{ "use up":{ "to make complete use of":{ "antonyms":[ "renew", "replace" ], "examples":[ "we used up the last of the flour when we made the waffles" ], "near antonyms":[ "augment", "enlarge", "increase", "bolster", "enforce", "fortify", "reinforce", "reenforce", "strengthen", "rebuild", "repair", "restore", "revive", "conserve", "preserve", "save" ], "related":[ "abate", "decrease", "de-escalate", "diminish", "downsize", "dwindle", "lessen", "lower", "reduce", "eat", "use", "bankrupt", "clean (out)", "impoverish", "cripple", "debilitate", "disable", "enfeeble", "sap", "undermine", "weaken", "dry up", "empty", "blow", "dissipate", "fritter (away)", "guzzle", "lavish", "misspend", "run through", "squander", "throw away", "waste" ], "synonyms":[ "absorb", "burn", "consume", "deplete", "devour", "drain", "draw down", "exhaust", "expend", "play out", "spend" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "used":{ "being in the habit or custom":{ "antonyms":[ "unaccustomed", "unused", "unwonted" ], "examples":[ "my grandmother has spent her whole life on the farm and is used to working hard" ], "near antonyms":[ "unapt", "unlikely", "averse", "disinclined", "opposed", "inexperienced", "new", "unseasoned", "disaccustomed", "weaned" ], "related":[ "apt", "inclined", "liable", "likely", "prone", "hardened", "inured", "experienced", "practiced", "practised", "seasoned", "veteran", "addicted", "hooked" ], "synonyms":[ "accustomed", "given", "habituated", "wont" ] }, "to behave toward in a stated way":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "the factory workers were underpaid and poorly used by their employers" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "considered", "esteemed", "rated", "reckoned", "regarded", "viewed", "engaged (with)", "reacted (to)", "responded (to)" ], "synonyms":[ "acted (toward)", "dealt (with)", "handled", "served", "treated", "was (to)" ] }, "to put into action or service":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "I will need to use the large hammer for this project" ], "near antonyms":[ "ignored", "neglected", "misapplied", "misused" ], "related":[ "handled", "manipulated", "wielded", "directed", "ran", "run", "worked", "wrought", "cannibalized", "recycled", "reused" ], "synonyms":[ "applied", "employed", "exercised", "exploited", "harnessed", "operated", "utilized" ] }, "to take unfair advantage of":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "I was paying for everything on our little outing, and I was starting to feel like I was being used" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "jerked around", "manipulated", "mistreated", "bled", "cheated", "fleeced", "overcharged", "skinned", "soaked", "stuck", "commercialized", "commodified" ], "synonyms":[ "abused", "capitalized (on)", "cashed in (on)", "exploited", "imposed (on or upon)", "leveraged", "milked", "pimped", "played (on or upon)", "worked", "wrought" ] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "using up":{ "to make complete use of":{ "antonyms":[ "renewing", "replacing" ], "examples":[ "we used up the last of the flour when we made the waffles" ], 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"type":[ "noun" ] }, "usurped":{ "to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual right":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "the mayor usurped the school board's authority when he fired the principal" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "annexed", "attached", "claimed", "confiscated", "impounded", "repossessed", "sequestered", "assumed", "collared", "grabbed", "grasped", "snatched", "stole", "wrenched", "wrested", "despoiled", "looted", "pillaged", "encroached", "infringed", "invaded", "occupied", "preoccupied", "trespassed", "embezzled", "misapplied", "misappropriated", "misused", "peculated" ], "synonyms":[ "appropriated", "arrogated", "commandeered", "converted", "expropriated", "pirated", "preempted", "pressed", "seized", "took over" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "user":{ "a person who regularly uses drugs especially illegally":{ "examples":[ "a person who started out as a user and is now a drug dealer as well" ], "synonyms":[ "addict", "dopehead", "doper", "druggie", 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