2022-07-10 04:31:07 +00:00

2464 lines
50 KiB

"in a pleasing way":{
"her violin teacher has been favorably impressed with her progress"
"near antonyms":[
"in an approving manner":{
"most critics reviewed the movie favorably"
"near antonyms":[
"granted special treatment or attention":{
"that teacher claims not to have any favorite students, although many in the class would disagree"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"singled out from a number or group as more to one's liking":{
"mint chocolate chip is my favorite flavor of ice cream"
"near synonyms":[
"picked over",
"weeded (out)",
"winnowed (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"enjoying widespread favor or approval":{
"a radio station that mostly plays favorite songs from the 1960s and 1970s"
"du jour",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a person or thing that is preferred over others":{
"the youngest child was always Mother's favorite"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"b\u00eate noire",
"an act of kind assistance":{
"a good and generous friend who is always doing favors for others"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a feeling of great approval and liking":{
"entertainers often learn that the favor of the public can be fickle indeed"
"near synonyms":[
"hero worships",
"near antonyms":[
"an acceptance of something as satisfactory":{
"over the years that kind of movie fell out of favor with the mass audience"
"near synonyms":[
"rubber stamps",
"near antonyms":[
"positive regard for something":{
"was willing to do just about anything to keep the boss's favor"
"love affairs",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to do a service or favor for":{
"although she was at the party as a guest, the singer favored us with a song"
"near synonyms":[
"cares (for)",
"ministers (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"lets down",
"holds back",
"to have a favorable opinion of":{
"if this measure will reduce our property taxes, then I favor it"
"approves (of)",
"cares (for)",
"subscribes (to)"
"near synonyms":[
"backs (up)",
"concurs (in)",
"stands by",
"assents (to)",
"consents (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"dissents (from)",
"objects (to)",
"disapproves (of)",
"frowns (on or upon)"
"to show partiality toward":{
"older moviegoers tend to favor films that have certain extras\u2014like a plot and developed characters"
"cares (for)",
"leans (toward or towards)",
"near synonyms":[
"cottons (to)",
"delights (in)",
"grooves (on)",
"revels (in)",
"singles (out)",
"hankers (for or after)",
"wishes (for)",
"inclines (toward)",
"tends (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"turns down",
"throws away",
"throws out"
"to furnish freely or naturally with some power, quality, or attribute":{
"favored with good looks"
"near synonyms":[
"bestows (on or upon)",
"confers (on)",
"near antonyms":[
"to do a service or favor for":{
"although she was at the party as a guest, the singer favored us with a song"
"near synonyms":[
"caring (for)",
"ministering (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"letting down",
"holding back",
"to have a favorable opinion of":{
"if this measure will reduce our property taxes, then I favor it"
"approving (of)",
"caring (for)",
"subscribing (to)"
"near synonyms":[
"backing (up)",
"concurring (in)",
"standing by",
"assenting (to)",
"consenting (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"dissenting (from)",
"objecting (to)",
"disapproving (of)",
"frowning (on or upon)"
"to show partiality toward":{
"older moviegoers tend to favor films that have certain extras\u2014like a plot and developed characters"
"caring (for)",
"leaning (toward or towards)",
"near synonyms":[
"cottoning (to)",
"delighting (in)",
"grooving (on)",
"reveling (in)",
"revelling (in)",
"singling (out)",
"hankering (for or after)",
"wishing (for)",
"inclining (toward)",
"tending (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"turning down",
"throwing away",
"throwing out"
"to furnish freely or naturally with some power, quality, or attribute":{
"favored with good looks"
"near synonyms":[
"bestowing (on or upon)",
"conferring (on)",
"near antonyms":[
"a person or thing that is preferred over others":{
"chocolate ice cream is my absolute fave"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"b\u00eates noires",
"a person or thing that is preferred over others":{
"chocolate ice cream is my absolute fave"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"b\u00eates noires",
"an act of kind assistance":{
"a good and generous friend who is always doing favors for others"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a feeling of great approval and liking":{
"entertainers often learn that the favor of the public can be fickle indeed"
"near synonyms":[
"hero worship",
"near antonyms":[
