{ "feud":{ "a long and angry conflict between two people or two groups":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "The workers' feud with management concerns health benefits and pay increases.", "Because of a family feud , they did not see each other for a decade." ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[], "synonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "feuds":{ "a long and angry conflict between two people or two groups":{ "examples":[ "The workers' feud with management concerns health benefits and pay increases.", "Because of a family feud , they did not see each other for a decade." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "vendettas", "altercations", "argle-bargles", "arguments", "argy-bargies", "battles royal", "battle royals", "battles royale", "battle royales", "bickers", "brawls", "contretemps", "controversies", "cross fires", "disagreements", "disputes", "donnybrooks", "fallings-out", "falling-outs", "fights", "hassles", "imbroglios", "kickups", "misunderstandings", "quarrels", "rhubarbs", "rows", "scraps", "set-tos", "spats", "squabbles", "tiffs", "wrangles", "clashes", "run-ins", "skirmishes", "tangles", "tussles", "logomachies", "attacks", "contentions", "dissensions", "dissentions", "debates", "differences", "disputations", "fusses", "objections", "protestations", "protests", "affrays", "fisticuffs", "fracases", "fracas", "frays", "free-for-alls", "melees", "m\u00eal\u00e9es", "catfights" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }