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"antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sends packing":{ "to let go from office, service, or employment":{ "examples":[ "After he missed work three times in one week they sent the new guy packing ." ], "synonyms":[ "axes", "bounces", "cans", "cashiers", "discharges", "dismisses", "fires", "musters out", "pink-slips", "releases", "removes", "retires", "sacks", "terminates", "turns off" ], "near synonyms":[ "downsizes", "excesses", "furloughs", "lays off", "trims", "boots (out)", "chucks (out)", "drums (out)", "kicks out", "throws out", "unseats", "separates" ], "near antonyms":[ "keeps", "reemploys", "rehires", "contracts", "subcontracts", "recruits" ], "antonyms":[ "employs", "engages", "hires", "retains", "signs (up or on)", "takes on" ] }, "to drive or force out":{ "examples":[ "The exterminator showed up and sent the termites packing ." ], "synonyms":[ "banishes", "boots (out)", "bounces", "casts out", "chases", "dismisses", "drums (out)", "ejects", "expels", "extrudes", "kicks out", 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