"winds down"
"near antonyms":[
"draws out",
"hangs on",
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"he vows to hold on to that belief until he expires his last breath"
"blows (out)",
"breathes (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to stop living":{
"made one last visit to his homeland and expired not long afterwards"
"checks out",
"conks (out)",
"kicks in",
"kicks off",
"passes away",
"passes (on)",
"pegs out",
"pops off",
"steps out",
"near synonyms":[
"dries up",
"near antonyms":[
"comes to",
"to throw or give off":{
"linden trees expiring their rich perfume"
"gives out",
"sends (out)",
"throws out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soaks (up)",
"sucks (up)",
"takes up"
"the act or state of looking forward to some occurrence":{
"that feeling of optimistic expectancy that fills theatergoers as they wait for the curtain to rise"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in unearthing , disinterment":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to hollow out or form (something) by removing earth":{
"workmen are excavating a long tunnel that will eventually replace the aboveground expressway"
"near synonyms":[
"dig in",
"near antonyms":[
"fill (in)",
"smooth (out or over)"
"as in despised , loathed":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to declare to be morally wrong or evil":{
"leaders from around the world execrated the terrorists responsible for the bomb blast"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to dislike strongly":{
"execrates without apology anyone who would physically abuse children or animals"
"near synonyms":[
"disapproved (of)",
"near antonyms":[
"approved (of)",
"to put a series of questions to":{
"the defense attorney was eager to examine her star witness"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to look over closely (as for judging quality or condition)":{
"the customer painstakingly examined the antique piece of furniture from top to bottom before purchasing it"
"check (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"pore (over)",
"delve (into)",
"pick over",
"near antonyms":[
"to search through or into":{
"a groundbreaking study that examined the causes of juvenile delinquency"
"delve (into)",
"dig (into)",
"inquire (into)",
"look (into)",
"near synonyms":[
"skim (through)",
"thumb (through)",
"near antonyms":[],
"a sudden short emotional utterance":{
"the good news was greeted with a chorus of joyous exclamations"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"serving to explain":{
"the writer's descriptions are objectively expositive and entirely without editorialization"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a public showing of objects of interest":{
"many of the bigger expos won't fit into the city's relatively small civic center"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to get rid of as useless or unwanted":{
"please exorcise that offensive word from your vocabulary"
"cast (off)",
"fling (off or away)",
"lay by",
"shuck (off)",
"slough (off)",
"sluff (off)",
"throw away",
"throw out",
"near synonyms":[
"kick out",
"root (out)",
"stamp (out)",
"wipe out"
"near antonyms":[
"take on",
"hold back",
"to cause a pleasurable stimulation of the feelings":{
"for some reason the first snowfall of the season never fails to excite us"
"pumps up",
"turns on"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to rouse to strong feeling or action":{
"televised pictures of the victims of the famine that would excite any viewer to pity"
"fires (up)",
"revs (up)",
"near synonyms":[
"keys (up)",
"pumps up",
"sets off",
"whips (up)",
"near antonyms":[
"something that is performed, made, or done without preparation":{
"a guitar extemporization"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in extraordinariness , exceptionalness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to hollow out or form (something) by removing earth":{
"workmen are excavating a long tunnel that will eventually replace the aboveground expressway"
"near synonyms":[
"digs in",
"near antonyms":[
"fills (in)",
"smooths (out or over)",
"smoothes (out or over)"
"to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual right":{
"dissidents were shot, and their lands expropriated under his regime"
"take over",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to end the occupancy or possession of":{
"the state will have to expropriate scores of homeowners in order to build the new road"
"near synonyms":[
"take over",
"near antonyms":[],
"to take ownership or control of (something) by right of one's authority":{
"plans by the city to expropriate entire blocks of houses in order to bulldoze them for expansion of the airport"
"near synonyms":[
"take over"
"near antonyms":[
"give up",
"hand over",
"turn over",
"as in expelled , evicted":{
"near synonyms":[
"cast out",
"kicked out",
"ran out",
"threw out",
"near antonyms":[
"took in",
"a person forced to emigrate for political reasons":{
"while in exile, the deposed king was accompanied by a small band of loyal expatriates"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to force to leave a country":{
"members of the deposed dictator's once-feared political party were expatriated as well"
"near synonyms":[
"cast out",
"kick out",
"run out",
"throw out",
"near antonyms":[
"take in",
"as in immigrant":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"containing unborn young within the body":{
"the special nutritional needs of expecting women"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to believe in the future occurrence of (something)":{
"we expect their arrival late this afternoon"
"hoping (for)",
"watching (for)"
"near synonyms":[
"banking on",
"counting (on or upon)",
"depending (on or upon)",
"relying (on or upon)",
"waiting (for)",
"near antonyms":[
"as in deportations , expulsions":{
"near synonyms":[
"ethnic cleansings",
"near antonyms":[
"joyously unrestrained":{
"exuberant crowds rushed to greet the returning national champions in collegiate basketball"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to make plain or understandable":{
"a pamphlet that explains the medical procedure in language that any layperson can understand"
"clear (up)",
"get across",
"spell out",
"near synonyms":[
"break down",
"near antonyms":[
"to give the reason for or cause of":{
"can you explain your very odd behavior at the wedding reception?"
"account (for)",
"explain away",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a person who stirs up public feelings especially of discontent":{
"many of the exciters of the so-called \"tax revolt\" were actually campaign workers for one of the gubernatorial candidates"
"near synonyms":[
"agents provocateurs"
"near antonyms":[
"as in expression":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in inexhaustible":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a part taken from a longer work":{
"he'll read an excerpt from the novel at the book signing"
"near synonyms":[
"sound bite",
"locus classicus",
"purple passage",
"near antonyms":[],
"a set of questions or problems designed to assess knowledge, skills, or intelligence":{
"the exam will cover everything we have studied this term"
"near synonyms":[
"aptitude tests",
"intelligence tests",
"placement tests",
"near antonyms":[],
"exclusive of":{
"not including":{
"all food and beverages are included in the price, exclusive of any alcoholic drinks ordered from the bar"
"apart from",
"aside from",
"except for",
"other than",
"outside of",
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[],
"extended families":{
"those who live as a family in one house":{
"their extended family includes a grandmother and widowed aunt"
"near synonyms":[
"nuclear families",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in senselessly , pointlessly":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to bring to bear especially forcefully or effectively":{
"a senator who consistently exercises his clout in Congress to get pork barrel projects for his state"
"put out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to do over and over so as to become skilled":{
"the only way to exercise your writing skills is to do more writing"
"ran over",
"near synonyms":[
"pointed (for)",
"prepared (for)",
"trained (with)",
"worked (at or on)",
"wrought (at or on)",
"near antonyms":[],
"to put into action or service":{
"commended the firefighters for exercising really good judgment in that emergency"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy":{
"the slightest change in travel plans is enough to get him all exercised"
"freaked (out)",
"weirded out",
"near synonyms":[
"put off",
"put out",
"shook up",
"near antonyms":[
"the act or an instance of exploding":{
"the explosion of the first atomic bomb at Hiroshima"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a sudden intense expression of strong feeling":{
"the explosion of patriotic feeling that the country experienced after that momentous event"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an outburst or display of excited anger":{
"the tennis player's expletive-enriched explosions on the court tested the patience of officials"
"hissy fits",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a procedure or operation carried out to resolve an uncertainty":{
"people who oppose experimentations involving animals for the testing of cosmetics intended for humans"
"near synonyms":[
"trial and errors",
"dry runs",
"near antonyms":[],
"the quality or state of not having anything to do with the matter at hand":{
"the extraneousness of the commentators' remarks became more pronounced as the broadcast dragged on"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"one of a group or collection that shows what the whole is like":{
"the village's Congregational church could serve as an exemplar of the white clapboard church with a steeple that is a fixture in old New England towns"
"near synonyms":[
"locus classicus",
"cross section",
"near antonyms":[],
"someone of such unequaled perfection as to deserve imitation":{
"few of history's heroes were quite the exemplars that generations of schoolteachers made them out to be"
"beau ideal",
"patron saint"
"near synonyms":[
"role model",
"near antonyms":[],
"the most perfect type or example":{
"the paintings of the French painter Claude Monet are often regarded as exemplars of Impressionism"
"beau ideal",
"near synonyms":[
"last word",
"near antonyms":[],
"having considerable extent":{
"as the river nears the end of its long journey to the sea it becomes quite expansive in breadth"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in spit":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in expel , exhale":{
"near synonyms":[
"blow (out)",
"breathe (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"extending (out)":{
"as in projecting , sticking out":{
"near synonyms":[
"sticking out",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in terribly , horribly":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"all right",
"to make up for (an offense)":{
"Yom Kippur is the holy day on which Jews are expected to expiate sins committed during the past year"
"atone (for)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"knowledge gained by actually doing or living through something":{
"the hospital is looking for nurses with operating-room experience"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthand":{
"related in a book his experiences as a roving correspondent for network TV news"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to come to a knowledge of (something) by living through it":{
"eventually we all have to experience the loss of a loved one"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"freedom from punishment, harm, or loss":{
"those motorists who think that they can flout the town's parking regulations with exemption"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act of raising someone or something in importance":{
"He criticized our society's exaltation of wealth."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a strong sense of well-being, power, or importance":{
"Until that moment, I'd never experienced anything like the exaltation of winning the championship."
"near synonyms":[
"cloud nine",
"seventh heaven",
"near antonyms":[
"to be greater, better, or stronger than":{
"the special effects in this new sci-fi extravaganza excel any that we've seen previously"
"towers (over)",
"near synonyms":[
"prevails (over)",
"triumphs (over)",
"wins (against)",
"near antonyms":[
"loses (to)"
"as in shells , cocoons":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"serving to explain":{
"a new edition of Shakespeare with an abundance of exegetical commentary for the modern reader"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to destroy all traces of":{
"time and the weather have expunged any evidence that a thriving community once existed here"
"blacking out",
"blotting out",
"cleaning (up)",
"rooting (out)",
"rubbing out",
"snuffing (out)",
"stamping (out)",
"sweeping (away)",
"wiping out"
"near synonyms":[
"mowing (down)",
"tearing down",
"blowing up",
"killing off",
"throwing out"
"near antonyms":[
"to remove from place of burial":{
"the remains of John Paul Jones were exhumed in Paris and transported with great ceremony to the U.S. Naval Academy"
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[],
"to express more fully and in greater detail":{
"an article on the First Ladies that the author later expanded into a book"
"dilates (on or upon)",
"elaborates (on)",
"enlarges (on or upon)",
"fleshes (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"adds (to)",
"runs on"
"near antonyms":[
"sums up"
"to make greater in size, amount, or number":{
"we had to expand the list of wedding guests several times in order to accommodate all the relatives Mother wouldn't dream of excluding"
"adds (to)",
"builds up",
"pumps up",
"near synonyms":[
"bumps (up)",
"ratchets (up)",
"rachets (up)",
"blows up",
"draws out",
"fleshes (out)",
"beefs (up)",
"follows up",
"near antonyms":[
"cuts back",
"subtracts (from)"
"to arrange the parts of (something) over a wider area":{
"a spare leaf for those times when we have to expand the dining table to accommodate extra guests"
"fans (out)",
"flares (out)",
"spreads (out)",
"stretches (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number":{
"water expands when it becomes frozen"
"builds up",
"rolls up",
"near synonyms":[
"blows up",
"puffs (up)",
"near antonyms":[],
"the unlawful taking or withholding of something from the rightful owner under a guise of authority":{
"the development of the colony involved expropriation of large tracts of fertile farmland from the natives"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a statement that strongly urges someone to do or avoid doing something":{
"Despite her parents' exhortations to spend responsibly, she blew most of her savings on an expensive sports car."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to declare to be morally wrong or evil":{
"leaders from around the world execrated the terrorists responsible for the bomb blast"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to dislike strongly":{
"execrates without apology anyone who would physically abuse children or animals"
"near synonyms":[
"disapproves (of)",
"near antonyms":[
"approves (of)",
"solid matter discharged from an animal's alimentary canal":{
"an ordinance that requires dog walkers to remove their animal's excrement from city streets"
"near synonyms":[
"night soil",
"near antonyms":[],
"beyond a normal or acceptable limit":{
"the exorbitantly priced concert tickets had us wondering if we were personally footing the bill for the band's private jet"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to flow forth slowly through small openings":{
"a sticky resin exudes from the bark of the tree"
"near synonyms":[
"gave off",
"near antonyms":[
"made or done without previous thought or preparation":{
"caught red-handed, the would-be embezzler proceeded to give some extemporary and not very convincing explanations for her actions"
"ad hoc",
"down and dirty",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a person who gets money from another by using force or threats":{
"extortioners threatened to beat up the shop owner if he didn't pay the bribe"
"near synonyms":[
"button men",
"near antonyms":[],
"to drive or force out":{
"animal lover though I am, I was determined to expel the uninvited mouse from my room"
"booted (out)",
"cast out",
"drummed (out)",
"kicked out",
"ran off",
"threw out",
"turfed (out)",
"turned out"
"near synonyms":[
"read out",
"shut out",
"mustered out",
"near antonyms":[
"took in",
"to throw or give off":{
"something in a wastebasket was expelling a foul odor"
"gave out",
"sent (out)",
"threw out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soaked (up)",
"sucked (up)",
"took up"
"to violently throw out or off (something from within)":{
"ringing and flashing madly, the slot machine expelled a bucketful of quarters"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"bottled (up)",
"shut (in or up)"
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"asked the patient to expel a deep breath"
"blew (out)",
"breathed (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in ballooned , blown up":{
"near synonyms":[
"blown up",
"near antonyms":[
"to express more fully and in greater detail":{
"an article on the First Ladies that the author later expanded into a book"
"dilated (on or upon)",
"elaborated (on)",
"enlarged (on or upon)",
"fleshed (out)"
"near synonyms":[
"added (to)",
"ran on"
"near antonyms":[
"summed up"
