{ "tike":{ "a domestic mammal that is related to the wolves and foxes":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "adopted a lovable tyke from the local animal shelter" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "cur", "mongrel", "mutt", "bitch", "lapdog", "pup", "puppy", "puppy dog", "whelp", "bandog", "bird dog", "coonhound", "courser", "gundog", "hunter", "sheepdog", "sled dog", "watchdog", "wolf dog", "wolfhound", "guide dog", "police dog", "working dog" ], "synonyms":[ "canine", "dog", "doggy", "doggie", "hound", "pooch" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "tikes":{ "a domestic mammal that is related to the wolves and foxes":{ "examples":[ "adopted a lovable tyke from the local animal shelter" ], "synonyms":[ "canines", "doggies", "dogs", "hounds", "pooches" ], "near synonyms":[ "curs", "mongrels", "mutts", "bitches", "lapdogs", "puppies", "puppy dogs", "pups", "whelps", "bandogs", "bird dogs", "coonhounds", "coursers", "gundogs", "hunters", "sheepdogs", "sled dogs", "watchdogs", "wolf dogs", "wolfhounds", "guide dogs", "police dogs", "working dogs" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }