2022-07-10 04:31:07 +00:00

2495 lines
49 KiB

"as in brougham , cabriolet":{
"near antonyms":[],
"a large collection of people, animals, or things often placed close together":{
"A solid phalanx of armed guards stood in front of the castle.",
"She had to go through a phalanx of television cameras."
"near synonyms":[
"task forces",
"near antonyms":[
"as in kaleidoscope , trove":{
"near synonyms":[
"mixed bag",
"treasure trove",
"near antonyms":[
"as in surreal , hallucinatory":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality":{
"a constant daydreamer who started to believe his own fantasies"
"pipe dream",
"near synonyms":[
"ignis fatuus",
"near antonyms":[
"the ability to form mental images of things that either are not physically present or have never been conceived or created by others":{
"the painter gave free rein to his fantasy to create pictures that capture the kind of reality we experience only in our dreams"
"near synonyms":[
"mind's eye",
"pipe dream",
"near antonyms":[
"something that is the product of the imagination":{
"we were coming to the conclusion that the person Karen \"saw\" in the woods was another one of her fantasies"
"near synonyms":[
"fairy tale",
"near antonyms":[
"to form a mental picture of":{
"She regularly fantasies exciting adventures."
"conjure (up)",
"near synonyms":[
"make up",
"near antonyms":[],
"phase out":{
"as in turn off":{
"near synonyms":[
"turn off",
"close (down)",
"close out",
"near antonyms":[
"as in mop-up":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"phased down":{
"to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually":{
"tourism along the coast phases down after Labor Day"
"died (away or down or out)",
"drained (away)",
"dropped (off)",
"fell away",
"let up",
"ratcheted (down)",
"racheted (down)",
"tapered off",
"near synonyms":[
"faded (away)",
"frittered (away)",
"gave out",
"melted (away)",
"petered (out)",
"tailed (off)",
"slowed (down)",
"caved (in)",
"near antonyms":[
"showed up",
"blew up",
"picked up",
"phased out":{
"as in turned off":{
"near synonyms":[
"turned off",
"closed (down)",
"closed out",
"near antonyms":[
"phases down":{
"to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually":{
"tourism along the coast phases down after Labor Day"
"dies (away or down or out)",
"drains (away)",
"drops (off)",
"falls away",
"lets up",
"ratchets (down)",
"rachets (down)",
"tapers off",
"near synonyms":[
"fades (away)",
"fritters (away)",
"gives out",
"melts (away)",
"peters (out)",
"tails (off)",
"slows (down)",
"caves (in)",
"near antonyms":[
"shows up",
"blows up",
"picks up",
"of the very best kind":{
"fans agree that the rapper's latest CD is totally phat"
"number one",
"No. 1",
"numero uno",
"par excellence",
"peachy keen",
"near synonyms":[
"all right",
"near antonyms":[
"not real and existing only in the imagination":{
"phantasmal fears that have prevented her from living a normal life"
"near antonyms":[
"a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality":{
"a constant daydreamer who started to believe his own fantasies"
"pipe dreams",
"near synonyms":[
"ignes fatui",
"near antonyms":[
"something that is the product of the imagination":{
"we were coming to the conclusion that the person Karen \"saw\" in the woods was another one of her fantasies"
"near synonyms":[
"fairy tales",
"near antonyms":[
"to form a mental picture of":{
"She regularly fantasies exciting adventures."
"conjures (up)",
"near synonyms":[
"makes up",
"near antonyms":[],
"phasing down":{
"to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually":{
"tourism along the coast phases down after Labor Day"
"draining (away)",
"dropping (off)",
"dying (away or down or out)",
"falling away",
"letting up",
"ratcheting (down)",
"racheting (down)",
"tapering off",
"near synonyms":[
"fading (away)",
"frittering (away)",
"giving out",
"melting (away)",
"petering (out)",
"tailing (off)",
"slowing (down)",
"caving (in)",
"near antonyms":[
"showing up",
"blowing up",
"picking up",
"phase down":{
"to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually":{
"tourism along the coast phases down after Labor Day"
"die (away or down or out)",
"drain (away)",
"drop (off)",
"fall away",
"let up",
"ratchet (down)",
"rachet (down)",
"taper off",
"near synonyms":[
"fade (away)",
"fritter (away)",
"give out",
"melt (away)",
"peter (out)",
"tail (off)",
"slow (down)",
"cave (in)",
"near antonyms":[
"show up",
"blow up",
"pick up",
"as in mop-ups":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a substance or preparation used to treat disease":{
"some pharmaceuticals can be quite risky unless taken correctly"
"near synonyms":[
"patent medicines",
"prescription drugs",
"miracle drugs",
"wonder drugs",
"near antonyms":[],
"a certain way in which something appears or may be regarded":{
"the moral phase of the problem has yet to be considered"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an individual part of a process, series, or ranking":{
"in the final phase of production"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in register , regulate":{
"near synonyms":[
"fiddle (with)",
"near antonyms":[
"a substance or preparation used to treat disease":{
"some pharmaceuticals can be quite risky unless taken correctly"
"near synonyms":[
"patent medicine",
"prescription drug",
"miracle drug",
"wonder drug",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-righteous , sanctimonious":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"not real and existing only in the imagination":{
"had spent a restless night during which he was visited by a series of phantasmic figures"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the soul of a dead person thought of especially as appearing to living people":{
"Halloween is supposed to be a time when phantoms return to walk among us"
"familiar spirits",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"phases out":{
"as in turns off":{
"near synonyms":[
"turns off",
"closes (down)",
"closes out",
"near antonyms":[
"as in turn off":{
"near synonyms":[
"turn off",
"close (down)",
"close out",
"near antonyms":[
"as in mop-up":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a large collection of people, animals, or things often placed close together":{
"A solid phalanx of armed guards stood in front of the castle.",
"She had to go through a phalanx of television cameras."
"near synonyms":[
"task force",
"near antonyms":[
"unusually large":{
"the building of the Hoover Dam was a construction project of pharaonic proportions"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"little bitty",
"as in kaleidoscopes , troves":{
"near synonyms":[
"mixed bags",
"treasure troves",
"near antonyms":[
"as in surreal , hallucinatory":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in broughams , cabriolets":{
"near synonyms":[
"hansom cabs",
"jaunting cars",
"post chaises",
"near antonyms":[],
"phasing out":{
"as in turning off":{
"near synonyms":[
"turning off",
"closing (down)",
"closing out",
"near antonyms":[
"a person who uses power or authority in a cruel, unjust, or harmful way":{
"like some pharaoh of a third-world country, more interested in building monuments to himself than in creating a future for his people"
"near synonyms":[
"Big Brothers",
"near antonyms":[],