{ "oil":{ "a picture created with oil paint":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "that artist is known to have created only oils and charcoal sketches" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "fresco", "mural", "panorama", "diptych", "triptych", "acrylic", "aquarelle", "gouache", "watercolor", "distemper", "drawing", "etching", "finger painting", "pastel", "sketch", "tempera", "masterpiece", "pi\u00e8ce de r\u00e9sistance", "showpiece" ], "synonyms":[ "canvas", "canvass", "oil painting", "painting" ] }, "to coat (something) with a slippery substance in order to reduce friction":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "if you oil the machinery on a regular basis, it will operate more efficiently" ], "near antonyms":[ "coarsen", "rough", "roughen", "dehydrate", "dry", "parch", "sear" ], "related":[ "bathe", "douse", "dowse", "drench", "soak", "souse", "wash", "water", "wet" ], "synonyms":[ "grease", "lubricate", "slick", "wax" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "oil the hand (of)":{ "to influence someone with a bribe":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "She oiled the hand of her manager by bringing donuts to the meeting." ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "fix", "tamper (with)", "abase", "debase", "debauch", "defile", "degrade", "demean", "deprave", "dishonor", "pervert", "poison", "profane", "prostitute", "subvert", "taint", "warp", "allure", "bait", "beguile", "entice", "lead on", "lure", "seduce", "tempt", "motivate", "provoke", "spur", "stimulate", "goad", "induce", "flatter", "persuade", "snare", "trap" ], "synonyms":[ "bribe", "buy", "corrupt", "have", "pay off", "square" ] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "oiling the palm of":{ "to influence someone with a bribe":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "fixing", "tampering (with)", "abasing", "debasing", "debauching", "defiling", "degrading", "demeaning", "depraving", "dishonoring", "perverting", "poisoning", "profaning", "prostituting", "subverting", "tainting", "warping", "alluring", "baiting", "beguiling", "enticing", "leading on", "luring", "seducing", "tempting", "motivating", "provoking", "spurring", "stimulating", "goading", "inducing", "flattering", "persuading", "snaring", "trapping" ], "synonyms":[ "bribing", "buying", "corrupting", "having", "paying off", "squaring" ] }, "type":[] }, "oily":{ "overly or insincerely flattering":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "an executive who surrounds herself with oily , sycophantic assistants" ], "near antonyms":[ "artless", "earnest", "genuine", "heartfelt", "honest", "ingenuous", "sincere", "true", "unaffected", "unfeigned", "unpretending", "unpretentious" ], "related":[ "drooling", "slavering", "slobbering", "cloying", "sickening", "demonstrative", "effusive", "mushy", "uninhibited", "unreserved", "unrestrained", "artificial", "backhanded", "feigned", "hypocritical", "insincere", "left-handed", "mealymouthed", "sanctimonious", "two-faced", "disarming", "endearing", "ingratiating", "winning", "winsome", "extravagant", "lavish", "unrestrained", "abundant", "copious", "profuse" ], "synonyms":[ "adulatory", "fulsome", "gushing", "gushy", "hagiographic", "hagiographical", "oleaginous", "soapy", "unctuous" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] } }