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"verb" ] }, "mentalities":{ "the ability to learn and understand or to deal with problems":{ "examples":[ "most teenagers do not have the mentality to foresee the consequences of such risky behavior" ], "synonyms":[ "brain(s)", "brainpower", "gray matter", "headpiece", "intellect", "intellectuality", "intelligence", "reason", "sense", "smarts" ], "near synonyms":[ "eggheadedness", "highbrowism", "intellectualism", "braininess", "brilliance", "acumen", "alertness", "apprehension", "astuteness", "discernment", "discriminability", "insight", "judgment", "judgement", "perception", "percipience", "perspicacity", "common sense", "horse sense", "mother wit", "aptitude", "talent", "sagacity", "sapience", "wisdom", "wit", "head", "mind", "skull" ], "near antonyms":[ "denseness", "density", "doltishness", "dopiness", "dullness", "dulness", "dumbness", "fatuity", "feeblemindedness", "foolishness", "half-wittedness", "idiocy", "imbecility", "senselessness", "simpleness", "slowness", "stupidity" ], 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"freshening", "refreshening", "refreshing", "regenerating", "rejuvenating", "renewing", "restoring", "revitalizing", "reviving", "adjusting", "correcting", "modifying", "rectifying", "redressing", "reforming", "righting", "ameliorating", "bettering", "enhancing", "enriching", "improving", "meliorating" ], "near antonyms":[ "blemishing", "breaking", "damaging", "defacing", "disfiguring", "flawing", "harming", "hurting", "impairing", "injuring", "marring", "ruining", "spoiling", "vandalizing", "wrecking", "crippling", "disabling", "maiming", "mangling", "mutilating" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to become healthy and strong again after illness or weakness":{ "examples":[ "she's mending after a particularly nasty bout of the flu" ], "synonyms":[ "coming back", "convalescing", "gaining", "healing", "pulling round", "rallying", "recouping", "recovering", "recuperating", "snapping back" ], "near synonyms":[ "coming around", "coming round", "coming to", "improving", "picking up", "reviving", "cheering 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"wounding", "afflicting", "ailing", "debilitating", "enervating", "enfeebling", "laying up", "sapping", "sickening", "wasting", "weakening" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to make up for (an offense)":{ "examples":[ "the proverb \"least said, soonest mended \" should be heeded by anyone tempted to angrily blurt out things they really don't mean" ], "synonyms":[ "atoning (for)", "expiating", "redeeming" ], "near synonyms":[ "compensating", "recompensing", "reimbursing", "remunerating", "repaying", "amending", "correcting", "rectifying", "redressing", "propitiating" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to change one's behavior or character for the better":{ "examples":[ "everyone's written her off as a liar and a thief, but I say it's never too late to mend" ], "synonyms":[ "amending", "reforming", "shaping up", "straightening (up or out)" ], "near synonyms":[ "behaving", "regenerating", "bettering", "improving" ], "near antonyms":[ "backsliding", "regressing" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to bring 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