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"noontime", "peak", "pinnacle", "sum", "summit", "tip-top", "top", "zenith" ], "near synonyms":[ "bloom", "blossom", "flood tide", "flower", "glory", "heyday", "prime", "cap", "ceiling", "roof", "extreme", "extremity", "tip", "vertex", "high", "highlight", "highspot" ], "near antonyms":[ "abyss", "base", "foot", "minimum" ], "antonyms":[ "bottom", "nadir", "rock bottom" ] }, "as in high , highest":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "apical", "apogean", "crestal", "crowning", "culminating", "high", "highest", "apocalyptic", "apocalyptical", "climacteric", "climactic", "critical", "crossover", "crucial", "fateful", "life-and-death", "life-or-death", "vital", "cataclysmal", "cataclysmic", "earthshaking", "epochal", "momentous", "deciding", "decisive", "payoff", "pivotal", "watershed", "go-no-go", "make-or-break" ], "near antonyms":[ "anticlimactic", "anticlimactical", "inconsequential", "indecisive", "insignificant", "noncritical", "trivial", "unimportant" ], "antonyms":[] 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