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"she slopped water everywhere when she picked up the full pan" ], "synonyms":[ "dashing", "sloshing", "spattering", "splashing", "swashing" ], "related":[ "dabbling", "lapping", "plashing", "washing", "spraying", "sprinkling", "spritzing", "squirting" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to swallow or eat greedily":{ "examples":[ "watched the game while slopping prodigious quantities of beer" ], "synonyms":[ "bolting", "cramming", "devouring", "glutting", "gobbling", "gorging", "gormandizing", "gulping", "ingurgitating", "inhaling", "ravening", "scarfing", "scoffing", "wolfing" ], "related":[ "overeating", "pigging out", "swilling" ], "near antonyms":[ "nibbling", "pecking", "picking" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "slips up":{ "to make a mistake":{ "examples":[ "if you slip up in copying the data, the final result will of course be wrong" ], "synonyms":[ "blunders", "boobs", "errs", "flubs", "fluffs", "fouls up", "fumbles", "goofs (up)", "louses up", "messes (up)", 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