{ "orating":{ "to give a formal often extended talk on a subject":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "the respected anthropologist is expected to orate about her latest research findings before a packed auditorium" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "reciting", "soliloquizing", "disserting", "expounding", "pontificating", "sermonizing", "mouthing", "spouting", "filibustering" ], "synonyms":[ "declaiming", "descanting", "discoursing", "expatiating", "haranguing", "lecturing", "speaking", "talking" ] }, "to talk as if giving an important and formal speech":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "given the opportunity, many politicians will orate at considerable length on just about any subject" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "ranting", "raving", "bloviating", "blowing", "lecturing", "preaching", "sermonizing", "advertising", "announcing", "broadcasting", "declaring", "proclaiming", "pronouncing", "speaking", "speechifying", "talking" ], "synonyms":[ "declaiming", "discoursing", "haranguing", "mouthing (off)", "perorating" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "oratory":{ "the art of speaking in public eloquently and effectively":{ "examples":[ "a presidential hopeful with a gift for oratory and a highly charismatic personality" ], "synonyms":[ "elocution", "public speaking" ], "near synonyms":[ "bombast", "grandiloquence", "eloquence", "rhetoric", "discourse", "speech", "talk" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "language that is impressive-sounding but not meaningful or sincere":{ "examples":[ "the politician's oratory sounded good only to people who didn't bother to think" ], "synonyms":[ "bombast", "fustian", "gas", "grandiloquence", "hot air", "rhetoric", "verbiage", "wind" ], "near synonyms":[ "claptrap", "drivel", "gibberish", "hogwash", "humbug", "jabberwocky", "jazz", "moonshine", "nonsense", "affectedness", "floweriness", "grandiosity", "loftiness", "pomposity", "pretension", "pretentiousness", "garrulity", "garrulousness", "verboseness", "verbosity", "windiness", "wordiness" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "oral":{ "expressed or communicated by voice":{ "examples":[ "a baby's crying is usually interpreted as an oral expression of distress" ], "synonyms":[ "spoken", "uttered", "vocal", "voiced" ], "near synonyms":[ "articulated", "enunciated", "pronounced", "sonant", "breathed", "chirped", "drawled", "gasped", "intoned", "mouthed", "mumbled", "murmured", "muttered", "purred", "shouted", "spluttered", "sputtered", "squeaked", "whispered" ], "near antonyms":[ "inarticulate", "mute", "quiet", "silent", "unexpressed", "unsaid", "unspoken", "unuttered", "unvoiced", "surd", "voiceless" ], "antonyms":[ "nonvocal" ] }, "made or carried on through speaking rather than in writing":{ "examples":[ "lawyers for the plaintiff will be presenting oral arguments before the Supreme Court next week" ], "synonyms":[ "nuncupative", "spoken", "unwritten", "verbal", "viva voce", "word-of-mouth" ], "near synonyms":[ "consensual", 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"stark", "straightforward", "unadorned", "unaffected", "unpretentious" ], "antonyms":[ "unrhetorical" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "orations":{ "a usually formal discourse delivered to an audience":{ "examples":[ "the celebrated orations of Daniel Webster in unwavering support of the federal union" ], "synonyms":[ "addresses", "declamations", "harangues", "perorations", "speeches", "talks" ], "near synonyms":[ "diatribes", "rants", "tirades", "eulogies", "panegyrics", "tributes", "keynote addresses", "keynote speeches", "lectures", "salutatories", "homilies", "sermons", "monologues", "monologs", "soliloquies", "pitches", "presentations", "spiels" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "orated":{ "to talk as if giving an important and formal speech":{ "examples":[ "given the opportunity, many politicians will orate at considerable length on just about any subject" ], "synonyms":[ "declaimed", "discoursed", "harangued", "mouthed (off)", "perorated" ], "near 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"spellbinder", "declaimer", "spouter", "spieler" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "orate":{ "to talk as if giving an important and formal speech":{ "examples":[ "given the opportunity, many politicians will orate at considerable length on just about any subject" ], "synonyms":[ "declaim", "discourse", "harangue", "mouth (off)", "perorate" ], "near synonyms":[ "rant", "rave", "bloviate", "blow", "lecture", "preach", "sermonize", "advertise", "announce", "broadcast", "declare", "proclaim", "pronounce", "speak", "speechify", "talk" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to give a formal often extended talk on a subject":{ "examples":[ "the respected anthropologist is expected to orate about her latest research findings before a packed auditorium" ], "synonyms":[ "declaim", "descant", "discourse", "expatiate", "harangue", "lecture", "speak", "talk" ], "near synonyms":[ "recite", "soliloquize", "dissert", "expound", "pontificate", "sermonize", "mouth", "spout", 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