{ "lugubrious":{ "causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer":{ "antonyms":[ "bright", "cheerful", "cheering", "cheery", "comforting", "cordial", "festive", "friendly", "gay", "heartwarming", "sunshiny" ], "examples":[ "the diner's dim lighting makes eating there a particularly lugubrious experience" ], "near antonyms":[ "blithe", "blithesome", "buoyant", "gay", "jocund", "jolly", "joyful", "joyous", "merry", "mirthful", "encouraging", "hopeful", "optimistic", "lighthearted", "lightsome" ], "related":[ "blue", "dejected", "depressed", "despondent", "down", "droopy", "hangdog", "inconsolable", "low", "melancholic", "melancholy", "mirthless", "sad", "unhappy", "woebegone", "woeful", "dim", "discomfiting", "discouraging", "disheartening", "dismaying", "dispiriting", "distressful", "distressing", "upsetting", "desperate", "hopeless", "pessimistic", "lamentable", "mournful", "plaintive", "sorrowful", "colorless", "drab", "dull", "dour", "grim", "lowering", "louring", "lowery", 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"drew", "haled", "hauled", "pulled", "towed", "tugged" ], "near synonyms":[ "attracted", "heaved", "hove", "jerked", "yanked", "carried", "conveyed", "ferried", "moved", "transported" ], "near antonyms":[ "shoved", "thrust" ], "antonyms":[ "drove", "propelled", "pushed" ] }, "to support and take from one place to another":{ "examples":[ "I don't understand why he's always lugging all of his books around when his locker is right over there" ], "synonyms":[ "bore", "carried", "carted", "conveyed", "ferried", "hauled", "packed", "toted", "transported" ], "near synonyms":[ "delivered", "handed over", "transferred", "forwarded", "sent", "shipped", "transmitted", "brought", "fetched", "took", "moved", "removed", "shifted" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "luggage":{ "the bags and suitcases that a person carries when traveling":{ "examples":[ "Passengers are limited to two items of carry-on luggage ." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "baggage", "bags", 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