{ "ahung":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a Chinese mosque official":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02c8\u00e4-\u02cchu\u0307\u014b" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "Chinese a 4 -hong 4 , from Persian \u0101kh\u016bn theologian, preacher":"" }, "first_known_use":{ "1885, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-231249" }, "ahungered":{ "type":[ "adjective" ], "definitions":{ ": made hungry : very hungry":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u0259-\u02c8h\u0259\u014b-g\u0259rd" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "Middle English ahungred, anhungred , from a- entry 1 , an- + hungred hungered":"" }, "first_known_use":{ "15th century, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-034355" }, "ahunt":{ "type":[ "adjective" ], "definitions":{ ": hunting":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u0259-\u02c8h\u0259nt" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "a- entry 1 + hunt , verb":"" }, "first_known_use":{ "1875, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-035304" }, "ahum":{ "type":[ "adjective" ], "definitions":{ ": humming":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u0259-\u02c8h\u0259m" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "a- entry 1 + hum , verb":"" }, "first_known_use":{ "1807, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-102830" }, "ahull":{ "type":[ "adverb" ], "definitions":{ ": with sails furled and helm lashed alee":[ "\u2014 used in the phrase lie ahull" ] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u0259-\u02c8h\u0259l" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "a- entry 1 + hull":"" }, "first_known_use":{ "1578, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-173954" }, "Ahura Mazda":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": the Supreme Being represented as a deity of goodness and light in Zoroastrianism":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u0259-\u02cchu\u0307r-\u0259-\u02c8maz-d\u0259", "\u00e4-\u02cchu\u0307r-" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "Avestan Ahuramazda , literally, wise god":"" }, "first_known_use":{ "1850, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-181957" }, "ahuula":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a feather cloak or cape made of minute red or yellow bird feathers occasionally trimmed with black or green and formerly worn in Hawaii by high chiefs and kings":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02cc\u00e4-h\u0259-\u02c8\u00fc-l\u0259", "\u02cc\u00e4-\u02cch\u00fc-\u02c8\u00fc-" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "Hawaiian, from 'ahu garment + 'ula red, regal":"" }, "first_known_use":{ "1885, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-232843" } }