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"groan", "moan", "rasp", "scratch", "whine", "clash", "collide", "jangle", "jar" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "gnawing (on)":{ "to crush or grind with the teeth":{ "examples":[ "please don't gnaw on that steak bone\u2014it's very unseemly" ], "synonyms":[ "biting (on)", "champing", "chawing", "chewing", "chomping (on)", "crunching (on)", "masticating", "nibbling" ], "near synonyms":[ "ruminating", "munching", "noshing", "snacking", "consuming", "eating", "ingesting", "swallowing", "bolting", "devouring", "gobbling (up or down)", "gorging", "gulping", "scarfing", "scoffing", "snacking", "wolfing", "nipping", "pecking (at)", "picking (at)", "gumming", "mumbling" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "gnawers":{ "one who is obnoxiously annoying":{ "examples":[ "like a dog who won't let go of a bone, that gnawer in the backseat wouldn't quit mentioning that I had made a wrong turn and gotten us lost" ], "synonyms":[ "annoyances", "annoyers", "bothers", "gadflies", "nudniks", "nudnicks", "nuisances", "pains", "persecutors", "pests", "teasers", "teases" ], "near synonyms":[ "headaches", "harriers", "hecklers", "interrupters", "interruptors", "hassles", "plagues", "harassers", "molesters", "tormentors", "tormenters", "torturers" ], "near antonyms":[ "charmers", "smoothies", "comforters", "solacers", "soothers" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }