{ "lemures":{ "as in manes":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "manes", "doppelg\u00e4nger", "doppelganger", "double", "fetch", "incubus", "lamia", "succubus", "vampire", "zombie", "zombi", "angel", "daimon", "familiar", "genie", "genius", "jinni", "jinn", "djinni", "djinn", "shaitan", "cacodemon", "demon", "daemon", "devil", "fiend", "ghoul", "imp", "apparition", "bogey", "bogie", "bogy", "familiar spirit", "ghost", "hant", "haunt", "materialization", "phantasm", "fantasm", "phantom", "poltergeist", "shade", "shadow", "specter", "spectre", "spirit", "spook", "sprite", "vision", "visitant", "wraith" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "plural noun" ] }, "lemon":{ "something that has failed":{ "examples":[ "the used car he bought turned out to be a lemon , and he soon had trouble starting the thing" ], "synonyms":[ "bomb", "bummer", "bust", "catastrophe", "clinker", "clunker", "debacle", "d\u00e9b\u00e2cle", "disaster", "dud", "failure", "fiasco", "fizzle", "flop", "frost", "loser", "miss", "shipwreck", "turkey", "washout" ], "near synonyms":[ "also-ran", "disappointment", "dog", "has-been", "near miss", "botch", "hash", "mess", "muddle", "shambles", "nonevent", "nonstarter" ], "near antonyms":[ "corker", "crackerjack", "crackajack", "dandy", "jim-dandy", "phenomenon" ], "antonyms":[ "blockbuster", "hit", "smash", "success", "winner" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "lemons":{ "something that has failed":{ "examples":[ "the used car he bought turned out to be a lemon , and he soon had trouble starting the thing" ], "synonyms":[ "bombs", "bummers", "busts", "catastrophes", "clinkers", "clunkers", "debacles", "d\u00e9b\u00e2cles", "disasters", "duds", "failures", "fiascoes", "fizzles", "flops", "frosts", "losers", "misses", "shipwrecks", "turkeys", "washouts" ], "near synonyms":[ "also-rans", "disappointments", "dogs", "has-beens", "near misses", "botches", "hashes", "messes", "muddles", "shambles", "nonevents", "nonstarters" ], "near antonyms":[ "corkers", "crackerjacks", "crackajacks", "dandies", "jim-dandies", "phenomena", "phenomenons" ], "antonyms":[ "blockbusters", "hits", "smashes", "successes", "winners" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }