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"antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "dud":{ "something that has failed":{ "examples":[ "our first attempt was a complete dud , so we had to start over" ], "synonyms":[ "bomb", "bummer", "bust", "catastrophe", "clinker", "clunker", "debacle", "d\u00e9b\u00e2cle", "disaster", "failure", "fiasco", "fizzle", "flop", "frost", "lemon", "loser", "miss", "shipwreck", "turkey", "washout" ], "near synonyms":[ "also-ran", "disappointment", "dog", "has-been", "near miss", "botch", "hash", "mess", "muddle", "shambles", "nonevent", "nonstarter" ], "near antonyms":[ "corker", "crackerjack", "crackajack", "dandy", "jim-dandy", "phenomenon" ], "antonyms":[ "blockbuster", "hit", "smash", "success", "winner" ] }, "covering for the human body":{ "examples":[ "those are some pretty fancy duds you're wearing" ], "synonyms":[ "apparel", "attire", "clobber", "clothes", "clothing", "costumery", "dress", "garments", "gear", "habiliment(s)", "habit", "rags", "raiment", "rig", "rigging", "threads", "toggery", 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