{ "already":{ "so as to precede something in order of time":{ "examples":[ "when we got back to the house, the movers had already left" ], "synonyms":[ "afore", "ahead", "antecedently", "anteriorly", "before", "beforehand", "earlier", "formerly", "preliminarily", "previously" ], "near synonyms":[ "a priori", "early", "prematurely", "first", "first off", "now", "before long", "erelong", "presently", "shortly", "soon" ], "near antonyms":[ "behind", "by and by", "next", "subsequently" ], "antonyms":[ "after", "afterward", "afterwards", "later" ] }, "type":[ "adverb" ] }, "alright":{ "being to one's liking":{ "examples":[ "an alright movie, but I wouldn't pay to see it again" ], "synonyms":[ "agreeable", "all right", "copacetic", "copasetic", "copesetic", "ducky", "fine", "good", "hunky-dory", "jake", "OK", "okay", "palatable", "satisfactory" ], "near synonyms":[ "delectable", "delicious", "delightful", "dreamy", "felicitous", "gratifying", "nice", "pleasant", "pleasing", "scrumptious", "welcome", "acceptable", "adequate", "decent", "passable", "tolerable" ], "near antonyms":[ "bad", "deficient", "inferior", "lousy", "poor", "punk", "substandard", "unacceptable", "wanting", "wretched", "mediocre", "middling", "second-class", "second-rate" ], "antonyms":[ "disagreeable", "unsatisfactory" ] }, "not exposed to the threat of loss or injury":{ "examples":[ "we got the plane's nose back up, and after that we were alright" ], "synonyms":[ "all right", "safe", "secure" ], "near synonyms":[ "hale", "healthy", "intact", "sound", "well", "whole", "scatheless", "unharmed", "unhurt", "uninjured", "unscathed" ], "near antonyms":[ "damaged", "harmed", "hurt", "injured", "scathed", "wounded" ], "antonyms":[ "endangered", "exposed", "imperiled", "imperilled", "insecure", "liable", "open", "subject (to)", "susceptible", "threatened", "unsafe", "violable", "vulnerable" ] }, "in a satisfactory way":{ "examples":[ "the audition for the orchestra position seemed to go alright , but one never knows" ], "synonyms":[ "acceptably", "adequately", "all right", "creditably", "decently", "fine", "good", "middlingly", "nicely", "OK", "okay", "passably", "respectably", "satisfactorily", "serviceably", "so-so", "sufficiently", "tolerably", "well" ], "near synonyms":[ "appropriately", "aptly", "congruously", "correctly", "decorously", "felicitously", "fittingly", "happily", "meetly", "rightly", "seemly", "suitably", "gratifyingly", "satisfyingly", "effectively", "effectually", "efficiently", "neatly", "tidily" ], "near antonyms":[ "unbearably", "inappropriately", "incorrectly", "indecently", "unsuitably", "awfully", "deplorably", "disastrously", "dreadfully", "horrendously", "horribly", "horridly", "miserably", "terribly" ], "antonyms":[ "bad", "badly", "deficiently", "ill", "inadequately", "insufficiently", "intolerably", "poorly", "unacceptably", "unsatisfactorily" ] }, "used to express agreement":{ "examples":[ "alright , you can buy me lunch, but next time it's my treat" ], "synonyms":[ "all right", "aye", "ay", "exactly", "OK", "okay", "okeydoke", "okeydokey", "yea", "yeah", "yep", "yes", "yo" ], "near synonyms":[ "absolutely", "assuredly", "certainly", "indeed", "indisputably", "positively", "undoubtedly", "unquestionably" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "nay", "no", "no way", "scarcely" ] }, "without any question":{ "examples":[ "she passed the test alright \u2014she had the highest score in the class" ], "synonyms":[ "all right", "assuredly", "certainly", "clearly", "definitely", "doubtless", "easily", "forsooth", "hands down", "inarguably", "incontestably", "incontrovertibly", "indeed", "indisputably", "plainly", "really", "so", "sure", "surely", "truly", "unarguably", "undeniably", "undoubtedly", "unquestionably" ], "near synonyms":[ "conceivably", "likely", "perhaps", "possibly", "probably", "obviously", "unmistakably" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "adverb" ] } }