{ "sarcasms":{ "an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelings":{ "examples":[ "I know you're not happy, but there's no need to resort to petty sarcasms to make your point" ], "synonyms":[ "affronts", "barbs", "brickbats", "cuts", "darts", "digs", "dises", "disses", "epithets", "girds", "indignities", "insults", "names", "offenses", "offences", "outrages", "personalities", "pokes", "put-downs", "slaps", "slights", "slurs" ], "near synonyms":[ "catcalls", "gibes", "jibes", "jeers", "mocks", "quips", "sneers", "taunts", "abuses", "invectives", "vituperations", "disapprovals", "opprobriums", "disgraces", "dishonors", "shames", "attacks", "criticisms", "knocks", "slams", "swipes", "torments", "tortures" ], "near antonyms":[ "accolades", "commendations", "compliments", "acclaim", "applauses", "praises", "adulations", "flatteries" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sarapes":{ "as in wraps , shawls":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "shawls", "stoles", "wraps", "capes", "capotes", "cloaks", "frocks", "manteaus", "mantles", "burnooses", "burnouses", "capelets", "capuchins", "cowls", "dominoes", "dominos", "josephs", "mantas", "mantelets", "mantillas", "palatines", "pelerines", "pelisses", "ponchos", "roquelaures", "tippets" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sarcasm":{ "an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelings":{ "examples":[ "I know you're not happy, but there's no need to resort to petty sarcasms to make your point" ], "synonyms":[ "affront", "barb", "brickbat", "cut", "dart", "dig", "dis", "diss", "epithet", "gird", "indignity", "insult", "name", "offense", "offence", "outrage", "personality", "poke", "put-down", "slap", "slight", "slur" ], "near synonyms":[ "catcall", "gibe", "jibe", "jeer", "mock", "quip", "sneer", "taunt", "abuse", "invective", "vituperation", "disapproval", "opprobrium", "disgrace", "dishonor", "shame", "attack", "criticism", "knock", "slam", "swipe", "torment", "torture" ], "near antonyms":[ "accolade", "commendation", "compliment", "acclaim", "applause", "praise", "adulation", "flattery" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }