{ "itches":{ "to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "don't let her snide put-downs and wisecracks itch you\u2014just ignore her" ], "near antonyms":[ "appeases", "conciliates", "mollifies", "obliges", "pacifies", "placates", "propitiates", "delights", "gladdens", "gratifies", "pleases", "satisfies", "assures", "cheers", "comforts", "consoles", "contents", "quiets", "reassures", "solaces", "soothes" ], "related":[ "hassles", "heckles", "nags", "inflames", "enflames", "provokes", "rouses", "badgers", "baits", "bullyrags", "ballyrags", "devils", "hagrides", "harasses", "harries", "pesters", "plagues", "teases", "angers", "antagonizes", "enrages", "incenses", "infuriates", "maddens", "rankles", "roils", "agitates", "discomforts", "discomposes", "disquiets", "distresses", "exercises", "freaks (out)", "frets", "perturbs", "undoes", "unhinges", "unsettles", "upsets", "worries", "affronts", "insults", "miffs", "offends", "outrages" ], "synonyms":[ "aggravates", "annoys", "bothers", "bugs", "burns (up)", "chafes", "eats", "exasperates", "frosts", "galls", "gets", "grates", "gripes", "hacks (off)", "irks", "irritates", "narks", "nettles", "peeves", "persecutes", "piques", "puts out", "rasps", "riles", "ruffles", "spites", "vexes" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "items":{ "a separate part in a list, account, or series":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "they remembered to buy all the items on their grocery list except cereal" ], "near antonyms":[ "aggregates", "composites", "compounds", "conglomerates", "entireties", "summations", "sums", "totalities", "totals", "wholes" ], "related":[ "articles", "belongings", "objects", "stuff", "things", "characteristics", "components", "constituents", "elements", "factors", "features", "members", "ingredients", "divisions", "particles", "partitions", "pieces", "portions", "sections", "segments" ], "synonyms":[ "details", "particulars", "points" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "iterate":{ "to say or state again":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "no matter how many times I iterate that this so-called prank is a bad idea, no one listens" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "paraphrase", "reword", "echo", "reecho", "mouth", "parrot", "abstract", "encapsulate", "epitomize", "outline", "recap", "recapitulate", "summarize", "sum up" ], "synonyms":[ "chime", "din", "rehearse", "reiterate", "repeat" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] } }