{ "syrup":{ "the state or quality of having an excess of tender feelings (as of love, nostalgia, or compassion)":{ "examples":[ "a television show for toddlers that is nothing more than pure syrup" ], "synonyms":[ "bathos", "gooeyness", "lovey-doveyness", "mawkishness", "mush", "mushiness", "saccharinity", "sappiness", "sentimentalism", "sentimentality", "sloppiness", "soppiness" ], "near synonyms":[ "emotion", "sentiment", "corn", "corniness", "hokeyness", "hokiness", "schmaltz", "schmalz" ], "near antonyms":[ "cynicism", "hardheadedness", "hard-heartedness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "syringes":{ "a slender hollow instrument by which material is put into or taken from the body through the skin":{ "examples":[ "the syringe the nurse was leveling at my arm looked to me to be at least 10 inches long" ], "synonyms":[ "hypes", "hypodermic needles", "hypodermics", "hypodermic syringes", "needles" ], "near synonyms":[], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }