{ "zeal":{ "a strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "She attacked her homework with renewed zeal after getting her first A.", "a politician known for his zeal for reform" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[], "synonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "zenith":{ "the highest part or point":{ "antonyms":[ "bottom", "nadir", "rock bottom" ], "examples":[ "at the zenith of her career as a dancer" ], "near antonyms":[ "abyss", "base", "foot", "minimum" ], "related":[ "bloom", "blossom", "flood tide", "flower", "glory", "heyday", "prime", "cap", "ceiling", "roof", "extreme", "extremity", "tip", "vertex", "high", "highlight", "highspot" ], "synonyms":[ "acme", "apex", "apogee", "capstone", "climax", "crescendo", "crest", "crown", "culmination", "head", "height", "high noon", "high-water mark", "meridian", "ne plus ultra", "noon", "noontime", "peak", "pinnacle", "sum", "summit", "tip-top", "top" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "zero":{ "a person of no importance or influence":{ "antonyms":[ "big shot", "big wheel", "bigwig", "eminence", "figure", "kahuna", "kingpin", "magnate", "nabob", "personage", "somebody", "VIP" ], "examples":[ "those snobs on the cruise ship tried to make me feel like a complete zero" ], "near antonyms":[ "chief", "head", "lead", "leader", "celebrity", "luminary", "notable", "personality", "planet", "star", "superstar", "authority", "superior", "great power", "party", "power" ], "related":[ "no-name", "noncelebrity", "least", "inferior", "mediocrity", "obscurity", "figurehead", "puppet" ], "synonyms":[ "cipher", "dwarf", "half-pint", "insect", "insignificancy", "lightweight", "morsel", "nobody", "nonentity", "nothing", "nullity", "number", "pip-squeak", "pygmy", "pigmy", "shrimp", "snippersnapper", "twerp", "whippersnapper", "zilch" ] }, "the lowest point or level":{ "antonyms":[ "acme", "apex", "climax", "crown", "culmination", "head", "height", "high-water mark", "meridian", "peak", "pinnacle", "summit", "tip-top", "top", "zenith" ], "examples":[ "after several dating disasters, my confidence with the opposite sex is at zero" ], "near antonyms":[ "bloom", "flood tide", "flower", "glory", "heyday", "crescendo", "high", "cap", "ceiling", "crest", "roof" ], "related":[ "abyss", "armpit", "pit" ], "synonyms":[ "bedrock", "bottom", "depth", "nadir", "rock bottom" ] }, "the numerical symbol 0 or the absence of number or quantity represented by it":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "anything multiplied by zero comes out to zero" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "blank", "void" ], "synonyms":[ "aught", "cipher", "goose egg", "naught", "nought", "nil", "nothing", "o", "oh", "zilch", "zip" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }