{ "rhetorical":{ "marked by the use of impressive-sounding but mostly meaningless words and phrases":{ "examples":[ "you can skip over the rhetorical passages and still get the gist of the essay" ], "synonyms":[ "bombastic", "flatulent", "fustian", "gaseous", "gassy", "grandiloquent", "oratorical", "orotund", "windy" ], "near synonyms":[ "bloated", "elevated", "florid", "flowery", "grandiose", "highfalutin", "hifalutin", "high-flown", "high-sounding", "inflated", "lofty", "ornate", "pompous", "pontifical", "pretentious", "stilted", "tumid", "turgid", "overdone", "verbose", "wordy" ], "near antonyms":[ "eloquent", "well-spoken", "bald", "direct", "matter-of-fact", "plain", "plainspoken", "simple", "stark", "straightforward", "unadorned", "unaffected", "unpretentious" ], "antonyms":[ "unrhetorical" ] }, "full of fine words and fancy expressions":{ "examples":[ "the new governor delivered a long rhetorical speech about our state's bright future but laid out no specific programs for ensuring it" ], "synonyms":[ "aureate", "florid", "flowery", "grandiloquent", "high-flown", "high-sounding", "highfalutin", "hifalutin", "magnific", "ornate", "purple" ], "near synonyms":[ "affected", "bloated", "fancy-pants", "grandiose", "inflated", "pompous", "pretentious", "stilted", "excessive", "flattering", "fulsome", "boastful", "bombastic", "elevated", "eloquent", "lofty", "bookish", "inkhorn", "learned" ], "near antonyms":[ "prosaic", "unpoetic", "bald", "direct", "lean", "matter-of-fact", "plain", "plainspoken", "simple", "spare", "stark", "straightforward", "unadorned", "natural", "unaffected", "unpretentious" ], "antonyms":[] }, "of or relating to words or language":{ "examples":[ "the next war that those two nations fight won't be rhetorical \u2014it will be with bombs and bullets" ], "synonyms":[ "lexical", "linguistic", "linguistical", "verbal", "vocabular", "wordy" ], "near synonyms":[ "communicative", "conversational" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "nonlexical", "nonlinguistic", "nonverbal" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "rhetoric":{ "language that is impressive-sounding but not meaningful or sincere":{ "examples":[ "the mayor's promise to fight drugs was just rhetoric , since there was no money in the city budget for a drug program" ], "synonyms":[ "bombast", "fustian", "gas", "grandiloquence", "hot air", "oratory", "verbiage", "wind" ], "near synonyms":[ "claptrap", "drivel", "gibberish", "hogwash", "humbug", "jabberwocky", "jazz", "moonshine", "nonsense", "affectedness", "floweriness", "grandiosity", "loftiness", "pomposity", "pretension", "pretentiousness", "garrulity", "garrulousness", "verboseness", "verbosity", "windiness", "wordiness" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "the art or power of speaking or writing in a forceful and convincing way":{ "examples":[ "great leaders have often been masters of rhetoric , which they have used for both good and ill" ], "synonyms":[ "articulacy", "articulateness", "eloquence", "poetry" ], "near synonyms":[ "expression", "expressiveness", "declamation", "elocution", "oratory", "cogency", "force", "forcefulness", "meaningfulness", "persuasion", "persuasiveness", "ardor", "emotion", "fervency", "fervidness", "fervor", "heat", "intensity", "passion", "power", "vehemence", "warmth" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "inarticulateness" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "rheumatic":{ "as in arthritic":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "arthritic", "compact", "dense", "substantial", "nonelastic", "nonmalleable", "brittle", "crisp", "firm", "hard", "solid", "sound", "strong", "inelastic", "inflexible", "rigid", "stiff", "stiffened", "unyielding" ], "near antonyms":[ "flexible", "floppy", "pliable", "pliant", "supple", "yielding", "elastic", "resilient", "springy", "stretchy", "workable", "malleable", "plastic", "semiflexible", "droopy", "flabby", "flaccid", "mushy", "semisoft", "soft", "squashy", "squishy", "lank", "limber", "limp", "lissome", "lissom", "lithe", "lithesome", "willowy" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] } }