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"examples":[], "near antonyms":[], "related":[], "synonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "butcher":{ "someone who bungles an effort":{ "examples":[ "the newest intern on the campaign is a butcher when it comes to writing press releases" ], "synonyms":[ "blunderbuss", "blunderer", "botcher", "bumbler", "bungler", "fumbler", "screwup" ], "near synonyms":[ "incompetent", "muddler" ], "near antonyms":[ "ace", "adept", "crackerjack", "crackajack", "expert", "maestro", "master", "virtuoso", "wizard" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to kill on a large scale":{ "examples":[ "the barbarians butchered the monks in the monasteries without mercy" ], "synonyms":[ "massacre", "mow (down)", "slaughter" ], "near synonyms":[ "assassinate", "croak", "dispatch", "do in", "execute", "fell", "murder", "slay", "smite", "snuff", "annihilate", "blot out", "decimate", "demolish", "destroy", "devastate", "eradicate", "exterminate", "waste", "wipe out" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to make or do (something) in a 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"behind", "booty", "bootie", "bottom", "breech", "bum", "buns", "buttocks", "caboose", "can", "cheeks", "derriere", "derri\u00e8re", "duff", "fanny", "fundament", "hams", "haunches", "heinie", "hunkers", "keister", "keester", "nates", "posterior", "rear", "rear end", "rump", "seat", "tail", "tail end", "tush" ], "near synonyms":[ "beam", "stern", "moon" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a person or thing that is made fun of":{ "examples":[ "the social outcast got tired of being the butt of everyone's jokes" ], "synonyms":[ "derision", "jest", "joke", "laughingstock", "mark", "mock", "mockery", "sport", "target" ], "near synonyms":[ "chump", "dupe", "fall guy", "fool", "gull", "monkey", "pigeon", "sap", "sucker", "victim" ], "near antonyms":[ "darling", "favorite", "pet" ], "antonyms":[] }, "a person or thing that is the object of abuse, criticism, or ridicule":{ "examples":[ "usually the U.S. Congress is the butt of the radio commentator's scathing wit" ], "synonyms":[ "mark", "prey", "sitting duck", "target", "victim" ], "near synonyms":[ "laughingstock", "mockery", "pilgarlic", "lightning rod", "fall guy", "goat", "scapegoat", "whipping boy" ], "near antonyms":[ "gossip", "gossiper", "talebearer", "tattler", "tattletale", "troublemaker", "defamer", "libeler", "libelist", "traducer", "baiter", "heckler", "needler", "ribber", "taunter", "tease", "teaser", "tormentor", "tormenter", "torturer", "derider", "insulter", "mocker", "ridiculer", "scoffer", "scorner", "caricaturist", "lampooner", "parodist", "satirist" ], "antonyms":[] }, "an enclosed wooden vessel for holding beverages":{ "examples":[ "a butt of hard cider that we had pressed ourselves" ], "synonyms":[ "barrel", "cask", "firkin", "hogshead", "keg", "kilderkin", "pipe", "puncheon", "rundlet", "runlet", "tun" ], "near synonyms":[ "scuttlebutt", "cistern", "tub", "vat", "can", "drum" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "as in push , kick":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "bump", 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"ultraconservative", "unprogressive" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "buy":{ "something bought or offered for sale at a desirable price":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "four cartons of ice cream for four dollars is a real buy" ], "near antonyms":[ "gouging", "overcharge", "rip-off", "soaking", "markup", "surcharge", "extravagance", "luxury" ], "related":[ "clearance", "closeout", "markdown", "cheapie", "bonus", "freebie", "freebee", "gift", "giveaway", "premium", "present", "boon", "windfall" ], "synonyms":[ "bargain", "deal", "pennyworth", "snip", "steal" ] }, "to get possession of (something) by giving money in exchange for":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "I really want to buy that new book, but I don't have enough money right now" ], "near antonyms":[ "deal (in)", "market", "merchandise", "merchandize", "retail", "sell", "vend" ], "related":[ "acquire", "gain", "garner", "get", "obtain", "procure", "secure", "win", "finance", "pay (for)", "spring (for)", "barter (for)", "deal (for)", "dicker (over)", "exchange (for)", "haggle (for)", "negotiate (about)", "trade (for)", "bargain (with)", "chaffer (with)", "horse-trade (with)", "palter (with)", "bid", "offer", "rebuy", "repurchase" ], "synonyms":[ "cop", "pick up", "purchase", "take" ] }, "to influence someone with a bribe":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "there were rumors that the mobster had bought the judge" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "fix", "tamper (with)", "abase", "debase", "debauch", "defile", "degrade", "demean", "deprave", "dishonor", "pervert", "poison", "profane", "prostitute", "subvert", "taint", "warp", "allure", "bait", "beguile", "entice", "lead on", "lure", "seduce", "tempt", "motivate", "provoke", "spur", "stimulate", "goad", "induce", "flatter", "persuade", "snare", "trap" ], "synonyms":[ "bribe", "corrupt", "have", "pay off", "square" ] }, "to regard as right or true":{ "antonyms":[ "disbelieve", "discredit", "reject" ], "examples":[ "if you buy that story, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn 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"offering", "rebuying", "repurchasing" ], "near antonyms":[ "dealing (in)", "marketing", "merchandising", "merchandizing", "retailing", "selling", "vending" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to influence someone with a bribe":{ "examples":[ "there were rumors that the mobster had bought the judge" ], "synonyms":[ "bribing", "corrupting", "having", "paying off", "squaring" ], "near synonyms":[ "fixing", "tampering (with)", "abasing", "debasing", "debauching", "defiling", "degrading", "demeaning", "depraving", "dishonoring", "perverting", "poisoning", "profaning", "prostituting", "subverting", "tainting", "warping", "alluring", "baiting", "beguiling", "enticing", "leading on", "luring", "seducing", "tempting", "motivating", "provoking", "spurring", "stimulating", "goading", "inducing", "flattering", "persuading", "snaring", "trapping" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to regard as right or true":{ "examples":[ "if you buy that story, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in" 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"slobs", "snakes", "so-and-sos", "so-and-so's", "sods", "stinkards", "stinkers", "swine", "toads", "varmints", "vermin" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "burlesques":{ "a work that imitates and exaggerates another work for comic effect":{ "examples":[ "it is interesting to note that the first novel ever written in English was followed by a burlesque of it" ], "synonyms":[ "caricatures", "parodies", "put-ons", "ribs", "send-ups", "spoofs", "takeoffs", "travesties" ], "related":[ "lampoons", "mockeries", "satires", "comedies", "farces", "humors", "sketches", "slapsticks", "squibs", "distortions", "exaggerations", "imitations", "impersonations" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of":{ "examples":[ "burlesquing the teacher's nervous tic isn't very nice" ], "synonyms":[ "caricatures", "does", "imitates", "mimics", "mocks", "parodies", "sends up", "spoofs", "travesties" ], "related":[ "lampoons", "pasquinades", "satirizes", 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"glares" ], "near synonyms":[ "beams", "glows", "radiates", "flashes", "glances", "gleams", "glimmers", "glints", "glistens", "glisters", "glitters", "scintillates", "shimmers", "sparkles", "twinkles", "bedazzles", "blinds", "dazes", "dazzles" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to cause to believe what is untrue":{ "examples":[ "he's been burned before, so he's careful to double-check such claims now" ], "synonyms":[ "bamboozles", "beguiles", "bluffs", "buffaloes", "catches", "cons", "cozens", "deceives", "deludes", "dupes", "fakes out", "fools", "gaffs", "gammons", "gulls", "has", "has on", "hoaxes", "hoodwinks", "hornswoggles", "humbugs", "juggles", "misguides", "misinforms", "misleads", "snookers", "snows", "spoofs", "strings along", "suckers", "sucks in", "takes in", "tricks" ], "near synonyms":[ "kids", "puts on", "teases", "bleeds", "cheats", "chisels", "defrauds", "diddles", "euchres", "fleeces", "flimflams", "hustles", "mulcts", "rooks", "shortchanges", "skins", 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"enlarges", "increases", "bolsters", "enforces", "fortifies", "reinforces", "reenforces", "strengthens", "rebuilds", "repairs", "restores", "revives", "conserves", "preserves", "saves" ], "antonyms":[ "renews", "replaces" ] }, "a natural body of running water smaller than a river":{ "examples":[ "the walkers forded the shallow burn and then came upon a field of gorse" ], "synonyms":[ "becks", "bourns", "bournes", "brooklets", "brooks", "creeks", "gills", "rills", "rivulets", "runlets", "runnels", "runs", "streamlets" ], "near synonyms":[ "arroyos", "billabongs", "freshes", "freshets", "runoffs", "bayous", "coulees", "sloughs", "slews", "slues", "streams", "washes", "canals", "channels", "cutoffs", "cuts", "guts", "kills", "millraces", "millstreams", "races", "watercourses", "waterways", "affluents", "branches", "confluents", "distributaries", "influents", "tributaries" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "buster":{ "as in buddy":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "related":[], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "bureaucrat":{ "a worker in a government agency":{ "examples":[ "the bureaucrats at the town hall seem to think that we need a building permit to build a tree house" ], "synonyms":[ "civil servant", "functionary", "mandarin", "public servant" ], "related":[ "clerk", "officeholder", "official", "officiary", "employee", "employe", "hand", "hireling", "jobholder", "underling", "worker" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "burrow (into)":{ "as in excavate , gouge":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "related":[], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "buttressed":{ "to hold up or serve as a foundation for":{ "examples":[ "a brace buttressed the wall" ], "synonyms":[ "bolstered", "bore", "braced", "carried", "propped (up)", "shored (up)", "stayed", "supported", "sustained", "undergirded", "underpinned", "upheld" ], "near synonyms":[ "steadied", "trussed", "underlay" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to provide evidence or information for (as a claim or idea)":{ "examples":[ "a mass of circumstantial evidence buttresses the prosecutor's case" ], "synonyms":[ "backed", "bolstered", "corroborated", "reinforced", "reenforced", "shored (up)", "substantiated", "supported" ], "near synonyms":[ "confirmed", "established", "proved", "verified", "affirmed", "avouched", "validated" ], "near antonyms":[ "undercut", "undermined", "weakened" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "buff":{ "a person with a strong and habitual liking for something":{ "examples":[ "he's such a film buff that he owns over 3,000 movies" ], "synonyms":[ "addict", "aficionado", "afficionado", "bug", "devotee", "enthusiast", "fan", "fanatic", "fancier", "fiend", "fool", "freak", "habitu\u00e9", "habitue", "head", "hound", "junkie", "junky", "lover", "maniac", "maven", "mavin", "nut", "sucker" ], "near synonyms":[ "groupie", "admirer", "amateur", "collector", 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"monkeying (around)", "playing", "pottering (around)", "puttering (around)", "trifling" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "bump (up)":{ "as in maximize , ratchet (up)":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "maximize", "ratchet (up)", "rachet (up)", "accelerate", "add (to)", "aggrandize", "amplify", "augment", "boost", "build up", "compound", "enlarge", "escalate", "expand", "extend", "hype", "increase", "multiply", "pump up", "raise", "stoke", "supersize", "swell", "up", "blow up", "dilate", "distend", "inflate", "draw out", "elongate", "flesh (out)", "lengthen", "prolong", "protract", "stretch", "develop", "enhance", "heighten", "intensify", "magnify", "complement", "supplement", "beef (up)", "reinforce", "reenforce", "strengthen" ], "near antonyms":[ "minimize", "abate", "decrease", "de-escalate", "diminish", "downsize", "dwindle", "lessen", "lower", "minify", "reduce", "subtract (from)", "abbreviate", "abridge", "curtail", "shorten", "compress", "condense", "constrict", "contract", "cut back", "retrench" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "bullyboys":{ "a person who teases, threatens, or hurts smaller, weaker, or more vulnerable persons":{ "examples":[ "residents reported on some bullyboys who were causing problems at the park" ], "synonyms":[ "bullies", "hectors", "intimidators" ], "near synonyms":[ "antagonists", "enemies", "abusers", "baiters", "gibers", "jibers", "harassers", "harriers", "hecklers", "mockers", "needlers", "oppressors", "persecutors", "ridiculers", "taunters", "teasers", "teases", "torturers", "goons", "hoodlums", "hoods", "hooligans", "mugs", "punks", "roughnecks", "roughs", "rowdies", "ruffians", "thugs", "toughies", "toughs", "cutthroats", "felons", "gangsters", "gunmen", "mobsters", "racketeers" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "buoyancy":{ "the ability to remain strong and joyful despite challenges":{ "examples":[ "Never ones to be discouraged by a few setbacks, they woke up every 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"synonyms":[ "aboil", "abubble", "abuzz", "alive", "animated", "astir", "brisk", "busy", "buzzing", "flourishing", "happening", "hopping", "humming", "kinetic", "lively", "rousing", "stirring", "thriving", "vibrant" ], "near synonyms":[ "abounding", "crowded", "overflowing", "populous", "swarming", "teeming", "thronging" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "asleep", "dead", "inactive", "lifeless", "sleepy" ] }, "to be copiously supplied":{ "examples":[ "on Saturdays the city's downtown bustles with activity as a farmers' market sets up shop" ], "synonyms":[ "abounding", "brimming", "bristling", "bulging", "bursting", "buzzing", "crawling", "humming", "overflowing", "pullulating", "swarming", "teeming" ], "near synonyms":[], "near antonyms":[ "lacking", "needing", "wanting" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to proceed or move quickly":{ "examples":[ "the hostess bustled about, taking care of last-minute preparations for the party" ], "synonyms":[ "barreling", "barrelling", "belting", "blasting", 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"save" ], "antonyms":[ "renew", "replace" ] }, "a natural body of running water smaller than a river":{ "examples":[ "the walkers forded the shallow burn and then came upon a field of gorse" ], "synonyms":[ "beck", "bourn", "bourne", "brook", "brooklet", "creek", "gill", "rill", "rivulet", "run", "runlet", "runnel", "streamlet" ], "near synonyms":[ "arroyo", "billabong", "fresh", "freshet", "runoff", "bayou", "coulee", "slough", "slew", "slue", "stream", "wash", "canal", "channel", "cut", "cutoff", "gut", "kill", "millrace", "millstream", "race", "watercourse", "waterway", "affluent", "branch", "confluent", "distributary", "influent", "tributary" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "bundling