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"dull", "flat", "humdrum", "leaden", "monotonous", "numbing", "pedestrian", "ponderous", "predictable", "stale", "stodgy", "tedious", "tiring", "uninteresting", "wearisome", "wearying", "bland", "dilute", "thin", "watery", "weak" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "savors":{ "to make more pleasant to the taste by adding something intensely flavored":{ "examples":[ "cuisine that has been generously savored with southern India's rich array of spices" ], "synonyms":[ "flavors", "laces", "seasons", "spices" ], "near synonyms":[ "enhances", "enriches", "sauces", "peppers", "salts", "aromatizes", "perfumes" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to take pleasure in":{ "examples":[ "as a terminal cancer patient, she's vowed to savor every moment of the time she has left" ], "synonyms":[ "adores", "delights (in)", "digs", "enjoys", "fancies", "gets off (on)", "grooves (on)", "likes", "loves", "rejoices (in)", "relishes", "revels (in)" ], "near synonyms":[ "admires", "appreciates", 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