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"related":[], "synonyms":[] }, "the act of taking into one's control by authority of law":{ "antonyms":[ "discharge" ], "examples":[ "an innocent person caught up in a city-wide pinch of drug dealers" ], "near antonyms":[ "emancipation", "liberation", "release" ], "related":[ "raid", "house arrest", "capture", "entrapment", "seizure", "captivity", "confinement", "detention", "enchainment", "hold", "immurement", "imprisonment", "incarceration", "restraint", "rearrest", "remand" ], "synonyms":[ "apprehension", "arrest", "arrestment", "bust", "collar" ] }, "to avoid unnecessary waste or expense":{ "antonyms":[ "waste" ], "examples":[ "if we pinch hard for the upcoming year, we can probably afford the vacation at that fancy resort" ], "near antonyms":[ "blow", "dissipate", "fritter (away)", "lavish", "misspend", "run through", "spend", "squander", "throw away", "splurge" ], "related":[ "conserve", "husband", "maintain", "manage", "preserve", "scrape", "cut back", "cut down", "retrench", 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