"to make greater in size, amount, or number":{
"we had to expand the list of wedding guests several times in order to accommodate all the relatives Mother wouldn't dream of excluding"
"added (to)",
"built up",
"pumped up",
"near synonyms":[
"bumped (up)",
"ratcheted (up)",
"racheted (up)",
"blew up",
"drew out",
"fleshed (out)",
"beefed (up)",
"followed up",
"near antonyms":[
"cut back",
"subtracted (from)"
"to arrange the parts of (something) over a wider area":{
"a spare leaf for those times when we have to expand the dining table to accommodate extra guests"
"fanned (out)",
"flared (out)",
"spread (out)",
"stretched (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number":{
"water expands when it becomes frozen"
"built up",
"rolled up",
"near synonyms":[
"blew up",
"puffed (up)",
"near antonyms":[],
"suitability for bringing about a desired result under the circumstances":{
"the proven expedience of the carrot over the stick in getting the most out of people"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to destroy all traces of":{
"the triumph of modern medicine in extirpating certain diseases"
"blacking out",
"blotting out",
"cleaning (up)",
"rooting (out)",
"rubbing out",
"snuffing (out)",
"stamping (out)",
"sweeping (away)",
"wiping out"
"near synonyms":[
"mowing (down)",
"tearing down",
"blowing up",
"killing off",
"throwing out"
"near antonyms":[
"an act, process, or means of putting something into words":{
"the poem is his expression of his grief upon the loss of his beloved wife"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"facial appearance regarded as an indication of mood or feeling":{
"we could tell by the fans' expressions that the Chicago Cubs had lost again"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a pronounceable series of letters having a distinct meaning especially in a particular field":{
"the expression \"John Doe\" is used in legal proceedings to refer to a person whose actual name is either unknown or being withheld from the public"
"near synonyms":[
"linguistic forms",
"speech forms",
"near antonyms":[],
"a sequence of words having a specific meaning":{
"the popular expression \"raining cats and dogs\" is meaningless in other languages"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a person who actively supports or favors a cause":{
"exponents of space exploration earnestly called for more missions to the outer reaches of the solar system"
"high priests",
"true believers",
"white knights"
"near synonyms":[
"fellow travelers"
"near antonyms":[
"one who brings an art or science to full realization":{
"has long reigned as the nation's leading exponent of modern dance"
"high priests",
"near synonyms":[
"grand old men",
"near antonyms":[],
"to take unfair advantage of":{
"the type of person who exploits a friend's good nature by constantly sponging off of him"
"capitalized (on)",
"cashed in (on)",
"imposed (on or upon)",
"played (on or upon)",
"near synonyms":[
"jerked around",
"near antonyms":[],
"to control or take advantage of by artful, unfair, or insidious means":{
"a politician more than willing to exploit any national tragedy for political gain"
"played (upon)"
"near synonyms":[
"took in",
"near antonyms":[],
"to put into action or service":{
"it will be a shame if you don't exploit your artistic talent to the fullest"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"one of a group or collection that shows what the whole is like":{
"a futile war that is now regarded as the exemplification of national na\u00efvet\u00e9 and arrogance"
"near synonyms":[
"locus classicus",
"cross section",
"near antonyms":[],
"something added (as by growth)":{
"the museum's new wing is only the first in a series of expansions planned for the next decade"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act or process of going from the simple or basic to the complex or advanced":{
"the expansion of remedial reading classes into a district-wide program using school volunteers for a variety of needs"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a wide space or area":{
"we gazed in awe at the star-strewn expansion of nighttime sky above us"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a person who executes people who have been sentenced to death":{
"was sentenced to face the executioner"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts":{
"small children can exasperate their parents with endless questions about why this or that is so"
"burns (up)",
"hacks (off)",
"puts out",
"near synonyms":[
"freaks (out)",
"near antonyms":[
"ex officio":{
"as in authoritative , canonical":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to set free from entanglement or difficulty":{
"you've woven such a web of lies that it's hard to see how you can extricate yourself now"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"not being a vital part of or belonging to something":{
"the fact that the ring belonged to your grandmother is extrinsic to its value to a jeweler"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to let or force out of the lungs":{
"before answering, the suspect exhaled a cloud of cigarette smoke"
"blow (out)",
"breathe (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to throw or give off":{
"the lilacs were exhaling a sweet fragrance that virtually filled the room"
"give out",
"send (out)",
"throw out",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"soak (up)",
"suck (up)",
"take up"