{ "oozes":{ "to flow forth slowly through small openings":{ "examples":[ "maple sap oozed slowly from the cut in the tree and into the bucket" ], "synonyms":[ "bleeds", "exudes", "percolates", "seeps", "strains", "sweats", "transudes", "weeps" ], "near synonyms":[ "dribbles", "drips", "trickles", "discharges", "emits", "gives off", "vents", "emanates", "flows", "springs" ], "near antonyms":[ "floods", "gushes", "pours", "streams", "surges" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to move slowly":{ "examples":[ "the line more or less oozes past the body lying in state, as mourners are not allowed to pause" ], "synonyms":[ "crawls", "creaks (along)", "creeps", "drags", "inches", "limps", "noses", "plods", "pokes", "slouches", "snails" ], "near synonyms":[ "lumbers", "shambles", "shuffles", "tramps", "trudges" ], "near antonyms":[ "floats", "glides", "sails", "hurries", "tears" ], "antonyms":[ "flies", "races", "speeds", "whizzes", "zips" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "oozing":{ "to flow forth slowly through small openings":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "maple sap oozed slowly from the cut in the tree and into the bucket" ], "near antonyms":[ "flooding", "gushing", "pouring", "streaming", "surging" ], "related":[ "dribbling", "dripping", "trickling", "discharging", "emitting", "giving off", "venting", "emanating", "flowing", "springing" ], "synonyms":[ "bleeding", "exuding", "percolating", "seeping", "straining", "sweating", "transuding", "weeping" ] }, "to move slowly":{ "antonyms":[ "flying", "racing", "speeding", "whizzing", "zipping" ], "examples":[ "the line more or less oozes past the body lying in state, as mourners are not allowed to pause" ], "near antonyms":[ "floating", "gliding", "sailing", "hurrying", "tearing" ], "related":[ "lumbering", "shambling", "shuffling", "tramping", "trudging" ], "synonyms":[ "crawling", "creaking (along)", "creeping", "dragging", "inching", "limping", "nosing", "plodding", "poking", "slouching", "snailing" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "oozy":{ "full of or covered with soft wet earth":{ "examples":[ "lost a shoe in the oozy field" ], "synonyms":[ "miry", "mucky", "muddy", "slimy", "sludgy", "slushy" ], "near synonyms":[ "clayey", "loamy", "roily", "silty", "bedraggled", "befouled", "begrimed", "cruddy", "dirty", "filthy", "foul", "grimy", "grotty", "grubby", "grungy", "gunky", "impure", "smutty", "soiled", "squalid", "stained", "sullied", "unclean", "uncleanly" ], "near antonyms":[ "antiseptic", "clean", "cleanly", "immaculate", "pristine", "sparkling", "spick-and-span", "spic-and-span", "spotless", "squeaky-clean", "unsoiled", "unstained", "unsullied" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "oozed":{ "to flow forth slowly through small openings":{ "examples":[ "maple sap oozed slowly from the cut in the tree and into the bucket" ], "synonyms":[ "bled", "exuded", "percolated", "seeped", "strained", "sweat", "sweated", "transuded", "wept" ], "near synonyms":[ "dribbled", "dripped", "trickled", "discharged", "emitted", "gave off", "vented", "emanated", "flowed", "sprang", "sprung" ], "near antonyms":[ "flooded", "gushed", "poured", "streamed", "surged" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to move slowly":{ "examples":[ "the line more or less oozes past the body lying in state, as mourners are not allowed to pause" ], "synonyms":[ "crawled", "creaked (along)", "crept", "dragged", "inched", "limped", "nosed", "plodded", "poked", "slouched", "snailed" ], "near synonyms":[ "lumbered", "shambled", "shuffled", "tramped", "trudged" ], "near antonyms":[ "floated", "glided", "sailed", "hurried", "tore" ], "antonyms":[ "flew", "raced", "sped", "speeded", "whizzed", "zipped" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] } }