{ "once in a blue moon":{ "not often":{ "examples":[ "Once in a blue moon , this car just refuses to start.", "They only see each other once in a blue moon as they rarely are in the same location at the same time." ], "synonyms":[ "infrequently", "little", "rarely" ], "near synonyms":[ "ne'er", "never", "episodically", "irregularly", "now and then", "occasionally", "seldom", "sometimes", "sporadically" ], "near antonyms":[ "customarily", "generally", "habitually", "ordinarily", "routinely", "usually", "always", "constantly", "continually", "continuously", "endlessly", "eternally", "ever", "everlastingly", "evermore", "forever", "invariably", "perennially", "perpetually", "unceasingly", "chronically", "recurrently", "repeatedly" ], "antonyms":[ "frequently", "oft", "often", "oftentimes", "ofttimes" ] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "once-overs":{ "as in perusals":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "perusals", "inquisitions", "interrogations", "rechecks", "reinspections", "resurveys", "explorations", "investigations", "probes", "researches", "studies", "observations", "surveillances", "watches", "analyses", "assays", "close-ups", "deconstructions", "dissections", "checkouts", "test-drives", "trial runs", "audits", "checks", "checkups", "examinations", "goings-over", "inspections", "look-sees", "reviews", "scans", "scrutinies", "surveys", "views" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "once":{ "at an earlier or previous time":{ "examples":[ "I once knew the quotation, but time has taken its toll on my brain cells" ], "synonyms":[ "erstwhile", "formerly", "onetime" ], "near synonyms":[], "near antonyms":[ "lately", "recently", "currently", "now", "presently" ], "antonyms":[] }, "having been such at some previous time":{ "examples":[ "the once child star is now a lawyer in the entertainment industry" ], "synonyms":[ "erstwhile", "former", "late", "old", "onetime", "other", "past", "quondam", "sometime", "whilom" ], "near synonyms":[ "bygone", "dead", "defunct", "departed", "expired", "extinct", "gone", "long-ago", "vanished" ], "near antonyms":[ "contemporary", "current", "extant", "ongoing", "present", "present-day", "coming", "future", "prospective", "unborn" ], "antonyms":[] }, "just at the moment that":{ "examples":[ "you should have stopped wrestling once you knew someone was getting hurt, not five minutes later" ], "synonyms":[ "as soon as", "immediately", "instantly", "when" ], "near synonyms":[], "near antonyms":[ "after", "directly", "since" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "adverb", "conjunction" ] }, "oncoming":{ "being soon to appear or take place":{ "examples":[ "we're looking forward to your oncoming visit" ], "synonyms":[ "approaching", "coming", "forthcoming", "imminent", "impending", "nearing", "pending", "proximate", "upcoming" ], "near synonyms":[ "future", "anticipated", "awaited", "expected", "foreseen", "predicted" ], "near antonyms":[ "bygone", "erstwhile", "foregone", "former", "old", "onetime", "other", "past", "quondam", "sometime", "whilom" ], "antonyms":[ "late", "recent" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "once-over":{ "as in perusal":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "perusal", "inquisition", "interrogation", "recheck", "reinspection", "resurvey", "exploration", "investigation", "probe", "research", "study", "observation", "surveillance", "watch", "analysis", "assay", "close-up", "deconstruction", "dissection", "checkout", "test-drive", "trial run", "audit", "check", "checkup", "examination", "going-over", "inspection", "look-see", "review", "scan", "scrutiny", "survey", "view" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "once in a while":{ "on some occasions":{ "examples":[ "tries to avoid sweets, but indulges in chocolate once in a while" ], "synonyms":[ "here and there", "now", "now and then", "occasionally", "sometimes" ], "near synonyms":[ "intermittently", "off and on", "periodically", "recurrently", "infrequently", "little", "rarely", "seldom", "irregularly", "sporadically", "variously" ], "near antonyms":[ "frequently", "hourly", "much", "oft", "often", "oftentimes", "ofttimes", "commonly", "ordinarily", "regularly", "routinely", "usually", "always", "consistently", "constantly", "invariably", "continually", "continuingly", "continuously", "incessantly", "perpetually", "unceasingly", "uninterruptedly", "endlessly", "ever", "interminably" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] } }