"an acceptance of something as satisfactory":{
"over the years that kind of movie fell out of favor with the mass audience"
"near synonyms":[
"rubber stamp",
"near antonyms":[
"an attitude that always favors one way of feeling or acting especially without considering any other possibilities":{
"although his own son is on the hockey team that he coaches, Mr. Watkins conscientiously avoids any show of favor"
"parti pris",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"positive regard for something":{
"was willing to do just about anything to keep the boss's favor"
"love affair",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the state of enjoying widespread approval":{
"after that rock band fell out of favor \u2014almost overnight\u2014the stores couldn't give their CDs away"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to do a service or favor for":{
"although she was at the party as a guest, the singer favored us with a song"
"near synonyms":[
"care (for)",
"minister (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"let down",
"hold back",
"to have a favorable opinion of":{
"if this measure will reduce our property taxes, then I favor it"
"approve (of)",
"care (for)",
"subscribe (to)"
"near synonyms":[
"back (up)",
"concur (in)",
"stand by",
"assent (to)",
"consent (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"dissent (from)",
"object (to)",
"disapprove (of)",
"frown (on or upon)"
"to show partiality toward":{
"older moviegoers tend to favor films that have certain extras\u2014like a plot and developed characters"
"care (for)",
"lean (toward or towards)",
"near synonyms":[
"cotton (to)",
"delight (in)",
"groove (on)",
"revel (in)",
"single (out)",
"hanker (for or after)",
"wish (for)",
"incline (toward)",
"tend (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"turn down",
"throw away",
"throw out"
"to furnish freely or naturally with some power, quality, or attribute":{
"favored with good looks"
"near synonyms":[
"bestow (on or upon)",
"confer (on)",
"near antonyms":[
"expressing approval":{
"favorable reviews for the movie were few"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"pointing toward a happy outcome":{
"favorable economic conditions for opening a new business"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"promoting or contributing to personal or social well-being":{
"moved to a region with a milder climate in the hope that it would be more favorable to his health"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in jungles , shantytowns":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the unfair practice of treating some people better than others":{
"The favoritism of the boss led to many disgruntled employees.",
"He accused the teacher of showing favoritism in assigning grades."
"near synonyms":[
"parti pris",
"near antonyms":[
"favorite sons":{
"as in crown princes":{
"near synonyms":[
"crown princes",
"dark horses",
"stalking horses",
"running mates",
"near antonyms":[
"favorite son":{
"as in crown prince":{
"near synonyms":[
"crown prince",
"dark horse",
"stalking horse",
"running mate",
"near antonyms":[
"granted special treatment or attention":{
"the youngest child was also the most favored \u2014much to the envy of his siblings"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"singled out from a number or group as more to one's liking":{
"for a favored few, the restaurant always has a table available, no matter how busy it is"
"near synonyms":[
"picked over",
"weeded (out)",
"winnowed (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"to do a service or favor for":{
"although she was at the party as a guest, the singer favored us with a song"
"near synonyms":[
"cared (for)",
"ministered (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"let down",
"held back",
"to have a favorable opinion of":{
"if this measure will reduce our property taxes, then I favor it"
"approved (of)",
"cared (for)",
"subscribed (to)"
"near synonyms":[
"backed (up)",
"concurred (in)",
"stood by",
"assented (to)",
"consented (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"dissented (from)",
"objected (to)",
"disapproved (of)",
"frowned (on or upon)"
"to show partiality toward":{
"older moviegoers tend to favor films that have certain extras\u2014like a plot and developed characters"
"cared (for)",
"leaned (toward or towards)",
"near synonyms":[
"cottoned (to)",
"delighted (in)",
"grooved (on)",
"reveled (in)",
"revelled (in)",
"singled (out)",
"hankered (for or after)",
"wished (for)",
"inclined (toward)",
"tended (to)",
"near antonyms":[
"turned down",
"threw away",
"threw out"
"to furnish freely or naturally with some power, quality, or attribute":{
"favored with good looks"
"near synonyms":[
"bestowed (on or upon)",
"conferred (on)",
"near antonyms":[
"as in jungle , shantytown":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],