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position or will in an election":{ "examples":[ "in the United States, women were granted the vote by the 19th Amendment in 1920" ], "synonyms":[ "ballot", "enfranchisement", "franchise", "suffrage" ], "near synonyms":[ "say", "say-so", "voice" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "disenfranchisement" ] }, "a piece of paper indicating a person's preferences in an election":{ "examples":[ "dropped her vote into the ballot box" ], "synonyms":[ "ballot" ], "near synonyms":[ "aye", "ay", "yea", "nay", "no", "non placet", "blackball", "referendum", "ticket", "absentee ballot", "Australian ballot", "secret ballot", "short ballot", "write-in" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "the right to express a wish, choice, or opinion":{ "examples":[ "he argued for a vote in the matter, since he was going to be affected by the final decision" ], "synonyms":[ "say", "say-so", "voice" ], "near synonyms":[ "part", "role", "r\u00f4le", "share", "ballot", "enfranchisement", "franchise", "suffrage", "belief", "conviction", "judgment", "judgement", "opinion", "sentiment", "view" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to set before the mind for consideration":{ "examples":[ "I vote we quit working and go out for lunch" ], "synonyms":[ "advance", "bounce", "offer", "pose", "proffer", "propose", "propound", "suggest" ], "near synonyms":[ "move", "nominate", "recommend", "present", "submit", "tender", "trot out", "file", "lay", "lodge", "arrange", "calculate", "chart", "contrive", "cover", "frame", "map", "plan", "plot", "shape" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "voted":{ "to set before the mind for consideration":{ "examples":[ "I vote we quit working and go out for lunch" ], "synonyms":[ "advanced", "bounced", "offered", "posed", "proffered", "proposed", "propounded", "suggested" ], "related":[ "moved", "nominated", "recommended", "presented", "submitted", "tendered", "trotted out", "filed", "laid", "lodged", "arranged", "calculated", "charted", "contrived", "covered", "framed", "mapped", "planned", "plotted", "shaped" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "vote (in)":{ "as in choose , elect":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "choose", "destine", "draft", "elect", "handpick", "select", "single (out)", "crown", "enthrone", "throne", "anoint", "consecrate", "create", "inaugurate", "induct", "install", "instate", "institute", "invest", "make", "ordain", "authorize", "delegate", "depute", "deputize", "appoint", "assign", "attach", "commission", "constitute", "designate", "detail", "name", "nominate", "place" ], "near antonyms":[ "discharge", "dismiss", "expel", "fire", "blackball", "depose", "dethrone", "displace", "eject", "evict", "oust", "overthrow", "remove", "throw out", "uncrown", "unmake", "unseat" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "voter":{ "a person who votes or who has the legal right to vote":{ "examples":[ "minority voters", "Less than 10 percent of (the) voters favor the 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