up":{ "as in dolling up , dressing":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "appareling", "apparelling", "arraying", "attiring", "bedecking", "bedizening", "caparisoning", "clothing", "dolling up", "dressing", "garbing", "rigging", "robing", "suiting", 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"type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "burglarizes":{ "to enter a house or building by force usually with illegal intent":{ "examples":[ "the Watergate scandal began when Republican operatives burglarized the Democratic Party's headquarters in Washington, D.C." ], "synonyms":[ "breaks in", "burgles" ], "near synonyms":[ "invades", "trespasses", "holds up", "loots", "plunders", "rips off", "robs", "sticks up", "ransacks", "rifles", "despoils", "devastates", "marauds", "pillages", "ravages", "sacks" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to remove valuables from (a place) unlawfully":{ "examples":[ "before they were caught, the thieves had burglarized dozens of houses around the city" ], "synonyms":[ "burgles", "knocks off", "knocks over", "rips off", "robs", "steals (from)", "takes off" ], "near synonyms":[ "ransacks", "rifles", "despoils", "loots", "pillages", "plunders", "ravishes", "sacks", "spoils", "strips", "bleeds", "breaks in", "cheats", "chisels", "cozens", "defrauds", "exploits", 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"synonyms":[ "call", "ring" ], "near synonyms":[ "callback", "cold call", "conference call", "message", "toll call", "voice mail" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a monotonous sound like that of an insect in motion":{ "examples":[ "the motor made a soft buzz" ], "synonyms":[ "burr", "chirr", "churr", "drone", "hum", "purr", "thrum", "whir", "whirr", "whiz", "whizz", "zoom" ], "near synonyms":[ "babble", "coo", "gasp", "gurgle", "hiss", "moan", "murmur", "rustle", "sigh", "suspiration", "susurration", "susurrus", "whisper", "whish", "zing", "zip" ], "near antonyms":[ "bawl", "howl", "roar", "scream", "screech", "shriek", "squall", "squeal", "yelp", "yell" ], "antonyms":[] }, "information or opinion that is widely disseminated without any authority or confirmation of accuracy":{ "examples":[ "the buzz is that this would-be blockbuster will be the bomb of the summer" ], "synonyms":[ "dish", "gossip", "hearsay", "noise", "report", "rumor", "scuttlebutt", "talk", "tattle", "word" ], "near synonyms":[ "tale", "whisper", "whispering", "hint", "intimation", "rumbling", "disinformation", "propaganda", "urban legend", "urban myth", "dirt", "scandal" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a practice or interest that is very popular for a short time":{ "examples":[ "longer hairstyles are the buzz this season" ], "synonyms":[ "chic", "craze", "dernier cri", "enthusiasm", "fad", "fashion", "flavor", "go", "hot ticket", "last word", "latest", "mode", "rage", "sensation", "style", "ton", "trend", "vogue" ], "near synonyms":[ "nine days' wonder", "nine day wonder", "new wave", "crush", "infatuation", "fervor", "passion", "furor", "fuss", "hullabaloo", "to-do", "uproar", "bandwagon", "crusade", "cult", "movement", "novelty", "wrinkle", "caprice", "fancy", "whim" ], "near antonyms":[ "classic", "standard" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to be copiously supplied":{ "examples":[ "for months the area has been buzzing with rumors that a megacorporation plans to locate its headquarters here" 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"type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "buffered":{ "to lessen the shock of":{ "examples":[ "during my walk an umbrella and thick coat buffered the freezing rain" ], "synonyms":[ "cushioned", "gentled", "softened" ], "near synonyms":[ "baffled", "dampened", "deadened", "dulled", "obtunded", "moderated", "modulated", "tempered", "allayed", "alleviated", "assuaged", "eased", "lightened", "mitigated", "relieved" ], "near antonyms":[ "heightened", "intensified", "sharpened" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "butterflies":{ "a sense of panic or extreme nervousness":{ "examples":[ "even experienced actors sometimes get butterflies before a performance" ], "synonyms":[ "dither", "heebie-jeebies", "jimjams", "jitters", "nerves", "screaming meemies", "shakes", "shivers", "whim-whams", "willies" ], "near synonyms":[ "cold sweat", "creeps", "fidgets", "goose bumps", "agitation", "anxiety", "fear", "hysteria", "uneasiness", "frazzle", "nervous breakdown", "edginess", "jumpiness", "skittishness" ], 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"masculine", "virile" ], "near antonyms":[ "unmanly", "unmasculine", "metrosexual", "unmacho", "effeminate", "girlish", "sissified", "sissy", "feminine", "womanish", "womanlike", "womanly", "emasculated", "impotent", "weakened", "androgynous", "neuter" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "bump into":{ "to come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face":{ "examples":[ "I bumped into Kenny the other day." ], "synonyms":[ "catch", "chance (upon)", "encounter", "happen (upon)", "meet", "stumble (upon)" ], "near synonyms":[ "accost", "confront", "face", "greet", "salute", "collide (with)", "crash (into)", "crisscross", "cross", "pass", "hit (upon)", "light (upon)", "tumble (to)", "reencounter", "remeet" ], "near antonyms":[ "avoid", "dodge", "duck", "elude", "escape", "evade", "shake", "shun" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to come upon unexpectedly or by chance":{ "examples":[ "Turn any corner in the old city and you're likely to bump into a piece of history." ], "synonyms":[ "chance (upon)", 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"superciliousness", "superiority", "toploftiness" ], "near synonyms":[ "authoritativeness", "bossiness", "bowwow", "brag", "dominance", "high-handedness", "condescension", "disdain", "scorn", "chest-thumping", "inflation", "self-assertion", "side", "snobbery", "snobbishness", "snobbism", "snootiness", "attitude", "cheek", "cheekiness", "impertinence", "impudence", "sauciness", "boastfulness", "bombast", "braggadocio", "bravado", "strut", "swagger", "triumphalism", "vaingloriousness", "vainglory", "cockiness", "complacence", "conceit", "egoism", "egotism", "pride", "pridefulness", "self-assumption", "self-centeredness", "self-complacency", "self-conceit", "self-content", "self-contentment", "self-opinion", "self-partiality", "self-satisfaction", "smugness", "swelled head", "vanity", "superiority complex" ], "near antonyms":[ "bashfulness", "demureness", "retiringness", "shyness", "diffidence", "self-distrust", "self-doubt", "timidity", "timidness", "lowliness", "meekness", "mousiness", 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"reprimands", "reproaches", "reproves", "ticks off" ], "near synonyms":[ "berates", "castigates", "chews out", "dresses down", "flays", "harangues", "jaws", "keelhauls", "lambastes", "lambasts", "lectures", "rails (at or against)", "rates", "scolds", "scores", "upbraids", "abuses", "assails", "attacks", "bad-mouths", "blames", "blasts", "censures", "condemns", "criticizes", "crucifies", "denounces", "disses", "excoriates", "faults", "knocks", "lashes", "pans", "reprehends", "slams", "belittles", "deprecates", "disparages", "minimizes", "mocks", "puts down", "derides", "ridicules", "scoffs", "scorns" ], "near antonyms":[ "approves", "endorses", "indorses", "OKs", "okays", "sanctions", "applauds", "extols", "extolls", "hails", "lauds", "praises", "salutes", "touts" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "bum-rushed":{ "as in swarmed , mobbed":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "ganged up (on)", "mobbed", "swarmed", "assailed", "assaulted", "attacked", "beset", 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"brain", "conk", "skull" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to take or keep under one's control by authority of law":{ "examples":[ "the cops busted the revelers for drinking in public" ], "synonyms":[ "apprehend", "arrest", "collar", "nab", "nail", "nick", "pick up", "pinch", "pull in", "restrain", "run in", "seize" ], "near synonyms":[ "bag", "capture", "catch", "get", "grab", "grapple", "hook", "land", "snap (up)", "snare", "snatch", "trap", "commit", "confine", "detain", "hold", "immure", "imprison", "incarcerate", "intern", "jail", "jug", "lock (up)", "bind", "enchain", "fetter", "handcuff", "manacle", "shackle", "trammel", "rearrest", "remand" ], "near antonyms":[ "emancipate", "free", "liberate", "loose", "loosen", "release", "spring", "unbind", "unchain" ], "antonyms":[ "discharge" ] }, "to use up all the physical energy of":{ "examples":[ "I had to bust my butt in order to get the project done on time" ], "synonyms":[ "break", "burn out", "do in", "do up", "drain", 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"persuaded" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "buck up":{ "to become glad or hopeful":{ "examples":[ "buck up , kids, it's not so bad as you're making it out to be" ], "synonyms":[ "brighten", "cheer (up)", "lighten", "look up", "perk (up)" ], "near synonyms":[ "rejoice", "liven (up)", "revive", "beam", "glow", "radiate", "sparkle", "encourage", "gladden", "hearten" ], "near antonyms":[ "despair", "despond", "brood", "fret", "mope" ], "antonyms":[ "darken", "sadden" ] }, "to fill with courage or strength of purpose":{ "examples":[ "a surprise presidential visit to buck up the troops" ], "synonyms":[ "bear up", "buoy (up)", "cheer (up)", "chirk (up)", "embolden", "encourage", "hearten", "inspire", "inspirit", "steel" ], "near synonyms":[ "animate", "enliven", "invigorate", "enforce", "fortify", "reinforce", "reenforce", "strengthen", "assure", "reassure", "boost", "energize", "excite", "galvanize", "provoke", "quicken", "rally", "stimulate", "stir" ], "near antonyms":[ 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"pummelling", "thrashing", "contact", "encounter", "meeting", "touch" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to come into usually forceful contact with something":{ "examples":[ "that police officer bumped into me and should have apologized" ], "synonyms":[ "bang", "bash", "collide", "crash", "hit", "impact", "impinge", "knock", "ram", "slam", "smash", "strike", "swipe", "thud" ], "near synonyms":[ "bounce", "carom", "clunk", "glance", "rebound", "ricochet", "skim", "skip", "contact", "land", "touch", "brush", "graze", "kiss", "nudge", "scrape", "shave", "sweep", "bulldoze", "jostle", "muscle", "press", "push" ], "near antonyms":[ "miss", "skirt" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "bulk (up)":{ "to bring together in one body or place":{ "examples":[ "she bulked up her hair with one hand as she reached for the shears with the other" ], "synonyms":[ "accumulate", "amass", "assemble", "collect", "concentrate", "congregate", "constellate", "corral", "garner", "gather", 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"slicker", "smoothy", "smoothie", "metropolitan", "suburbanite", "urbanite" ], "antonyms":[ "cosmopolitan", "cosmopolite", "sophisticate" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "busting":{ "to bring to a lower grade or rank":{ "examples":[ "the commander threatened to bust her for failing to salute" ], "synonyms":[ "breaking", "degrading", "demoting", "disrating", "downgrading", "reducing" ], "near synonyms":[ "canning", "cashiering", "dismissing", "downsizing", "firing", "laying off", "sacking", "abasing", "debasing", "demeaning", "humbling", "humiliating", "lowering" ], "near antonyms":[ "hiring" ], "antonyms":[ "advancing", "elevating", "promoting", "raising" ] }, "to cause to lose one's fortune and become unable to pay one's debts":{ "examples":[ "gambling is a dangerous habit that has busted many unfortunate souls" ], "synonyms":[ "bankrupting", "breaking", "ruining" ], "near synonyms":[ "beggaring", "impoverishing", "pauperizing", "reducing", "straitening", "cleaning (out)", "wiping out" ], "near antonyms":[ "enriching", "richening" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to cause to separate into pieces usually suddenly or forcibly":{ "examples":[ "the butterfingered husband had busted more plates than he cared to remember" ], "synonyms":[ "breaking", "breaking up", "disintegrating", "dismembering", "disrupting", "fracturing", "fragmenting", "riving" ], "near synonyms":[ "atomizing", "crushing", "grinding", "powdering", "pulverizing", "reducing", "blasting", "blowing up", "bursting", "detonating", "exploding", "cracking", "popping", "shattering", "shivering", "smashing", "chipping", "slivering", "splintering", "splitting", "imploding", "destroying", "ruining", "wrecking" ], "near antonyms":[ "doctoring", "fixing", "healing", "mending", "patching", "rebuilding", "reconditioning", "reconstructing", "renovating", "repairing" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner":{ "examples":[ "busted the storekeeper on the nose and was promptly 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"dumping", "felling", "flooring", "knocking down", "leveling", "levelling", "rabbit-punching", "sucker punching", "caning", "clubbing", "cudgeling", "cudgelling", "flailing", "flogging", "lashing", "sapping", "slashing", "sledgehammering", "sledging", "spearing", "stabbing", "switching", "thrashing", "whipping", "beaning", "braining", "conking", "skulling" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to take or keep under one's control by authority of law":{ "examples":[ "the cops busted the revelers for drinking in public" ], "synonyms":[ "apprehending", "arresting", "collaring", "nabbing", "nailing", "nicking", "picking up", "pinching", "pulling in", "restraining", "running in", "seizing" ], "near synonyms":[ "bagging", "capturing", "catching", "getting", "grabbing", "grappling", "hooking", "landing", "snapping (up)", "snaring", "snatching", "trapping", "committing", "confining", "detaining", "holding", "immuring", "imprisoning", "incarcerating", "interning", "jailing", "jugging", "locking (up)", "binding", "enchaining", "fettering", "handcuffing", "manacling", "shackling", "trammeling", "trammelling", "rearresting", "remanding" ], "near antonyms":[ "emancipating", "freeing", "liberating", "loosening", "loosing", "releasing", "springing", "unbinding", "unchaining" ], "antonyms":[ "discharging" ] }, "to use up all the physical energy of":{ "examples":[ "I had to bust my butt in order to get the project done on time" ], "synonyms":[ "breaking", "burning out", "doing in", "doing up", "draining", "exhausting", "fagging", "fatiguing", "frazzling", "harassing", "killing", "knocking out", "outwearing", "tiring", "tuckering (out)", "washing out", "wearing", "wearing out", "wearying" ], "near synonyms":[ "debilitating", "enervating", "enfeebling", "sapping", "wasting", "weakening" ], "near antonyms":[ "activating", "energizing", "invigorating", "rejuvenating", "strengthening", "vitalizing", "relaxing", "resting", "unwinding" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, 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"antonyms":[] }, "to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts":{ "examples":[ "these incessant phone calls are really starting to bug me" ], "synonyms":[ "aggravate", "annoy", "bother", "burn (up)", "chafe", "eat", "exasperate", "frost", "gall", "get", "grate", "gripe", "hack (off)", "irk", "irritate", "itch", "nark", "nettle", "peeve", "persecute", "pique", "put out", "rasp", "rile", "ruffle", "spite", "vex" ], "near synonyms":[ "hassle", "heckle", "nag", "inflame", "enflame", "provoke", "rouse", "badger", "bait", "bullyrag", "ballyrag", "devil", "hagride", "harass", "harry", "pester", "plague", "tease", "anger", "antagonize", "enrage", "incense", "infuriate", "madden", "rankle", "roil", "agitate", "discomfort", "discompose", "disquiet", "distress", "exercise", "freak (out)", "fret", "perturb", "undo", "unhinge", "unsettle", "upset", "worry", "affront", "insult", "miff", "offend", "outrage" ], "near antonyms":[ "appease", "conciliate", "mollify", 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"mamba", "milk snake", "moccasin", "pine snake", "pit viper", "puff adder", "python", "racer", "rat snake", "rattlesnake", "sea serpent", "sea snake", "sidewinder", "taipan", "water moccasin", "water snake", "worm snake", "serpent", "snake", "viper" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "burns (up)":{ "to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts":{ "examples":[ "seeing people violate smoking bans really burns me up" ], "synonyms":[ "aggravates", "annoys", "bothers", "bugs", "chafes", "eats", "exasperates", "frosts", "galls", "gets", "grates", "gripes", "hacks (off)", "irks", "irritates", "itches", "narks", "nettles", "peeves", "persecutes", "piques", "puts out", "rasps", "riles", "ruffles", "spites", "vexes" ], "near synonyms":[ "hassles", "heckles", "nags", "inflames", "enflames", "provokes", "rouses", "badgers", "baits", "bullyrags", "ballyrags", "devils", "hagrides", "harasses", "harries", "pesters", "plagues", "teases", 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"comfort", "console", "reassure", "solace", "soothe", "embolden", "encourage", "hearten", "steel", "convince", "persuade" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "burgeoned":{ "to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number":{ "examples":[ "the trout population in the stream is burgeoning now that the water is clean" ], "synonyms":[ "accelerated", "accumulated", "appreciated", "ballooned", "boomed", "built up", "climbed", "enlarged", "escalated", "expanded", "gained", "increased", "mounted", "multiplied", "mushroomed", "proliferated", "rolled up", "rose", "snowballed", "spread", "swelled", "waxed" ], "near synonyms":[ "jumped", "rocketed", "skyrocketed", "surged", "heightened", "intensified", "redoubled", "blew up", "bulked", "distended", "inflated", "puffed (up)", "crescendoed", "crested", "peaked" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "contracted", "decreased", "diminished", "dwindled", "lessened", "receded", "waned" ] }, "to grow vigorously":{ "examples":[ "the spring flowers 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"examples":[ "overcome with stage fright, I could only bumble through the speech" ], "synonyms":[ "babbling", "chattering", "chatting", "driveling", "drivelling", "drooling", "gabbling", "gibbering", "jabbering", "prattling", "sputtering" ], "near synonyms":[ "blabbering", "blathering", "bleating", "blithering", "gabbing", "jangling", "jawing", "pattering", "prating", "rattling", "running on", "smattering", "tittle-tattling", "trolling", "yakking", "yacking", "chuntering", "maundering", "mouthing", "mumbling", "murmuring", "muttering", "stammering", "stuttering", "screeching", "shouting", "shrieking" ], "near antonyms":[ "articulating", "enunciating", "pronouncing" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "bubblehead":{ "a stupid person":{ "examples":[ "a murder mystery so obvious that even bubbleheads need not tax their brains" ], "synonyms":[ "airhead", "birdbrain", "blockhead", "bonehead", "chowderhead", "chucklehead", "clodpoll", "clodpole", "clot", "cluck", "clunk", "cretin", 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the bathroom mirror every morning" ], "synonyms":[ "beau", "Beau Brummell", "dandy", "dude", "fop", "gallant", "jay", "lounge lizard", "macaroni", "pretty boy" ], "near synonyms":[ "coxcomb", "fancy Dan", "popinjay", "blade", "cavalier", "dasher", "clotheshorse", "exquisite", "swell" ], "near antonyms":[ "slob", "sloven" ], "antonyms":[] }, "an adult male human being":{ "examples":[ "found some strong young bucks to help move her furniture" ], "synonyms":[ "bastard", "bloke", "cat", "chap", "chappie", "dude", "fella", "fellow", "galoot", "gent", "gentleman", "guy", "hombre", "jack", "joe", "joker", "lad", "male", "man" ], "near synonyms":[ "master", "mister", "sir", "buddy", "buster" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a U.S. currency bill representing 100 cents":{ "examples":[ "dropped a buck in the collection basket" ], "synonyms":[ "bone", "clam", "dollar", "one", "smacker" ], "near synonyms":[ "greenback", "dead presidents" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "something 