{ "euchred":{ "to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{ "examples":[ "a fast-talking speculator who tried to euchre the property owners out of their land" ], "synonyms":[ "beat", "bilked", "bled", "cheated", "chiseled", "chiselled", "choused", "conned", "cozened", "defrauded", "did", "diddled", "did in", "fiddled", "fleeced", "flimflammed", "gaffed", "hosed", "hustled", "mulcted", "nobbled", "plucked", "reamed", "ripped off", "rooked", "screwed", "shook down", "shortchanged", "shorted", "skinned", "skunked", "squeezed", "stiffed", "stuck", "stung", "suckered", "swindled", "thimblerigged", "victimized" ], "near synonyms":[ "extorted", "wrenched", "wrested", "wrung", "clipped", "gouged", "nicked", "overcharged", "soaked", "exploited", "milked", "deceived", "duped", "fooled", "gulled", "tricked", "roped (in)", "betrayed", "bitched", "double-crossed", "bamboozled", "fast-talked" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "euchre":{ "to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{ "examples":[ "a fast-talking speculator who tried to euchre the property owners out of their land" ], "synonyms":[ "beat", "bilk", "bleed", "cheat", "chisel", "chouse", "con", "cozen", "defraud", "diddle", "do", "do in", "fiddle", "fleece", "flimflam", "gaff", "hose", "hustle", "mulct", "nobble", "pluck", "ream", "rip off", "rook", "screw", "shake down", "short", "shortchange", "skin", "skunk", "squeeze", "stick", "stiff", "sting", "sucker", "swindle", "thimblerig", "victimize" ], "near synonyms":[ "extort", "wrench", "wrest", "wring", "clip", "gouge", "nick", "overcharge", "soak", "exploit", "milk", "deceive", "dupe", "fool", "gull", "trick", "rope (in)", "betray", "bitch", "double-cross", "bamboozle", "fast-talk" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "euchres":{ "to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{ "examples":[ "a fast-talking speculator who tried to euchre the property owners out of their land" ], "synonyms":[ "beats", "bilks", "bleeds", "cheats", "chisels", "chouses", "cons", "cozens", "defrauds", "diddles", "does", "does in", "fiddles", "fleeces", "flimflams", "gaffs", "hoses", "hustles", "mulcts", "nobbles", "plucks", "reams", "rips off", "rooks", "screws", "shakes down", "shortchanges", "shorts", "skins", "skunks", "squeezes", "sticks", "stiffs", "stings", "suckers", "swindles", "thimblerigs", "victimizes" ], "near synonyms":[ "extorts", "wrenches", "wrests", "wrings", "clips", "gouges", "nicks", "overcharges", "soaks", "exploits", "milks", "deceives", "dupes", "fools", "gulls", "tricks", "ropes (in)", "betrays", "bitches", "double-crosses", "bamboozles", "fast-talks" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "euchring":{ "to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{ "examples":[ "a fast-talking speculator who tried to euchre the property owners out of their land" ], "synonyms":[ "beating", "bilking", "bleeding", "cheating", "chiseling", "chiselling", "chousing", "conning", "cozening", "defrauding", "diddling", "doing", "doing in", "fiddling", "fleecing", "flimflamming", "gaffing", "hosing", "hustling", "mulcting", "nobbling", "plucking", "reaming", "ripping off", "rooking", "screwing", "shaking down", "shortchanging", "shorting", "skinning", "skunking", "squeezing", "sticking", "stiffing", "stinging", "suckering", "swindling", "thimblerigging", "victimizing" ], "near synonyms":[ "extorting", "wrenching", "wresting", "wringing", "clipping", "gouging", "nicking", "overcharging", "soaking", "exploiting", "milking", "deceiving", "duping", "fooling", "gulling", "tricking", "roping (in)", "betraying", "bitching", "double-crossing", "bamboozling", "fast-talking" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] } }