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"hoof (it)", "hotfoot (it)", "hump", "hurl", "hurry", "hurtle", "hustle", "jet", "leg (it)", "pelt", "race", "ram", "rip", "rocket", "rush", "rustle", "shoot", "speed", "tear", "whirl", "whisk", "zip", "zoom", "nip", "patter", "scoot", "scurry", "scuttle", "step (along)" ], "near antonyms":[ "amble", "saunter", "shamble", "shuffle", "stroll", "crawl", "creep", "dally", "dawdle", "dillydally", "drag", "lag", "linger", "loiter", "poke", "tarry", "lumber", "plod", "trudge", "hobble", "limp" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to proceed or move quickly":{ "examples":[ "we dashed about in a panic, trying to get everything organized before the guests were scheduled to arrive" ], "synonyms":[ "barrel", "belt", "blast", "blaze", "blow", "bolt", "bomb", "bowl", "breeze", "bundle", "bustle", "buzz", "cannonball", "careen", "career", "chase", "course", "crack (on)", "drive", "fly", "hare", "hasten", "hie", "highball", "hotfoot (it)", "hump", "hurl", "hurry", "hurtle", "hustle", "jet", "jump", "motor", "nip", 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"pitch", "sling", "throw", "toss" ], "near synonyms":[ "bowl", "dart", "flip", "gun", "hook", "pass", "roll", "shoot", "buck", "eject", "impel", "precipitate", "project", "propel", "rifle", "thrust" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to wet or soil by striking with something liquid or mushy":{ "examples":[ "our clothes were dashed with the mud of passing cars" ], "synonyms":[ "bespatter", "plash", "spatter", "splash", "splatter" ], "near synonyms":[ "drench", "drown", "impregnate", "saturate", "soak", "sop", "souse", "steep", "bathe", "douse", "dowse", "wash", "water", "slop", "slush", "spray", "sprinkle", "squirt" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to cause (something liquid or mushy) to move along in sheets":{ "examples":[ "a sudden jolt dashed the hot coffee onto the driver's lap" ], "synonyms":[ "slop", "slosh", "spatter", "splash", "swash" ], "near synonyms":[ "dabble", "lap", "plash", "wash", "spray", "sprinkle", "spritz", "squirt" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] 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"synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "cobbles (together or up)", "concocts", "contrives", "cooks (up)", "devises", "fabricates", "hatches", "invents", "makes up", "manufactures", "thinks (up)", "ad-libs", "claps (together or up)", "extemporizes", "fakes", "improvises" ], "near antonyms":[ "arranges", "lays", "prepares", "readies", "considers", "contemplates", "ponders", "studies", "exercises", "practices", "practises", "rehearses" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "dashing (off)":{ "as in cobbling (together or up)":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "cobbling (together or up)", "concocting", "contriving", "cooking (up)", "devising", "fabricating", "hatching", "inventing", "making up", "manufacturing", "thinking (up)", "ad-libbing", "clapping (together or up)", "extemporizing", "faking", "improvising" ], "near antonyms":[ "arranging", "laying", "preparing", "readying", "considering", "contemplating", "pondering", "studying", "exercising", "practicing", "practising", 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