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}, "sainted":{ "showing a devotion to God and to a life of virtue":{ "examples":[ "renowned as theologian as well as for his work as medical missionary in Africa, Dr. Albert Schweitzer was widely regarded as one of the most sainted individuals of his time" ], "synonyms":[ "devout", "godly", "holy", "pious", "religious", "saintly" ], "near synonyms":[ "ascetic", "ascetical", "prayerful", "reverent", "reverential", "spiritual", "worshipful", "pietistic", "religiose", "beatified", "blessed", "blest", "canonized", "venerable", "angelic", "angelical", "cherubic", "chaste", "moral", "pure", "righteous", "upright", "virtuous" ], "near antonyms":[ "blasphemous", "desecrating", "irreverent", "profanatory", "profane", "sacrilegious", "nonreligious", "secular", "unspiritual", "worldly", "backsliding", "unfaithful", "evil", "immoral", "iniquitous", "miscreant", "sinful", "sinning", "unrighteous", "wicked" ], "antonyms":[ "antireligious", "faithless", "godless", "impious", "irreligious", "ungodly", 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