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"nipping", "pelting", "racing", "ramming", "ripping", "rocketing", "running", "rushing", "rustling", "scooting", "scurrying", "scuttling", "shooting", "speeding", "tearing", "traveling", "travelling", "trotting", "whirling", "whisking", "zipping", "zooming" ], "near synonyms":[ "beetling", "darting", "flitting", "scampering", "scudding", "scuffling", "stampeding", "streaking", "whizzing", "galloping", "jogging", "sprinting", "accelerating", "quickening", "stepping out", "catching up", "fast-forwarding", "outpacing", "outrunning", "outstripping", "overtaking", "arrowing", "beelining" ], "near antonyms":[ "dallying", "dawdling", "dillydallying", "dragging", "hanging (around or out)", "lagging", "lingering", "loitering", "poking", "tarrying", "ambling", "lumbering", "plodding", "sauntering", "shuffling", "strolling", "decelerating", "slowing (down or up)" ], "antonyms":[ "crawling", "creeping", "poking" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "stenographies":{ "as in shorthands , stenos":{ 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"sensitized" ], "antonyms":[ "softened" ] }, "to prepare (oneself) mentally or emotionally":{ "examples":[ "he had spent the previous night steeling himself for the moment when he would demand a raise" ], "synonyms":[ "braced", "forearmed", "fortified", "nerved", "poised", "psyched (up)", "readied", "strengthened" ], "near synonyms":[ "armed", "hardened", "inured", "seasoned", "toughened", "bolstered", "boosted", "buoyed (up)", "buttressed", "enforced", "propped (up)", "reinforced", "reenforced", "supported", "sustained", "cheered (up)", "comforted", "emboldened", "encouraged", "heartened", "inspired", "rallied", "roused", "stirred" ], "near antonyms":[ "daunted", "demoralized", "discouraged", "disheartened", "dispirited", "psyched (out)", "shook", "unnerved", "debilitated", "enervated", "enfeebled", "prostrated", "sapped", "softened", "tired", "undercut", "undermined", "weakened" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "stenos":{ "as in shorthands , stenographies":{ 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