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(against)", "revolt (against)", "disregard", "ignore", "overlook", "overpass", "pass over", "tune out", "breach", "break", "infringe", "transgress", "violate", "buck", "combat", "contest", "dispute", "fight", "oppose", "resist", "withstand" ], "near antonyms":[ "capitulate (to)", "concede (to)", "defer (to)", "goose-step (to)", "serve", "stoop (to)", "submit (to)", "surrender (to)", "yield (to)", "cooperate (with)", "keep", "observe", "accede (to)", "acquiesce (to)", "agree (to)", "assent (to)", "oblige", "attend", "hear", "heed", "listen (to)", "mark", "note", "notice", "regard", "watch", "comply (with)", "conform (to)", "follow", "mind", "obey" ], "antonyms":[] }, "treatment that is deliberately unfriendly":{ "examples":[ "the mayor tends to give anyone under voting age the brush-off" ], "synonyms":[ "cold shoulder", "rebuff", "repulse", "silent treatment", "snub" ], "near synonyms":[ "dismissal", "kiss-off", "rejection", "banishment", "blackball", "ostracism" ], "near antonyms":[ "acceptance", "embrace", "welcome", "glad hand", "welcome mat" ], "antonyms":[ "open arms" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] } }