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"antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "pollers":{ "a person who goes around and approaches people with a request for opinions or information":{ "examples":[ "data gathered by nationwide pollers showed the Republicans in the lead" ], "synonyms":[ "canvassers", "canvasers", "interviewers", "pollsters" ], "near synonyms":[ "askers", "inquirers", "queriers", "querists", "questioners" ], "near antonyms":[ "answerers", "repliers", "responders", "attesters", "informants", "reporters", "testifiers", "witnesses" ], "antonyms":[ "interviewees", "pollees", "respondents" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "political action committee":{ "as in vested interest":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "vested interest", "interest", "interest group", "pressure group", "special interest" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[] }, "polychroming":{ "as in striping , speckling":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "checkering", "dappling", "daubing", "flecking", "marbling", 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"lackluster", "unvarnished" ], "antonyms":[ "dim", "dull", "flat", "lusterless", "matte", "mat", "matt" ] }, "having or showing a taste for the fine arts and gracious living":{ "examples":[ "showing the polished manners of a cosmopolitan woman" ], "synonyms":[ "accomplished", "civilized", "couth", "cultivated", "cultured", "genteel", "refined" ], "near synonyms":[ "cerebral", "highbrow", "highbrowed", "high-toned", "intellectual", "intellectualist", "intellectualistic", "bourgeois", "educated", "erudite", "knowledgeable", "learned", "literate", "scholarly", "well-read", "civil", "courteous", "mannerly", "polite", "well-bred", "cosmopolitan", "sophisticated", "urbane", "hypercivilized", "overcivilized", "oversophisticated" ], "near antonyms":[ "ignorant", "illiterate", "uneducated", "unlettered", "lowbrow", "unintelligent", "coarse", "ill-bred", "ill-mannered", "backwoods", "provincial", "rustic", "rustical", "inelegant", "polyester", "unsophisticated", "boorish", "churlish", "cloddish", "clownish", "crude", "uncouth", "vulgar" ], "antonyms":[ "barbaric", "barbarous", "philistine", "uncivilized", "uncultured", "ungenteel", "unpolished", "unrefined" ] }, "to make smooth or glossy usually by repeatedly applying surface pressure":{ "examples":[ "you'll need to polish your shoes with a clean rag before the performance" ], "synonyms":[ "buffed", "burnished", "dressed", "furbished", "glossed", "ground", "rubbed", "shone", "shined", "smoothed", "smoothened" ], "near synonyms":[ "sleeked", "slicked", "coated", "glazed", "japanned", "lacquered", "varnished", "faced", "finished", "veneered", "brightened", "filed", "rasped", "sandblasted", "sanded", "sandpapered", "scoured", "scraped", "scrubbed", "bobbed", "boned", "lapped" ], "near antonyms":[ "roughed (up)", "roughened", "ruffled", "scuffed (up)" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to bring (something) to a state where nothing remains to be done":{ "examples":[ "once you polish the article a bit, it'll be ready to submit" ], "synonyms":[ "completed", "consummated", "finalized", "finished", "perfected" ], "near synonyms":[ "followed through (with)", "stuck out", "accomplished", "achieved", "effected", "carried out", "carried through", "did", "discharged", "executed", "fulfilled", "performed", "ameliorated", "amended", "bettered", "enhanced", "enriched", "improved", "meliorated", "machined", "refined", "rounded (off or out)", "shone", "shined", "touched up" ], "near antonyms":[ "abandoned", "deserted", "discontinued", "dropped", "forsook", "quit", "quitted" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "polarize":{ "to bring (something) to a central point or under a single control":{ "examples":[ "we will need to polarize all of the fractious environmental groups into a united front if we hope to win on this issue" ], "synonyms":[ "center", "centralize", "compact", "concenter", "concentrate", "consolidate", "unify", "unite" ], "near synonyms":[ "coordinate", "harmonize", "integrate", "orchestrate", 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