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"identity theft has become one of the most frequent and feared swindles of our time" ], "synonyms":[ "buncos", "bunkos", "cons", "fiddles", "flimflams", "frauds", "hustles", "scams", "shell games", "stings" ], "near synonyms":[ "crosses", "fixes", "Ponzi schemes", "pyramid schemes", "rackets", "rip-offs", "thimblerigs", "three-card montes", "devices", "dodges", "gimmicks", "jigs", "ploys", "schemes", "sleights", "stratagems", "tricks", "wiles", "counterfeits", "fakes", "forgeries", "hoaxes", "humbug", "phonies", "phoneys", "shams" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{ "examples":[ "hundreds of people were swindled out of their savings, and all they had to show for it were fake land deeds" ], "synonyms":[ "beats", "bilks", "bleeds", "cheats", "chisels", "chouses", "cons", "cozens", "defrauds", "diddles", "does", "does in", "euchres", "fiddles", "fleeces", "flimflams", "gaffs", "hoses", "hustles", "mulcts", "nobbles", "plucks", "reams", 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"impact", "impinge", "knock", "ram", "slam", "smash", "strike", "thud" ], "near synonyms":[ "bounce", "carom", "clunk", "glance", "rebound", "ricochet", "skim", "skip", "contact", "land", "touch", "brush", "graze", "kiss", "nudge", "scrape", "shave", "sweep", "bulldoze", "jostle", "muscle", "press", "push" ], "near antonyms":[ "miss", "skirt" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner":{ "examples":[ "that car just swiped the fender of our car" ], "synonyms":[ "bang", "bash", "bat", "belt", "biff", "bludgeon", "bob", "bonk", "bop", "box", "bust", "clap", "clip", "clobber", "clock", "clout", "crack", "hammer", "hit", "knock", "nail", "paste", "pound", "punch", "rap", "slam", "slap", "slog", "slug", "smack", "smite", "sock", "strike", "swat", "tag", "thump", "thwack", "wallop", "whack", "whale", "zap" ], "near synonyms":[ "batter", "beat", "buffet", "bung", "chop", "cuff", "drub", "lace", "lambaste", "lambast", "lick", "mangle", 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"carjack", "hijack", "highjack", "pick", "rifle", "poach", "rustle", "shoplift", "collar", "grab", "grasp", "nail", "seize", "snatch", "take", "mooch", "sponge", "abduct", "kidnap", "shanghai", "spirit" ], "near antonyms":[ "buy", "purchase", "bestow", "contribute", "donate", "give", "hand over", "present" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swirls":{ "as in eddies":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[], "near antonyms":[], "related":[], "synonyms":[] }, "to cause (as a liquid) to move about in a circle especially repeatedly":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "kept swirling her lemonade until the ice had melted and it was completely watered down" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "beats", "paddles", "whips", "whisks", "reels", "shakes", "wheels" ], "synonyms":[ "agitates", "churns", "stirs", "washes", "whirls" ] }, "to move (something) in a curved or circular path on or as if on an axis":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "swirled her skirts as she danced the tango" ], "near 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"bystreet", "byway", "crossroad", "secondary road", "shunpike", "side road", "side street", "corridor", "track", "trail" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "switching":{ "to change (as an opinion) to the contrary":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "a politician who has switched his position on a number of issues" ], "near antonyms":[ "maintaining", "supporting", "upholding" ], "related":[ "abrogating", "annulling", "overturning", "repealing", "rescinding", "revoking", "striking down", "about-facing", "backtracking", "countermanding", "reverting" ], "synonyms":[ "reversing" ] }, "to give up (something) and take something else in return":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "switched the real grapes for fake ones", "switched the day of his flight from Thursday to Friday" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "interchanging", "displacing", "replacing", "superseding", "ceding", "handing over", "surrendering", "yielding", "reciprocating" ], "synonyms":[ "changing", "commuting", "exchanging", "shifting", "substituting", "swapping", "trading" ] }, "to move from side to side or up and down with quick jerky motions":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "cows lazily switching their tails and chewing their cud" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "oscillating", "rocking", "swaying", "swinging", "wavering", "beating", "flailing", "flapping", "flopping", "lashing", "whipping", "flickering", "flicking", "fluttering", "waving", "jerking", "jolting", "jigging", "jiggling", "joggling", "shaking", "twitching", "wiggling", "bobbing", "jogging", "nodding" ], "synonyms":[ "swishing", "wagging", "waggling" ] }, "to strike repeatedly":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "the loose rigging switched the mast during the storm" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "assailing", "assaulting", "attacking", "besetting", "boxing", "busting", "chopping", "clobbering", "clouting", "cracking", "cudgeling", "cudgelling", "cuffing", "descending (on or upon)", "hitting", "jumping (on)", "knocking", "lamming", "laying on", "pasting", "pouncing (on or upon)", "punching", "raiding", "rushing", "slamming", "slapping", "smacking", "smashing", "socking", "spanking", "storming", "swatting", "swiping", "thwacking", "whacking", "whamming", "whomping", "blackjacking", "caning", "cowhiding", "flagellating", "fustigating", "horsewhipping", "leathering", "pistol-whipping", "rawhiding", "scourging", "strapping", "goring", "lacerating", "wounding", "maiming", "mangling", "mutilating" ], "synonyms":[ "bashing", "basting", "battering", "batting", "beating", "belaboring", "belting", "birching", "bludgeoning", "buffeting", "bunging up", "clubbing", "currying", "doing", "drubbing", "fibbing", "flogging", "hammering", "hiding", "lacing", "lambasting", "lashing", "lathering", "licking", "mauling", "messing (up)", "paddling", "pelting", "pommeling", "pommelling", "pounding", "pummeling", "pummelling", "punching out", "roughing (up)", "slating", "slogging", "tanning", "thrashing", "threshing", "thumping", "tromping", "walloping", "whaling", "whipping", "whopping", "whapping", "whupping", "working over" ] }, "to strike repeatedly with something long and thin or flexible":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "switched the stagecoach horses to control the direction they took" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "knouting", "quirting", "strapping", "cutting", "flicking", "touching up", "blackjacking", "caning", "clubbing", "cudgeling", "cudgelling", "fustigating", "pistol-whipping", "banging", "bopping", "boxing", "busting", "clapping", "clipping", "clobbering", "clouting", "cracking", "cuffing", "hitting", "knocking", "lamming", "pasting", "punching", "slapping", "slugging", "smacking", "smiting", "socking", "spanking", "swatting", "swiping", "thwacking", "walloping", "whacking", "bashing", "basting", "battering", "batting", "beating", "belaboring", "belting", "bludgeoning", "buffeting", "bunging", "drubbing", "fibbing", "hammering", "lacing", "lambasting", "lathering", "licking", "mangling", "mauling", "paddling", "pelting", "pommeling", "pommelling", "pounding", "pummeling", "pummelling", "roughing", "slating", "slogging", "threshing", "thumping", "tromping", "whopping", "whapping", "whupping", "working over" ], "synonyms":[ "birching", "cowhiding", "flagellating", "flailing", "flogging", "hiding", "horsewhipping", "lashing", "leathering", "rawhiding", "scourging", "slashing", "tanning", "thrashing", "whaling", "whipping" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "sword":{ "a hand weapon with a length of metal sharpened on one or both sides and usually tapered to a sharp point":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "once upon a time dueling with swords was the gentlemanly way to settle a point of honor" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "broadsword", "cutlass", "rapier", "saber", "sabre", "scimitar", "smallsword" ], "synonyms":[ "blade", "brand", "steel" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "swells (up)":{ "as in increases , raises":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "related":[], "near 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"smug", "stuck-up", "swellheaded", "aloof", "arrogant", "bumptious", "haughty", "high-and-mighty", "highfalutin", "hifalutin", "high-handed", "hoity-toity", "huffish", "huffy", "imperious", "lordly", "overweening", "peremptory", "pompous", "presumptuous", "pretentious", "supercilious", "superior", "toplofty", "toploftical", "uppity", "aristocratic", "elitist", "high-hat", "persnickety", "potty", "ritzy", "snobbish", "snobby", "snooty", "snotty", "toffee-nosed" ], "near antonyms":[ "democratic", "egalitarian", "egoless", "humble", "modest", "unpretentious", "antielitist" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "swilling":{ "to eat greedily or to excess":{ "examples":[ "they can spend hours at the pub, drinking, chatting, and swilling" ], "synonyms":[ "gorging", "gormandizing", "overeating", "pigging out" ], "near synonyms":[ "devouring", "glutting", "sating", "stuffing", "surfeiting", "wolfing", "banqueting", "feasting", "regaling", "bolting", "cramming", "gulping", "guzzling" ], "near antonyms":[ "nibbling", "pecking", "picking", "tasting" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to swallow in liquid form":{ "examples":[ "they gathered in the break room each morning to swill coffee together before the morning meeting" ], "synonyms":[ "belting (down)", "drinking", "gulping", "guzzling", "hoisting", "imbibing", "knocking back", "pounding (down)", "quaffing", "sipping", "slugging (down)", "slurping", "supping", "swigging", "tossing (down or off)" ], "near synonyms":[ "lapping", "licking", "sucking", "consuming", "downing", "ingurgitating", "killing", "mouthing (down)", "putting away", "nipping", "tippling", "pledging", "toasting", "wining" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swanked":{ "as in boasted , bragged":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "boasted", "bragged", "crowed", "gasconaded", "swaggered", "swashed", "vapored", "vaunted", "flattered", "piqued", "plumed", "prided", "congratulated", "felicitated" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swing":{ "as in license , rein":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "license", "licence", "rein", "latitude", "leeway", "slack", "space", "wiggle room" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "as in movement , sway":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "lilt", "movement", "sway", "beat", "cadence", "measure", "meter", "rhythm", "accent", "accentuation", "emphasis", "stress", "inflection", "intonation", "backbeat", "drum", "throb", "hexameter", "pentameter", "tetrameter", "trimeter" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "as in turn , shift":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "curve", "downside", "shift", "turn", "turnabout", "upside", "current", "direction", "drift", "leaning", "run", "tendency", "tide", "trend", "wind", "custom", "habit", "propensity", "tenor", "way", "countercurrent", "countertrend", "undercurrent", "undertow" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to change one's course or 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"synonyms":[ "address", "contend (with)", "cope (with)", "field", "grapple (with)", "hack", "handle", "manage", "maneuver", "manipulate", "negotiate", "play", "take", "treat" ], "near synonyms":[ "engineer", "finesse", "jockey", "bring off", "carry off", "carry out", "get off", "pull", "command", "direct", "guide", "steer", "control", "micromanage", "regulate", "run", "react (to)", "respond (to)" ], "near antonyms":[ "botch", "bungle", "foozle", "fumble", "goof (up)", "louse up", "mess (up)", "mishandle", "muff", "scamp" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to move (something) in a curved or circular path on or as if on an axis":{ "examples":[ "he swung the bat as hard as he could but he missed the ball", "don't let the wind swing that gate shut" ], "synonyms":[ "pivot", "revolve", "roll", "rotate", "spin", "swirl", "swivel", "turn", "twirl", "twist", "wheel", "whirl" ], "near synonyms":[ "screw", "unscrew", "twiddle", "coil", "crank", "reel", "wind", "circulate" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] 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"overpowered", "overwhelmed", "prostrated", "snowed under", "whelmed" ], "near synonyms":[ "deluged", "drowned", "sank", "sunk", "confuted", "defeated", "refuted", "broke", "demoralized", "distressed", "disturbed", "rocked", "shattered", "staggered", "threw", "unmanned", "unnerved", "upset" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "swaggers":{ "to praise or express pride in one's own possessions, qualities, or accomplishments often to excess":{ "examples":[ "I, too, would swagger if I'd won first place in the bowling tournament" ], "synonyms":[ "blows", "boasts", "brags", "bulls", "crows", "gasconades", "vapors", "vaunts" ], "near synonyms":[ "blusters", "harangues", "puffs", "prides", "gushes", "exults", "glories", "rejoices", "brandishes", "displays", "exhibits", "exposes", "flaunts", "glorifies", "parades", "shows off", "magnifies", "maximizes" ], "near antonyms":[ "belittles", "deprecates", "diminishes", "discounts", "laughs off", "minimizes", "plays down", "pooh-poohs", "poohs", "shrugs off", "underrates", "undervalues", "bemoans", "laments", "mourns", "regrets" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to walk with exaggerated arm and leg movements":{ "examples":[ "hoping to impress the women at the bar, the young man confidently swaggered across the room" ], "synonyms":[ "prances", "sashays", "stalks", "struts" ], "near synonyms":[ "flounces", "minces", "traipses", "pussyfoots", "tiptoes", "sweeps", "parades", "promenades", "pads", "steps", "treads", "paces", "strides", "lumbers", "lurches", "pounds", "shambles", "shuffles", "staggers" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swoons":{ "a temporary state of unconsciousness":{ "examples":[ "fell into a swoon after stepping off of the incredibly fast roller coaster" ], "synonyms":[ "blackouts", "faints", "insensibilities", "knockouts", "swims", "syncopes" ], "near synonyms":[ "dazes", "stupors", "trances", "narcoses", "sleeps", "somnolences" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a state of overwhelming usually pleasurable emotion":{ "examples":[ "her boyfriend's proposal sent her into a joyous swoon" ], "synonyms":[ "cloud nine", "ecstasies", "elations", "euphorias", "exhilarations", "heavens", "highs", "intoxications", "paradises", "raptures", "rhapsodies", "seventh heaven", "transports" ], "near synonyms":[ "exaltations", "blisses", "delights", "enchantments", "felicities", "joys", "pleasures", "reveries", "trances", "inspirations", "fervors", "frenzies", "passions", "cheers", "exuberances", "gaieties", "gayeties", "glees", "jubilances", "jubilations" ], "near antonyms":[ "miseries", "woes", "blues", "dejections", "desolations", "despairs", "despondencies", "disheartenments", "doldrums", "dumps", "glooms", "melancholies", "mopes" ], "antonyms":[ "depressions" ] }, "to lose consciousness":{ "examples":[ "easily swooned at the sight of blood" ], "synonyms":[ "blacks out", "conks (out)", "faints", "keels (over)", "passes out" ], "near 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"palling", "tiring", "wearying", "underwhelming" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions":{ "examples":[ "the way the ski lift was swaying in the wind made me nervous" ], "synonyms":[ "careening", "lurching", "pitching", "rocking", "rolling", "seesawing", "tossing", "wobbling", "wabbling" ], "near synonyms":[ "blundering", "bucking", "doddering", "faltering", "floundering", "halting", "hitching", "hobbling", "jerking", "jolting", "reeling", "shaking", "staggering", "stumbling", "teetering", "toddling", "tottering", "tumbling", "vacillating", "vibrating", "waddling", "wavering", "weaving", "oscillating", "undulating", "wagging", "waggling" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to exercise authority or power over":{ "examples":[ "an epic novel set in the days when Rome swayed the Western world" ], "synonyms":[ "bossing", "captaining", "commanding", "controlling", "governing", "presiding (over)", "ruling" ], "near synonyms":[ "conducting", "directing", 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"uncurls" ] }, "to change one's course or direction":{ "examples":[ "the hurricane had been following the coastline before it swerved and headed inland" ], "synonyms":[ "detours", "deviates", "diverges", "sheers", "swings", "turns", "turns off", "veers", "wheels" ], "near synonyms":[ "tacks", "zigzags", "doubles (back)", "turns back" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swimming":{ "to be in a confused state as if from being twirled around":{ "examples":[ "his head was swimming after he was given so much information on his first day at the new job" ], "synonyms":[ "reeling", "spinning", "turning", "whirling" ], "near synonyms":[ "swirling" ], "near antonyms":[ "calming", "collecting", "settling", "steadying" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to rest or move along the surface of a liquid or in the air":{ "examples":[ "there appeared to be an oily film swimming on the water" ], "synonyms":[ "drifting", "floating", "gliding", "hanging", "hovering", "poising", "riding", "sailing", "wafting" ], "near synonyms":[ "bobbing", "dangling", "suspending", "buoying", "ballooning", "rafting" ], "near antonyms":[ "diving", "lunging", "plunging", "dipping", "immersing", "submerging", "submersing" ], "antonyms":[ "settling", "sinking" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swears":{ "to use offensive or indecent language":{ "examples":[ "no one is allowed to swear in this house" ], "synonyms":[ "blasphemes", "curses", "cusses" ], "near synonyms":[ "anathematizes", "confounds", "damns", "execrates", "imprecates", "fulminates", "rails", "rants", "reviles" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to make a solemn declaration of intent":{ "examples":[ "swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" ], "synonyms":[ "covenants", "pledges", "promises", "vows" ], "near synonyms":[ "affiances", "betroths", "plights", "troths", "accedes", "agrees", "assents", "consents", "contracts", "engages", "ensures", "guarantees", "undertakes", "affirms", "asserts", "avers", 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"crested", "peaked" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "contracted", "decreased", "diminished", "dwindled", "lessened", "receded", "waned" ] }, "to make greater in size, amount, or number":{ "examples":[ "more layoffs will swell the ranks of the unemployed to unprecedented levels" ], "synonyms":[ "accelerated", "added (to)", "aggrandized", "amplified", "augmented", "boosted", "built up", "compounded", "enlarged", "escalated", "expanded", "extended", "hyped", "increased", "multiplied", "pumped up", "raised", "stoked", "supersized", "upped" ], "near synonyms":[ "boomed", "jumped", "skyrocketed", "spiked", "bumped (up)", "ratcheted (up)", "racheted (up)", "blew up", "dilated", "distended", "inflated", "drew out", "elongated", "fleshed (out)", "lengthened", "prolonged", "protracted", "stretched", "developed", "enhanced", "heightened", "intensified", "magnified", "complemented", "supplemented", "beefed (up)", "reinforced", "reenforced", "strengthened", "maximized", "accumulated", "amassed", "collected", "followed up", "parlayed" ], "near antonyms":[ "abbreviated", "abridged", "curtailed", "shortened", "compressed", "condensed", "constricted", "contracted", "cut back", "retrenched" ], "antonyms":[ "abated", "decreased", "de-escalated", "diminished", "downsized", "dwindled", "lessened", "lowered", "minified", "reduced", "subtracted (from)" ] }, "to extend outward beyond a usual point":{ "examples":[ "at that point the Congo River swells and forms Malebo Pool" ], "synonyms":[ "bagged", "ballooned", "beetled", "bellied", "billowed", "bulged", "bunched", "jutted", "overhung", "poked", "pooched", "pouched", "pouted", "projected", "protruded", "started", "stood out", "stuck out" ], "near synonyms":[ "domed", "blew up", "inflated", "dilated", "distended", "expanded", "mushroomed", "snowballed", "elongated", "extended", "lengthened", "stretched" ], "near antonyms":[ "compressed", "condensed", "constricted", "contracted", "shrank", "shrunk" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swoon":{ "to lose consciousness":{ "examples":[ "easily swooned at the sight of blood" ], "synonyms":[ "black out", "conk (out)", "faint", "keel (over)", "pass out" ], "near synonyms":[ "break down", "collapse", "zonk (out)" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "come around", "come round", "come to", "revive" ] }, "a state of mental confusion":{ "examples":[ "she wandered about in a swoon for several days after receiving the tragic news" ], "synonyms":[ "daze", "dazedness", "fog", "haze", "muddle", "spin" ], "near synonyms":[ "reverie", "stupor", "trance", "befuddlement", "bewilderment", "perplexity", "puzzlement", "delirium", "malaise", "paralysis", "cloudiness", "fogginess" ], "near antonyms":[ "alertness", "levelheadedness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "a temporary state of unconsciousness":{ "examples":[ "fell into a swoon after stepping off of the incredibly fast roller coaster" ], "synonyms":[ "blackout", "faint", "insensibility", "knockout", "swim", "syncope" ], "near 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"disheartenment", "dispiritedness", "doldrums", "downheartedness", "dreariness", "dumps", "forlornness", "gloom", "gloominess", "heartsickness", "melancholy", "mopes" ], "antonyms":[ "depression" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swiftness":{ "a high rate of movement or performance":{ "examples":[ "with amazing swiftness , the airline agent got our ticket changed, and we boarded the plane just as it was about to leave" ], "synonyms":[ "celerity", "fastness", "fleetness", "haste", "hurry", "quickness", "rapidity", "rapidness", "speed", "speediness", "velocity" ], "near synonyms":[ "clip", "gait", "pace", "rate", "tempo", "drive", "hustle", "acceleration", "hastiness", "precipitation", "precipitousness", "rush", "alacrity", "dispatch", "expedition", "expeditiousness", "promptitude", "promptness", "warp speed" ], "near antonyms":[ "languidness", "languor", "leisureliness", "lethargy", "torpidity", "torpor", "reluctance", "deliberateness", "deliberation", "dilatoriness", "lateness", "pokiness", "procrastination" ], "antonyms":[ "slowness", "sluggishness" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "swills":{ "the portion of a serving of a beverage that is swallowed at one time":{ "examples":[ "took his daily swill of the foul-tasting medicine" ], "synonyms":[ "belts", "drafts", "drags", "drinks", "gulps", "nips", "quaffs", "shots", "sips", "slugs", "snorts", "sups", "swallows", "swigs" ], "near synonyms":[ "drams", "drops" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to eat greedily or to excess":{ "examples":[ "they can spend hours at the pub, drinking, chatting, and swilling" ], "synonyms":[ "gorges", "gormandizes", "overeats", "pigs out" ], "near synonyms":[ "devours", "gluts", "sates", "stuffs", "surfeits", "wolfs", "banquets", "feasts", "regales", "bolts", "crams", "gulps", "guzzles" ], "near antonyms":[ "nibbles", "pecks", "picks", "tastes" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to swallow in liquid form":{ "examples":[ "they gathered in the break room each morning to swill coffee together before 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"antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "swathing":{ "to surround or cover closely":{ "examples":[ "handed me an odd-shaped package swathed in bright pink tissue paper" ], "synonyms":[ "bosoming", "bowering", "circumfusing", "cocooning", "embosoming", "embowering", "embracing", "enclosing", "inclosing", "encompassing", "enfolding", "enshrouding", "enswathing", "enveloping", "enwrapping", "investing", "involving", "lapping", "mantling", "muffling", "shrouding", "veiling", "wrapping" ], "near synonyms":[ "curtaining", "draping", "embedding", "imbedding", "encasing", "swaddling", "blanketing", "overlaying", "overspreading", "camouflaging", "cloaking", "disguising", "masking", "circling", "encircling", "enlacing", "enwinding" ], "near antonyms":[ "baring", "denuding", "exposing", "stripping" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to cover with a bandage":{ "examples":[ "tenderly swathed the soldier's wounds" ], "synonyms":[ "bandaging", "binding", "dressing" ], "near synonyms":[ "attending", "caring (for)", "doctoring", "medicating", "ministering (to)", "nursing", "treating", "curing", "healing", "mending", "rehabilitating", "remedying" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swagging":{ "to be limp from lack of water or vigor":{ "examples":[ "the days of endless worrying had taken their toll, and the old woman's face swagged with exhaustion" ], "synonyms":[ "drooping", "flagging", "hanging", "lolling", "sagging", "wilting" ], "near synonyms":[ "slouching", "slumping", "caving (in)", "collapsing", "crumpling", "dropping", "falling", "sinking", "subsiding", "yielding" ], "near antonyms":[ "distending", "stiffening", "rising", "straightening", "unbending", "uncurling" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "sweltering":{ "having a notably high temperature":{ "examples":[ "the air conditioning was broken, and it was sweltering in the office" ], "synonyms":[ "ardent", "boiling", "broiling", "burning", "fervent", "fervid", "fiery", "hot", "piping hot", "red", "red-hot", 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"smouldering", "sparking", "sputtering", "flaring (up)", "lighting (up)", "beaming", "brightening", "radiating", "deflagrating", "firing", "igniting", "kindling", "beating (down)", "flashing", "glaring", "gleaming", "glimmering", "glinting", "glistening", "glittering", "scintillating", "shimmering", "shining", "sparkling", "twinkling", "catching", "enkindling", "blazing", "burning", "combusting", "flaming", "glowing" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "swarm":{ "a great number of persons or creatures massed together":{ "examples":[ "a swarm of tourists descends upon the island every summer" ], "synonyms":[ "army", "bike", "cram", "crowd", "crush", "drove", "flock", "herd", "horde", "host", "legion", "mass", "mob", "multitude", "press", "rout", "scrum", "throng" ], "near synonyms":[ "masses", "millions", "rabble", "rabblement", "riffraff", "gaggle", "heap", "mountain", "pile", "jam", "logjam" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to move upon or 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"free-climb", "get up", "mount", "scale", "summit", "surmount", "claw", "sprawl", "struggle" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swales":{ "as in wetlands , swamps":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "bogs", "fens", "marshes", "marshlands", "mires", "moors", "morasses", "muskegs", "sloughs", "slews", "slues", "swamplands", "swamps", "washes", "wetlands", "gucks", "gooks", "muck", "muds", "oozes", "slimes", "slop", "sludges", "slush", "quagmires" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sweated":{ "the active use of energy in producing a result":{ "examples":[ "save your sweat : no one will appreciate your efforts anyway" ], "synonyms":[ "effort", "elbow grease", "exertion", "expenditure", "labor", "pains", "trouble", "while", "work" ], "near synonyms":[ "drudgery", "grind", "slog", "strain", "toil", "travail", "dint", "energy", "force", "might", "muscle", "power", "puissance", "attempt", "endeavor", "essay", "fling", "go", "pass", "shot", "stab", "trial", "try", "whack" ], "near antonyms":[ "adroitness", "ease", "facility", "fluency", "smoothness", "dormancy", "idleness", "inaction", "inactivity", "indolence", "inertia", "languor", "laziness", "quiescence" ], "antonyms":[] }, "very hard or unpleasant work":{ "examples":[ "it took years of sweat to bring the farm to the point where it is now" ], "synonyms":[ "donkeywork", "drudge", "drudgery", "fatigue", "grind", "labor", "moil", "slavery", "toil", "travail" ], "near synonyms":[ "spadework", "effort", "exertion", "pains", "struggle", "trouble", "chore", "duty", "job", "obligation", "responsibility", "routine", "tedium", "treadmill" ], "near antonyms":[ "decompression", "ease", "leisure", "relaxation", "repose", "rest", "amusement", "dalliance", "diversion", "entertainment", "recreation", "sport", "dormancy", "idleness", "inactivity", "inertia", "inertness", "dallying", "goldbricking", "loafing", "lolling", "lounging" ], "antonyms":[ "fun", "play" ] 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"labor", "moil", "peg (away)", "plod", "plow", "plug", "slave", "slog", "strain", "strive", "struggle", "toil", "travail", "tug", "work" ], "near synonyms":[ "apply (oneself)", "buckle (down)", "dig in", "hammer (away)", "knuckle down", "pitch in", "attack", "drive", "essay", "try", "exercise", "exert", "overexert", "overwork", "eke out", "grind (out)", "put out", "scrabble", "scratch", "trudge", "wade" ], "near antonyms":[ "break", "ease (up)", "let up", "slacken", "bum", "chill", "dally", "dillydally", "footle", "goldbrick", "goof (off)", "hack (around)", "hang (around or out)", "idle", "laze", "loaf", "lounge", "shirk", "slack (off)", "veg out", "bask", "loll", "relax", "repose", "rest", "unwind", "dabble", "doodle", "fool around", "fribble", "goof (around)", "hang", "hang about", "mess around", "monkey (around)", "play", "potter (around)", "putter (around)", "trifle" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to experience concern or anxiety":{ "examples":[ "don't sweat over getting the application in a 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"question", "quiz" ], "near synonyms":[ "debrief", "cross-examine", "cross-question", "annoy", "harass", "hound", "pester", "canvass", "canvas", "poll" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swiping":{ "an instance of theft":{ "examples":[ "when the cheese swipings abruptly stopped, we wondered if the mouse had met his end elsewhere" ], "synonyms":[ "grab", "heist", "pinch", "rip-off", "snatching", "theft" ], "near synonyms":[ "break-in", "burglary", "holdup", "mugging", "stickup" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to come into usually forceful contact with something":{ "examples":[ "a blindfolded partygoer swiping at the pi\u00f1ata with a stick", "spent most of the camping trip swiping mosquitos" ], "synonyms":[ "banging", "bashing", "bumping", "colliding", "crashing", "hitting", "impacting", "impinging", "knocking", "ramming", "slamming", "smashing", "striking", "thudding" ], "near synonyms":[ "bouncing", "caroming", "clunking", "glancing", "rebounding", "ricocheting", "ricochetting", "skimming", "skipping", "contacting", "landing", "touching", "brushing", "grazing", "kissing", "nudging", "scraping", "shaving", "sweeping", "bulldozing", "jostling", "muscling", "pressing", "pushing" ], "near antonyms":[ "missing", "skirting" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner":{ "examples":[ "that car just swiped the fender of our car" ], "synonyms":[ "banging", "bashing", "batting", "belting", "biffing", "bludgeoning", "bobbing", "bonking", "bopping", "boxing", "busting", "clapping", "clipping", "clobbering", "clocking", "clouting", "cracking", "hammering", "hitting", "knocking", "nailing", "pasting", "pounding", "punching", "rapping", "slamming", "slapping", "slogging", "slugging", "smacking", "smiting", "socking", "striking", "swatting", "tagging", "thumping", "thwacking", "walloping", "whacking", "whaling", "zapping" ], "near synonyms":[ "battering", "beating", "buffeting", "bunging", "chopping", "cuffing", "drubbing", "lacing", "lambasting", "licking", "mangling", "mauling", "pelting", "peppering", "pommeling", "pommelling", "pummeling", "pummelling", "roughing", "scuffing", "bunting", "flicking", "stroking", "tapping", "bumping", "butting", "jabbing", "jostling", "kicking", "kneeing", "poking", "prodding", "pushing", "shoving", "stamping", "bowling (down or over)", "creaming", "decking", "dumping", "felling", "flooring", "knocking down", "leveling", "levelling", "rabbit-punching", "sucker punching", "caning", "clubbing", "cudgeling", "cudgelling", "flailing", "flogging", "lashing", "sapping", "slashing", "sledgehammering", "sledging", "spearing", "stabbing", "switching", "thrashing", "whipping", "beaning", "braining", "conking", "skulling" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to take (something) without right and with an intent to keep":{ "examples":[ "somebody swiped the stop sign that used to be on the corner", "left his phone at the 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"jumpers", "kimonos", "kirtles", "minidresses", "Mother Hubbards", "muumuus", "overdresses", "sacks", "sheaths", "shifts", "shirtdresses", "shirtwaists", "sundresses", "tea gowns", "dresses", "frocks", "gowns" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sweat out":{ "to put up with (something painful or difficult)":{ "examples":[ "I can sweat out one more year of this job\u2014before I totally flip out" ], "synonyms":[ "abide", "absorb", "accept", "bear", "bide", "brook", "countenance", "endure", "go", "hack", "handle", "meet", "pocket", "stand", "stick out", "stomach", "support", "sustain", "take", "tolerate", "wear" ], "near synonyms":[ "allow", "permit", "suffer", "swallow", "reconcile (to)", "acquiesce", "agree (with or to)", "assent (to)", "capitulate", "consent (to)", "respect", "submit (to)", "yield (to)" ], "near antonyms":[ "decline", "dismiss", "refuse", "reject", "repudiate", "spurn", "turn down", "combat", "contest", "fight", "oppose", "resist", "avoid", "bypass", "circumvent", "dodge", "elude", "escape", "evade", "miss", "abstain (from)", "forbear", "refrain (from)" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swaggered":{ "to praise or express pride in one's own possessions, qualities, or accomplishments often to excess":{ "examples":[ "I, too, would swagger if I'd won first place in the bowling tournament" ], "synonyms":[ "blew", "boasted", "bragged", "bulled", "crowed", "gasconaded", "vapored", "vaunted" ], "near synonyms":[ "blustered", "harangued", "puffed", "prided", "gushed", "exulted", "gloried", "rejoiced", "brandished", "displayed", "exhibited", "exposed", "flaunted", "glorified", "paraded", "showed off", "magnified", "maximized" ], "near antonyms":[ "belittled", "deprecated", "diminished", "discounted", "laughed off", "minimized", "played down", "pooh-poohed", "poohed", "shrugged off", "underrated", "undervalued", "bemoaned", "lamented", "mourned", "regretted" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to walk with exaggerated arm and leg 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"examples":[ "a romanticized portrait of a bygone era of beauteous Southern belles and their gallant swains" ], "synonyms":[ "beau", "boy", "boyfriend", "fellow", "man", "old man" ], "near synonyms":[ "admirer", "crush", "steady", "gallant", "suitor", "wooer", "beloved", "darling", "dear", "favorite", "flame", "honey", "love", "lover", "significant other", "soul mate", "spark", "sparker", "squeeze", "sweet", "sweetheart", "sweetie", "sweetie pie", "valentine", "fancy man", "gigolo", "date", "escort", "groom", "husband", "fianc\u00e9", "intended" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a man who courts a woman usually with the goal of marrying her":{ "examples":[ "Grandma claims that she had several swains pursuing her, but it was only Grandpa who won her heart" ], "synonyms":[ "gallant", "suitor", "wooer" ], "near synonyms":[ "beau", "boyfriend", "fellow", "man", "old man", "significant other", "squeeze", "admirer", "crush", "steady", "beloved", "darling", "dear", "favorite", "flame", 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"antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swishes":{ "a sound similar to the speech sound \\s\\ stretched out":{ "examples":[ "the steady swish of the windshield wipers" ], "synonyms":[ "fizzes", "hisses", "sizzles", "whishes", "whizzes" ], "near synonyms":[ "swooshes", "wheezes", "whistles", "whooshes", "zips", "sibilances", "sibilants" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a quick jerky movement from side to side or up and down":{ "examples":[ "the mare brushed away the flies with a sweeping swish of her tail" ], "synonyms":[ "switches", "waggles", "wags", "whisks" ], "near synonyms":[ "oscillations", "rocks", "sways", "swings", "wavers", "flaps", "flutters", "waves", "whips", "flicks", "jerks", "jolts", "snaps", "twitches", "jiggles", "shakes", "wiggles", "bobs", "nods" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to make a sound like that of stretching out the speech sound \\s\\":{ "examples":[ "with their satin costumes swishing , the little ballerinas chass\u00e9d onto the stage" ], "synonyms":[ "fizzes", "fizzles", "hisses", "sizzles", "whishes", "whizzes" ], "near synonyms":[ "swooshes", "wheezes", "whistles", "whooshes", "zips", "bubbles", "effervesces", "buzzes", "drones", "hums" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to move from side to side or up and down with quick jerky motions":{ "examples":[ "the horse's tail swishes after every jump" ], "synonyms":[ "switches", "waggles", "wags" ], "near synonyms":[ "oscillates", "rocks", "sways", "swings", "wavers", "beats", "flails", "flaps", "flops", "lashes", "whips", "flickers", "flicks", "flutters", "waves", "jerks", "jolts", "jiggles", "jigs", "joggles", "shakes", "twitches", "wiggles", "bobs", "jogs", "nods" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swiller":{ "one who eats greedily or too much":{ "examples":[ "after the swinish swiller had finally had his fill, he belched loudly" ], "synonyms":[ "cormorant", "glutton", "gorger", "gormandizer", "gourmand", "hog", "overeater", 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"downing", "getting down", "ingesting" ], "near synonyms":[ "drinking", "guzzling", "imbibing", "knocking back", "sipping", "bolting", "devouring", "gobbling (up or down)", "gulping", "ingurgitating", "consuming", "eating", "mouthing (down)", "putting away", "supping", "gorging", "scarfing", "scoffing", "wolfing", "chewing", "gnawing (at or on)", "lapping", "licking", "munching", "nibbling (on)", "pecking (at)", "ruminating", "dispatching", "finishing", "polishing off" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to refrain from openly showing or uttering":{ "examples":[ "swallowed his pride and asked for help" ], "synonyms":[ "choking (back)", "holding back", "pocketing", "repressing", "sinking", "smothering", "stifling", "strangling", "submerging", "suppressing" ], "near synonyms":[ "controlling", "governing", "managing", "bridling", "checking", "curbing", "quashing", "quelling", "bottling up", "containing", "muffling", "squelching" ], "near antonyms":[ "expressing", "loosing", "releasing", "taking out", "unleashing", "venting" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to regard as right or true":{ "examples":[ "my little niece swallows everything I tell her" ], "synonyms":[ "accepting", "believing", "buying", "crediting", "taking", "trusting" ], "near synonyms":[ "accounting", "accrediting", "understanding", "assuming", "presuming", "supposing", "concluding", "deducing", "inferring" ], "near antonyms":[ "distrusting", "doubting", "misdoubting", "mistrusting", "questioning", "suspecting", "challenging", "disputing" ], "antonyms":[ "disbelieving", "discrediting", "rejecting" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swine":{ "a person whose behavior is offensive to others":{ "examples":[ "you really are a swine \u2014you have no sense of decency at all!" ], "synonyms":[ "bastard", "beast", "bleeder", "blighter", "boor", "bounder", "bugger", "buzzard", "cad", "chuff", "churl", "clown", "creep", "cretin", "crud", "crumb", "cur", "dirtbag", "dog", "fink", "heel", "hound", "jerk", "joker", "louse", "lout", "pill", "rat", "rat fink", "reptile", "rotter", "schmuck", "scum", "scumbag", "scuzzball", "skunk", "sleaze", "sleazebag", "sleazeball", "slime", "slimeball", "slob", "snake", "so-and-so", "sod", "stinkard", "stinker", "toad", "varmint", "vermin" ], "near synonyms":[ "barbarian", "brute", "caveman", "Neanderthal", "savage", "loudmouth", "vulgarian", "lowlife", "miscreant", "rascal", "rogue", "roughneck", "scab", "scamp", "scoundrel", "villain", "wretch", "booby", "doofus", "fool", "jackass", "nincompoop", "ninny", "nit", "nitwit", "nut", "schmo", "schmoe", "airhead", "birdbrain", "blockhead", "dink", "dolt", "dope", "dork", "goon", "half-wit", "idiot", "imbecile", "moron", "turkey", "brat", "insolent", "nuisance", "pest", "snip", "snob", "snoot", "snot", "dweeb", "nerd" ], "near antonyms":[ "hero", "heroine", "idol", "role model", "gentleman", "lady", "angel", "saint" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sweeten":{ "to make more desirable":{ "examples":[ "we really want 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"randomly", "cursorily", "imperfectly", "inadequately", "narrowly", "shallowly", "sketchily", "summarily", "superficially", "indeterminately", "nebulously", "vaguely" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adverb" ] }, "swooshing":{ "to flow out in great quantities or with force":{ "examples":[ "water swooshed powerfully from the fire hose" ], "synonyms":[ "gushing", "jetting", "pouring", "rushing", "spewing", "spouting", "spurting", "squirting" ], "near synonyms":[ "cascading", "issuing", "rolling", "running", "streaming", "plashing", "sloshing", "splashing", "washing", "surging", "swelling", "flushing", "sluicing", "deluging", "drowning", "engulfing", "flooding", "inundating", "overflowing", "overwhelming", "submerging", "submersing", "swamping", "fountaining" ], "near antonyms":[ "spattering", "sprinkling", "bleeding", "exuding", "leaking", "oozing", "percolating", "seeping", "straining", "weeping" ], "antonyms":[ "dribbling", "dripping", "dropping", "trickling" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, 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"flounder", "struggle" ] }, "to turn away from a straight line or course":{ "examples":[ "from this point the mountain range sweeps to the northeast and extends into the next state" ], "synonyms":[ "arc", "arch", "bend", "bow", "crook", "curve", "fall off", "hook", "round", "swerve", "trend", "wheel" ], "near synonyms":[ "circle", "coil", "curlicue", "curl", "loop", "spiral", "turn", "twist", "wind", "deviate", "veer" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "straighten" ] }, "an area over which activity, capacity, or influence extends":{ "examples":[ "Mrs. Griswold has been a teacher for so long that the sweep of her influence extends across three generations of the townspeople" ], "synonyms":[ "ambit", "amplitude", "breadth", "compass", "confines", "dimension(s)", "extent", "range", "reach", "realm", "scope", "width" ], "near synonyms":[ "gamut", "spectrum", "spread", "bailiwick", "circle", "demesne", "department", "discipline", "domain", "element", "fief", "fiefdom", "field", "province", 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"swoosh", "wheeze", "whistle", "whoosh", "zip", "sibilance", "sibilant" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a quick jerky movement from side to side or up and down":{ "examples":[ "the mare brushed away the flies with a sweeping swish of her tail" ], "synonyms":[ "switch", "wag", "waggle", "whisk" ], "near synonyms":[ "oscillation", "rock", "sway", "swing", "waver", "flap", "flutter", "wave", "whip", "flick", "jerk", "jolt", "snap", "twitch", "jiggle", "shake", "wiggle", "bob", "nod" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to make a sound like that of stretching out the speech sound \\s\\":{ "examples":[ "with their satin costumes swishing , the little ballerinas chass\u00e9d onto the stage" ], "synonyms":[ "fizz", "fizzle", "hiss", "sizzle", "whish", "whiz", "whizz" ], "near synonyms":[ "swoosh", "wheeze", "whistle", "whoosh", "zip", "bubble", "effervesce", "buzz", "drone", "hum" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to move from side to side or up and down with quick jerky 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"rolling", "rotating", "spinning", "swinging", "swirling", "turning", "twirling", "twisting", "wheeling", "whirling" ], "near synonyms":[ "screwing", "unscrewing", "twiddling", "coiling", "cranking", "reeling", "winding", "circulating" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swinging":{ "to change one's course or direction":{ "examples":[ "thinking that we were being followed, we abruptly swung to the left at the next intersection", "swing right at James St." ], "synonyms":[ "detouring", "deviating", "diverging", "sheering", "swerving", "turning", "turning off", "veering", "wheeling" ], "near synonyms":[ "tacking", "zigzagging", "doubling (back)", "turning back" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to change the course or direction of (something)":{ "examples":[ "at the sound of gunfire, the cavalry officer swung his horse around and galloped rapidly back to the fort" ], "synonyms":[ "deflecting", "diverting", "redirecting", "turning", "veering", "wheeling", 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"fumbling", "goofing (up)", "lousing up", "messing (up)", "mishandling", "muffing", "scamping" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to move (something) in a curved or circular path on or as if on an axis":{ "examples":[ "he swung the bat as hard as he could but he missed the ball", "don't let the wind swing that gate shut" ], "synonyms":[ "pivoting", "revolving", "rolling", "rotating", "spinning", "swirling", "swiveling", "swivelling", "turning", "twirling", "twisting", "wheeling", "whirling" ], "near synonyms":[ "screwing", "unscrewing", "twiddling", "coiling", "cranking", "reeling", "winding", "circulating" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to place on an elevated point without support from below":{ "examples":[ "beach towels swung up to dry on the lifeguard's high chair" ], "synonyms":[ "dangling", "hanging", "slinging", "suspending" ], "near synonyms":[ "hooking", "mounting", "pinning", "tacking", "draping", "festooning", "garlanding", "stringing", "extending (out)", "jutting", "projecting", "sticking out", "overhanging", "protruding", "cascading", "depending", "falling", "balancing", "poising" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to have enough money for":{ "examples":[ "I don't think that we can swing that hefty a mortgage" ], "synonyms":[ "affording", "going" ], "near synonyms":[ "covering", "expending", "financing", "outlaying", "paying (for)", "ponying up", "springing (for)", "picking up", "purchasing", "taking", "acquiring", "getting", "obtaining", "procuring", "securing", "bidding", "offering", "bankrolling", "endowing", "subsidizing", "underwriting" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swooshed":{ "to flow out in great quantities or with force":{ "examples":[ "water swooshed powerfully from the fire hose" ], "synonyms":[ "gushed", "jetted", "poured", "rushed", "spewed", "spouted", "spurted", "squirted" ], "near synonyms":[ "cascaded", "issued", "ran", "run", "rolled", "streamed", "plashed", "sloshed", "splashed", "washed", 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"synonyms":[ "booties", "loots", "pillages", "plunders", "spoils" ], "near synonyms":[ "prizes", "catches", "hauls", "takes", "treasures", "pilferages", "windfalls" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to be limp from lack of water or vigor":{ "examples":[ "the days of endless worrying had taken their toll, and the old woman's face swagged with exhaustion" ], "synonyms":[ "droops", "flags", "hangs", "lolls", "sags", "wilts" ], "near synonyms":[ "slouches", "slumps", "caves (in)", "collapses", "crumples", "drops", "falls", "sinks", "subsides", "yields" ], "near antonyms":[ "distends", "stiffens", "rises", "straightens", "unbends", "uncurls" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "sweating":{ "to devote serious and sustained effort":{ "examples":[ "spent the afternoon sweating over her tax returns" ], "synonyms":[ "banging away", "beavering (away)", "digging (away)", "drudging", "endeavoring", "fagging", "grubbing", "humping", "hustling", "laboring", "moiling", "pegging 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"playing", "pottering (around)", "puttering (around)", "trifling" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to experience concern or anxiety":{ "examples":[ "don't sweat over getting the application in a day late, as it probably doesn't matter" ], "synonyms":[ "bothering", "fearing", "fretting", "fussing", "stewing", "stressing", "troubling", "worrying" ], "near synonyms":[ "agonizing", "longing", "pining", "yearning", "chafing", "despairing" ], "near antonyms":[ "accepting", "abiding", "bearing", "enduring", "sticking out", "stomaching", "sustaining", "taking", "tolerating" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to flow forth slowly through small openings":{ "examples":[ "the oil coat may sweat through this varnish" ], "synonyms":[ "bleeding", "exuding", "oozing", "percolating", "seeping", "straining", "transuding", "weeping" ], "near synonyms":[ "dribbling", "dripping", "trickling", "discharging", "emitting", "giving off", "venting", "emanating", "flowing", "springing" ], "near antonyms":[ "flooding", "gushing", "pouring", "streaming", "surging" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to put a series of questions to":{ "examples":[ "the narcotics squad tried sweating the mule, but he was genuinely clueless about the inner workings of the drug operation" ], "synonyms":[ "catechizing", "examining", "grilling", "interrogating", "pumping", "querying", "questioning", "quizzing" ], "near synonyms":[ "debriefing", "cross-examining", "cross-questioning", "annoying", "harassing", "hounding", "pestering", "canvassing", "canvasing", "polling" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swampers":{ "as in workers , laborers":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "employees", "employes", "hands", "help", "hirelings", "laborers", "workers", "auxiliaries", "legmen", "subordinates", "underlings", "gal Fridays", "girl Fridays", "attendants", "handmaidens", "handmaids", "maids", "maidservants", "scullions", "servants", "man Fridays", "right hands", "adjuncts", "adjutants", "aides", "aids", "apprentices", "assistants", "coadjutors", "deputies", "helpers", "helpmates", "helpmeets", "lieutenants", "mates", "sidekicks", "aides-de-camp" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sweet-talk":{ "to get (someone) to do something by gentle urging, special attention, or flattery":{ "examples":[ "she can sweet-talk her besotted boyfriend into just about anything" ], "synonyms":[ "blandish", "blarney", "cajole", "coax", "palaver", "soft-soap", "wheedle" ], "near synonyms":[ "adulate", "flatter", "overpraise", "butter up", "charm", "massage", "woo", "beg", "beseech", "importune", "urge", "beguile", "cozen", "finagle", "juggle", "wangle", "wile", "entice", "lure", "seduce", "tempt" ], "near antonyms":[ "bug", "harass", "nag", "pester", "tease", "browbeat", "bulldoze", "bully", "cow", "intimidate", "coerce", "compel", "constrain", "demand", "force", "make", "oblige", "require" ], "antonyms":[] }, "excessive praise":{ "examples":[ "enough of this sweet talk \u2014just 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"succulent", "tasty", "toothsome", "toothy" ], "near antonyms":[ "inedible", "nonedible", "uneatable", "indigestible", "nondigestible", "nonnutritious", "undigestible" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "swindled":{ "to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{ "examples":[ "hundreds of people were swindled out of their savings, and all they had to show for it were fake land deeds" ], "synonyms":[ "beat", "bilked", "bled", "cheated", "chiseled", "chiselled", "choused", "conned", "cozened", "defrauded", "did", "diddled", "did in", "euchred", "fiddled", "fleeced", "flimflammed", "gaffed", "hosed", "hustled", "mulcted", "nobbled", "plucked", "reamed", "ripped off", "rooked", "screwed", "shook down", "shortchanged", "shorted", "skinned", "skunked", "squeezed", "stiffed", "stuck", "stung", "suckered", "thimblerigged", "victimized" ], "near synonyms":[ "extorted", "wrenched", "wrested", "wrung", "clipped", "gouged", "nicked", "overcharged", "soaked", "exploited", "milked", "deceived", "duped", "fooled", "gulled", "tricked", "roped (in)", "betrayed", "bitched", "double-crossed", "bamboozled", "fast-talked" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "sway":{ "the power to bring about a result on another":{ "examples":[ "under the sway of euphoria, she offered to take us all out to dinner in celebration of her new job" ], "synonyms":[ "effect", "impact", "influence", "mark", "repercussion" ], "near synonyms":[ "authority", "clout", "prestige", "pull", "weight", "command", "domination", "dominion", "mastery", "consequence", "importance", "significance", "sovereignty", "sovranty", "supremacy" ], "near antonyms":[ "helplessness", "impotence", "impotency", "powerlessness", "weakness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "the power to direct the thinking or behavior of others usually indirectly":{ "examples":[ "outdated attitudes that still hold sway in some communities" ], "synonyms":[ "authority", "clout", "credit", "heft", "in", "influence", "juice", "leverage", "pull", "weight" ], "near synonyms":[ "counterinfluence", "command", "dominance", "dominion", "mastery", "predominance", "reign", "scepter", "sovereignty", "sovranty", "supremacy", "consequence", "eminence", "importance", "moment", "impact", "impress", "impression", "imprint", "mark" ], "near antonyms":[ "helplessness", "impotence", "impotency", "powerlessness", "weakness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "the right or means to command or control others":{ "examples":[ "a time when Rome held sway over a vast empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East" ], "synonyms":[ "arm", "authority", "clutch", "command", "control", "death grip", "dominion", "grip", "hold", "mastery", "power", "reign", "rein(s)" ], "near synonyms":[ "clout", "influence", "leverage", "pull", "voice", "weight", "jurisdiction", "direction", "management", "dominance", "imperium", "predominance", "sovereignty", "sovranty", "supremacy", "prerogative", "privilege", "right", "eminence", "importance", "moment" ], "near antonyms":[ "helplessness", "weakness" ], "antonyms":[ "impotence", "impotency", "powerlessness" ] }, "to act upon (a person or a person's feelings) so as to cause a response":{ "examples":[ "how can you not be swayed by that precious kitten, meowing as if to say, \"Please take me home with you?\"" ], "synonyms":[ "affect", "impact", "impress", "influence", "move", "reach", "strike", "tell (on)", "touch" ], "near synonyms":[ "carry away", "dazzle", "enrapture", "entrance", "enthrall", "enthral", "ravish", "transport", "bias", "color", "inspire", "stir", "engage", "interest", "involve", "penetrate", "pierce", "afflict", "agitate", "bother", "concern", "discomfort", "discompose", "disquiet", "distress", "disturb", "fluster", "harass", "harry", "perturb", "pester", "plague", "smite", "strain", "stress", "trouble", "try", "upset", "worry", "wring", "allure", "attract", "bewitch", "captivate", "charm", "enchant", "fascinate" ], "near antonyms":[ "bore", "jade", "pall", "tire", "weary", "underwhelm" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions":{ "examples":[ "the way the ski lift was swaying in the wind made me nervous" ], "synonyms":[ "careen", "lurch", "pitch", "rock", "roll", "seesaw", "toss", "wobble", "wabble" ], "near synonyms":[ "blunder", "buck", "dodder", "falter", "flounder", "halt", "hitch", "hobble", "jerk", "jolt", "reel", "shake", "stagger", "stumble", "teeter", "toddle", "totter", "tumble", "vacillate", "vibrate", "waddle", "waver", "weave", "oscillate", "undulate", "wag", "waggle" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to exercise authority or power over":{ "examples":[ "an epic novel set in the days when Rome swayed the Western world" ], "synonyms":[ "boss", "captain", "command", "control", "govern", "preside (over)", "rule" ], "near synonyms":[ "conduct", "direct", "head", "lead", "administer", "manage", "micromanage", "oversee", "regulate", "superintend", "supervise", "dictate", "dominate", "domineer", "lord (it 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"goatherds", "drovers", "wranglers" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "swim":{ "to be in a confused state as if from being twirled around":{ "examples":[ "his head was swimming after he was given so much information on his first day at the new job" ], "synonyms":[ "reel", "spin", "turn", "whirl" ], "near synonyms":[ "swirl" ], "near antonyms":[ "calm", "collect", "settle", "steady" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to rest or move along the surface of a liquid or in the air":{ "examples":[ "there appeared to be an oily film swimming on the water" ], "synonyms":[ "drift", "float", "glide", "hang", "hover", "poise", "ride", "sail", "waft" ], "near synonyms":[ "bob", "dangle", "suspend", "buoy", "balloon", "raft" ], "near antonyms":[ "dive", "lunge", "plunge", "dip", "immerse", "submerge", "submerse" ], "antonyms":[ "settle", "sink" ] }, "a temporary state of unconsciousness":{ "examples":[ "the merest glimpse of blood sends him into a swim" ], "synonyms":[ "blackout", "faint", "insensibility", "knockout", "swoon", "syncope" ], "near synonyms":[ "daze", "stupor", "trance", "drowsiness", "narcosis", "sleep", "somnolence" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swagger":{ "to praise or express pride in one's own possessions, qualities, or accomplishments often to excess":{ "examples":[ "I, too, would swagger if I'd won first place in the bowling tournament" ], "synonyms":[ "blow", "boast", "brag", "bull", "crow", "gasconade", "vapor", "vaunt" ], "near synonyms":[ "bluster", "harangue", "puff", "pride", "gush", "exult", "glory", "rejoice", "brandish", "display", "exhibit", "expose", "flaunt", "glorify", "parade", "show off", "magnify", "maximize" ], "near antonyms":[ "belittle", "deprecate", "diminish", "discount", "laugh off", "minimize", "play down", "pooh-pooh", "pooh", "shrug off", "underrate", "undervalue", "bemoan", "lament", "mourn", "regret" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to walk with exaggerated arm and leg movements":{ "examples":[ "hoping to impress the women at the bar, the young man confidently swaggered across the room" ], "synonyms":[ "prance", "sashay", "stalk", "strut" ], "near synonyms":[ "flounce", "mince", "traipse", "pussyfoot", "tiptoe", "sweep", "parade", "promenade", "pad", "step", "tread", "pace", "stride", "lumber", "lurch", "pound", "shamble", "shuffle", "stagger" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "as in smart , chic":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "\u00e0 la mode", "a la mode", "chic", "fashionable", "in", "modish", "posh", "sharp", "sleek", "smart", "snappy", "stylish", "swank", "swanky", "chichi", "flossy", "haute", "haut", "nobby", "ritzy", "soign\u00e9", "soign\u00e9e", "deluxe", "exclusive", "high-end", "luxe", "luxurious", "opulent", "sumptuous", "upmarket", "upscale", "flamboyant", "flashy", "glitzy", "ostentatious", "august", "baronial", "gallant", "glorious", "grand", "heroic", "heroical", "imposing", "lavish", "magnificent", "monumental", "noble", "ornate", "proud", "regal", "rich", "royal", "splendid", "superb", "classy", "courtly", "elegant", "fine", "graceful", "handsome", "majestic", "refined", "stately", "tasteful", "artful", "genteel", "polished", "sophisticated", "ultrachic", "ultracool", "ultrahip", "ultraposh", "ultrasmart", "ultrasophisticated" ], "near antonyms":[ "dowdy", "graceless", "inelegant", "styleless", "tasteless", "unfashionable", "unhandsome", "unstylish", "rough-edged", "rough-hewn", "rude", "trashy", "uncouth", "uncultivated", "uncultured", "unpolished", "unrefined", "vulgar" ], "antonyms":[] }, "as in bravado , bombast":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "boastfulness", "bombast", "braggadocio", "bravado", "strut", "triumphalism", "vaingloriousness", "vainglory", "arrogance", "assumption", "bumptiousness", "consequence", "haughtiness", "hauteur", "high horse", "huffiness", "imperiousness", "loftiness", "lordliness", "masterfulness", "peremptoriness", "pomposity", "pompousness", "presumptuousness", "pretense", "pretence", "pretension", "pretentiousness", "self-consequence", "self-importance", "superciliousness", "superiority", "toploftiness", "authoritativeness", "bossiness", "bowwow", "brag", "dominance", "high-handedness", "condescension", "disdain", "scorn", "chest-thumping", "inflation", "self-assertion", "side", "snobbery", "snobbishness", "snobbism", "snootiness", "attitude", "cheek", "cheekiness", "impertinence", "impudence", "sauciness", "cockiness", "complacence", "conceit", "egoism", "egotism", "pride", "pridefulness", "self-assumption", "self-centeredness", "self-complacency", "self-conceit", "self-content", "self-contentment", "self-opinion", "self-partiality", "self-satisfaction", "smugness", "swelled head", "vanity", "superiority complex" ], "near antonyms":[ "bashfulness", "demureness", "retiringness", "shyness", "diffidence", "self-distrust", "self-doubt", "timidity", "timidness", "lowliness", "meekness", "mousiness", "passiveness", "passivity", "submissiveness", "quietness", "reserve", "reservedness", "humility", "modesty", "unassumingness", "unpretentiousness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "noun", "verb" ] }, "swivels":{ "to move (something) in a curved or circular path on or as if on an axis":{ "examples":[ "the cat swiveled one ear to listen to a sound outside", "swiveled around in his office chair" ], "synonyms":[ "pivots", "revolves", "rolls", "rotates", "spins", "swings", "swirls", "turns", "twirls", "twists", "wheels", "whirls" ], "near synonyms":[ "screws", "unscrews", "twiddles", "coils", "cranks", "reels", "winds", "circulates" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swishing":{ "to make a sound like that of stretching out the speech sound \\s\\":{ "examples":[ "with their satin costumes swishing , the little ballerinas chass\u00e9d onto the stage" ], "synonyms":[ "fizzing", "fizzling", "hissing", "sizzling", "whishing", "whizzing" ], "near synonyms":[ "swooshing", "wheezing", "whistling", "whooshing", "zipping", "bubbling", "effervescing", "buzzing", "droning", "humming" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to move from side to side or up and down with quick jerky motions":{ "examples":[ "the horse's tail swishes after every jump" ], "synonyms":[ "switching", "wagging", "waggling" ], "near synonyms":[ "oscillating", "rocking", "swaying", "swinging", "wavering", "beating", "flailing", "flapping", "flopping", "lashing", "whipping", "flickering", "flicking", "fluttering", "waving", "jerking", "jolting", "jigging", "jiggling", "joggling", "shaking", "twitching", "wiggling", "bobbing", "jogging", "nodding" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swinish":{ "having a huge appetite":{ "examples":[ "the more swinish diners attacked the all-you-can-eat buffet with gusto" ], "synonyms":[ "edacious", "esurient", "gluttonous", "greedy", "hoggish", "piggish", "rapacious", "ravenous", "voracious" ], "near synonyms":[ "hearty", 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"rolling", "rippled", "rippling", "wavy", "rutted", "rutty", "undulant", "undulating", "undulatory", "inexact", "unaligned", "lopsided", "unbalanced", "pitted", "pocked", "knobbly", "knobby", "knurled", "knurly", "nubbly", "nubby" ], "near antonyms":[ "exact", "uniform", "aligned", "alined", "regular", "true", "horizontal", "tabular", "plumb", "straight", "vertical", "flush", "even", "flat", "level", "plane", "smooth" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number":{ "examples":[ "the club membership has really swelled in recent months" ], "synonyms":[ "accelerating", "accumulating", "appreciating", "ballooning", "booming", "building up", "burgeoning", "bourgeoning", "climbing", "enlarging", "escalating", "expanding", "gaining", "increasing", "mounting", "multiplying", "mushrooming", "proliferating", "rising", "rolling up", "snowballing", "spreading", "waxing" ], "near synonyms":[ "jumping", "rocketing", "skyrocketing", "surging", "heightening", 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"sup", "swallow", "swill" ], "near synonyms":[ "dram", "drop" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to swallow in liquid form":{ "examples":[ "the only way he can stay awake at his night job is by constantly swigging drinks containing caffeine" ], "synonyms":[ "belt (down)", "drink", "gulp", "guzzle", "hoist", "imbibe", "knock back", "pound (down)", "quaff", "sip", "slug (down)", "slurp", "sup", "swill", "toss (down or off)" ], "near synonyms":[ "lap", "lick", "suck", "consume", "down", "ingurgitate", "kill", "mouth (down)", "put away", "nip", "tipple", "pledge", "toast", "wine" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swept":{ "to move or proceed smoothly and readily":{ "examples":[ "the wind swept across the plain without respite" ], "synonyms":[ "bowled", "breezed", "brushed", "coasted", "cruised", "drifted", "flowed", "glided", "rolled", "sailed", "skimmed", "slid", "slipped", "streamed", "whisked" ], "near synonyms":[ "flew", "raced", "rushed", "sped", "speeded" ], "near antonyms":[ "limped", "lumbered", "plodded", "stumbled", "trudged", "shambled", "shuffled", "stamped", "stomped", "stumped", "tramped", "labored", "toiled" ], "antonyms":[ "floundered", "struggled" ] }, "to turn away from a straight line or course":{ "examples":[ "from this point the mountain range sweeps to the northeast and extends into the next state" ], "synonyms":[ "arced", "arched", "bent", "bowed", "crooked", "curved", "fell off", "hooked", "rounded", "swerved", "trended", "wheeled" ], "near synonyms":[ "circled", "coiled", "curled", "curlicued", "looped", "spiraled", "spiralled", "turned", "twisted", "wound", "winded", "deviated", "veered" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "straightened" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "sweet-talked":{ "to get (someone) to do something by gentle urging, special attention, or flattery":{ "examples":[ "she can sweet-talk her besotted boyfriend into just about anything" ], "synonyms":[ "blandished", "blarneyed", "cajoled", 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"wanting" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to move (as up or over something) often with the help of the hands in holding or pulling":{ "examples":[ "one of the physical challenges had competitors swarming over a pile of logs" ], "synonyms":[ "clambering", "climbing", "scrabbling", "scrambling" ], "near synonyms":[ "shimmying", "shinning", "shinnying", "skinning", "ascending", "breasting", "free-climbing", "getting up", "mounting", "scaling", "summiting", "surmounting", "clawing", "sprawling", "struggling" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "swards":{ "as in grasses , lawns":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "grasses", "green", "greenswards", "lawns", "clearings", "grounds", "lots", "parcels", "plats", "plots", "tracts", "floodplains", "campos", "champaigns", "downs", "grasslands", "heaths", "leas", "leys", "llanos", "moors", "pampas", "plains", "prairies", "savannas", "savannahs", "steppes", "tundras", "velds", "veldts", "bottomlands", 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"he always ends up in a sweat during tax season" ], "synonyms":[ "dither", "fluster", "fret", "fuss", "huff", "lather", "pother", "stew", "swelter", "swivet", "tizzy", "twitter" ], "near synonyms":[ "bother", "dudgeon", "pique", "alarm", "alarum", "hand-wringing", "panic", "ado", "agitation", "delirium", "distraction", "furor", "hysteria", "uproar", "nervous breakdown" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to devote serious and sustained effort":{ "examples":[ "spent the afternoon sweating over her tax returns" ], "synonyms":[ "bang away", "beaver (away)", "dig (away)", "drudge", "endeavor", "fag", "grub", "hump", "hustle", "labor", "moil", "peg (away)", "plod", "plow", "plug", "slave", "slog", "strain", "strive", "struggle", "toil", "travail", "tug", "work" ], "near synonyms":[ "apply (oneself)", "buckle (down)", "dig in", "hammer (away)", "knuckle down", "pitch in", "attack", "drive", "essay", "try", "exercise", "exert", "overexert", "overwork", "eke out", "grind (out)", "put 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"synonyms":[ "bumps", "knots", "lumps", "nodes", "nodules" ], "near synonyms":[ "growths", "tumors", "warts", "humps", "hunches", "bruises", "contusions", "welts", "blisters", "boils", "blobs", "chunks", "clods", "clumps", "gobbets", "gobs", "hunks", "knobs", "nubbles", "nubs", "nuggets", "wads" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "swankiness":{ "as in style , chicness":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "chic", "chicness", "dapperness", "elegance", "poshness", "smartness", "style", "swank", "cool", "coolness", "fashionableness", "hip", "hipness", "hipsterism", "modishness", "stylishness", "trendiness", "voguishness", "class", "grace", "gracefulness", "majesty", "stateliness", "artfulness", "polish", "sophistication", "taste", "tastefulness" ], "near antonyms":[ "unfashionableness", "flashiness", "garishness", "gaudiness", "gracelessness", "grotesqueness", "tackiness", "tastelessness", "tawdriness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, 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"bumping", "butting", "jabbing", "jostling", "kicking", "kneeing", "poking", "prodding", "pushing", "shoving", "stamping", "bowling (down or over)", "creaming", "decking", "dumping", "felling", "flooring", "knocking down", "leveling", "levelling", "rabbit-punching", "sucker punching", "caning", "clubbing", "cudgeling", "cudgelling", "flailing", "flogging", "lashing", "sapping", "slashing", "sledgehammering", "sledging", "spearing", "stabbing", "switching", "thrashing", "whipping", "beaning", "braining", "conking", "skulling" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swerve":{ "to depart abruptly from a straight line or course":{ "examples":[ "the car swerved sharply to avoid the squirrel in the road" ], "synonyms":[ "break", "cut", "sheer", "veer", "yaw", "zag", "zig" ], "near synonyms":[ "skew", "slew", "slue", "arc", "arch", "bend", "bow", "crook", "curve", "hook", "round", "sweep", "wheel", "about-face", "pivot", "circle", "coil", "curl", "loop", "spiral", "turn", "twist", "wind", "weave", "zigzag", "deviate", "stray", "wander", "waver" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "straighten" ] }, "to turn away from a straight line or course":{ "examples":[ "the bike path gently swerves to the right" ], "synonyms":[ "arc", "arch", "bend", "bow", "crook", "curve", "fall off", "hook", "round", "sweep", "trend", "wheel" ], "near synonyms":[ "circle", "coil", "curlicue", "curl", "loop", "spiral", "turn", "twist", "wind", "deviate", "veer" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "straighten" ] }, "to cause to turn away from a straight line":{ "examples":[ "a dog dashed out in front of me and made me swerve my bike to one side of the bike path" ], "synonyms":[ "arch", "bend", "bow", "crook", "curve", "hook" ], "near synonyms":[ "arc", "round", "incurvate", "incurve", "inflect", "reflect", "deflect", "divert", "entwine", "kink", "swirl", "turn", "twine", "twist", "veer", "warp", "coil", "curl", "enroll", "enrol", "loop", "spiral", "dent", "dimple", "meander", "wave", "weave", "wind", "decline", "incline", "slope" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "straighten", "unbend", "uncurl" ] }, "to change one's course or direction":{ "examples":[ "the hurricane had been following the coastline before it swerved and headed inland" ], "synonyms":[ "detour", "deviate", "diverge", "sheer", "swing", "turn", "turn off", "veer", "wheel" ], "near synonyms":[ "tack", "zigzag", "double (back)", "turn back" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "sweating blood":{ "to devote serious and sustained effort":{ "examples":[ "They sweat blood over that house for months but it was worth it in the end." ], "synonyms":[ "banging away", "beavering (away)", "digging (away)", "drudging", "endeavoring", "fagging", "grubbing", "humping", "hustling", "laboring", "moiling", "pegging (away)", "plodding", "plowing", "plugging", "slaving", "slogging", "straining", "striving", "struggling", "sweating", "toiling", "travailing", "tugging", "working" 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"straightforward", "unbent", "uncurled", "untwisted", "undeviating", "unswerving" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to cause (as a liquid) to move about in a circle especially repeatedly":{ "examples":[ "kept swirling her lemonade until the ice had melted and it was completely watered down" ], "synonyms":[ "agitated", "churned", "stirred", "washed", "whirled" ], "near synonyms":[ "beat", "paddled", "whipped", "whisked", "reeled", "shook", "wheeled" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to move (something) in a curved or circular path on or as if on an axis":{ "examples":[ "swirled her skirts as she danced the tango" ], "synonyms":[ "pivoted", "revolved", "rolled", "rotated", "spun", "swiveled", "swivelled", "swung", "turned", "twirled", "twisted", "wheeled", "whirled" ], "near synonyms":[ "screwed", "unscrewed", "twiddled", "coiled", "cranked", "reeled", "wound", "winded", "circulated" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "swayed":{ "as in convinced , 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"affirming", "asserting", "averring", "avouching", "avowing", "declaring", "insisting", "warranting" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to make a solemn declaration under oath for the purpose of establishing a fact":{ "examples":[ "the sworn statement of the witness was presented as evidence" ], "synonyms":[ "attesting", "deposing", "testifying", "witnessing" ], "near synonyms":[ "verifying", "vouching", "promising", "vowing" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "sweltered":{ "as in cooked , baked":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "baked", "broiled", "charred", "cooked", "melted", "roasted", "scorched", "flickered", "guttered", "wavered", "smoldered", "smouldered", "sparked", "sputtered", "flared (up)", "lit (up)", "lighted (up)", "beamed", "brightened", "radiated", "deflagrated", "fired", "ignited", "kindled", "beat (down)", "flashed", "glared", "gleamed", "glimmered", "glinted", "glistened", "glittered", "scintillated", 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"smothered", "stifled", "strangled", "submerged", "suppressed" ], "near synonyms":[ "controlled", "governed", "managed", "bridled", "checked", "curbed", "quashed", "quelled", "bottled up", "contained", "muffled", "squelched" ], "near antonyms":[ "expressed", "loosed", "released", "took out", "unleashed", "vented" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to regard as right or true":{ "examples":[ "my little niece swallows everything I tell her" ], "synonyms":[ "accepted", "believed", "bought", "credited", "took", "trusted" ], "near synonyms":[ "accounted", "accredited", "understood", "assumed", "presumed", "supposed", "concluded", "deduced", "inferred" ], "near antonyms":[ "distrusted", "doubted", "misdoubted", "mistrusted", "questioned", "suspected", "challenged", "disputed" ], "antonyms":[ "disbelieved", "discredited", "rejected" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "switchblades":{ "as in daggers , machetes":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "bayonets", "bodkins", "bolos", "bowie knifes", "bowie 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"change", "commute", "exchange", "shift", "substitute", "switch", "trade" ], "near synonyms":[ "interchange", "displace", "replace", "supersede", "cede", "hand over", "surrender", "yield", "reciprocate" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a giving or taking of one thing of value in return for another":{ "examples":[ "we made a swap : I'll do the dishes tonight and she'll do them for me tomorrow" ], "synonyms":[ "back-and-forth", "barter", "commutation", "dicker", "exchange", "quid pro quo", "trade", "trade-off", "truck" ], "near synonyms":[ "replacement", "substitution", "reciprocation", "recompense", "requital", "bargain", "deal", "horse trade", "negotiation", "transaction", "bargaining", "dealing", "dickering", "haggling", "horse trading", "logrolling" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "sweaterdress":{ "as in granny dress , sundress":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "chemise", "coatdress", "granny dress", "housedress", 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"navigator", "sailor", "salt", "sea dog", "seafarer", "seaman", "shipman", "swab", "tar" ], "near synonyms":[ "coxswain", "crewman", "deckhand", "shipmate", "able-bodied seaman", "able seaman", "lubber", "powerboater", "sailboater", "lime-juicer", "limey" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "swearing in":{ "as in installing , initiating":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "inaugurating", "inducting", "initiating", "installing", "instating", "affirming", "confirming", "validating", "allowing", "letting", "permitting", "approving", "clearing", "credentialing", "credentialling", "endorsing", "indorsing", "OK'ing", "okaying", "sanctioning", "enfranchising", "entitling", "privileging", "accrediting", "authorizing", "certifying", "chartering", "commissioning", "empowering", "enabling", "investing", "licensing", "licencing", "qualifying", "vesting", "warranting" ], "near antonyms":[ "disqualifying", "banning", "barring", "blocking", "constraining", "denying", "disallowing", "disbarring", "discouraging", "disenfranchising", "disfranchising", "excluding", "hindering", "holding back", "impeding", "inhibiting", "obstructing", "preventing", "shutting out", "stopping", "enjoining", "forbidding", "interdicting", "outlawing", "prohibiting", "proscribing", "vetoing" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swooning":{ "to lose consciousness":{ "examples":[ "easily swooned at the sight of blood" ], "synonyms":[ "blacking out", "conking (out)", "fainting", "keeling (over)", "passing out" ], "near synonyms":[ "breaking down", "collapsing", "zonking (out)" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "coming around", "coming round", "coming to", "reviving" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swaggerer":{ "someone who boasts":{ "examples":[ "despite his reputation for being a swellheaded swaggerer , he's actually quite insecure" ], "synonyms":[ "blower", "blowhard", "boaster", "brag", "braggadocio", "braggart", "bragger", "cockalorum", "cracker", "gascon", 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"draped", "embedded", "imbedded", "encased", "swaddled", "blanketed", "overlaid", "overspread", "camouflaged", "cloaked", "disguised", "masked", "circled", "encircled", "enlaced", "enwound" ], "near antonyms":[ "bared", "denuded", "exposed", "stripped", "stript" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to cover with a bandage":{ "examples":[ "tenderly swathed the soldier's wounds" ], "synonyms":[ "bandaged", "bound", "dressed" ], "near synonyms":[ "attended", "cared (for)", "doctored", "medicated", "ministered (to)", "nursed", "treated", "cured", "healed", "mended", "rehabilitated", "remedied" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swimming pool":{ "as in pool , lake":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "billabong", "mere", "pool", "puddle", "stank", "well", "lake", "pond", "water hole", "basin", "hole", "sinkhole" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sweats blood":{ "to devote serious and sustained effort":{ "examples":[ "They sweat blood over 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"doodles", "fools around", "fribbles", "goofs (around)", "hangs", "hangs about", "messes around", "monkeys (around)", "plays", "potters (around)", "putters (around)", "trifles" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to experience concern or anxiety":{ "examples":[ "He was sweating blood back stage waiting for the show to begin." ], "synonyms":[ "bothers", "fears", "frets", "fusses", "stews", "stresses", "sweats", "troubles", "worries" ], "near synonyms":[ "agonizes", "longs", "pines", "yearns", "chafes", "despairs" ], "near antonyms":[ "accepts", "abides", "bears", "endures", "sticks out", "stomachs", "sustains", "takes", "tolerates" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "sweetie pies":{ "a person with whom one is in love":{ "examples":[ "do you want to tell them how we met, sweetie pie , or should I?" ], "synonyms":[ "beloveds", "darlings", "dears", "flames", "honeys", "hons", "loves", "squeezes", "sweethearts", "sweeties", "sweets", "trueloves" ], "near synonyms":[ "beaux", "beaus", "boyfriends", "boys", "fellows", "men", "swains", "gals", "girlfriends", "girls", "inamoratas", "ladyloves", "lasses", "mistresses", "tootsies", "amours", "lovers", "paramours", "dolls", "ducks", "pets", "dates", "escorts", "steadies", "admirers", "gallants", "suitors", "wooers", "grooms", "husbands", "brides", "wives", "significant others", "fianc\u00e9s", "intendeds", "crushes", "heartthrobs" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "swots":{ "a person slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits":{ "examples":[ "every time he begged off a night at the pub\u2014saying he had to study\u2014his mates teased him for being a swot" ], "synonyms":[ "bookworms", "dinks", "dorks", "geeks", "grinds", "nerds", "weenies", "wonks" ], "near synonyms":[ "double-domes", "highbrows", "intellectuals", "brains", "geniuses", "genii", "academics", "bookmen", "scholars", "gearheads", "techies" ], "near antonyms":[ "goldbricks", "goof-offs", "slackers", "underachievers", "lowbrows" ], "antonyms":[] }, "as in grinds":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "grinds", "crams", "analyzes", "deduces", "finds out", "bones (up)", "studies", "cons", "learns", "memorizes", "reads", "researches", "restudies", "apprehends", "comprehends", "grasps", "knows", "understands", "absorbs", "digests" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "sweet talk":{ "to get (someone) to do something by gentle urging, special attention, or flattery":{ "examples":[ "she can sweet-talk her besotted boyfriend into just about anything" ], "synonyms":[ "blandish", "blarney", "cajole", "coax", "palaver", "soft-soap", "wheedle" ], "near synonyms":[ "adulate", "flatter", "overpraise", "butter up", "charm", "massage", "woo", "beg", "beseech", "importune", "urge", "beguile", "cozen", "finagle", "juggle", "wangle", "wile", "entice", "lure", "seduce", "tempt" ], "near antonyms":[ "bug", "harass", "nag", "pester", "tease", "browbeat", "bulldoze", "bully", "cow", "intimidate", "coerce", "compel", "constrain", "demand", "force", "make", "oblige", "require" ], "antonyms":[] }, "excessive praise":{ "examples":[ "enough of this sweet talk \u2014just give me your honest opinion of my performance" ], "synonyms":[ "adulation", "blarney", "butter", "flannel", "flattery", "incense", "overpraise", "soft soap", "taffy" ], "near synonyms":[ "allurements", "blandishments", "endearments", "caresses", "compliments", "congratulations", "felicitations", "greetings", "regards", "respects", "adoration", "idolatry", "worship", "fawning", "sycophancy", "toadying", "cajolement", "cajolery", "ingratiation", "smarm", "acclaim", "applause", "commendation", "praise" ], "near antonyms":[ "bad-mouthing", "belittlement", "depreciation", "detraction", "disparagement", "put-down" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "sweetmeats":{ "a food having a high sugar content":{ "examples":[ "16th-century Naples carried on a vast export trade in silks and sweetmeats" ], "synonyms":[ "confections", "sweets" ], "near synonyms":[ "confectionaries", "confectioneries", "sweeties", "afters", "candies", "desserts", "entremets", "pastries" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "swindling":{ "as in cheating , defrauding":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "cheating", "chiseling", "chiselling", "defrauding", "skinning", "extortion", "fleecing", "gouging", "highway robbery", "overcharging" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{ "examples":[ "hundreds of people were swindled out of their savings, and all they had to show for it were fake land deeds" ], "synonyms":[ "beating", "bilking", "bleeding", "cheating", "chiseling", "chiselling", "chousing", "conning", "cozening", "defrauding", "diddling", "doing", "doing in", "euchring", "fiddling", "fleecing", "flimflamming", "gaffing", "hosing", "hustling", "mulcting", "nobbling", "plucking", "reaming", "ripping off", "rooking", "screwing", "shaking down", "shortchanging", "shorting", "skinning", "skunking", "squeezing", "sticking", "stiffing", "stinging", "suckering", "thimblerigging", "victimizing" ], "near synonyms":[ "extorting", "wrenching", "wresting", "wringing", "clipping", "gouging", "nicking", "overcharging", "soaking", "exploiting", "milking", "deceiving", "duping", "fooling", "gulling", "tricking", "roping (in)", "betraying", "bitching", "double-crossing", "bamboozling", "fast-talking" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swank":{ "excessive or unnecessary display":{ "examples":[ "service that is the essence of swank : the waiters pull out your chair for you and even place your napkin on your lap" ], "synonyms":[ "flamboyance", "flash", "flashiness", "garishness", "gaudiness", "glitz", "ostentation", "ostentatiousness", "pretentiousness", "showiness" ], "near synonyms":[ "pretense", "pretence", "\u00e9clat", "extravaganza", "mummery", "pageant", "parade", "show", 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"baroque", "bedizened", "ornate", "fancy", "snazzy", "zooty", "blaring", "bright", "florid", "glaring", "glittery", "overbright", "spectacular", "graceless", "inelegant", "lurid", "tacky", "tasteless", "tawdry", "tinselly", "vulgar" ], "near antonyms":[ "appropriate", "fitting", "proper", "inconspicuous", "muted", "restrained", "subdued", "toned (down)", "unobtrusive", "elegant", "graceful", "tasteful", "modest", "plain", "simple", "unpretentious" ], "antonyms":[ "conservative", "quiet", "understated", "unflamboyant", "unflashy" ] }, "as in boast , brag":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "boast", "brag", "crow", "gasconade", "swagger", "swash", "vapor", "vaunt", "flatter", "pique", "plume", "pride", "congratulate", "felicitate" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "noun", "verb" ] }, "swaddles":{ "to wrap (someone, especially a baby) tightly with a blanket, pieces of cloth, etc.":{ "examples":[ "He swaddled the baby in a blanket." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "drapes", "enswathes", "haps", "huddles", "swathes", "wraps", "apparels", "arrays", "attires", "bedecks", "caparisons", "clothes", "costumes", "decks (out)", "does up", "dresses", "dresses up", "enrobes", "garbs", "garments", "gets up", "gowns", "habits", "invests", "rigs (out)", "robes", "suits", "togs (up or out)", "toilets", "vestures", "cloaks", "frocks", "jackets", "mantles", "vests", "accoutres", "accouters", "bedights", "equips", "furnishes", "habilitates", "outfits", "tailors", "uniforms", "dresses down", "underdresses" ], "near antonyms":[ "denudes", "divests", "uncovers", "undrapes", "unveils", "disarrays", "disrobes", "strips", "unclothes", "undresses", "untrusses" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "sweat blood":{ "to devote serious and sustained effort":{ "examples":[ "They sweat blood over that house for months but it was worth it in the end." ], "synonyms":[ "bang away", "beaver (away)", "dig (away)", "drudge", "endeavor", "fag", "grub", "hump", "hustle", "labor", "moil", "peg (away)", "plod", "plow", "plug", "slave", "slog", "strain", "strive", "struggle", "sweat", "toil", "travail", "tug", "work" ], "near synonyms":[ "apply (oneself)", "buckle (down)", "dig in", "hammer (away)", "knuckle down", "pitch in", "attack", "drive", "essay", "try", "exercise", "exert", "overexert", "overwork", "eke out", "grind (out)", "put out", "scrabble", "scratch", "trudge", "wade" ], "near antonyms":[ "break", "ease (up)", "let up", "slacken", "bum", "chill", "dally", "dillydally", "footle", "goldbrick", "goof (off)", "hack (around)", "hang (around or out)", "idle", "laze", "loaf", "lounge", "shirk", "slack (off)", "veg out", "bask", "loll", "relax", "repose", "rest", "unwind", "dabble", "doodle", "fool around", "fribble", "goof (around)", "hang", "hang about", "mess around", "monkey (around)", "play", "potter (around)", "putter (around)", "trifle" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to experience concern or anxiety":{ "examples":[ "He was 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"refuse", "reject", "repudiate", "spurn", "turn down", "combat", "contest", "fight", "oppose", "resist", "avoid", "bypass", "circumvent", "dodge", "elude", "escape", "evade", "miss", "abstain (from)", "forbear", "refrain (from)" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "sweating out":{ "to put up with (something painful or difficult)":{ "examples":[ "I can sweat out one more year of this job\u2014before I totally flip out" ], "synonyms":[ "abiding", "absorbing", "accepting", "bearing", "biding", "brooking", "countenancing", "enduring", "going", "hacking", "handling", "meeting", "pocketing", "standing", "sticking out", "stomaching", "supporting", "sustaining", "taking", "tolerating", "wearing" ], "near synonyms":[ "allowing", "permitting", "suffering", "swallowing", "reconciling (to)", "acquiescing", "agreeing (with or to)", "assenting (to)", "capitulating", "consenting (to)", "respecting", "submitting (to)", "yielding (to)" ], "near antonyms":[ "declining", "dismissing", "refusing", "rejecting", "repudiating", "spurning", "turning down", "combating", "combatting", "contesting", "fighting", "opposing", "resisting", "avoiding", "bypassing", "circumventing", "dodging", "eluding", "escaping", "evading", "missing", "abstaining (from)", "forbearing", "refraining (from)" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swigs":{ "the portion of a serving of a beverage that is swallowed at one time":{ "examples":[ "can I have just a swig of your lemonade to wash down these french fries?" ], "synonyms":[ "belts", "drafts", "drags", "drinks", "gulps", "nips", "quaffs", "shots", "sips", "slugs", "snorts", "sups", "swallows", "swills" ], "near synonyms":[ "drams", "drops" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to swallow in liquid form":{ "examples":[ "the only way he can stay awake at his night job is by constantly swigging drinks containing caffeine" ], "synonyms":[ "belts (down)", "drinks", "gulps", "guzzles", "hoists", "imbibes", "knocks back", "pounds (down)", "quaffs", "sips", "slugs (down)", "slurps", "sups", "swills", "tosses (down or off)" ], "near synonyms":[ "laps", "licks", "sucks", "consumes", "downs", "ingurgitates", "kills", "mouths (down)", "puts away", "nips", "tipples", "pledges", "toasts", "wines" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swabbie":{ "one who operates or navigates a seagoing vessel":{ "examples":[ "the pirate captain cried, \"Ahoy, me swabbies , 'tis time to hoist the Jolly Roger!\"" ], "synonyms":[ "gob", "hearty", "jack", "jack-tar", "mariner", "navigator", "sailor", "salt", "sea dog", "seafarer", "seaman", "shipman", "swab", "tar" ], "near synonyms":[ "coxswain", "crewman", "deckhand", "shipmate", "able-bodied seaman", "able seaman", "lubber", "powerboater", "sailboater", "lime-juicer", "limey" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }