{ "toying":{ "to engage in activity for amusement":{ "examples":[ "the cat toyed with the mouse it had caught, batting it about" ], "synonyms":[ "dallying", "disporting", "frolicking", "playing", "recreating", "rollicking", "skylarking", "sporting" ], "near synonyms":[ "cavorting", "frisking", "gamboling", "gambolling", "romping", "dabbling", "trifling", "amusing", "diverting", "entertaining", "delighting", "pleasing", "dabbling", "fiddling (around)", "messing around", "puttering (around)", "bumming (around)", "dawdling", "goldbricking", "hanging", "hanging about", "idling", "loafing", "lounging (around or about)", "relaxing", "resting", "screwing around", "slacking (off)", "jesting", "joking", "teasing" ], "near antonyms":[ "drudging", "laboring", "plodding", "plugging (away)", "slaving", "straining", "striving", "struggling", "sweating", "toiling", "working" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to show a sexual attraction for someone just for fun":{ "examples":[ "likes to toy with men whom she has 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"sizeable", "substantial", "tidy", "whacking", "whopping" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "toying (with)":{ "to handle thoughtlessly, ignorantly, or mischievously":{ "examples":[ "that microscope is a delicate instrument, not something to be toyed with" ], "synonyms":[ "diddling (with)", "fiddling (with)", "fooling (with)", "messing (with)", "monkeying (with)", "playing (with)", "tampering (with)", "tinkering (with)", "twiddling (with)" ], "near synonyms":[ "abusing", "altering", "doctoring", "manhandling", "manipulating", "mistreating", "misusing", "butting in", "interfering", "intruding", "meddling", "mucking (about or around)" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "toys":{ "to engage in activity for amusement":{ "examples":[ "the cat toyed with the mouse it had caught, batting it about" ], "synonyms":[ "dallies", "disports", "frolics", "plays", "recreates", "rollicks", "skylarks", "sports" ], "near synonyms":[ "cavorts", "frisks", "gambols", "romps", "dabbles", 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