{ "toadied":{ "to use flattery or the doing of favors in order to win approval especially from a superior":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "a satirical novel about an amoral go-getter who toadies his way to the top of the corporate ladder" ], "near antonyms":[ "despised", "disdained", "scorned", "gibed", "jibed", "jeered", "scoffed", "braved", "challenged", "defied" ], "related":[ "drooled", "gushed", "slavered", "slobbered", "endeared", "ingratiated", "courted", "wooed", "adulated", "idolized", "worshipped", "worshiped", "blandished", "cajoled", "coaxed", "flattered", "overpraised", "soft-soaped", "cowered", "cringed", "groveled", "grovelled", "abased", "debased", "demeaned", "deferred", "submitted", "yielded" ], "synonyms":[ "apple-polished", "bootlicked", "fawned", "fussed", "kowtowed", "sucked (up)", "truckled" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "toadying":{ "as in obsequious , fawning":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "fawning", "genuflecting", "groveling", "grovelling", 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"roasting", "burning", "charring", "firing", "parching", "scalding", "scorching", "searing" ], "near antonyms":[ "freezing", "frosting", "icing", "supercooling" ], "antonyms":[ "chilling", "cooling", "refrigerating" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "toad":{ "a person whose behavior is offensive to others":{ "examples":[ "that miserable toad is lucky to have even a single friend" ], "synonyms":[ "bastard", "beast", "bleeder", "blighter", "boor", "bounder", "bugger", "buzzard", "cad", "chuff", "churl", "clown", "creep", "cretin", "crud", "crumb", "cur", "dirtbag", "dog", "fink", "heel", "hound", "jerk", "joker", "louse", "lout", "pill", "rat", "rat fink", "reptile", "rotter", "schmuck", "scum", "scumbag", "scuzzball", "skunk", "sleaze", "sleazebag", "sleazeball", "slime", "slimeball", "slob", "snake", "so-and-so", "sod", "stinkard", "stinker", "swine", "varmint", "vermin" ], "near synonyms":[ "barbarian", "brute", "caveman", "Neanderthal", "savage", "loudmouth", "vulgarian", "lowlife", "miscreant", "rascal", "rogue", "roughneck", "scab", "scamp", "scoundrel", "villain", "wretch", "booby", "doofus", "fool", "jackass", "nincompoop", "ninny", "nit", "nitwit", "nut", "schmo", "schmoe", "airhead", "birdbrain", "blockhead", "dink", "dolt", "dope", "dork", "goon", "half-wit", "idiot", "imbecile", "moron", "turkey", "brat", "insolent", "nuisance", "pest", "snip", "snob", "snoot", "snot", "dweeb", "nerd" ], "near antonyms":[ "hero", "heroine", "idol", "role model", "gentleman", "lady", "angel", "saint" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "toasters":{ "as in ovens , stoves":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "broilers", "fryers", "friers", "microwave ovens", "microwaves", "ovens", "roasters", "rotisseries", "stoves", "toaster ovens", "cookers", "cookstoves", "ranges" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }