{ "ewer":{ "a handled container for holding and pouring liquids that usually has a lip or a spout":{ "examples":[ "a silver ewer in an elaborately ornamented style" ], "synonyms":[ "flagon", "jug", "pitcher" ], "near synonyms":[ "carafe", "decanter", "bucket", "pail", "pot", "bottle", "canteen", "cup", "fiasco", "flask", "jorum", "mug", "stein", "stoup", "tankard", "kettle", "teakettle", "watering can", "watering pot", "beaker", "cruse", "vessel" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "ewers":{ "a handled container for holding and pouring liquids that usually has a lip or a spout":{ "examples":[ "a silver ewer in an elaborately ornamented style" ], "synonyms":[ "flagons", "jugs", "pitchers" ], "near synonyms":[ "carafes", "decanters", "buckets", "pails", "pots", "bottles", "canteens", "cups", "fiascoes", "flasks", "jorums", "mugs", "steins", "stoups", "tankards", "kettles", "teakettles", "watering cans", "watering pots", "beakers", "cruses", "vessels" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }