{ "using%20up":{ "to make complete use of":{ "antonyms":[ "renewing", "replacing" ], "examples":[ "we used up the last of the flour when we made the waffles" ], "near antonyms":[ "augmenting", "enlarging", "increasing", "bolstering", "enforcing", "fortifying", "reinforcing", "reenforcing", "strengthening", "rebuilding", "repairing", "restoring", "reviving", "conserving", "preserving", "saving" ], "related":[ "abating", "decreasing", "de-escalating", "diminishing", "downsizing", "dwindling", "lessening", "lowering", "reducing", "eating", "using", "bankrupting", "cleaning (out)", "impoverishing", "crippling", "debilitating", "disabling", "enfeebling", "sapping", "undermining", "weakening", "drying up", "emptying", "blowing", "dissipating", "frittering (away)", "guzzling", "lavishing", "misspending", "running through", "squandering", "throwing away", "wasting" ], "synonyms":[ "absorbing", "burning", "consuming", "depleting", "devouring", "draining", "drawing down", "exhausting", "expending", "playing out", "spending" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "usuals":{ "as in":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[], "near antonyms":[], "related":[], "synonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "usurped":{ "to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual right":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "the mayor usurped the school board's authority when he fired the principal" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "annexed", "attached", "claimed", "confiscated", "impounded", "repossessed", "sequestered", "assumed", "collared", "grabbed", "grasped", "snatched", "stole", "wrenched", "wrested", "despoiled", "looted", "pillaged", "encroached", "infringed", "invaded", "occupied", "preoccupied", "trespassed", "embezzled", "misapplied", "misappropriated", "misused", "peculated" ], "synonyms":[ "appropriated", "arrogated", "commandeered", "converted", "expropriated", "pirated", "preempted", "pressed", "seized", "took over" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] } }