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"packet", "pile", "pot", "abundance", "means", "opulence", "riches", "treasure", "wealth", "resources", "wherewithal", "mad money", "petty cash", "pin money", "pocket money", "spending money" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to move or cause to move with a sharp quick motion":{ "examples":[ "the car bucked and stalled" ], "synonyms":[ "hitch", "hoick", "jerk", "jolt", "twitch", "yank" ], "near synonyms":[ "bump", "jounce", "lurch", "pitch", "stagger", "jig", "jiggle", "jog", "joggle", "shake", "drag", "lug", "pull", "tug", "pluck", "tweak", "grab", "rip", "snap (up)", "snatch", "tear", "wrench", "wrest", "wring" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to refuse to give in to":{ "examples":[ "bucked the trend to outdo everyone else and just wore the same clothes they had in previous years" ], "synonyms":[ "defy", "fight", "oppose", "repel", "resist", "withstand" ], "near synonyms":[ "battle", "combat", "contend (with)", "challenge", "contest", "contradict", "dispute", "baffle", "balk", "foil", "frustrate", "thwart", "check", "counter", "hinder", "obstruct", "stem" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "bow (to)", "capitulate (to)", "give in (to)", "knuckle under (to)", "stoop (to)", "submit (to)", "succumb (to)", "surrender (to)", "yield (to)" ] }, "to shift possession of (something) from one person to another":{ "examples":[ "buck each box to the next person in line, and the last person will stack them in the storeroom" ], "synonyms":[ "hand", "hand over", "pass", "reach", "transfer" ], "near synonyms":[ "relay", "bear", "carry", "finger", "handle", "paw", "cede", "deliver", "give", "give up", "release", "relinquish", "render", "surrender", "turn over", "yield" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "bungle":{ "to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way":{ "examples":[ "bungled the job the first time she tried to do it" ], "synonyms":[ "blow", "bobble", "boggle", "bollix (up)", "boot", "botch", "bugger (up)", "bumble", "butcher", "dub", "flub", "fluff", "foozle", "foul up", "fumble", "goof (up)", "louse up", "mangle", "mess (up)", "muck up", "muff", "murder", "screw up" ], "near synonyms":[ "blunder", "gum (up)", "muddle", "piffle", "blemish", "blight", "damage", "flaw", "harm", "hurt", "impair", "injure", "mar", "mutilate", "ruin", "spoil", "vitiate", "destroy", "wreck", "mishandle", "mismanage" ], "near antonyms":[ "ameliorate", "better", "enhance", "help", "improve", "meliorate", "rectify", "refine", "reform", "remedy", "doctor", "fix", "patch", "recondition", "renovate", "repair", "revamp" ], "antonyms":[] }, "as in fumble , botch":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "bobble", "botch", "fumble", "foul-up", "mix-up", "blunder", "error", "fault", "flub", "goof", "inaccuracy", "lapse", "miscue", "misstep", "mistake", "oversight", "slip", "slipup", "stumble", "chaos", "confusion", "disarrangement", "disarray", "disorder", "disorganization", "hash", "jumble", "mess", "muddle", "shambles" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "butts":{ "the part of the body upon which someone sits":{ "examples":[ "park your butts in the seats and keep quiet, or I'm turning this car around" ], "synonyms":[ "backsides", "behinds", "booties", "bottoms", "breeches", "bums", "buns", "buttocks", "cabooses", "cans", "cheeks", "derrieres", "derri\u00e8res", "duffs", "fannies", "fundaments", "hams", "haunches", "heinies", "hunkers", "keisters", "keesters", "nates", "posteriors", "rear ends", "rears", "rumps", "seats", "tail ends", "tails", "tushes" ], "near synonyms":[ "beams", "sterns", "moons" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a person or thing that is made fun of":{ "examples":[ "the social outcast got tired of being the butt of everyone's jokes" ], "synonyms":[ "derisions", "jests", "jokes", "laughingstocks", "marks", "mockeries", "mocks", "sports", "targets" ], "near synonyms":[ "chumps", "dupes", "fall guys", "fools", "gulls", "monkeys", "pigeons", "saps", "suckers", "victims" ], "near antonyms":[ "darlings", "favorites", "pets" ], "antonyms":[] }, "a person or thing that is the object of abuse, criticism, or ridicule":{ "examples":[ "usually the U.S. Congress is the butt of the radio commentator's scathing wit" ], "synonyms":[ "marks", "prey", "preys", "sitting ducks", "targets", "victims" ], "near synonyms":[ "laughingstocks", "mockeries", "pilgarlics", "lightning rods", "fall guys", "goats", "scapegoats", "whipping boys" ], "near antonyms":[ "gossipers", "gossips", "talebearers", "tattlers", "tattletales", "troublemakers", "defamers", "libelers", "libelists", "traducers", "baiters", "hecklers", "needlers", "ribbers", "taunters", "teasers", "teases", "tormentors", "tormenters", "torturers", "deriders", "insulters", "mockers", "ridiculers", "scoffers", "scorners", "caricaturists", "lampooners", "parodists", "satirists" ], "antonyms":[] }, "an enclosed wooden vessel for holding beverages":{ "examples":[ "a butt of hard 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