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"dig out", "exit", "get", "get off", "go", "go off", "move", "pack (up or off)", "part", "peel off", "pike (out or off)", "pull out", "push off", "push on", "quit", "run along", "sally (forth)", "scarper", "shove (off)", "step (along)", "take off", "vamoose", "walk out" ] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "take aback":{ "to make a strong impression on (someone) with something unexpected":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "Everyone was taken aback by her sudden anger.", "The family seemed taken aback by the overwhelming generosity of their neighbors." ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "befuddle", "bewilder", "blindside", "blow away", "confound", "confuse", "daze", "discomfit", "disconcert", "dismay", "jar", "muddle", "nonplus", "perplex", "shake up" ], "synonyms":[ "amaze", "astonish", "astound", "bowl over", "dumbfound", "dumfound", "flabbergast", "floor", "rock", "shock", "startle", "stun", "stupefy", "surprise", "thunderstrike" ] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "take back":{ "to solemnly or formally 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"estate tax", "inheritance tax", "flat tax", "proportional tax" ], "synonyms":[ "assessment", "duty", "imposition", "impost", "levy" ] }, "to subject (a personal quality or faculty) to often excessive stress":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "your constant arguing is starting to tax my patience" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "demand", "exact", "importune", "press", "pressure", "push", "aggravate", "agitate", "annoy", "bother", "exasperate", "gall", "get (to)", "gnaw (at)", "grate", "harass", "harry", "hassle", "irk", "irritate", "nettle", "pain", "peeve", "pester", "rile", "spite", "vex" ], "synonyms":[ "strain", "stretch", "test", "try" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "take in":{ "to cause to believe what is untrue":{ "examples":[ "a fellow passenger on the cruise completely took me in when he claimed to be the owner of a major software company" ], "synonyms":[ "bamboozle", "beguile", "bluff", "buffalo", "burn", "catch", "con", "cozen", "deceive", "delude", "dupe", "fake out", 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"bringing", "bringing around", "converting", "convincing", "gaining", "getting", "inducing", "moving", "persuading", "prevailing (on or upon)", "satisfying", "winning (over)" ], "related":[ "blandishing", "blarneying", "cajoling", "coaxing", "entreating", "exhorting", "fast-talking", "urging", "wheedling", "alluring", "beguiling", "leading on", "luring", "seducing", "snowing", "tempting", "brainwashing", "overpersuading", "inclining", "influencing", "prompting", "selling", "swaying", "attracting", "drawing", "enticing", "interesting", "chewing over", "conversing", "debating", "discussing", "disputing", "hashing (over)", "mooting", "reasoning (with)" ], "near antonyms":[ "deterring", "discouraging", "dissuading", "unselling" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "talisman":{ "something worn or kept to bring good luck or keep away evil":{ "examples":[ "a pendant of white nephrite jade is often worn by Indians as a talisman to ward off heart disease" ], "synonyms":[ "amulet", "charm", 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