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"nonambiguous", "obvious", "plain", "unambiguous", "unequivocal" ] }, "having a mixture of opposing feelings":{ "examples":[ "a number of people are clearly equivocal about allowing casino gambling in the state" ], "synonyms":[ "ambivalent", "conflicted" ], "near synonyms":[ "doubtful", "faltering", "irresolute", "questioning", "uncertain", "undecided", "unsure", "vacillating", "wobbly", "wabbly", "afraid", "disinclined", "dubious", "hesitant", "indisposed", "loath", "loth", "loathe", "reluctant" ], "near antonyms":[ "certain", "decided", "resolute", "sure", "unquestioning" ], "antonyms":[ "unambivalent" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "equivocation":{ "deliberate evasion in speech":{ "examples":[ "your equivocation when asked where you were last night is not reassuring" ], "synonyms":[ "circumlocution", "shuffle", "tergiversation" ], "near synonyms":[ "quibbling", "ambiguity", "ambiguousness", "equivocalness", "murkiness", "nebulousness", "obscureness", "obscurity", "opacity" ], "near 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